Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

9 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Well, if worst comes to worst, I've still got my stabby things!

Make a Hard Leadership or Negotiation check. Give yourself a Boost for the offer you made.

Hoo boy. Let's see how this goes...

Leadership : 2eA+1eB+3eD 1 failure, 2 threat
a--.png a-s.png b--.png d-th.png d-f-f.png d-th.png

Aww... That was predictable, but still...

Can I get a description, or targets or something @Edgehawk I'm a bit lost at to what you're expecting and don't want to make up my own stuff in your campaign.

1 hour ago, SithArissa said:

Can I get a description, or targets or something @Edgehawk I'm a bit lost at to what you're expecting and don't want to make up my own stuff in your campaign.

You already described sandstone hovels on the encampment platform, so go with that; they are built into the wall of the crater. As for numbers, you saw a dozen or so Tuskens when you arrived. There are five banthas roaming free on the platform outside the dwellings. There is no sign of the massifs at present. You have Initiative, but they are wary, and you spy activity at the rifle slits in the huts.

Going to Aim then take a Fullauto shot at the hovels in a spread.

: 1eB+1eP+2eA+3eD 3 successes, 1 threat
b--.png p-s-s.png a-s-s.png a-s.png d-th.png d-f.png d-f.png

Assumed just 2 difficulty and another for the fullauto. Will let you Ok everything before putting up an IC @Edgehawk

15 hours ago, SithArissa said:

Assumed just 2 difficulty and another for the fullauto. Will let you Ok everything before putting up an IC

Close Range + auto fire = 2 Difficulty.

3 dmg + 4 net Successes = 70 dmg.

The sandstone hovels grant some visual cover and concealment, but provide no appreciable defense against weapons of this scale; your walker’s auto-blasters basically go right through the walls, perforating the occupants inside. There is still some movement inside, but you judge your opening salvo has turned this into a mopping-up action.

edit to add: Just take a Strain for the Threat, and work it into the narration of you can. @SithArissa

Edited by Edgehawk

So what do we see from the submarine? The walker stopped, still marching on?

1 hour ago, Rimsen said:

So what do we see from the submarine? The walker stopped, still marching on?

Still plodding along at its relatively slower rate. You would see them allow Hale to board.

Apologies all, for not keeping up with the pace I set for this game, this past week. The weekend got away from me, but I’ll get something up Wednesday at the latest. Take 5xp to spend while you wait.

1 hour ago, Edgehawk said:

Apologies all, for not keeping up with the pace I set for this game, this past week. The weekend got away from me, but I’ll get something up Wednesday at the latest. Take 5xp to spend while you wait.

We amused ourselves in IC :D

Dont think i spent the lat 15 exp?

Edited by SithArissa
4 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Dont think i spent the lat 15 exp?

Well you don’t have to take it, if you don’t want to. 😛

Think I'm going to save up for the moment.

Me too.

4 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Well you don’t have to take it, if you don’t want to. 😛

I'm asking if I did.

31 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

I'm asking if I did.

I don’t track individual xp, and don’t really know whether you spent it or not. Please track “Total XP” on your swsheet, as well as any unspent experience as “Available XP.”

Edit to add: Total xp should be starting xp +85, keeping in mind that your second starting spec was free.

Edited by Edgehawk

Added Reflect for 5 exp

@Imperial Stormtrooper Is Briar participating in either of the two ongoing actions (submersible rescue gone awry, or razing of the encampment)? It is perfectly fine if she is not- just want to know what she is up to for when I post. Unless she is excruciatingly slow at donning her armor, she should be garbed and ready for action at present.

I am saving too.

Sorry, I've been rather busy of late. She would probably be in the submarine, hoping to determine if any of the troopers there were working with Fitzsimmons, or know anything useful.

@Edgehawk I've went through the thread and I believe I have 20 EXP. Does that sound right to you? Don't want to spend what I don't have like some kind of tramp Power gamer.

19 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

@Edgehawk I've went through the thread and I believe I have 20 EXP. Does that sound right to you? Don't want to spend what I don't have like some kind of tramp Power gamer.

Go with it. I don’t remember you spending the last xp on anything, and a quick look at your sheet seems to confirm as much.

I'll take solid repairs on my way to getting dedication then.

Shipwright isn't on oggdudes afaik so keeping track has been difficult.

Edited by SithArissa

Can we identify that tapping? Is it some kind of code, message? Maybe Knowledge warfare/education?

It hasn't been mentioned, so I'm guessing it hasn't been touched, but is the hatch still open? If so, I'd like to put on my mask (incidental?), grab a guy (putting the second mask on him) (action), and jump into the water (maneuver).