Core set news for UK players - 22 December, £8.99

By RobertIain, in CoC General Discussion

Donald said:

What about the 10 new story cards? When new cards came out, the old ones were not usable for organized play. I did bring this up during play testing and suggested sending sets of stories with the prize kits for players to use. We'll have to wait and see if my suggestion is used.

Thats under the assumption that you'll want to be playing competatively in tournaments. Most of the players I have met don't. They play for fun with friends.

Even without that, I still think that the new LCG starter is meant for the new players. If established players buy it, its a bonus for FFG,

The established player has no alternative. He purchases the core or stops playing. There are an infinitesimally small 22 stories in the game. You just can't ignore ten new ones. Tournament or not, the new ten are a must. You may love your old sneakers, but eventually you replace them, especially with something new and exciting and different. Sure you break the old shoes out once in a while. But a cthulhu card game cultist has to have the new stories available to play, if not outright owned. One wonders how the cycle will proceed. I guess two expansions (12 AP) before the second core with new stories need be purchased. First Julia Brown. Then Leroy Brown.

johnny shoes said:

The established player has no alternative. He purchases the core or stops playing. There are an infinitesimally small 22 stories in the game. You just can't ignore ten new ones. Tournament or not, the new ten are a must. You may love your old sneakers, but eventually you replace them, especially with something new and exciting and different. Sure you break the old shoes out once in a while. But a cthulhu card game cultist has to have the new stories available to play, if not outright owned. One wonders how the cycle will proceed. I guess two expansions (12 AP) before the second core with new stories need be purchased. First Julia Brown. Then Leroy Brown.

I'm not saying that established players shouldn't buy it, I'm stating who I think the new starter set was aimed at.

Perhaps there's a big jump in complexity or cost in fixing text that has been corrected in the FAQ. I picture pulling the file for the cards chosen and reprinting to the new card format to be by comparison straight forward. Editing the collectors information seems similarly straight forward. Perhaps extracting further into the card is a more formidable formatting task.

The FAQ format is in place already for continued use. This I actually find comforting. It connects the two formats. Corrected cards could even cause more trouble. The next FAQ wouldn't have a shorter list of errata cards. It would need have those still not reprinted in core. It'd need to have the black border errata cards of those reprinted in core that still need be formally addressed as in error or banned, and those reprinted and fixed in core as comparison.

I still would have liked to see the errors updated. It just would have been cool. I haven't yet compiled the list in discussion. I hope nyarlazorbec adds the core cards for filtering purposes (such as these).

johnny shoes said:

Perhaps there's a big jump in complexity or cost in fixing text that has been corrected in the FAQ.

For what I reckon, if the older cards are kept in a decent format, not really, besides the man hours (In this case they would have been very low) used to correct the text (as in bkspace, bkspace, bkspace, text text text) and some formatting due to changed lengths.

I could do with a little advice from some of the long term players.

I got into this game by buying a cheap ($36 aus) box of unspeakable tales.

I quickly noticed a lot of cards have day/night effects, but there were very few cards that actually caused it to be day or night.

Does this core set contain any cards that will cause it to be day or night?

Also for the longer term players, did many actual decks use day/night or did it turn out to be a poor strategy that gets little or no use?

dedindahed said:

Also for the longer term players, did many actual decks use day/night or did it turn out to be a poor strategy that gets little or no use?

There was very cool Miscatonic deck running on night/day cards. But I know only one such deck.

What is strange for me in new rules, is that there can be (at the same time) day and night. Cool weather they have in Arkham :D

Dusk & Dawn ....

Veross said:

What is strange for me in new rules, is that there can be (at the same time) day and night. Cool weather they have in Arkham :D

See this article . ;)

"Eldritch moved out of Arkham and the story became global, also allowing it to be day and night at the same time."


Ofcourse, the rules about this aren't 100% accurate as printed; It's not the subtype that changes it to day or night, but the text "It is day" or "it is night" on cards with those subtypes.

I always found that the day/night mechanic was a support to a deck rather than the focus of one. Nightmare Hours and To See Another Day are cards that still regularly make an appearance among local decks here, for example.

Only reason not to reprint with proper errattas is if they cycle out all the old cards so that the erratta dont matter anymore. I been gone a while so I thought I would comment. I am done with this game!

Dwnhmcntryboy said:

Only reason not to reprint with proper errattas is if they cycle out all the old cards so that the erratta dont matter anymore. I been gone a while so I thought I would comment. I am done with this game!

what? i agree a rotation will likely happen at some point, but minus the fact there are no domains, i think the coreset relaunch is pretty good. you shouldnt quit the game.