Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Darth Smeg said:

And adding the stuff from The Lathe Worlds would be nice. No pressure :)

I'm afraid I don't have access to that book at the moment….. is there much to add?

Memetix said:

Darth Smeg said:

And adding the stuff from The Lathe Worlds would be nice. No pressure :)

I'm afraid I don't have access to that book at the moment….. is there much to add?

There are 7 new alternate ranks to add from the Lathes, as well as two new Elite advance packages.



… and some gear :)

I can sense the anticipation ….. I should be able to borrow a copy tonight ….

To date I haven't implemented elite packages since they can be added as individual elite advances. Is this a good enough solution?

I'm sure you know that you can simply type in any gear you want on the equipment sheet, you don't have to select from the drop down menus based on your shop purchases. It is also easy to change any looked up values if, for instance, they are changed by ammo. All manual changes are saved in your .rtc file.

Hey memetix

First I have to add my praise for this brilliant sheet.

Second, just asking but if you're adding the additional careers from lathe worlds could you also added the extras from book of judgment as well (or add it to the list for the next update).

much praise all the same.

I've been working on the Lathe worlds as well as some of the bugs mentioned in the recent posts. I could do with some beta testers please ….

If you don't mind emailing me any problems you find then you can download the beta release from my dropbox .

I'll try to get out a full release tomorrow or the day after depending on the feedback I receive.

The updated sheet, version 6.3, is now available on Dark Reign and via my website .

Changes include

  • Fixed xp costs for heightened senses
  • The Flesh is weak, now summarised as Machine(X) (up to 6)
  • Added more toughness bonuses for cybernetics (Deathwatch)
  • Added new material from The Lathe Worlds (Diplomacy skill, new alternate ranks, new gear)
  • Fixed circular references caused by Faith talents

The next release will add the material in the Book of Judgement.

P.S. The dropbox link from my previous post is now invalid

Since nobody else has said it yet; Thanks a lot, Memetix. Your work and dedication is truly appreciated, and I am sure that sometimes it is hard to work and that people seem to be demanding more and more without even giving thanks.

You're awesome.

Now, I have to ask… why isn't Book of Judgement in? I see Daemon Hunter, then it skips to Lathe Worlds.

Edit: And apparently I am dumb. Nevermind. Saw the thing about Book of Judgement. Now I'm just ashamed.

Only in death does duty end, my friend:

FFG just released a free extra to the Lathe Worlds , which includes new origins and toys. Download the supplement for free! Now! What are you all waiting for?

Another fantastic update, and just in time!

May I burden you with one more request?

Luminen Blast/Shock etc as equippable weapons

Luminen Shield/Barrier as equippable shields.

Thanks in advance Memetix.

The Omnissiah shines upon you.

sirdigbychknczr said:

Another fantastic update, and just in time!

May I burden you with one more request?

Luminen Blast/Shock etc as equippable weapons

Luminen Shield/Barrier as equippable shields.

Thanks in advance Memetix.

The Omnissiah shines upon you.

Baleful Eye as equippable weapon

I feel like we're just piling on, right now. :P

Speaking of piling it on (sorry for the double-post; rubbish forum software, etc), it would be helpful to have the Tyranid weapons from Deathwatch Core & Mark of the Xenos as well as the Necron weapons from Black Crusade Core in the Shop.

They're not generally intended for PC usage, but being the heretekal-ish Genetor I want to be, I could definitely go with having a Strangelweb bio-fused to myself somewhere.

Time to tidy up some loose ends …..

Thanks for all the feedback, I get a great sense of achievement when I've added material from the new book to the sheet and it is great to know the work is appreciated. As you say, duty until death ….. just don't drive me to an early grave. For those that have given donations via my website, thank you very much, it means a lot.

Darth - I fixed the bleeder rounds description but I'm not sure I can easily incorporate ammo effects on weapon stats. I think that is best left as a manual exercise for those players who always use the same ammo in their weapons. Any values in the equipment sheet that are looked up from the shop can be manually overridden. Just type in the new value(s) you want it to display. The manual overrides are saved in the .rtc file. I have downloaded the Lathe world supplement and will add it to the todo list.

sirdigbychknczr - I will add the Luminen options as drops downs on the equipment sheet (if you have the talent) in the next release

Fgdsfg - baleful eye - will add to the dropdown, the other stuff, NO way, you are a bad person (you can type the values into the equipment sheet if you really want to be chased forever by the inquisition happy.gif )

Excellent work, as usual :)

As for the ammo, I understand. But what about a dropdown-choice on the equipment page where you choose what ammo to use for the display, and then just adding a line of text-description to the weapon? Like the way Best Quality results in "+10 WS", etc?

