Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Darth - can you drop me an email and I will send you a pre-release to test?

If adding this Power Armour functionality, could you also integrate its effect on movement speed?

Normal Power Armour increases your size by one step, which in turn increases your effective Agility bonus in the movement speed calculation.

Ignatius Power Armour specifically adds another dot on top of that, for a total of +2 base movement speed.

Oh, I didn't spot that!

Which is why I'd like these things added in... Our groups contain people who aren't very familiar with all the details, and even as an experienced DH player I find all the options, rules, bonuses and combinations in DeathWatch somewhat overwhelming.

If we can collectively ensure that the sheets automagically take care of all these things, we'll make things easier for players everywhere :)

Sent you an e-mail, Memetix. Or at least I think so... daz or drt?

Memetix, i just downloaded the latest version and it seems that the fix to initiative for Paranoid doesn't function anymore. It doesn't give +2 to initiative and the description on the Talents Summary tab reads: "-10 on interaction skills in formal surroundings".

i also just noticed that after i created my lvl 8 explorator the character sheet seems to make a mistake in compounding the different lore & trade skills. Rather then getting a list of my skills, i get the message: #VALUE! (repeated all the way down).

Badlapje - any chance you can email me the character that shows the #VALUE fault please?

I get a small bug with my Void-Master.

I gave him Heavy Weapon Training as an elite advance, as the Trials and Travails entry The Hand of War didn't allow choosing a specific kind of heavy weapons Training. For some reason, that makes the sheet think that the char already possesses the Heavy Weapons Training Talent the Void Master gets at Rank 4.

Gokerz said:

I get a small bug with my Void-Master.

I gave him Heavy Weapon Training as an elite advance, as the Trials and Travails entry The Hand of War didn't allow choosing a specific kind of heavy weapons Training. For some reason, that makes the sheet think that the char already possesses the Heavy Weapons Training Talent the Void Master gets at Rank 4.

There are 2 bugs here - one the "Hand of War" drop down should contain the list of Heavy Weapon Specialisations, not the "Heavy Weapon Training" group name, the second being the highlighting on the talent sheet. I'll ensure these are fixed in the next release however you will need to update your Trails and Travails option when you load in your character (and remove the elite advance).

On a separate note - it appears my last release produced some weird bugs in some foreign language versions of Excel. I am currently working to track these down though this is proving somewhat difficult since I don't have access to those versions of Excel.

I have also created a small webpage on my home website with links to the Dark Reign download and to this forum. Now that the download has dropped off the first page of the Character Sheets page on Dark Reign, it might be easier to bookmark www.blackmoor.org.uk/40K.html

mail sent.

I already bookmarked your download link on darkreign for my group, we all use it intensively :-)


Version 5.74 is now online - go here to download.

There are quite a few updates in this release.

The big changes are support for power armour stat changes and parsing of weapon damage. There are also a number of minor bug fixes for Open Office and Foreign language versions of Excel and more space in the Skills area of the character sheet to consolidate grouped skills if required.

Firstly - Power armour. You now have the option to automatically add in the benefits of Power armour to your character. These include changes to your strength, strength bonus and your agility bonus if you gain the hulking talent.

Secondly - Weapon damage on the equipment sheet is now processed before being displayed on the final character sheet. i.e. If you put 1d10+5+Str it will display on the Character sheet as 1d10+9, if you have a strength bonus of 4. It will also automatically add in the extra damage for Crushing Blow and Mighty Shot if appropriate. Please note if you have already added in the +2 damage from these talents you will need to edit your character after loading it to make sure the bonus is not counted twice.

For full details see the release notes sheet and the comments at the appropriate places.

Excellent work, much appreciated!

Now, for the next step I suggest adding all the weapons from all the books so we can just pick 'em from a menu instead of typing it in :)

You'll find the weapons from the core book and Inquisitors handbook (both updated to include changes from the Errata) in the ol' combat-datapad here

This is a fantastically powerful tool.

The ability to switch between options and see the results immediatly appeals to my fickle mind.

Well done.

I am almost completely satisfied, on the versions I've used 5.73/74 there ims a major problem with Psy powers. Often, different talents will take the place of the discipline I choose on the powers screen. I will see things like Copy Voices, another is Majpr Arcana, and no, for that one I can't choose anything. Other times I will get fragments of the description of said talent.

