Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

ItsUncertainWho said:

MOther said:

As per page 120 DH Core rulebook: "Psy Rating 1. You have unlocked your Psychic Powers. Select a number of Minor Psychic Powers equal to one-half your Willpower Bonus (round up) from those decribed in chapter VI:.."

... With a WP at 63 Psy Rating 3 should give 4 minor powers and 1 major power.

WP 63 = WP bonus of 6. Half of 6 = 3. No book available to read Psy 3 so not sure how you are getting 4 minors and 1 major.

Side note, just in case, your WP increases you don't retroactively gain you more minor psy powers.

@Memetix: Thanks for the quick fix :-)

@ItsUncertainWho are entirely right. I missed its the WP BONUS and not the WP itself. Hence indeed 63 gives 3 powers only. My bad!

I looked through the last few pages, but didn't see it mentioned.

Void Masters seem to lack Common Lore (War) as a starting skill.

Judged and Found Wanting is also limited to bionic limbs in your sheet, but can also provide implants.

Memetix said:

Izrador asked if they could create a Salamanders Chapter but at the time I hadn't added the Custom Chapter Design into the spreadsheet.

Now I have completed the Rites of Battle implementation and version 5.72 is now available for download. It also contains a fix for the Psy Rating 3 bug.

ItsUncertainWho said:

MOther said:

As per page 120 DH Core rulebook: "Psy Rating 1. You have unlocked your Psychic Powers. Select a number of Minor Psychic Powers equal to one-half your Willpower Bonus (round up) from those decribed in chapter VI:.."

... With a WP at 63 Psy Rating 3 should give 4 minor powers and 1 major power.

WP 63 = WP bonus of 6. Half of 6 = 3. No book available to read Psy 3 so not sure how you are getting 4 minors and 1 major.

Side note, just in case, your WP increases you don't retroactively gain you more minor psy powers.

MOther said:

@Memetix: Thanks for the quick fix :-)

@ItsUncertainWho are entirely right. I missed its the WP BONUS and not the WP itself. Hence indeed 63 gives 3 powers only. My bad!

@Memetix: That said my gaming group houserules its entire WP divided by 20 and then rounded up. Any quickfix to allow incorperrating that house rule? I mean as to allow WP 63 to give 4 minor powers at Psy 3 (and later possible 4 Major at Psy 4 assuming its a school allready oppened by Psy 3)?

@MOther - When you the Psy Rating Talent, the pull down menu to the right is editable. If it say "2 + Biomancy" you can edit this to say "3 + Biomancy".

Since you don't get to do this for Psy Rating 1 - simply add a Minor Psychic Power entry into the Elite Advances section. Hopefully this will be a suitable workaround.

@Gokeerz - thanks, I will update those entries.

Great work on the custom chapters! Thanks!

Memetix said:

@MOther - When you the Psy Rating Talent, the pull down menu to the right is editable. If it say "2 + Biomancy" you can edit this to say "3 + Biomancy".

Since you don't get to do this for Psy Rating 1 - simply add a Minor Psychic Power entry into the Elite Advances section. Hopefully this will be a suitable workaround.


Thx for the help - I'll use that hint :-)

I've encountered another small thing. It seems the IH page 20 Battlefleet Calixis does not work. The character does get some of the stuff but the commonlore tech as basic skill does not pop up, nor Speak Language (Battlefleet War Cant). +5 increase of starting strength seems to be left out too though its very easy simply to give a +5 bonus manually. The other traits and stuff work fine as far as I can see.


I think the sheet is doing the right thing ...... you get -5 strength from being void born+5 from the Battelfleet - so overall, no change.

To keep the skills sheet clean, I mapped the speak language onto the "Ship Dialect" skill.

Memetix said:

I think the sheet is doing the right thing ...... you get -5 strength from being void born+5 from the Battelfleet - so overall, no change.

To keep the skills sheet clean, I mapped the speak language onto the "Ship Dialect" skill.


Thx for correcting me; the -5 (voidborn template) +5 (Battlefleet Calixis template) ofcause equals 0 sonrojado.gif

And I appreciate you make the effort to keep the skills sheet clean :-)

Have you thought about simply putting it under the War Cant entry? I mean instead of the Battlefleet War Cant, simply put it together with the war cant?

The Common lore tech basic I can handle manually editing in the sheet but I still think it does belong to the Battlefleet Calixis template

I've added the Common Lore Tech, as you said, that was an omission my part. Thanks.

I'm in 2 minds on the Speak Language (Battlefleet War Cant) skill. Since it is a speak language skillnot a Ciphers skill, I'd prefer it to be in the Speak Language section. In general, if a background package has a skill that is only available to that class/package then I tend to try to map it onto the closest skill available. I tend to use the description area to make any notes of these sorts of amendments on my characters.

Anyway - thanks for all the downloads, the sheet is now in the top 10 downloads on Dark Reign.

On the subject of skills: when you have a lot of skills then the sheet currently trumps them once the space runs out on the character sheet meaning you'll not get all of your skills shown. Is there any way to fix this? Skill heavy characters (explorators, seneschals) currently have a problem there in RT.

Badlapje said:

On the subject of skills: when you have a lot of skills then the sheet currently trumps them once the space runs out on the character sheet meaning you'll not get all of your skills shown. Is there any way to fix this? Skill heavy characters (explorators, seneschals) currently have a problem there in RT.