Or perhaps there isn't room…

Another minor fix: Bionic Heart from RT grants +1 AP on the Body in addition to granting the Sprint Talent.

I would kill for Dark Eldar to be added to spreadsheet!

Duplicate post…how exciting!

I guess I can use it to say thanks for this quality sheet!

"Shock Blaster Pistol, Aegis Anbaric" seems to be missing. It is in the Warhammer 40k Roleplay Armory , but not amongst the weapons on this character sheet. It should be sorted under Forge World, Exotic.

Fgdsfg said:

"Shock Blaster Pistol, Aegis Anbaric" seems to be missing. It is in the Warhammer 40k Roleplay Armory , but not amongst the weapons on this character sheet. It should be sorted under Forge World, Exotic.

I used the armory when I first created the shop. I must admit I haven't looked at it since, it is a shame we are duplicating a lot of work …

Can you tell me in which book the missing weapon can be found please? I'll look it and try to see how I missed it.

Memetix said:

Fgdsfg said:

"Shock Blaster Pistol, Aegis Anbaric" seems to be missing. It is in the Warhammer 40k Roleplay Armory , but not amongst the weapons on this character sheet. It should be sorted under Forge World, Exotic.

I used the armory when I first created the shop. I must admit I haven't looked at it since, it is a shame we are duplicating a lot of work …

Can you tell me in which book the missing weapon can be found please? I'll look it and try to see how I missed it.

It's sorted under Ranged Weapons-> Exotic Weapons-> Forge World Specific . So it should be in Dark Heresy's The Inquisitor's Handbook , unless I'm mistaken. Pg 133 according to the sheet.

It's Pistol, 20m, S/2/-, 1d10+2E, Pen 4, Clip 7, Rld Full, Special: Shock, Wt 3kg, Cost 650. Availability is Rare, with the note that it uses Standard Las Pistol Packs. It's called "Shock Blaster Pistol, Aegis Anbaric" .

Edit: I checked the book to make sure, and it's there. It is listed simply as "Shock Blaster" on Table 5–1: Forge World Ranged Weapons . In it's description it is called "Aegis Anbaric Shock Blaster Pistol" and is considered "Class: Exotic (Shock Blaster)" .

random bug check. Under talents it doesn't appear to be greying out talents with Fellowship based requirements.

My Tech Priest has a fellowship of 3, and I can still check talents with a prerequiste of Fel 40!

Other stat based prereqs appear to be working fine.


Also, can we get "Integrated Weapons" as a choice under the Exotic Weapon Prof (choose) Talents? Thanks!

sirdigbychknczr said:

random bug check. Under talents it doesn't appear to be greying out talents with Fellowship based requirements.

My Tech Priest has a fellowship of 3, and I can still check talents with a prerequiste of Fel 40!

Other stat based prereqs appear to be working fine.


Also, can we get "Integrated Weapons" as a choice under the Exotic Weapon Prof (choose) Talents? Thanks!


sirdigbychknczr said:

random bug check. Under talents it doesn't appear to be greying out talents with Fellowship based requirements.

My Tech Priest has a fellowship of 3, and I can still check talents with a prerequiste of Fel 40!

Other stat based prereqs appear to be working fine.


Also, can we get "Integrated Weapons" as a choice under the Exotic Weapon Prof (choose) Talents? Thanks!

I think you'll need to email me a .rtc save file for this one ….. there are some talents that allow you to use other stats (INT) instead of Fel for pre-reqs.

It might be related to that but I really need to see the character build to find this ….. email address is on the instructions sheet.

I'll also get to see how you ended up with Fel 3 happy.gif

It is pretty easy for a Tech Priest to get Fellowship into single digits. So many cybernetics and implants reduce the stat, and you can never raise it.

I would say in this case the 'bug' really is just the Int stat being an allowable swap for Tech Priests and certain talents. But I'm sure Memetix will confirm soon enough.

First another little error, then some requests:

The Groxwhip is listed as DMG 1d10+Str but as far as I can tell it should be 1d10+3+Str.

The the requests:

The hardened bodyglove has an option to include a hood + some stealth gear for 3x the price. This would be best implemented as a separate suit of armour on the shop, which also grants AP to the head.

We have started using the excellent Macharian Handbook , which includes some unofficial variants of "stuff", like the Armoured Bodyglove. It would be nice if you added these, if you were to feel bored some day :)

Oh, did you release a new version with the latest changes? I see v6.3 as latest, but I believe you added the Lathe Dataslate after that? Did I miss something?