Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Val will use the Second Wind talent to recover 1 strain as an incidental. Then take 3 strain to move up to short range of the PQ and use Frenzied Attack to upgrade his Melee check, which will be the Whip.

http:// Avg Melee Check/Opposing Destiny : 3eP+1eA+1eD+1eC 2 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph p-a.png p-tr.png p-s-a.png a-a.png d-th.png c--.png

Holy Macaroons! :D

He will use the two Advantage to Ensnare (1) her. That's a Hard Athletics or Coordination check (action) to break free.

Dmg: 8 (whip 1+ Brawn, Feral Strength (2), 2 Success)

the Triumph I will Crit with the Whip:

http:// Crit : 1d100 48

48 + Lethal Blows (1): 58

Agonizing wound (+1 difficulty to Brawn/Agility Checks until end of encounter)

I will post in IC a little later as I'm tied up for the rest of the morning.

Hang on! Made a boo boo. Forgot her defence and adversary 2. I'll roll the additional setback and additional red?

@CloudyLemonade92 The Pirate Queen is Adversary 2, Defense 1, so I will need you to roll 1eC+1eS. You can keep the rest of the roll, including the purple, as I had also indicated that I would be Upgrading attacks vs PQ with destiny flips. Great roll- I hope it still works well for you, and of course the Triumph can’t cancel out.

Just now, CloudyLemonade92 said:

Hang on! Made a boo boo. Forgot her defence and adversary 2. I'll roll the additional setback and additional red?

Good catch! That’s it.

Adversary/Setback : 1eS+1eC 1 failure, 1 threat
s--.png c-f-th.png

So that brings the roll to one success (Triumph) and 1 Advantage. I'll drop the Crit and use it to ensnare her as I feel it may be more valuable. And recover 1 strain with the extra Adv.

That brings the dmg down to 7.

Too good to be true! :D ah well, I was super happy for a second.

5 minutes ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

I'll drop the Crit and use it to ensnare her as I feel it may be more valuable.

That’ll work! PQ is now Immobilized until the end of next turn.

Forgot something else. Before Val runs to attack. I'd like him to order half the Troopers to move to medium range of the PQ and open up with one round of attacks. The other half to wait for Agent Ostells orders.

I understand if not, I should of stated it earlier.

14 minutes ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

Before Val runs to attack. I'd like him to order half the Troopers to move to medium range of the PQ and open up with one round of attacks. The other half to wait for Agent Ostells orders.

Ok. Troopers armed with blasters move forward, but miss with 1 Advantage, to pass a Boost on which Briar or the other 4 stormtroopers can use. @Imperial Stormtrooper

@Edgehawk is there a size limit with the Bind power?

Is there a console close enough to me where I could close the hanger doors?

Oh, and is the phantom trying to do stuff in the hanger, as a player I don't want to lock @bsmith23 out of the encounter.

38 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Is there a console close enough to me where I could close the hanger doors?

Oh, and is the phantom trying to do stuff in the hanger, as a player I don't want to lock @bsmith23 out of the encounter.

No, I'll take care of stuff outside

48 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

@Edgehawk is there a size limit with the Bind power?

As in Silhouette? Think it just says “target” without specifying size, though magnitude increases number of targets effected. You mean to Bind the fighter? Not sure it works that way, but I’ll look into it.

34 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Is there a console close enough to me where I could close the hanger doors?

Yes! There is a console at the base of the stairwell, which could seal the hangar level from the levels above, or close the hangar bay doors. You should note that the launch pad from the forward part of the hangar actually goes up to the main deck, then out the forward part of the ship from there. You could pick to close any one of them (Avg Computers) or initiate an emergency protocol which would close all of them (Hard Computers w/ a Setback for not being stationed on a Destroyer previously).

Just now, Edgehawk said:

As in Silhouette? Think it just says “target” without specifying size, though magnitude increases number of targets effected. You mean to Bind the fighter? Not sure it works that way, but I’ll look into it.

Given the wording and various discussions on the forum, pretty sure it is restricted to droids/creatures/sentient species given Wounds/Strain and the opposed Discipline check that is sometimes required.

14 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

Yes! There is a console at the base of the stairwell, which could seal the hangar level from the levels above, or close the hangar bay doors. You should note that the launch pad from the forward part of the hangar actually goes up to the main deck, then out the forward part of the ship from there. You could pick to close any one of them (Avg Computers) or initiate an emergency protocol which would close all of them (Hard Computers w/ a Setback for not being stationed on a Destroyer previously).

Is there a chance that the fighter would escape through forward exit on its next turn if I only close the hanger door, or is it too far?

Also, would code-breaker apply to the emergency protocol check, since it might involve codes that I don't have?

1 minute ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Is there a chance that the fighter would escape through forward exit on its next turn if I only close the hanger door, or is it too far?

Also, would code-breaker apply to the emergency protocol check, since it might involve codes that I don't have?

Yes and yes. There is the chance the fighter could escape this turn; and Codebreaker can apply.

Ok, then the emergency protocol is normal with no setbacks after Codebreaker. Here goes nothing.

Emergency Protocol : 3eP+1eA+2eD 1 success, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
p-s.png p--.png p-tr.png a-a.png d-f-th.png d-th.png

Yay! Can the triumph make it so that the protocol is in place until I end it, or is that too much?

3 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Ok, then the emergency protocol is normal with no setbacks after Codebreaker. Here goes nothing.

Emergency Protocol : 3eP+1eA+2eD 1 success, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
p-s.png p--.png p-tr.png a-a.png d-f-th.png d-th.png

Yay! Can the triumph make it so that the protocol is in place until I end it, or is that too much?

You could still roll a boost. Or use it with the Troopers awaiting your orders :)

Can the troopers shoot the astromech and kill it, I doubt the girl can pilot the ship.

10 minutes ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

You could still roll a boost. Or use it with the Troopers awaiting your orders :)

Oh, I forgot about them and the boost. :lol: What weapons do the troopers have?

1 minute ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Oh, I forgot about them and the boost. :lol: What weapons do the troopers have?


Okay @Imperial Stormtrooper , @CloudyLemonade92 ’s troopers were actually the ones with ranged weapons. With Briar, one has @bsmith23 ’s sidearm, two have vibroknives, and one is still unarmed. And they’re all running around in their underwear (black bodysuits, basically). There are now a few blasters and other weapons lying around, that they could appropriate.

The astromech is not line-of-sight from most of the hangar at this point, but someone from the Pirate Queen’s position at the fore end of the hangar would be Medium range to the ship/droid.

Triumph can’t completely lock down the system, as the droid will be trying to slice in, but it can Upgrade the difficulty of the attempt (which will already be Daunting).

Could I bind the Droid so that if the ship moves the droid doesn't, ripping it's pilot out of the ship? @Edgehawk

27 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Could I bind the Droid so that if the ship moves the droid doesn't, ripping it's pilot out of the ship? @Edgehawk

Upon consulting the oracle that is this forum, I am inclined to permit Bind on droids, against my initial thoughts on the subject. So you could Bind the droid... but doing so against the momentum of even a small fighter, moving slowly, might be an issue. This astromech is a “plot-important rival” in this scene, and not a minion, but I am not sure how to oppose the check?

There's one pirate left near the stairs right? Can I order them to pick up the blasters and fire on the last pirate?

Edited by Imperial Stormtrooper