Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Memetix said:


  1. Renown - will do
  2. Auspex - this is use dependent and therefore not added automatically. You have to activate the auger to get the bonus I beleive
  3. Cortex - will do
  4. Implant quality - I took the list of items from unknownrelic's excellent Armory v I need to expand it for quality. At the moment the sheet does not attempt to automatically apply the effect of unnatural characteristics - you need to add this to the advancement sheet manually, even if the unnatural talent appears in you talent/trait list.
  5. Power Armour histories - will do
  6. You could add +1 to the left and right arm damage bonus for that power armour.
  7. I'm leaving Distinctions as elite advances right now. The init bonus could be worked around by giving yourself the Combat Formation Talent as an elite advance.
  8. Breaching / Shears - Will do
  9. Omnissian - will do
  10. Not quite sure what you mean here ....
  11. Thanks

2. You only need to roll Tech-Use to detect invisible gases and other non-humanly-detectable environmental effects. The +20 Awareness is a flat bonus as I read it.

4. Indeed, I understand the Unnatural isn't applied by the sheet automatically. I mean the description of Cortex Implants doesn't mention it at all, nor does it mention the +10 bonus to a swathe of skills. Basically, the description is only of Common Quality implants, and there are big differences between Poor, Common and Best. And this holds true for most implants. All of them really - in look and feel at least, if not actual game stats.

6. Yep, but that doesn't factor into the Lift/Carry/Push calculations etc.

7. Yeah, fair enough. It's no big deal and I'd imagine would be a nightmare to calculate. :)

10. The custom chapter name - in the book it's two percentile tables but the sheet doesn't generate a name from two tables. I can understand why, but would like the sheet to take the two d100 rolls and show me the base words to save me cracking open the book each time. :) It's a really small thing, but I'd like it.

Well well well I seem to have glossed over that rule in my book when I first read it. In that case I stand corrected and once again commend you on a great character sheet!

- Mordak

thor2006 said:

The color request is because to diferentiate between skills you can take and skills you cannot take for the desired class. It is not clear witch skills a desired class can take and witch skills cannot be taken.

There already is a different colour. Lightblue if you can take it. Grey if you cannot take it. Green if you have taken it (very usefull if you got a talent from the origin path already). That is why i would be against the differentiation you suggest, it's superfluous.

Please do understand that Memetix does this for free in his spare time. You cannot have everything you want straight away ;-)

thor2006 said:

1. For example synthetic muscle grafts give you Unnatural Strenght 2 in the talent page but in the character page it does not apear as the strenght bonus neither it will calculate the carry/lift/push bonus.

2. For example for the Blackbone Bracing the error :Data overflow too many talents or skills. appears and for the vitae supplement it's says it grants autosainguine talent and this talent doesn't apear in the talent page. The same with Of Extensive Means/A Powerful Legacy it gives an error :Data overflow too many talents or skills. when selected at the end of the background package.

3. When selecting a proud tradition/a long and glorious history they have the same subchoices. Is that correct?

4. When I select a rogue trader career I find some skill with starting cell in blue some talents that have basic training but are not the skill that have the starting cell in blue like logic. The skills mastery like athletic mastery what it is and if it can all be taken by a single rogue trader class?

5. What are the talents in the advancement tab and where to find the xp price?

1. He replied to that just before. You need to add that manually in the advancement tab to the right of the characteristics.

2. for the Vitae supplacement: you need to add the talent manually on the advancement tab under the elite advances. Right now it's not implemented that the talent gets added automatically.

For the data error with blackbone bracing: i do not get this error? The same with the error for your Of Extensive Means/A Powerful Legacy.

3. i get differing choices. Which version are you using?

4. the starting cells that are in blue for skills are those which you can take. Basic skills aren't in blue because a basic skill is something else entirely then a trained skill (see p 74 of the CRB)

5. they are elite advancements. The price is set by your gm. They can also be talents you gain from an implant in which case the cost would be 0 XP.

Badlapje said:

thor2006 said:

1. For example synthetic muscle grafts give you Unnatural Strenght 2 in the talent page but in the character page it does not apear as the strenght bonus neither it will calculate the carry/lift/push bonus.

2. For example for the Blackbone Bracing the error :Data overflow too many talents or skills. appears and for the vitae supplement it's says it grants autosainguine talent and this talent doesn't apear in the talent page. The same with Of Extensive Means/A Powerful Legacy it gives an error :Data overflow too many talents or skills. when selected at the end of the background package.