I'm really open to good ideas if anyone has some. At the moment the sheet does display a cut down list once it runs out of space but this only works for Ascension skill mastery groups. In principle this concept could be extended but I'm not sure what would be useful to summarise.

Maybe I could group the lore groupsthe trade group if the final skill values are the same

i.e. Common Lore
- Adeptus Arbites
- War

would be displayed as

Common Lore
- Adeptus Arbites, War

I like that idea to list the Lores as comma separated on the same line as I've noticed the same issue with my Ascension PCs.

I also just want to say that this tool has been a terrific help to me! If you're at Gen Con 2011 let me buy you a beer!

Sounds like a winning idea to me :) You might also do it with the speak language, secret tongueciphers skills. Between FL, SL, CLSL, ST & Ciphers i reckon that'll be a lot already. Trade would be another option.

I get a "Type Mismatch" error when trying to import a v5.62 Deathwatch character into the new 5.72 sheet. Any tips on resoultuin or debugging?

Could you email me the .rtc file please Darth? My email address is at the bottom of the instructions sheet.

Memetix, first of all thanks for keeping this up. It's an amazing spreadsheet.

I have a question. I'm trying to create a DH Imperial Psyker and I can't seem to figure out how to make the powers tab work. At rank 6 and psy rating = 4 shouldn't I be able to add some disciplines and psy powers? how do I do that?

Thanks again.

When you select the Psy Rating X talent you get a pull down menu to the right with your choices. Sometimes this will only contain 1 option (i.e. 3 minor powers), however the 3 is worked out based on your Willpower at the time you take the talent. When you get to Psy Rating 3 you can select a Discipline in the pulldown menu - this then opens up the appropriate options on the Powers Tab.

I would guess that you need to ensure these options (next to the Psy Rating talent) are set correctly and then the power sheet will allow you to do the rest.

New release v 5.73

  • Added Common Lore (War) to Void-master starting skills
  • Judged and Found Wanting - added option for implants instead of bionics
  • Consolidate skill lists on both character sheets if there is not enough room
  • Added User Option to consolidate skill mastery groups on both character sheets (Ascension only)
  • Updated VBA load code for older save files

That was quick! You never cease to amaze me :)

A few Requests:

+++ In Deathwatch the power armour gives it's wearer +20 Strength, and this adds 2 to his Strength Bonus.

While this does not really change his stat-line, the armour is pretty much worn constantly, and it would be useful to have this effective stat-profile be displayed somewhere. Perhaps as a "Base Damage" modifier somewhere close to the Melee stats?

+++ On the subject of Strength Bonus and Unnatural Strength, it would be nice if the sheets displayed the effective Bonus, rather than showing the Unnatural Multiplier. Because I'm lazy and don't like to do math late at night after 3 beers and a whisky. And because the Armour adds another 2, so rather than reading "8", I have to multiply 3*2, then remember to add 2. See?

++++ Also, it would be very nice if the Melee weapons were listed with the effective Damage given, including wielders SB and effects of Crushing Blow, etc.

I'll end on a line of praise: Love the sheet, it is great :)

Darth ....

  1. Since the power armour bonus is conditional (on you wearing it) I chose not to factor it into your strength stat. If you want to do this, I'd suggest adding the +20 to the bonus section next to the rolled stats on the Character Generation Sheet. Everything with then ripple through as expected.
  2. Talk about Lazy - I'm amazed you found the energy to type up the request happy.gif . I'll take a look at parsing the damage lines and replacing the string "Str" with the current strength bonus. i.e. if you type in 1d10+Str+2, it will display on the character sheet as 1d10+8+2 (assuming str 40, unnatural). I prefer having the multiplier for unnatural characteristics shown as it is because you need to know this value to add to the number of successes to skill rolls. The only time I can think of that you need to do the maths is for Strength on Melee attacks.

Except that the Armours effect on Strength Bonus is calculated after the effects of Unnatural Strength.

As an Example, Brother Tyrus has a strength value of 37, giving him a Strength Bonus of 6 (Unnatural Strength x2 doubles his 3). The Armour gives +20 Strength, and increases his effective SB by 2 to a total of 8.

By putting a bonus of 20 in the field as you suggest, the sheet simply displays Strength 57, with a multiplier of 2. But this suggests an effective SB of 10, rather than 8 as the bonus from the armour is doubled as well.

So simply making the changes you proposed will be wrong.

(I'm only really lazy when I game. In between sessions I can be remarkably productive :) )

Memetix said:

The only time I can think of that you need to do the maths is for Strength on Melee attacks.

And every time you take damage, and need to remember your TB :)

Oh .... I haven't played deathwatch or seen power armour in use in Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader so I wasn't aware of that rule. Thanks for clarifying.

So the +20 is added to your strength score (and hence skill checks based on Strength) but unnatural strength is applied before adding the +2, is that correct?

Maybe I could add a display option along the lines of "Apply Power Armour - Yes/No" to the house rules section.

Yes, that is correct.

The Formulae is (Base Strength Bonus * Unnatural Strength Multiplier) + Strength Bonuses. There have been long and tedious discussions on the topic in the DeathWatch forums, but this was the "official" ruling, I believe.