Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Ok so can I get to where the girl is going before her?

12 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Ok so can I get to where the girl is going before her?


Cool so Do I post something in IC? Is there a Roll?

6 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Cool so Do I post something in IC? Is there a Roll?

You may narrate extricating yourself from the tunnel, and making your way to the encampment platform. No roll needed.

I would like to head for the area around the tunnel exit, so long as things seem to be handled with the airspeeder crews. While keeping an eye out for anything else that has been missed. Should I roll something, or just post IC?

2 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

I would like to head for the area around the tunnel exit, so long as things seem to be handled with the airspeeder crews. While keeping an eye out for anything else that has been missed. Should I roll something, or just post IC?

You can just post. I’ll post in the morning.

Anyone who wants can be on or covering the encampment platform. The massiff knocked the Lt.Cdr. over and has her throat in its jaws, exerting dominance/ensuring submission. The girl is unmasked and has no weapons in hand. She is moving toward the part of the platform where the banthas are kept. Some remain tethered, but one appears to be seriously injured, pinned beneath the wrecked wing of an airspeeder. I don’t think we need to roll initiative? The girl and massiff have already acted, and the party faces no impediments to acting as it sees fit.

Evon stays, it seems more fit for him to tend the soldiers and rounding up the prisoners

Where is the massif in relation to the girl?

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Where is the massif in relation to the girl?

Close. Guarding her. It seems to know she needs help, and will permit approach, if made in a non-hostile manner.

Any immediate goals to take care of, or screen wipe/narration/RP?

The Girl needs healing.

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Any immediate goals to take care of, or screen wipe/narration/RP?

Of fairly immediate concern is the ultimatum issued, regarding the Intrepid and its officers and crew. An hour was given to hand over the girl and the Twi’lek prisoner.

Just now, Edgehawk said:

Of fairly immediate concern is the ultimatum issued, regarding the Intrepid and its officers and crew. An hour was given to hand over the girl and the Twi’lek prisoner.

Whoops! I was trying to remember that Hale didn't know that, so I ended up forgetting it OOC! :P

That's just how good I am at staying in character... :D

It hasn't come up IC yet, so when do the rest of us find out about the message?

@Rimsen The girl is at her wound threshold (collapse was more narrative- she is semi-conscious); an Average med check will suffice to bring her around a bit.

Treating the girl : 2eP+2eA+1eB+2eD 3 successes, 2 advantage
p--.png p-a-a.png a-s.png a-s-a.png b-s.png d-th.png d--.png

Boost for the medpac, and she is healed for 3 wounds and 2 strain plus 3 wounds for surgeon.

@Edgehawk I know there is a talent for this (one that I don't have), but could I make a knowledge check to see if I'm familiar with the design of the Intrepid?

For reference:

Known Schematic: Once per session, may perform the Known Schematic maneuver; make a Hard Knowledge (Education) check to gain familiarity with a building or ship’s design.

On 1/8/2020 at 2:07 PM, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

For reference:

Known Schematic: Once per session, may perform the Known Schematic maneuver; make a Hard Knowledge (Education) check to gain familiarity with a building or ship’s design.

I've got that on my tree, just not purchased yet. Maybe I could assist with a boost as well?

4 hours ago, bsmith23 said:

I've got that on my tree, just not purchased yet. Maybe I could assist with a boost as well?

On 1/8/2020 at 2:07 PM, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Known Schematic: Once per session, may perform the Known Schematic maneuver; make a Hard Knowledge (Education) check to gain familiarity with a building or ship’s design.

It is an Imperial ship, an Adze-class Patrol Destroyer, and Briar would have clearance to access schematics for it. Also, Evon was serving aboard the Intrepid until he was sent down to join the task force, and is familiar with the inside of the ship. Something like this, if you need to look at something, though I think it needs another deck in the superstructure beneath the bridge for officer staterooms and lounge.

The Intrepid is currently out of sensor range, but either the Stormcrow or the Phantom could venture into the Stratosphere to see what other ships might be involved. Average Perception or Computers, though you may choose to make a Hard or Daunting check, which could provide additional intelligence.

Tick-tock. For dramatic/movie feel, I’m not going to be too strict about what can be accomplished within this 1 hour deadline, but I’m going to say at least 10-15 minutes have probably elapsed since the ultimatum was given.

I'll do that. I'll take the Phantom up in stealth mode and recon. I can't use the comms cloaked, so...

28 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

I'll do that. I'll take the Phantom up in stealth mode and recon. I can't use the comms cloaked, so...

Can’t use scanners in Active mode either, while stealthed; but Passive sensors would at least pick up the number and size of any ships, maybe what type. Approaching to allow passive sensors to work will be a Simple (-) Computers check, but there is the possibility the sorority fleet could spot you.

In case it's not clear, Den is saying basically 3 go onto the ship to get eyes on the prisoners and traitor leader. Then we can use trackers (or comms if possible) to alert the others where they are, and they can get straight to the objectives SAS style. Ideally we can try smuggle some weapons in as well. It's not necessarily a good plan, but it's Den's plan.