Missing 12 heroes from Conversion Kit

By rugal, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

13 hours ago, rugal said:

[Hugo the Glorious]

Found this art for Hugo the glorious , what do you think guys ? (with a bit revised ability)

Comes from Legacy of dragonholt (but this special case, he would really fit as a healer with this look)

That's a pretty good artwork, but I'd consider finding a good miniature first, since in my experience it's easier to find artwork that matches a mini, rather than a mini matching a particilar artwork.
Take the Aurim I posted before as an example. I like the art but I don't know where to find a mini like it.

If this is ment to be for us as a community, making 12 figures in Heroforge might be a bit expensive. :)

6 hours ago, Dadler93 said:

That's a pretty good artwork, but I'd consider finding a good miniature first, since in my experience it's easier to find artwork that matches a mini, rather than a mini matching a particilar artwork.
Take the Aurim I posted before as an example. I like the art but I don't know where to find a mini like it.

If this is ment to be for us as a community, making 12 figures in Heroforge might be a bit expensive. :)

If you buy them as STL and print them using printing services, no, it is not.

6 hours ago, Dadler93 said:

That's a pretty good artwork, but I'd consider finding a good miniature first, since in my experience it's easier to find artwork that matches a mini, rather than a mini matching a particilar artwork.
Take the Aurim I posted before as an example. I like the art but I don't know where to find a mini like it.

If this is ment to be for us as a community, making 12 figures in Heroforge might be a bit expensive. :)

I might use photos of my minis *cough* WHEN *cough* I paint them for some of my project for my purposes :)

As a tip if you don't want to buy a mini for every custom entity you can use any mini you already own- I'm getting less inclined to have dedicated minis for everything going forward* as it does indeed get costly- another idea is make a list of maybes, with costs, then you can think about options and if you do want to buy stuff can then prioritize it and collect it over time (but remembering stuff can sell out so if you really really want it....).

* says somebody with a collection that covers most bases anyway now :)

Of course I'd say it's worth getting these as minis whatever you choose as they're quite key ones to the game.

Edited by Watercolour Dragon
15 hours ago, Dadler93 said:

That's a pretty good artwork, but I'd consider finding a good miniature first, since in my experience it's easier to find artwork that matches a mini, rather than a mini matching a particilar artwork.
Take the Aurim I posted before as an example. I like the art but I don't know where to find a mini like it.

If this is ment to be for us as a community, making 12 figures in Heroforge might be a bit expensive. :)

I'm using this for Hugo:


On 11/23/2020 at 2:30 AM, kbalazsa said:

I guess we just found the last bit of argument against Buldar having two 2 handed Melee weapon. After the interlude he bought a Guardian Axe next to his Bearded Axe. With his abilities (Keen Edge + Bearded Axe) - he could easily have up to 4 pierce +2 damage (thanks to Bearded Axe text) - then he could easily kill then he's got +2 defense against every attack? Sounds a bit broken.

As @Zaltyre mentioned, this isn't correct, so I don't think a fix is needed.

On 11/23/2020 at 2:30 AM, kbalazsa said:

So my current suggestion regarding him is: only one 2-handed weapon should be allowed, and the agreed feat change - attacks allowed against only adjacent monsters. Perhaps +1 Stamina in case he has no 2 handed weapon in (neither of his) hand(s).

Yes, I think add "adjacent monster" + remove "melee" is a good change. I don't think +1 stamina in case he has no 2 handed weapons is needed. I think that's overly complicated. He should just find 2 handed weapons.

On 11/23/2020 at 2:30 AM, kbalazsa said:

My suggestion remains still: remove condition "at the start of your turn" from the feat text. And perhaps +1 Stamina, but with my selected combination (Crusader + Knight), he's pretty well fine with current 3 Stamina (Oath of Honor, Zealous Area, Righteous, Defense training).

I think he just requires some preplanning like @rugal mentioned. I think it's fine to have characters that aren't 100% straightforward to play.

On 11/23/2020 at 2:30 AM, kbalazsa said:

Proposal F: "Once per turn, when a hero within 2 space performs an attack, add 1 Surge to the results."

Still too strong.

Thanks for this, noted.

