Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

3 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

If you want to try the needle-in-a-haystack approach to locating the walker from the air, without any intelligence regarding distance or direction, it will be a Formidable check, which I will be Upgrading once.

Hard pass, not that good...yet.

Coercion : 1eP+3eA+2eD 2 failures, 5 advantage
p-a-a.png a-a.png a-a.png a-a.png d-f.png d-f.png

Do the stormies add anything?

Thats a lot of advantage

9 hours ago, Shlambate said:

Ok then Rimsen do you want to assist in the coercion?

Your coercion is straight up better then mine, so I can only give you a boost. But Evon would go there anyway so play it out.

Also I have 1 survival, if someone has 3 or better cunning we can make it an assisted check to look for the walker.

Edit: @Edgehawk I see Drogos failed with a ton of advantages, maybe Evon can step up and try too?

Edited by Rimsen
5 hours ago, Rimsen said:

Your coercion is straight up better then mine, so I can only give you a boost. But Evon would go there anyway so play it out.

Also I have 1 survival, if someone has 3 or better cunning we can make it an assisted check to look for the walker.

Edit: @Edgehawk I see Drogos failed with a ton of advantages, maybe Evon can step up and try too?

Yes. Go ahead.

Also @SithArissa @bsmith23 : Cani will need to work it out with Ral, to get the crystal for the calibration, from the Phantom. You are both Lieutenants and the starfighter is clearly his responsibility.

Coercion - Tuskens : 2eA+1eP+2eD 0 successes, 2 threat
a-s.png a--.png p-s.png d-f-f.png d-th-th.png

What are my threats going to be? I will post in IC according to it

Edited by Rimsen
49 minutes ago, Rimsen said:

Coercion - Tuskens : 2eA+1eP+2eD 0 successes, 2 threat
a-s.png a--.png p-s.png d-f-f.png d-th-th.png

What are my threats going to be? I will post in IC according to it

2 more Tuskens circle around the silo towards you, making 5 total, and after Cani slips through they are physically blocking access to the ladder.

9 hours ago, Shlambate said:

Thats a lot of advantage

You may distribute it as you wish, or narrate it as a mini Triumph of sorts, if you have something in mind?

I don't think I can make a win out of this so maybe i just add a bunch of boosts to the doctors roll.

5 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

I don't think I can make a win out of this so maybe i just add a bunch of boosts to the doctors roll.

I'll let @Rimsen roll 2 Boost dice, to add to the 0 Successes, 2 Threat roll; leaving you 3 Advantage to work with.

I'm behind the inquisitor and the doc, still carrying my Z-6.

Can I tell them that yes, he is, so you'd better back off before the horny devil shows you why he's a devil?

Can the three advantage be used to scare the Tuskens into not attacking should we fail, since they think Drogos a Devil.

Coercion - Tuskens - boosts : 2eB 0 successes, 2 advantage
b-a-a.png b--.png


I post after @Shlambate 's narration, to play on it, since he got me the boosts

Edited by Rimsen

@Shlambate (and anyone else) roll your skill of choice for Initiative.

@SithArissa You are able to climb the tower while the others Engage, unless you do not wish to.

Vigilance : 4eA 4 successes, 2 advantage
a-s.png a-a.png a-s-a.png a-s-s.png

Nice and fast

6 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Vigilance : 4eA 4 successes, 2 advantage
a-s.png a-a.png a-s-a.png a-s-s.png

Nice and fast

Your move.

Figured I'd roll initiative, just in case...

Initiative : 1eP+1eA 2 successes, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png a-s-s.png

I assume we are already engaged, he will aim and swing his saber. What is the Difficulty?

Unless the walker is with me better to leave the fighting to the combat classes.

3 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

I assume we are already engaged, he will aim and swing his saber. What is the Difficulty?

Adversary 1, Defense 1.

You may also Upgrade your attack (or his), since I think you still have 3 Advantage to spend.

3 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

Adversary 1, Defense 1.

You may also Upgrade your attack (or his), since I think you still have 3 Advantage to spend.

Destiny Upgrade and 3 from the intimidation and 2 aims spending strain.

: 2eP+2eA+2eB+1eC+1eD+1eS 1 success, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p-a.png a-s.png a-a-a.png b-a.png b-s-a.png c-f.png d-f-th.png s-th.png

Oh my.

7 damage, triumph to activate Linked which makes it 14 damage that applies soak twice should he be the beefiest tusken or one with cotorsis and the 3 advantage to crit 3 times so its a d100+20

You dice pool was exactly twice the difficulty!

8 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Destiny Upgrade and 3 from the intimidation and 2 aims spending strain.

: 2eP+2eA+2eB+1eC+1eD+1eS 1 success, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p-a.png a-s.png a-a-a.png b-a.png b-s-a.png c-f.png d-f-th.png s-th.png

Oh my.

7 damage, triumph to activate Linked which makes it 14 damage that applies soak twice should he be the beefiest tusken or one with cotorsis and the 3 advantage to crit 3 times so its a d100+20

You may narrate the utter annihilation of the Tusken.

1 minute ago, Edgehawk said:

You may narrate the utter annihilation of the Tusken.

Lol, will do.

So with all the stuff that is going on, how hard would it be to get up to the comms array in the tower, to check and try and find out who was sending the messages to Porel?

4 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

So with all the stuff that is going on, how hard would it be to get up to the comms array in the tower, to check and try and find out who was sending the messages to Porel?

@SithArissa is already up there. At this point, no one is going to interfere if Briar wishes to head on up.