[BLOG] Tales of the Silver Ace

By Eruletho, in X-Wing Battle Reports

4 hours ago, Eruletho said:

For those who are curious, here's the post . Let me know what you think!

I think that if you are going to broadcast the names, lists, and strats of all my locals, I should be cautious! When I finally return to Epic for a kit tourney, I'd better field something out of character or janky!

On 9/10/2019 at 8:19 PM, player3010587 said:

I think that if you are going to broadcast the names, lists, and strats of all my locals, I should be cautious!

I've thought about this quite a bit when I started the blog, actually, and came to a middle-ground with it. Anything that's an actual tournament (regardless of fees or prizes, if it's presented as a "tournament" instead of a "game night / casual / practice / meet-up") gets the full lists that I play against posted, anything that isn't (see above) doesn't. My next article, for example, is a casual night at 513 that won't have lists posted.

I don't want to spoil any secret lists that anyone is working on to bring to events. I personally know the benefit of coming out of left field with an unexpected list and it doing well (top 8 with Chewie and 2 X-Wings at my first regionals being an example,) and my goal is never to ruin anyone's chances (except the person I'm presently paired against!) That said, anything advertised as a tournament is usually approached with a somewhat competitive mind-set, even fun local events. Individual upgrades on a ship also key into the strategy I use against them pretty often (taking green tokens over locks against crew Vader, or staying out of that Ketsu's range 1 front arc at all costs,) and feel like the articles about tournaments would suffer from the loss of the full lists each round.

Even when it's pertinent to the strategy I used in the game, I still try to shy away from posting anything more specific than the pilots used in the "practice" articles. Sometimes this works well (double Decimator, Jedi/Imp aces) and sometimes this ends up revealing most or all of the list anyway (any swarm.) This mentality is why I have the 2 different categories for batreps on my blog (though I've been looking for a better name than practice games... Maybe Casual?)

Speaking of that next article, I got in a few casual games with the guys down at 513 in Cincinnati, and ended up leaving with some sweet stress tokens for it! As for my list, I went with Kenobi and Mace, escorting Palpatine in an ARC, to moderate success. I will never fly this exact list again, but it was a great learning experience for me, confirming my suspicions about Palpatine and showing me what Mace Windu is potentially capable of. Let me know what you think!

So, my best use of Palp (Republic) has been with Ric and sense Anakin 7B. Similar strategies of Jerry rigging Supernatural Reflexes, especially on a chassis that can get force starved quickly. But with that I6, it does go a bit further than with lower inits.

But keep in mind that my best Republic play is sub par. I spend far too much time with FO and then a bit of empire.

13 hours ago, player3010587 said:

So, my best use of Palp (Republic) has been with Ric and sense Anakin 7B. Similar strategies of Jerry rigging Supernatural Reflexes, especially on a chassis that can get force starved quickly. But with that I6, it does go a bit further than with lower inits.

I think that is probably the best use of Palp in the faction. Until Republic gets another coordinator, Palp is our only option, but he's an expensive and limited one. Only an ARC and R2-D2s Y-Wing can take him, and they both have better things to be doing. Maybe if the next wave reveals a LAAT, we'll get something better...

43 minutes ago, Eruletho said:

I think that is probably the best use of Palp in the faction. Until Republic gets another coordinator, Palp is our only option, but he's an expensive and limited one. Only an ARC and R2-D2s Y-Wing can take him, and they both have better things to be doing. Maybe if the next wave reveals a LAAT, we'll get something better...

Tbh, there is no immediate need for coordinate in Republic, so it's ok atm. What I want for Republic design space is a non-jenga tower use for Synchronized Console: it's a great card, but atm, it's just a weaker version of the already passable Targeting Synchronizer. Specifically, if Republic gets a ship with BOTH the sensor and the mod slot...oh lawd. Lock, fcs, pass, repeat. Not a means of pouring points to prime munition chains, but a general squad buff.

Finally got around to writing about my weekend in Annapolis, MD. It... didn't go very well for me. Maybe reading about it will be better for you!

16 hours ago, Eruletho said:

Finally got around to writing about my weekend in Annapolis, MD. It... didn't go very well for me. Maybe reading about it will be better for you!

I've really enjoyed reading about that squad, so much so that I may take it to a HST of my own next weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.

18 hours ago, MortalPlague said:

I've really enjoyed reading about that squad, so much so that I may take it to a HST of my own next weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.

If it's the one in Gardner, MA, we may end up in a mirror match!

1 hour ago, Eruletho said:

If it's the one in Gardner, MA, we may end up in a mirror match!

As fun as that would be, I'm in Vancouver, Canada. :)

I'm hoping to post up a longer report later, but I went 4 - 1 and made top 8 at a small Hyperspace tourney. :)

On 10/6/2019 at 3:41 AM, MortalPlague said:

I'm hoping to post up a longer report later, but I went 4 - 1 and made top 8 at a small Hyperspace tourney. :)

Looking forward to reading it!

Until then, here's my report from the Gardner, MA HST. It's possibly the last blogged outing for the Circus for a while, but it's a good one!

Thanks for the writeups, Eruletho -- the Circus is a fascinating squad. A question about your obstacle choices -- with this many ships, I might expect small rocks or gas clouds, yet it seems like you chose medium-large rocks and debris. For that matter, I see a similar choice from your TIE Swarm opponent in the top 4. What's your thinking behind picking those obstacles?

On 11/12/2019 at 6:31 PM, QQMoore said:

Thanks for the writeups, Eruletho -- the Circus is a fascinating squad. A question about your obstacle choices -- with this many ships, I might expect small rocks or gas clouds, yet it seems like you chose medium-large rocks and debris. For that matter, I see a similar choice from your TIE Swarm opponent in the top 4. What's your thinking behind picking those obstacles?

Sorry this took so long to get back to - I've been on a bit of a forced hiatus. I chose the largest obstacles I had available - I've lost my Force Awakens huge asteroid - because I feel like I can fly around them with relative ease. Rather than approach as a swarm, I tend to treat my squad as 3 separate elements, and the larger obstacles help to hem in my opponents between those elements. It's fairly easy to duck between 3 TIEs and the mustache rock, but another thing entire to dodge the largest asteroid in the game and my close-in TIEs. Justin actually went the traditional route with 3 of the smallest available obstacles, but the squad placement and engagements both games took us to my choices instead of his (you can see his small rock is marked by a blue sticker in one of the top 4 game's images.)

Edited by Eruletho

I'm back! I finally got in a few solid rounds of X-Wing over the last couple of weeks, and will be documenting them as before. My return to the competitive scene happened at 513 Gaming in Cincinnati, Ohio, with a newly modified version of the classic Circus. Check it out , and let me know what you think!

Fresh on the heels of my last Tournament report comes another Travelling Circus. This time, I'm in sunny Florida, at an awesome store in Melbourne, Florida called Get Your Fun On. If you want to see how Fel and his friends fare against even more unexpected lists than last time, then give it a read and let me know what you think!

More than a little overdue, this post is regarding a Hyperspace event that happened before all Corona broke loose in the U.S., on the 7th of March. The First Order's finest aces take on various other factions in an attempt to prove their superiority, and they don't do half-bad. Read it here , and as always, let me know what you think!