On 11/23/2020 at 2:30 AM, kbalazsa said:


Proposal G: "Once per turn, when a hero within 2 space performs an attack, and rolls no Surge, add 1 Surge to the results."

We'll test it during our next quest.

Please let us know the results. I also have a report forthcoming about a test I did.

On 11/23/2020 at 2:30 AM, kbalazsa said:


We've tried to hit his Feat but we found it's not working quite well in case it works only with adjacent figure. I'd restore the original Rugal feat version.

Yes, this is the version I've already updated Bogran to. Check out the front page.

On 11/23/2020 at 2:30 AM, kbalazsa said:

I've already started to think on next test round, and I'd like to test Aurim among others. What is the current version of it? Could we agree to use the picture for Aurim from Rugal's version? That was some awesome design.

Please check the front page for the latest version. I keep that updated. As for the image, I'll probably do a poll to decide as a community for the characters that we don't have new art for (Aurim, Hugo, Bogran). But for now the placeholder art is the official FFG art.

Edited by ComtriS

Another playtest session report.

Campaign: Shadows of Nerekhall

Quest: Local Politics Encounter 2 (this is a continuation of my previous report)

Power Level: Epic (Advanced)

Healer: Aurim, Bard

Aurim was not that useful throughout this quest. He had good mobility, which would've been great, but he kept getting hit with Web Trap. The potions didn't prove to be helpful. For one-shot play, he seems perfectly fine the way he is, if not underpowered.

No proposed fix

Warrior: Hugo the Glorious, Raider / Treasure Hunter

Hugo continued to be a solid hero. This version feels good.

No proposed fix

Mage: Landrec the Wise, Necromancer

We now tested the "Proposal A" version of Landrec: "Each time a hero performs an attack and rolls no Surge, add 1 Surge to the results."

This version was much more balanced than any other version previously tested. He still feels slightly on the weak side, so I think it would be good to change his Heroic Feat to 1 surge for +5 damage. I'm worried about this version in Act II though -- it may be a blank ability, as heroes have more dice they will be rolling surges more often. So I think this version of Landrec needs to be tested in Act II.

Again, to summarize:

Version 1.0 (CK): "Each time you perform an attack and roll no Surge, add 1 Surge to the results."

Version 2.0 (bad): "Each time a hero within 3 spaces performs an attack and rolls no Surge, add 1 Surge to the results."

Version 3.0 (broken): "Each time a hero within 2 spaces performs an attack, add 1 Surge to the results."

Version 4.0 (slightly weak in Act 1): "Each time a hero performs an attack and rolls no Surge, add 1 Surge to the results."

Proposal B: "Each time you perform an attack, add 1 Surge to the results."

Proposal C: "Each time an adjacent hero performs an attack, add 1 Surge to the results."

Proposal D : "Each time a hero within 1 space performs an attack, add 1 Surge to the results."

Proposal E: "Once per turn, when a hero within 1 spaces performs an attack, add 1 Surge to the results."

Proposal F: ( @kbalazsa : "too strong"): "Once per turn, when a hero within 2 space performs an attack, add 1 Surge to the results."

Proposal G: "Once per turn, when a hero within 2 space performs an attack, and rolls no Surge, add 1 Surge to the results."

Scout: Kirga, Ravager / Beastmaster

We replaced Stalker in this test, because it just wasn't a problem at all. We tested the new Kirga Feat with the following fixes: "Add a number of fatigue tokens equal to your Speed..." (removed "twice") and "At the end of any figure's activation..." (instead of "at any time").

Kirga felt so much better this way. So much so that I think we should add back the "twice Speed". The real problem was being able to interrupt other figures' movements to move. Doing so at the end of another figure's movement fixes all the problems, but still allows Kirga to do sneaky things. That being said, to bring Kirga's Feat in line with other Feats that do similar things, it really should be "twice Speed".

All that being said, the Hero Ability (can't be targetted) can still be extremely good. And needs to be tested in quests like Shadowfall Mountain. However, I think Kirga is getting close to "done" and feels really good to play.