3. When selecting a proud tradition/a long and glorious history they have the same subchoices. Is that correct?

4. When I select a rogue trader career I find some skill with starting cell in blue some talents that have basic training but are not the skill that have the starting cell in blue like logic. The skills mastery like athletic mastery what it is and if it can all be taken by a single rogue trader class?

5. What are the talents in the advancement tab and where to find the xp price?

1. He replied to that just before. You need to add that manually in the advancement tab to the right of the characteristics.

2. for the Vitae supplacement: you need to add the talent manually on the advancement tab under the elite advances. Right now it's not implemented that the talent gets added automatically.

For the data error with blackbone bracing: i do not get this error? The same with the error for your Of Extensive Means/A Powerful Legacy.

3. i get differing choices. Which version are you using?

4. the starting cells that are in blue for skills are those which you can take. Basic skills aren't in blue because a basic skill is something else entirely then a trained skill (see p 74 of the CRB)

5. they are elite advancements. The price is set by your gm. They can also be talents you gain from an implant in which case the cost would be 0 XP.

Thanks for the help to answer the questions you have:

2.I already had an origin path selected. Maybe because there are too many talents selected.

3. 5.83 probably because I switched to fast between options and didn't give enough time to calculate an answer.

4. Thanks for the tip. Many basic skills advances like barter(Trained,+10,etc) have no xp cost .It is correct?

Sorry to bother Memetix with questions. He did a great job with the character sheet and I'm gratefull. I just saw for this new version and I tried to report any problems I believed existed. In the future I will be a little more patient.

It depends greatly on your career and background. My navigator for example has wrangling for free (trained) due to his starting mutation. My explorator on the other hand has three Scholastic Lores "for free" thanks to his background (trained). The same way you can get a +10 for free (for example Inquiry has one of those options in the origin path and there are many others).

Basic skills never cost as they are only at half of your characteristic. They normally don't show on the skills tab but they do show on the character sheet.

I just meant that Memetix can't implement the entire wishlist we have overnight ;-) Not that you can't report bugs or make suggestions. I just got the feeling you were considering the lack of implementation of the effects of mutations as a bug rather then simply something he hasn't gotten around to just yet.

NikNik - Point 6 - Add the 10 to your strength bonus on the advancement sheet, then put -1 in the damage bonus for both arms and all should be OK

Point 10 - Will do

/facepalm Of course!!! Thanks. :)


I hope you are finding your way around the sheet - it is good to get feedback from someone new to this. Most of us have been through several evolutionary steps to get to this point and what often seems obvious to me is not necessarily so to others.

I will be expanding the starting talents section in the next release which should get around the data overflow errors you are seeing.

Skill mastery is only available to Dark Heresy characters who have reached ascension ranks - you can ignore them in Rogue Trader.


Cortex Implants (best quality) gives Unnatural Intelligence x 2 and 1d10 insanity. I cannot find any details on how a cogitator might affect skills. Can you point me in the right direction.

I'll make the +20 from Auger Arrays non-conditional

Best Quality Cybernetics

As and when you find cybernetics that should have an affect on Traits/Talents/Skills/Stats - could you please post them here with the page number in the appropriate book and I will start to implement them.


Memetix said:

Best Quality Cybernetics

As and when you find cybernetics that should have an affect on Traits/Talents/Skills/Stats - could you please post them here with the page number in the appropriate book and I will start to implement them.


I should note that several bionics don't have quality distinctions listed. Most also don't have best Q listed effects if they do. Cortex implants for example only go up to good (which gives unnatural intelligence x2). Best isn't described. I'll work on giving an overview of all of them.

CRB of RT:

1. Auger Arrays (p. 148):

  • Poor: range 20 meters, only one detection ability (choice from: heat, radiation, electromagnetics).
  • Common: detects energy emissions, motion and biological life signs. +20 to awareness tests and may make a tech-use test to spot things not normally detectable to human senses alone. Range: 50m.
  • Good: same as above + a reroll for all perception based tests.

2. Augmented Senses (p. 148):

  • Grants heightened senses for any one sense. No effects for quality listed.

3. Baleful Eye (p. 148):

  • Essentially gives you a weapon with a range of 10m and one use. No quality distinctions.

4. Bionic Heart (p. 149):

  • +1 AP to the body location. Gives Sprint Talent. No quality distinctions.

5. Calculus Logi Upgrade (p. 149):

  • +10 bonus to Literacy, Logic, SL tests (all of them). No quality distinctions.

