Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

How far down will the AT-TE fall? Is it a relatively shallow crater, or is it an Utapau-like sinkhole?

2 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

How far down will the AT-TE fall? Is it a relatively shallow crater, or is it an Utapau-like sinkhole?

It is difficult to judge. Looking down, it looks quite far to Hale. Hundreds of feet at the least.

Just now, Edgehawk said:

It is difficult to judge. Looking down, it looks quite far to Hale. Hundreds of feet at the least.

So long range or medium range?

3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

So long range or medium range?



Am I in range to catch onto the LAAT/c with the whipcord?

20 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Am I in range to catch onto the LAAT/c with the whipcord?

It will be a stretch, but you can target the LAAT with the whipcord if you wish.

6 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

Assuming this was your 2 Maneuvers (take 2 Strain) and Action for last round, now mounted, you may this turn:

  • land on the AT-TE (2 maneuvers) and ride it down as it plummets or...
  • leap from the platform and glide down at a slower rate (1 or 2 maneuvers) or...
  • land on the LAAT/c, which is still hovering at the moment.

It has detached, as of the end of last round. Some party members may still be able to interact with the AT-TE at the start of the current round, depending on individual actions taken. At present, the LAAT is still hovering, though I will be rolling Initiative for it.

If there are no friendlies on the LAAT/C, then I will use a maneuver to place the TIE at short range, currently putting it out of the range of the carrier's weapons. Then I'll open fire on it.

Edited by bsmith23
Defense statement redacted

It has 1 Defense in all zones, it just only has 2 zones. So you can't avoid targeting a zone that has defense.

You can fire and then move out of the way, I would imagine, but Medium Laser cannons are actually Close ranged weapons.

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

It has 1 Defense in all zones, it just only has 2 zones. So you can't avoid targeting a zone that has defense.

Well son of a b-word, then I've been GMing that rule wrong for 6 years now. Oh well, I won't change it for my home group, but I'll follow it here.

You can fire and then move out of the way, I would imagine, but Medium Laser cannons are actually Close ranged weapons.

I went by what Edgehawk put for stats on sw sheets that say short...

1 hour ago, bsmith23 said:

I went by what Edgehawk put for stats on sw sheets that say short...

I’m afraid that was an error on my part. Swsheets did not provide “Close” as an option, and so I evidently selected “Short.” I have changed it to “Engaged” to more accurately reflect its correct range in planetary terms.

@Edgehawk will the jumps require checks or not?

4 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

@Edgehawk will the jumps require checks or not?

It will be another Avg Survival check this round, for you to control the jump/glide.

Survival : 1eP+1eA+2eD 0 successes
p-s.png a-a.png d-th.png d-f.png

Perfectly balanced as all things should be

I am going to use my turn, access my comlink and reach Intrepid about Fitzsimmons treacherous businesses. Can we send over the data, or we have to give them personally?

Edited by Rimsen
17 hours ago, bsmith23 said:

If there are no friendlies on the LAAT/C, then I will use a maneuver to place the TIE at short range, currently putting it out of the range of the carrier's weapons. Then I'll open fire on it.

Since the AT-TE has dropped, it is just the pilot, maybe a couple gunners. Whether they are “friendlies” or not is a judgement call, I suppose; either way, it looks like they are turning their guns your way, after you fired on the AT-TE.

1 hour ago, Shlambate said:

Perfectly balanced as all things should be

The Varactyl didn’t suddenly forget how to leap or glide, but things may not go entirely as desired. Where were you trying to go, and/or what were you hoping to accomplish?

1 hour ago, Rimsen said:

I am going to use my turn, access my comlink and reach Intrepid about Fitzsimmons treacherous businesses. Can we send over the data, or we have to give them personally?

You may play or send the recording to the Intrepid. This will not require a check, but the Intrepid is obviously not as well-briefed on the situation as the task force, and it may take a bit for them to parse the data and respond. If you wish to influence or speed their response, it will be a Hard (Leadership, Negotiation, or Coercion) check, with a Boost since you have served aboard the ship.

Aiming for on top of the AT-TE

@Edgehawk can I assist on @Rimsen 's check? I think it will only provide another boost, though.

I forget if the rules say if that takes an action, so I don't know if there's anything else to do.

So what happens so I can narrate in IC

2 hours ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

@Edgehawk can I assist on @Rimsen 's check? I think it will only provide another boost, though.

Yes, Briar can assist, which will provide a Boost to Evon’s check.

2 hours ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

I forget if the rules say if that takes an action, so I don't know if there's anything else to do.

I think it should be an Action, but go ahead and make a Hard Computers check. Success will mean you are able to help send them the information in such a way that they draw their own conclusions more quickly, regardless of Evon’s success or failure.

1 hour ago, Shlambate said:

So what happens so I can narrate in IC

So... The Varactyl fails to stick the landing on the AT-TE, but you are close enough to attack Fitzsimmons or assist Hale.


Sending the Info : 2eP+2eA+3eD 1 success, 1 threat
p-s-s.png p-s-a.png a-s.png a--.png d-th.png d-f-th.png d-f-f.png

Cool, so that should help in addition to the boost. Does the threat become strain, or does something else happen?

@Edgehawk what is the check for saving Hale?

14 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Cool, so that should help in addition to the boost. Does the threat become strain, or does something else happen?

Just take a Strain.

13 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

@Edgehawk what is the check for saving Hale?

Average Athletics with a Setback to grab him before he slips away.