Edited by ComtriS

Aurim feat allow him to gain and keep 25 gold more per encounter ? Broken ! Just make some easy calculs, you can gain up to 25 to 50 gold per quest, so a grand total to minimum 125 for the interlude to a maximum of 250, not counting the rumors, that can add 25 each. Just by doing nothing ?

Landrec adding surge to all heroes regardless of the within limit, nor limitation is far too strong. I insist, the way he is on the CK is great, just adding him + 1 stamina and moving his feat to "after rolling dice" and he will do real good work as a geomancer, as a runemaster, or do really stupid things as a battlemage. You just want to make heroes stronger and stronger since you use comparision with the better one and "why taking him because him is stronger ?" Then, because the stronger heroes are too much strong and needs nerfs, not all other buff to be compared with

Hugo is nothing interresting to me, but fine, he works that way.

I'm sorry, but the actual Kirga looks like really strange to me : her ability is far too strong, and her feat is a bit strange. Why not using it in the first turn, since it can be used the whole quest after ? So, no tempo, no need to be used at a specific time, and has no chance at all to be stopped since it is neither a move, neither movement points, nothing. There is a trouble here.

Bogran feat has some troubles, I'm actuallly playing it and I put back his feat from the CK since the one I've created had too much troubles. What happens if the monster dies, if the monster goes far away, etc ... The new one I'm thinking about is "Action : place your figure adjacent to another hero and perform an attack"

2 hours ago, rugal said:

Aurim feat allow him to gain and keep 25 gold more per encounter ? Broken ! Just make some easy calculs, you can gain up to 25 to 50 gold per quest, so a grand total to minimum 125 for the interlude to a maximum of 250, not counting the rumors, that can add 25 each. Just by doing nothing ?

Yeah, I think I've been testing Aurim in the wrong situation -- in one-shots instead of campaign play. I really need to test him in a full campaign to see how much the extra gold affects a campaign. However, if you remove the gold generating part (i.e. "put the treasure back when it's used"), I would say he's slightly underpowered.

2 hours ago, rugal said:

Landrec adding surge to all heroes regardless of the within limit, nor limitation is far too strong. I insist, the way he is on the CK is great, just adding him + 1 stamina and moving his feat to "after rolling dice" and he will do real good work as a geomancer, as a runemaster, or do really stupid things as a battlemage. You just want to make heroes stronger and stronger since you use comparision with the better one and "why taking him because him is stronger ?" Then, because the stronger heroes are too much strong and needs nerfs, not all other buff to be compared with

It just seems strong. Have you tried it? In practice, it's fine. I'm trying each of the abilities I've proposed one by one and seeing how it compares to heroes that people actually play. Landrec doesn't have to end up being comparable to the best heroes (Astarra, Quellen), but he should not be trash tier which is what he is currently. Adding +1 stamina and "after rolling dice" -- do you really think that's enough to make him pickable among all the mages? He's still absolutely bottom of the pack and feels extremely bad to play. Name a single hero that variation would be better than. I would still rather choose Kel, Shiver, or Dezra, which are probably the worst Mages other than Landrec.

2 hours ago, rugal said:

I'm sorry, but the actual Kirga looks like really strange to me : her ability is far too strong, and her feat is a bit strange. Why not using it in the first turn, since it can be used the whole quest after ? So, no tempo, no need to be used at a specific time, and has no chance at all to be stopped since it is neither a move, neither movement points, nothing. There is a trouble here.

Again, you need to try this one in practice, which I've been doing now for multiple quests. And yes, the player just ends up using the feat on the first turn. But it's exactly the same as Aurim -- you can use it at the start of your turn, but normally there's no reason to wait. I don't think it's problematic.

2 hours ago, rugal said:

Bogran feat has some troubles, I'm actuallly playing it and I put back his feat from the CK since the one I've created had too much troubles. What happens if the monster dies, if the monster goes far away, etc ... The new one I'm thinking about is "Action : place your figure adjacent to another hero and perform an attack"

This is a good point. What about similar to your proposed abilty, but place your hero token on an adjacent hero's hero sheet? That would then require teamwork to coordinate an attack.

The problem with this other ability you're proposing is when hero teams get split up, Bogran can warp across the entire map, which is not something any hero is ever able to do in the game or should be able to do. If you're going to be able to get 30-40 movement points that should be extremely difficult to do and require multiple pieces to set up, not just one ability.