6. Cortex Implants (p. 149):

  • Poor: makes people into a servitor.
  • Common: restores brain function, but gain 1d10 insanity points + loose 1D10 WS, BS, Agility, Intelligence and Fellowship.
  • Good: gain 1d10 insanity points & unnatural intelligence x2. Also gain effects of a cogitator system (see p. 146 of the Inquisitor's Handbook. It's basically a calculus Logi Upgrade except that it's for all lore tests not just SL under the condition that it only helps when having to sift through large amounts of data. In that case anyone with infused knowledge should get the additional +10 to all infused ones, not just SL - but that's my interpretation)

7. Cranial Armour (p. 149):

  • +1 AP to the Head location. No quality distinctions.

8. Memorance Implant (p. 150):

  • +10 to Trade (Remembrancer), grants the Total Recall talent. No quality distinctions.

9. Mind Impulse Unit (MIU) (p. 150-151):

  • Poor: need a WT to use & give -10 to interact with a machine spirit.
  • Common: +10 to Tech Use, Pilot, Drive (if the device has MIU linking).
  • Good: +10 to communicate with machine spirits, Tech Use, Pilot, Drive, Logic, Inquiry, BS + the ability to experience the senses of the familiar under control as if he were present.

10. MIU Weapon Interface (p. 151):

  • may fire a ranged weapon as a free action, no quality distinctions.

11. Respiratory Filter Implant (p. 151):

  • ignore inhaled toxic gases or atmospheric contaminants. No quality distinctions.

12. Scribe Tines (p. 151):

  • +10 to investigation. No quality distinctions.

13. Subskin Armour (p. 151):

  • + 2 AP to Arms, Body, Legs. No quality distinctions.

14. Synthetic Muscle Grafts (p. 151):

  • Common: +1 to SB (in effect = +10 strength)
  • Good: not detailed
  • Best: gain Unnatural Strength (x2) & -10 to Agility

15. Voidskin (p. 152):

  • resist damage from void exposure for 1d10 + 3 rounds past normal duration, no quality distinctions.

16. Vox Implant (p. 152):

  • built in micro-bead, wired to a frequency. No quality distinctions.

Note that while the armour ones (Subskin Armour & Cranial Armour) don't list qualities, i would think it safe to assume they have the same effects as normal armour for quality.

Into the Storm Implants - all p. 141:

1. Blackbone Bracing:

  • Gain Bulging Biceps & Iron Jaw Talent. Gain +2 bonus to unarmed attack damage. No quality distinctions

2. Gastral Bionics:

  • Common: ignore effects of any ingested toxic foodstuffs or poisons.
  • Good: unknown.
  • Best: survive by eating anything organic.

3. Internal Blade:

  • Common: monoknife which may gain weapon upgrades.
  • Good: same but with Toxic Quality.
  • Best: + 2 damage, + 2 Pen, Power Field

4. Internal Power Cell:

  • acts as an ammo charge pack for a standard Lasgun or Hellgun (one day to recharge). No quality distinctions.

5. Pain Ward:

  • ignore Stun effects & involuntary actions or penalties resulting from pain or critical damage, being on fire, drowning & so on.

6. Vitae Supplacement:

  • All: grant Autosanguine Talent.
  • Common: preserve someone up to 4 hours after grieveous injury.
  • Good: 8 hours.
  • Best: 12 hours.

Memetix said:

Best Quality Cybernetics

As and when you find cybernetics that should have an affect on Traits/Talents/Skills/Stats - could you please post them here with the page number in the appropriate book and I will start to implement them.


I have all Rogue Trader books and I will try to post best quality cybernetics from thoose:

1.Craftmanship rules pages 112,152 Core Rulebook.

2.Mechandrites are Good quality and up.

3. Synthetic muscle grafts page 150 Core Rulebook.

4.Gastral bionics,Internal Blade,Vitae Supplacement page 141 Into the Storm.

For the Deathwatch we have

1.Craftmanship rules pages 176 Core Rulebook.(they don't have good and best they have exceptional and master crafted). don't know where table 5-23 is.

I will later add the cybernetics of best quality from Dark Heresy.

Some bugs:

1.Psy-Jammer Implant is an cybernetic not a gear.

2.Lots of dark tech options like occult artifacts,daemon weapons,callophean psy-engine,immateria ward(radical handbook) missing(pages 175-196)

3.Disciples of the dark gods page 48,51,73,74,119-121 items missing.


4.Vore weapons(page 35,36 Creature Anathema)

5.Items that the player could gain from Light of Terra could be added.

Badlapje said:

Memetix said:

Best Quality Cybernetics

As and when you find cybernetics that should have an affect on Traits/Talents/Skills/Stats - could you please post them here with the page number in the appropriate book and I will start to implement them.


I should note that several bionics don't have quality distinctions listed. Most also don't have best Q listed effects if they do. Cortex implants for example only go up to good (which gives unnatural intelligence x2). Best isn't described. I'll work on giving an overview of all of them.

