Multiplayer Fleet Battle Play by Post

By LTD, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

I’ll process after the Sun rises.

It’s the winter solstice, so that could be some time...

Just now, LTD said:

I’ll process after the Sun rises.

It’s the winter solstice, so that could be some time...

At least it rises there during the solstice

As a QLDer living in exile, it does not rise soon enough.

That's quite a traffic jam.

2 hours ago, Bertie Wooster said:

That's quite a traffic jam.

Time to detour right through those ISDs.

@idjmv This is your time to shine! Can you shake Premonition for me?

@LTD Did every ship that overlapped last turn get a damage card?

Edited by Bertie Wooster

Bertie - they took damage but may not have taken a physical card. Only your ISDs collided if I recall correctly.

Waiting on @clontroper5 and @idjmv

1 hour ago, LTD said:

Only your ISDs collided if I recall correctly.


5 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:


@LTD can i have an 8 hour extension, if it needs to come down to that?

I’m loathe to give an extension to a game that has no deadlines...

On 6/22/2019 at 9:30 AM, Bertie Wooster said:

@idjmv This is your time to shine! Can you shake Premonition for me?

@idjmv When you have the chance to do orders, can you shoot Premonition out of your side arc and add some black dice? It's harassing my ISDs.

1 hour ago, Bertie Wooster said:

@idjmv When you have the chance to do orders, can you shoot Premonition out of your side arc and add some black dice? It's harassing my ISDs.

will do

@LTD there seems to be a mistake with my ship "Odin".

It was supposed to slow down to Speed 2 and turn in towards the bottom edge.

Sorry - playing Armada so I could not process. Tomorrow!


I’m mostly processed. I’ll post results and start turn 6 in a few hours.

@LTD it looks like my gladiator (Spartacus) went strait when it was supposed to have turned to its right.

(I bring this up because I believe it is set to run off the board now...)

How much hull does that ISD have left?


Yes, good point. I will fix this.

1 hour ago, The Jabbawookie said:

How much hull does that ISD have left?


4 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:

How much hull does that ISD have left?

Not enough