30 minutes ago, ComtriS said:

Yeah, I think I've been testing Aurim in the wrong situation -- in one-shots instead of campaign play. I really need to test him in a full campaign to see how much the extra gold affects a campaign. However, if you remove the gold generating part (i.e. "put the treasure back when it's used"), I would say he's slightly underpowered.

With the extra gold, he is broken. Without, he is just situationnal and can be really strong using a party with a treasure hunter, Ullma, etc ...

31 minutes ago, ComtriS said:

It just seems strong. Have you tried it? In practice, it's fine. I'm trying each of the abilities I've proposed one by one and seeing how it compares to heroes that people actually play. Landrec doesn't have to end up being comparable to the best heroes (Astarra, Quellen), but he should not be trash tier which is what he is currently. Adding +1 stamina and "after rolling dice" -- do you really think that's enough to make him pickable among all the mages? He's still absolutely bottom of the pack and feels extremely bad to play. Name a single hero that variation would be better than. I would still rather choose Kel, Shiver, or Dezra, which are probably the worst Mages other than Landrec.

I won't, sorry, I don't need to tests when I see at start what is broken or not. Landrec with +1 stamina is fine, and Dezra can be a real threat as a battlemage, Shiver is one of my favourite hero, and Kel can do broken things as necromancer for example. It looks like we do not have the same point of view on good or bad heroes.

33 minutes ago, ComtriS said:

Again, you need to try this one in practice, which I've been doing now for multiple quests. And yes, the player just ends up using the feat on the first turn. But it's exactly the same as Aurim -- you can use it at the start of your turn, but normally there's no reason to wait. I don't think it's problematic.

Then, Aurim too is problematic. Feats should be abilities that are played in a special situation to try to reverse the balance, gain tempo and actions so you can get back in the game, not something that is like a hero ability. You know, sometimes ideas are wrong and it should be abandonned. I did it many many times, and there you are trying to save a bad idea. I leave to you to test Aurim in a full campaign, I played it many times, and he is a problem, so, should be revised.

33 minutes ago, ComtriS said:

This is a good point. What about similar to your proposed abilty, but place your hero token on an adjacent hero's hero sheet? That would then require teamwork to coordinate an attack.

The problem with this other ability you're proposing is when hero teams get split up, Bogran can warp across the entire map, which is not something any hero is ever able to do in the game or should be able to do. If you're going to be able to get 30-40 movement points that should be extremely difficult to do and require multiple pieces to set up, not just one ability.

Then, maybe he was good the way he was in the CK finally. Not all of them should be changed, FFG often kept abilities just rewording some and just adding few things here and here, so maybe he needs nothing. I may go the bad direction, sometimes, ideas are good on paper and not on the game, so, here, my ideas were wrong and needs to be abandonned.

8 hours ago, rugal said:

With the extra gold, he is broken. Without, he is just situationnal and can be really strong using a party with a treasure hunter, Ullma, etc ...

I've been testing Aurim in every playtest session I've run and every one of those sessions has had a treasure hunter in the party. Granted, each of those sessions has been a one-shot (not a campaign), so I don't think I've been properly testing the gold-generating aspect of Aurim, but I've been testing the potion generating aspect quite well. Mok is absolutely a better choice on this criterion alone.

8 hours ago, rugal said:

I won't, sorry, I don't need to tests when I see at start what is broken or not. Landrec with +1 stamina is fine, and Dezra can be a real threat as a battlemage, Shiver is one of my favourite hero, and Kel can do broken things as necromancer for example. It looks like we do not have the same point of view on good or bad heroes.

The point of playtesting is you actually do playtest sessions. You can't just theorize. It's impossible to see exactly how good/bad a character is unless you playtest them in a live session. I also asked what Mages Landrec was better than and you didn't mention any, you just said we have different opinions.

8 hours ago, rugal said:

Then, Aurim too is problematic. Feats should be abilities that are played in a special situation to try to reverse the balance, gain tempo and actions so you can get back in the game, not something that is like a hero ability. You know, sometimes ideas are wrong and it should be abandonned. I did it many many times, and there you are trying to save a bad idea. I leave to you to test Aurim in a full campaign, I played it many times, and he is a problem, so, should be revised.