Also, I would like to be able to add things like mechanicus implants to characters, maybe not all will agree with that, but I am planning to create a unique Inquisitor for my campaign.


Could you email me a copy of your .rtc file please? I haven't seen the problems you are describing before and the psychic characters I use for testing all seem to work in the current release.

As for Adding Mechanicus implants, you can always add this to the Elite advances section. You don't have to use the pull down list, you can type anything into the Talent/Trait cell or the description cell.

Then there are mental disorders... Haven't seen any place for those.

I may be blind, of course :)

Version 5.74 works great for me :) Only minor thing is that paranoia still gives the same description and no init boost, but given i can now adjust it manually it's not something i mind to much.

Oh, and i LOVE the way you can have the damage of a weapon calculated now (1d10 + 4 + Str) :-) Just gotta remember to include the best quality :)

As for the power armour bonus, dragon scale is also power armour, but the bonus isn't included if you select that kind of armour.

My wishlist for future releases:

1. allowing multiple ship roles (my explorator is both the chief surgeon and enginseer primaris on the dynasty raider).

2. under equipment making it possible to choose the bionics installed on a character (and having the bonuses appear automatically).

3. coding in the effects of mutations (but hopefully my brother and me can work it out and then send you the code changes)

I'll email it to you, but I need to know your address (feeling to lazy to look through all the forum pages), and with the implants, i'll try that, but will it reflect into any other parts of the Sheet? If so, It needs a real entry.

PS: I've taken a look and it does say something about data overload and emailing it to you.

PSS: WIth the P-Powers, sometimes it will clear up if I remove the talent that is causing it. However, it always returns if I select it again.

PSSS: I am using Excel 2007 incase it matters

My email address in at the bottom of the instructions sheet .....

The wish list of features is growing .... looks like I'll be busy.

Badpalje - your character's paranoia issue would appear to be a confusion between Paranoia (the talent that give +2 initiative) and Paranoid (the Trait which gives -10 in formal situations). I guess your character has the later.

I've imported a few of the weapons into a table and I'm in testing at the moment. If anyone has links to tables with the Rogue Trader or Deathwatch weapon details, please let me know as I don't fancy all that typing while the sun is shining happy.gif

Oh my, didn't even know there existed a trait called Paranoid lengua.gif

I believe this post has what you need. Very nice tool that just popped up yesterday :)

Badlapje said:

Oh my, didn't even know there existed a trait called Paranoid lengua.gif

I believe this post has what you need. Very nice tool that just popped up yesterday :)

Perfect - Thanks. Enjoying being Paranoid.

All weapons and armour has been added thanks to some great work by unknownrelic.

Version 5.8 is now available to download and fixes a problem with locale settings that don't use . as a decimal point and name clashes with Veteran and Celestian.

Im new here and I just bought RT and DH. This is a really cool character sheet you have created!

The Xeno Hunter option for Lure of the Void should give the choice of either Tracking or Scholastic Lore (Beasts) as a trained skill, but doesn't.

Now that equipment is in, are you going to have the equipment page automatically include basic starting equipment?

Additionally, if I can have a third wish, a slot in the weapons table on the equipment page for craftsmanship would be nice.

Of course, with the way the weapons table is implemented, redoing the equipment page entirely might be for the best. I;m sure you have noticed that finding weapons in the weapons table drop-down is, to be polite, cumbersome.

I think you are right, I have been thinking for a while about redesigning the equipment sheet and now could be the right time.

I think it should include a complete shop with all the weapons, armour and equipment items listed with a quantity owned column.

Then for each item owned I could list them with the option to assign item quality and location (i.e. carried, backpack, quarters). This could then total up carried weight and allow assignment of weapons to a hand meaning I could add on bonuses to damaged dependent on bionics for each arm..

I'd need space for custom items too and then work out how to cope with current saved characters in the old format.......
Before starting on the this - any more thoughts or ideas?

Xenos Hunter will be fixed in the next release - thanks for reporting the problem.

For you OpenOffice users, I had the load/save macros almost working in OO 3.2.1 using VBA support mode. In OO 3.3 VBA support was completely broken and there is a bug report indicating this will be fixed in 3.4. It also appears that 3.3 crashes when I maximise the screen after opening the sheet. I have reported this bug.