CRB of RT:

1. Auger Arrays (p. 148):

  • Poor: range 20 meters, only one detection ability (choice from: heat, radiation, electromagnetics).
  • Common: detects energy emissions, motion and biological life signs. +20 to awareness tests and may make a tech-use test to spot things not normally detectable to human senses alone. Range: 50m.
  • Good: same as above + a reroll for all perception based tests.

2. Augmented Senses (p. 148):

  • Grants heightened senses for any one sense. No effects for quality listed.

3. Baleful Eye (p. 148):

  • Essentially gives you a weapon with a range of 10m and one use. No quality distinctions.

4. Bionic Heart (p. 149):

  • +1 AP to the body location. Gives Sprint Talent. No quality distinctions.

5. Calculus Logi Upgrade (p. 149):

  • +10 bonus to Literacy, Logic, SL tests (all of them). No quality distinctions.

6. Cortex Implants (p. 149):

  • Poor: makes people into a servitor.
  • Common: restores brain function, but gain 1d10 insanity points + loose 1D10 WS, BS, Agility, Intelligence and Fellowship.
  • Good: gain 1d10 insanity points & unnatural intelligence x2. Also gain effects of a cogitator system (see p. 146 of the Inquisitor's Handbook. It's basically a calculus Logi Upgrade except that it's for all lore tests not just SL under the condition that it only helps when having to sift through large amounts of data. In that case anyone with infused knowledge should get the additional +10 to all infused ones, not just SL - but that's my interpretation)

7. Cranial Armour (p. 149):

  • +1 AP to the Head location. No quality distinctions.

8. Memorance Implant (p. 150):

  • +10 to Trade (Remembrancer), grants the Total Recall talent. No quality distinctions.

9. Mind Impulse Unit (MIU) (p. 150-151):

  • Poor: need a WT to use & give -10 to interact with a machine spirit.
  • Common: +10 to Tech Use, Pilot, Drive (if the device has MIU linking).
  • Good: +10 to communicate with machine spirits, Tech Use, Pilot, Drive, Logic, Inquiry, BS + the ability to experience the senses of the familiar under control as if he were present.

10. MIU Weapon Interface (p. 151):

  • may fire a ranged weapon as a free action, no quality distinctions.

11. Respiratory Filter Implant (p. 151):

  • ignore inhaled toxic gases or atmospheric contaminants. No quality distinctions.

12. Scribe Tines (p. 151):

  • +10 to investigation. No quality distinctions.

13. Subskin Armour (p. 151):

  • + 2 AP to Arms, Body, Legs. No quality distinctions.

14. Synthetic Muscle Grafts (p. 151):

  • Common: +1 to SB (in effect = +10 strength)
  • Good: not detailed
  • Best: gain Unnatural Strength (x2) & -10 to Agility

15. Voidskin (p. 152):

  • resist damage from void exposure for 1d10 + 3 rounds past normal duration, no quality distinctions.

16. Vox Implant (p. 152):

  • built in micro-bead, wired to a frequency. No quality distinctions.

Note that while the armour ones (Subskin Armour & Cranial Armour) don't list qualities, i would think it safe to assume they have the same effects as normal armour for quality.

Into the Storm Implants - all p. 141:

1. Blackbone Bracing:

  • Gain Bulging Biceps & Iron Jaw Talent. Gain +2 bonus to unarmed attack damage. No quality distinctions

2. Gastral Bionics:

  • Common: ignore effects of any ingested toxic foodstuffs or poisons.
  • Good: unknown.
  • Best: survive by eating anything organic.

3. Internal Blade:

  • Common: monoknife which may gain weapon upgrades.
  • Good: same but with Toxic Quality.
  • Best: + 2 damage, + 2 Pen, Power Field

4. Internal Power Cell:

  • acts as an ammo charge pack for a standard Lasgun or Hellgun (one day to recharge). No quality distinctions.

5. Pain Ward:

  • ignore Stun effects & involuntary actions or penalties resulting from pain or critical damage, being on fire, drowning & so on.

6. Vitae Supplacement:

  • All: grant Autosanguine Talent.
  • Common: preserve someone up to 4 hours after grieveous injury.
  • Good: 8 hours.
  • Best: 12 hours.

You forgot Bionic Respiratory System(page 148 RT Core),lots of mechandrites(pages 148,150-151 RT Core),Volitor Implant(page 152 RT Core)

Memetix said:

Best Quality Cybernetics

As and when you find cybernetics that should have an affect on Traits/Talents/Skills/Stats - could you please post them here with the page number in the appropriate book and I will start to implement them.