My point was Aurim was printed with his ability written that way, so there's a precedent for writing an ability that is used once but might as well be used at the start of an encounter. Same with Truthseer Kel's Feat, which may as well be used at the start of the encounter. I'm not "trying to save a bad ability". I've been testing Kirga for a while now and as I've said in quite a few reports she's a great and interesting character, probably the best one out of the 12 in terms of how interesting she is to play.

8 hours ago, rugal said:

Then, maybe he was good the way he was in the CK finally. Not all of them should be changed, FFG often kept abilities just rewording some and just adding few things here and here, so maybe he needs nothing. I may go the bad direction, sometimes, ideas are good on paper and not on the game, so, here, my ideas were wrong and needs to be abandonned.

At this point, I have not tested the ability I've proposed with Bogran at all. So it's hard for me to have much of an opinion. The original CK version is awful though and needs substantial fixes.

1 hour ago, ComtriS said:

I've been testing Aurim in every playtest session I've run and every one of those sessions has had a treasure hunter in the party. Granted, each of those sessions has been a one-shot (not a campaign), so I don't think I've been properly testing the gold-generating aspect of Aurim, but I've been testing the potion generating aspect quite well. Mok is absolutely a better choice on this criterion alone.

A full campaign needs many time ! And again, hopefully I don't play always only the same strongest heroes ... But Mok is not my favourite, by far, Glyr is on top, followed by Jonas . Augur is oftenly saw as a great hero but I don't like him too.

1 hour ago, ComtriS said:

The point of playtesting is you actually do playtest sessions. You can't just theorize. It's impossible to see exactly how good/bad a character is unless you playtest them in a live session. I also asked what Mages Landrec was better than and you didn't mention any, you just said we have different opinions.

As mages, Landrec as he is is a good choice and I'm going to take him next time, but I love playing Jaes even if he always finish as a mage warrior, Shiver is really especially as a Conjurer and I love him, Zyla is one of the best choice of my other players (even if I hate her so much), Astarra is maybe the strongest, but my top choice goes to Mad Carthos and Challara with her pet, top choice !

Landrec is a great mage since mages oftenly needs surges to activates their abilities : as a hexer, he is assured to hex a monster on every attack. As a runemaster, he is assured to be granted the best of his weapon, either by the runemaster base ability or rune surge and with immolation he is a killing machine. Valadir could not do better since Landrec being a mage can use the full class of the mages : a s a geomancer, he also can immobilize at ease, has great chances to use his feat whenever he wants, can activates molten fury, quaking word, etc ... and as a battlemage, he can be a really strong fighter using the knight oath to cancel his bad movement. Seriously, you understimates thoses all.

1 hour ago, ComtriS said:

I've been testing Kirga for a while now and as I've said in quite a few reports she's a great and interesting character, probably the best one out of the 12 in terms of how interesting she is to play.

To your experience. To mine, she is broken the way you changed it and I won't follow that way.

1 hour ago, ComtriS said:

At this point, I have not tested the ability I've proposed with Bogran at all. So it's hard for me to have much of an opinion. The original CK version is awful though and needs substantial fixes.

Maybe not so much ! Nothing really fun or inventive to play, but still strong, finally, especially as an hybrid. So, maybe wanting to change it all is not the good way. His art was ugly, yes, and needed indeed be changed, but maybe no more. I'm testing it right now and the hero ability is a trouble since he does stupid things as a thief with a ranged weapon and his feat is so much of troubles that we finally choose to cancel it all and play it has he was in the CK and finally, if not on top heroes, is still great. But I must admit scouts are my least choice as class and heroes.

On 12/7/2020 at 3:58 AM, ComtriS said:

Yes, this is the version I've already updated Bogran to. Check out the front page.

Which one is the front page? :)

For Bogran we have found the perfect image and figure I believe, thanks to Dadler93

10 hours ago, kbalazsa said:

Which one is the front page? :)

The first page, near the bottom:

10 hours ago, kbalazsa said:

For Bogran we have found the perfect image and figure I believe, thanks to Dadler93

I prefer to use official FFG material wherever possible for consistency. I have the 1E figures for all 12 heroes. I think the art should match these.

