Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Hmmm - those Ork upgrades have proved too difficult to implement automatically. Given there can be multiple upgrades on a single weapon the formulas become too complex.

It's pretty simple to edit the weapon stats and adjust the range/pen/damage/qualities manually on the weapon sheet.

Copy the cell and paste as value. This will copy the calculated text into the cell (instead of the formula). You can then edit the text to apply the affects of the Kustom upgrade.

Yes, I thought that might be the case.

You really should get back to playing the game, though! It's GREAT :)

Downloading the charsheet gives error 404 atm. Can you fix it please :) ?

Good spot - this should be back up and working now.


Love the sheet.

There is a problem with the Honour Guard formula. It excludes Tactical Marines instead of Techmarine

Menu sheet. Row 2024. Change F1477=FALSE to F1478=FALSE

Thanks for your time and effort.

Thanks Rothan - that fix will be in the next release.

A request for further Orky stuff:

Some gear from various books, which I use in our campaign:

Mega Armour (Creatures Anathema p103)

Power Armour. Adds +30 to the wearer’s Strength, and increases his size by one step (An Ork Nob with Hulking would become Enourmous*).

Mega-Armour has an AP of 6 for the Head, 10 for the Arms and Legs, and 14 for the Body. It weighs 60kg, and is currently completely unavailable for purchase in the Calixis Sector.
Kustom Force Field (Lifted from Only War, Enemies of the Imperium, p 51)
A kustom force field is a Force Field with a Protection Rating of 50 that Overloads on a roll of 15 or lower.
Instead of the usual effects, when this Force Field Overloads, it ceases to function for 1d5 Rounds and immediately inflicts 1d10+5 Energy Damage with a Penetration of 0 and the Shocking Quality upon everything within 2d10 metres of the Mekboy (including the Mekboy himself, naturally).

The Iron Gob is currently implemented as head-armour, but it is actually bolted to the Orks skull and worn together with other helmets for additional armour. As such, it might be better implemented as a bionic/cybernetic item, like subskin armour?

*) If a Hulking character equips Power Armour, "Hulking" is listed twice on the character sheet.

Edited by Darth Smeg

I've assumed that you could bolt an Iron Gob onto a helmet to give that helmet the benefits of the Iron Gob (IE +2 AP and the +10 bonus to intimidation) if you so want. That way it can be a cybernetic (Superskin armour perhaps) or an armour.

I also assume that hulking is a requirement for wearing Mega Armour but it doesn't make the Ork enormous because putting a Nob in Mega Armour doesn't make him the size of Krootox or Sentinel Walker. After all Mega Armour is only for Nobs (MegaNobs), Big Meks and Warbosses so why would it be built for anyone smaller?

With the Kustom Force Field does that mean if the Ork has a toughness bonus of 10 (IE five doubled) and five or more points of armour in the body location that he is immune to that damage?

You make some good points, Mr. Grot, and I suppose you are right about the damage immunity. The force field generator is worn on the Orks back, usually depicted as funky orbs on raised sticks. So it's like a stun grenade detonating half a metre from the Ork, outside his armour.

Hi there!

First of all: EXCELLENT job! This character sheet really is a life-saver. I've been using it during my whole Dark heresy campaign and it has been working great, it could almost replace the player's handbook altogether. We've recently upgraded to Ascension, and I'm having a small problem: I have selected my new career path, transition package and ascension trait on the Advancement tabs, however the news talents and skills have not appeared in their tabs. Instead, I'm seeing the red "Level up" text in the Advancement tab. I've spent a total of 15800 px (including Dark heresy of course), so that shouldn't be a problem. What am I missing?

Thank you!

Edited by Uruclef

I'm just back from an extended holiday, sorry for the slow responses.

Uruclef - can you email me your rtc file please? I'll be able to see what is going on if I can load in your character and try it out. My email address is in the Instructions sheet.

I'll take a look at the Ork gear and see what I can do.


