Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Wow! Very impressed by this character sheet, thank you for all your hard work.

I've noticed a small bug - a shock maul doesn't seem to have any stats when it's equipped.

Quick question about Bolt weapons - I notice they all have the Tearing effect, but in vanilla Dark Heresy they don't (AFAIK). Is this a bug or something I've completly missed in the rules or just something from an expansion that doesn't apply to vanilla DH?

Good spot - the entry for Shock Maul in the 'Fixed Data' tab is indeed missing. I'll add this in the next release. As a work around, you can type in the values when you equip it, replacing the formulas in the sheet.

Version 3 of the DH FAQ states …. On Table 5-7: Ranged Weapons on page 130, all Bolt Weapons should have the Tearing quality.

I just found this spreadsheet which is awesome. However it says it supports the inquisitor's hand book, but I can't find the origins Schola Progenium or Mind-Cleansed origins. Does this support those origins?

belgarath97 said:

I just found this spreadsheet which is awesome. However it says it supports the inquisitor's hand book, but I can't find the origins Schola Progenium or Mind-Cleansed origins. Does this support those origins?

Both options are avaialble in the Home World dropdown menu if you have set your setting to Dark Heresy.

In the Shop tab under "Hive World" setting the following entries:


Should be listed as:

Salvation Auger, Basic

Salvation Auger, Superior

Vox-Thief, Short-Range

Vox-Thief, Long-Range

Due to the way these were transcribed from the book it lost the heading and only kept the indents. (Lines 237, 238, 241, 242 on the tab)

Thanks for the updates to the shop items. I'll ensure they are fixed in the next release.

Any characters with those items will need to re-visit the shop once loaded and re-purchase them.

Hi Memetix,

Fantastic work keeping this updated as always.

Hopefully a quick question, has the Book of Judgement been implimented yet and if not what help can I (or the community) offer to help get it in?



Surak - it looks like the book of judgement should be fairly easy to implement, I should have some time in the next couple of weeks to get it done.

As for helping ….. the best thing for me is testing and feedback after I've released it. I'm not the best at testing all the options!

I've also taken a look at Black Crusade and I'm afraid I can't see a way to incorporate the rule changes into the current sheet.

It might be possible to take the current sheet as a starting point and create a BC version however it will be A LOT of work and not something I intend to undertake in the near future.


Thanks as always for your work, I've got a group of about 6 players who regularly use this sheet so I'll pass along any feedback I get.



I have been using Dark Reign to host the character sheet download. For the past month the site has been unaccessible to me (a blank screen for the home page and error messages for the link to the downloads section).

Is everyone else seeing this behaviour? I guess it could be a Chrome incompatibility.

I will shortly be releasing an update including material from Book of Judgement so I might need to find an alternative host such as dropbox…..

Nope, not just you. Dark Reign appears to be gone. Been that way for many weeks, at least. :(

I can set you up with a ftp account/rights on fillinsheets dot com. I can also put a direct entry on the front page with the rest of the sheets (and it will get me to update some of my older ones and the site as a whole).

Dark Reign has been non-responsive for quite a while.

Alternatively, we could do a Dropbox shared folder and I can handle all the dirty work on the fillinsheets site.

It is a shame about Dark Reign, amazingly my site links through to the download location on Dark Reign and that still seems to work.

I did like the fact it tracked downloads and made updates easy to manage. I'll just upload the zip file to my web space I guess.

Tasala, if you want to link into your site that is fine with me.

your other option is to use Google documents to store the file, it seems to have worked with my Aptitude Calc I made for Only War,



Version 6.4 is now available for download from my website .

This is a double update and includes bug fixes (version 6.32) and support for the new material in the book of judgement (6.4).

Bug Fixes.

  • Removed penalty to Agility for Brute mutation in Rogue Trader setting
  • Automatically adjust Ag Skills for the clumsy trait (-10)
  • Added missing weapon stats for shock maul
  • Fixed power armour penalty to concealment and silent move skill tests
  • Fixed dropdown menu options for proven to be pure and perilous choice
  • Fixed the names of some hive world shop items (these will need to be re-bought in the shop if you are loading in older characters)

Book of Judgement

  • Added all backgrounds
  • Added all alternative ranks
  • Added all geaer to the shop

Note: Cell directives should be added as elite advances (talents) or xp cost overrides (skills)

I don't believe that the Karrakian Lock Arms (from Book of judgement) have been added to the gear section as of yet?

Noticed a bug. v. 6.4

If you choose the Tranch war veteran background ( for guardsmen ) in Dark Heresy.

You should have light sleeper and Hatred (Mutants) talents.

In the excel sheet you get light sleeper and Psy rating 5!

Please fix this.

Thank you for the great work.


Nichopol - thanks.

To fix, change the formula in Menus!U1618 to be ='Fixed Data'!F231

This will be officially fixed in the next release.

As for the missing Cybernetics - there doesn't seem to be any information about the rarity or cost for these items. Am I missing something?

I have searched youtube and google for 20 min now on how to edit a excel sheet with the values u said and I can not find anything.

Can you show/tell me how to change the values? Or maybe link a youtube video that does similar editing?

I'm using MS excel 2007.


You'll need to unhide hidden sheets to edit them.

right click on the tabs on the bottom, and choose Unhide. Select Menus and click Unhide.

You should now see Menus on the list of tabs, and then editing the cell in question should be sraight forward :)

Thank you.

This worked perfectly :)

The Stalker Bolt Pistol for the Wolf Scout from First Founding is missing

I noticed when making my feral guardsman that the beginning talent you get "primitive" says:

You get -10 to fellowship test

It should also say -10 to tech use as well.

shouldnt it?


I have noticed when using Dark Heresy that the XP is wrong from Rank 5 up. It continues to work at 1k intervals instead of increasing to 3k for rank 5, 2k for ranks 6 and 7 and 5k for rank 8.