18 hours ago, ComtriS said:

I prefer to use official FFG material wherever possible for consistency. I have the 1E figures for all 12 heroes. I think the art should match these.

Yeah but we can do multiple versions as well :)

@Rugal - I mean only the variety for pictures, not for abilities or features :)

Edited by kbalazsa

Made with hero forge, Bogran first, then from left to right Aurim, Landrec, Buldar, Glyr and Tobin

First wave, second to come !

capture png screenshot


Edited by rugal

Rugal, did you buy the stl file and print them yourself or did you directly buy the plastic figures from hero forge ?

1 hour ago, Francesco Lamas said:

Rugal, did you buy the stl file and print them yourself or did you directly buy the plastic figures from hero forge ?

Stl and print them using friends 3d print

Not bad, and it's cool to have a design which matching exactly your design, but I miss those fine details from the figures.

13 hours ago, Francesco Lamas said:

Rugal, did you buy the stl file and print them yourself or did you directly buy the plastic figures from hero forge ?

Stl and print them using friends 3d print

3 hours ago, kbalazsa said:

Not bad, and it's cool to have a design which matching exactly your design, but I miss those fine details from the figures.

They have, maybe the photos are the reason you not see them

On 10/29/2020 at 5:00 AM, ComtriS said:

Resurrecting this thread as I think it's time that we as a community decide what to do about the 12 CK heroes (as FFG never will at this point).

Here's my attempt, keeping @Zaltyre 's changes, and based around @rugal 's work.

I think it makes sense to keep all the numbers unchanged and just try to balance the Hero Ability/Heroic Feat. Please let me know what you think of this set below.

Brother Glyr: unchanged from @Zaltyre 's version

FFG CK abilities:

Hero Ability: In addition to your 2 actions on your turn, you always receive 2 movement points.

Heroic Feat: Use at the start of your turn to recover all Fatigue. Until the start of your next turn, each time you suffer 1 or more Heart, you suffer 1 fewer Heart, to a minimum of 0.


Red Scorpion: Unchanged from @Zaltyre 's version

FFG CK abilities:

Hero Ability: At the end of your turn, you may suffer 1 Fatigue to recover 1 Heart, or suffer 1 Heart to recover 1 Fatigue.

Heroic Feat: Use when you are attacked to force the attacking monster to reroll some or all of the attack dice (you choose which dice). The new results must be applied.


Mad Carthos: Unchanged from @Zaltyre 's version

FFG CK abilities:

Hero Ability: Once per turn, when you use a skill that costs 1 Fatigue, reduce the cost to 0 Fatigue.

Heroic Feat: Action: Perform an attack with a Magic weapon. This attack deals +3 Heart.


Varikas the Dead: Unchanged from @Zaltyre 's version

FFG CK abilities:

Hero Ability: At the start of your turn, recover 1 Fatigue.

Heroic Feat: Use at the start of your turn if you are knocked out. Recover all Heart and Fatigue. You may still perform 2 actions this turn.


Laughin Buldar : unchanged from @rugal 's version.

FFG CK abilities:

Hero Ability: You may treat 1 of your equipped Melee weapons as if it only had 1 hand icon (even if it has 2 hand icons).

Heroic Feat: Use as your entire activation to perform 3 attack actions. If you do, you cannot move this turn, not even by suffering Fatigue.


Hugo the Glorious : similar to FFG's CK version. Small tweak to the Hero Ability to allow all defense dice to reroll. This is also the one case where I'd like to change stats a little bit; thinking about changing the health to 14.

FFG CK abilities:

Hero Ability: If you do not move this round, you may reroll 1 of your defense dice each time you are attacked.

Heroic Feat: Use at the start of your turn. Double the Heart on your attack roll for each attack you perform this turn.


Hugo with the proposed change to Healer:


Aurim: Similar to FFG's version. Tweak to the Heroic Feat to improve consistency -- now keeps drawing search cards until he finds a potion. Makes his Hero Ability always useful, and makes him less capable of being a gold generator for the hero team.