Best quality cybernetics from Dark Heresy most are poor,common and good:

1.1.Craftmanship rules pages 126,153 Core Rulebook.

Hey memetix liking the latest sheet. quick questions

is there any chance of a ship creator on the 'to do list' I can't remember if unknownrelic's cataloging include ship parts but I think it did.

also can you put the extra armour history tables from rights of battle and allow the older armour marks to select more that one as per the table in rights of battle p151

thanks for all the effort man

thehappywanderer said:

Hey memetix liking the latest sheet. quick questions

is there any chance of a ship creator on the 'to do list' I can't remember if unknownrelic's cataloging include ship parts but I think it did.

also can you put the extra armour history tables from rights of battle and allow the older armour marks to select more that one as per the table in rights of battle p151

thanks for all the effort man

There is an already very good ship generator done by bobh. Link is on the dark reign site: www.darkreign40k.com/drjoomla/index.php/armoury/ships-of-the-void and on this site we have by the same person this thread www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp

Thanks for the cybernetic information - it helps to have a list to help me find everything.

I borrowed a copy of Rites of Battle to do the implementation and I don't have access to it at the moment. If someone could email me the custom "chapter name" generator tables from Rites of Battle it would be of great help.

I'm not planning on re-implementing the wheel for ship building - as has been pointed out, there are good ones out there already and I seem to have a full time job with the Character Sheet at the moment happy.gif

I aim to have a release out tomorrow with most of the change requests addressed - my Dark Heresy Game is in the evening and I want to have it working by then ....

Unless I'm still doing something wrong, which is possible, the additional strength bonus fields don't recognise negative numbers, at all.

In fact, now I'm playing with it to make this post, adding 10 to strength in the character generation page is increasing the damage bonus, but not the lift/carry/push numbers. And in the Equipment sheet, the damage bonus cells seemingly make no difference at all, positive or negative!

nikink said:

Unless I'm still doing something wrong, which is possible, the additional strength bonus fields don't recognise negative numbers, at all.

In fact, now I'm playing with it to make this post, adding 10 to strength in the character generation page is increasing the damage bonus, but not the lift/carry/push numbers. And in the Equipment sheet, the damage bonus cells seemingly make no difference at all, positive or negative!

Noticed this myself, I had wondered if it was due to me using Open Office or not. I was building pregens for an upcoming one shot and one of them has a good quality bionic arm, but doesn't seem to add the damage from that arm. Also noticed that good quality for melee weapons seems to be adding damage as well as the +5 WS. Balances out as far as I know according to the rules, but only due to the loadout for that particular character.

Still an awesome tool, thanks for all the hard work.

The damage bonus only applies when the weapon is

  1. Melee
  2. Assigned to a hand (Put Left or Right in column M on the Equipment sheet)

I will update the sheet to assume your main hand if this is left blank. For now, ensure this is filled in and it should work

Memetix said:

The damage bonus only applies when the weapon is

  1. Melee
  2. Assigned to a hand (Put Left or Right in column M on the Equipment sheet)

I will update the sheet to assume your main hand if this is left blank. For now, ensure this is filled in and it should work

What if the main hand or both hands are ocupied by weapons. The melee weapons are in the table of weapons in the equipment tab but there are weapons already assigned to the main hand or both hands?

Just found the bug - the hand is only applying to the first weapon in the list ..... thanks

thor2006 said:

What if the main hand or both hands are ocupied by weapons. The melee weapons are in the table of weapons in the equipment tab but there are weapons already assigned to the main hand or both hands?

That part of the equipment sheet is more to do with weapon usage, i.e. in which hand you will use a weapon. It is OK to assign more than one weapon to a hand or have the same weapon listed more than once in different hands. It depends what you want to see on the final sheet.

In the next release I will ensure the the Hand column can be Right, Left, Both or Other. If left blank it will assume the main hand (from the handedness setting). The Damage bonus will apply to both Melee and Thrown weapons.

Memetix said:

thor2006 said:

What if the main hand or both hands are ocupied by weapons. The melee weapons are in the table of weapons in the equipment tab but there are weapons already assigned to the main hand or both hands?

That part of the equipment sheet is more to do with weapon usage, i.e. in which hand you will use a weapon. It is OK to assign more than one weapon to a hand or have the same weapon listed more than once in different hands. It depends what you want to see on the final sheet.

In the next release I will ensure the the Hand column can be Right, Left, Both or Other. If left blank it will assume the main hand (from the handedness setting). The Damage bonus will apply to both Melee and Thrown weapons.

What about shoulder mounted weapons?, or weapons mounted on suspensors?