Im not to sure if im doing something wrong but when i attempt to make an Astropath Trancendant i get to strange errors in that the Psychic Power Talents from rank 2 on are #N/A for cost and 2 i cant choose disciplines in the power page and their subsuquent powers

help please i dont have a clue if this is a problem with the sheet or if im breaking something

Can you email me the .rtc file Ascarin? See the Instructions sheet for my email address.

Edited by Memetix

First off, thanks a lot for the impressive work.

I'm experimenting with the sheet under LOcalc (v4.4.5.2) for DH and all goes well until I need to 'level'.

It looks like the data validity formula for the rank name on the advancement sheet got garbled.

I've no idea if this is a problem in the original file as I don't have a copy of excel but it might explain symptoms like Uruclef mentioned above.

Ayway, I changed




and that seems to fix it.

Fine work tracking down that one ScannerCain.

I think you are several versions behind - the current release is 6.45 and you may find that this works better for you. The link in my signature will take you to the download page.

Sorry, I realised I should have added the version of the sheet before but I couldn't edit as it was my first post here.

I tripple-checked and this is definitely the version that is published from your site as 6.45, (last updated 09/10/2014, 18:14:27 according to the properties).

I also verified that the IW version of the formula is present in the xls file from the zip archive, so it is not something introduced when saving to ods format or when playing with the career.

So maybe something on the site got confused or LOcalc does something very strange indeed when interpreting the xls file.

Let me know if there's anything I can do to help out

Can you tell me which cell you fixed please? (Sheet and cell reference)

I can then check to see if it is a problem in Excel


sheet: Advancement

cells: B4-B11, B13-B20

OK - I can only assume there is a problem with LibraOffice interpreting those off-sheet references

The data validation on cell B4 in the original Excel sheet is set to "=OFFSET(CareerOptionTable,1,A4,5,1)"

If the problem is indeed related to it being an off sheet validation, then I'd need to create a copy of the cells in the CareerOptionTable on the Advancement sheet (somewhere hidden) and then point the data validation at those cells instead.

(I couldn't find them earlier because I was searching for formulas containing a reference to CareerOptionTable and this isn't a formula in a cell, it is a data validation option - sorry for the confusion)


I've been tinkering with this sheet and it's really impressive. It's quite massive.

I've found an issue when trying to determine Chapter Pasts. The menu sheet has all the options available for the expanded choices from First Founding, but I can't seem to find a way to expand the drop-down menu so that it can ever accept selecting 10 options and the blank. It doesn't seem to be tied to the sheet, so how would I modify what choices it displays.

Has anyone else figured it out?

It looks like the named area "PastEventsList" needs to be extended.

I'll do this in the next release.

In the mean time you can unhide the Menus sheet, go into the Name Manager (Forumals->Name Manager) and scroll to the PastEventsList entry. Add a couple of rows to the area (change the last 6 into an 8)

First off: Great work on the Excel sheet, it's awesome!

Me and my party, we're new to 40K / RT and this sheet helps us a lot with setting up our characters, really great!

A little question, but I don't know if it's a problem with the sheet or if it's because I'm not properly understanding mechanics (maybe sanctioned vs unsanctioned)

If I choose mutation: Wyrdling and the Witch Born Lineage (Perilous Choice), the first makes for a psy rating of 2 and the second gains a psy rating, right?

But the psy rating is 2. In the talent summary there are two entries for psy rating (one of 1 and one of 2).

It's correct this doesn't add up?

i dont know about anyone else but that sounds like a order of operations error to me

i haven't actually seen any of the code for this workbook nor could i actually edit this but i think its a matter of the Wyrdling being treated as Second at all times (which i personally think it should aside Considering the way you become one) and so only giving a +1 to Psy Rating

the only thing i can think that would cause this is how your character is a Wyrdling. Career Path option or a consequence?

Wrydling grants you a Psy Rating of 2, Witch Born grants a Psy Rating of 1 (not +1) so you get the best value (2) not the sum.

and Memetix is correct also im not wrong on how Wyrdling works it is slightly confusingly worded though

if you dont have Psy Rating 2 you get it if you have it already you get the next highest rating it doesn't have

am i reading that wrong or does that equal a way to get a psy rating of 9?