FFG CK abilities:

Hero Ability: Each time you use a Potion, you and each hero adjacent to you are affected.

Heroic Feat: Use at the start of your turn to draw a Search card.


Bogran the Shadow: Similar to @rugal 's change. Increase Pierce to 2. And change Heroic Feat to target adjacent.

FFG CK abilities:

Hero Ability: Each time you attack a monster adjacent to another hero, your attack gains +1 Heart

Heroic Feat: Action: Perform an attack, then place a hero token in your space and remove your figure from the map. At the start of your next turn, replace the hero token with your figure.


Eliam : Similar to @rugal 's change. Kept the Heroic Feat. New Hero Ability.

FFG CK abilities:

Hero Ability: While you have 2 Melee weapons equipped, each time you attack an adjacent monster and do not roll an X, deal 1 Heart to one other monster adjacent to you.

Heroic Feat: Use at the end of your turn. Until the start of your next turn, each time you are attacked by an adjacent monster, you may suffer 1 Fatigue to attack that monster before it rolls its attack dice.


Kirga : Combination of FFG's version and @rugal 's version. Kept FFG's Heroic Feat, used @rugal 's Heroic Feat as a Hero Ability and made it weaker. Might have to add something like "You do not block line of sight".

FFG CK abilities:

Hero Ability: A monster may only target you with an attack if there are no other heroes closer to that monster and in its line of sight.

Heroic Feat: Use during another figure's activation to immediately perform a move action. You may not interrupt another player's action unless it is a move action.


Kirga with the proposed change to Mage:


Landrec the Wise : Similar to @rugal 's. Improved the Hero Ability.

FFG CK abilities:

Hero Ability: Each time you attack and do not roll at least 1 Surge, gain 1 Surge.

Heroic Feat: Use when performing an attack, before rolling dice. This attack gains: Surge Surge: +5 Heart


Tobin Farslayer : Similar to FFG's version. Slight improvement to Hero Ability. Added the option for +2 Range.

FFG CK abilities:

Hero Ability: Each of your attacks that targets a monster that is at least 3 spaces away from you gains: Surge: +2 Heart

Heroic Feat: Use after attacking a monster that is at least 5 spaces away from you (after attack dice are rolled) to deal +3 Heart to that monster.


Updated a bunch of these with changes we've been discussing: Kirga, Landrec, Laughin, Bogran, Aurim.

On 12/8/2020 at 3:22 PM, ComtriS said:

I prefer to use official FFG material wherever possible for consistency. I have the 1E figures for all 12 heroes. I think the art should match these.

Except when you don't :)

Buldar looks different, even Aurim has lost his beard.

Edited by kbalazsa
16 hours ago, kbalazsa said:

Except when you don't :)

Buldar looks different, even Aurim has lost his beard.

Not sure if you're trolling or not. I would absolutely prefer to use official FFG material like I said. The Buldar art I'm currently using was commissioned by FFG and done by Jordan Kerbow (who's done a lot of other Descent artwork) I believe specifically for Buldar -- not sure how you can get more official than that. Aurim is the official artwork from the artist that was used for Aurim CK, except there must have been two different versions because as you said it's missing the beard. If you can find high quality artwork of Aurim with the beard I would be happy to replace it.

No I'm not trolling. In fact I admire your work here as well as Rugal's to keep the inspiration ongoing. But both of you are here not just only to share but to receive feedbacks as well. And sometimes I have the feelings that you're not really opened for those inputs. I will keep testing and share my thoughts nevertheless as really enjoy to try out these ideas and play with these new alternated versions.

I can't wait to finish the current campaign with the Glyr/Buldar/Landrec/Bogran team then start a new one right away. At the end I hope we can make a deal to have an alternated design available for at least Aurim as the original one is still horrible (and I don't know, and not willing to learn how to do it).

6 minutes ago, kbalazsa said:

No I'm not trolling. In fact I admire your work here as well as Rugal's to keep the inspiration ongoing. But both of you are here not just only to share but to receive feedbacks as well. And sometimes I have the feelings that you're not really opened for those inputs.

And you may be right. I will try to be more opened, but sometimes, opinions may vary. For Aurim's art, we are agree :)