Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

3 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

Hmm.. Cloaking/Decloaking requires an Action, so cannot be same round as an Attack. Describing its use in this way seems confusing to me?

You are correct, and technically it would take 2 rounds anyway.

Legally, it does not work. The only way for him to do that in one round is narrative flair since he just flipped it on-off rather than doing anything with it.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

Yeah, I wasn't assuming it could be done all at once.. What I described could be over a couple of turns. And a lot of it was narrative.

I think it said cloak action, decloak maneuver

This turn: Decelerate (M), cloak (A), shift position (2nd M, possibly Evasive Maneuvers).

Next turn: Decloak (M), aim (2nd M), attack (A).

At least that's what it sounds like I described, I think.

Edited by bsmith23
10 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

Yeah, I wasn't assuming it could be done all at once.. What I described could be over a couple of turns. And a lot of it was narrative.

I think it said cloak action, decloak maneuver

This turn: Decelerate (M), cloak (A), shift position (2nd M, possibly Evasive Maneuvers).

Next turn: Decloak (M), aim (2nd M), attack (A).

At least that's what it sounds like I described, I think.

This is all fine- I just wanted to be sure you were aware it would take two turns to accomplish.

1 hour ago, bsmith23 said:

possibly Evasive Maneuvers

Whether or not you use this is up to you. It would Upgrade the Difficulty of incoming attacks, but also Upgrade your own.

1 minute ago, Edgehawk said:

Whether or not you use this is up to you. It would Upgrade the Difficulty of incoming attacks, but also Upgrade your own.

We can skip that.

Jumped ahead to the next day, to narrate Evon’s eye implant. @Rimsen Feel free to post, but the aerial combat will need to resolve before we progress too much further.

@Edgehawk does that mean the interrogation was pushed a day for the surgery? Just wondering.

6 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

@Edgehawk does that mean the interrogation was pushed a day for the surgery? Just wondering.

Drogos does not have to wait, necessarily.

5 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

Drogos does not have to wait, necessarily.

Well he would want the doctor there as he is useful in an interrogation

5 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

Well he would want the doctor there as he is useful in an interrogation

Then yes, the interrogations will wait for after the surgery. @Rimsen Make an Average Resilience check for recovery time.

Resilience - recovery after surgery : 2eA+2eD 1 failure, 1 threat
a--.png a--.png d-th.png d-f.png

I expected such xD

I'll probably post tomorrow since I'm GMing in 6 hours and I'm still not finished with the story xD

Edited by Rimsen

Evon suffers 1 Wound and 1 Strain, from the surgical procedure, both of which can be recovered the following day. Setbacks might be applied to any checks for the first few hours post op, but he should be fit for duty later in the day.

The cybernetic eye implant imparts the usual +1 to Vigilance and Perception skills. The rest of the stuff is mostly narrative fluff, but might Boost or Upgrade a relevant check once per encounter. @Rimsen

Edited by Edgehawk

@Edgehawk did you already account for the reduction in difficulty from codebreaker, or did you not apply that yet?

23 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

@Edgehawk did you already account for the reduction in difficulty from codebreaker, or did you not apply that yet?

No adjustments have been made, as yet, except removal of Setback(s).

Oh, I don't think I recovered strain after the fight on the beach.

Recover Strain : 2eA 2 successes, 1 advantage
a-a.png a-s-s.png

Then the first check (reduced to hard because of codebreaker)

Computer Access : 3eP+1eA+1eC+2eD 3 successes, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png a-s.png c-f.png d-f.png d-th.png

and the second

Computer Search : 3eP+1eA+3eD 3 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p--.png p-s-a.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-th.png d-th-th.png

Ooo, so one of the Triumphs allows for the third check (same difficulty?), I'm not sure what to do for the second one. Could it be used to get the information faster or access more of it?

I'll post IC after I know the results.

Edited by Imperial Stormtrooper

A permanent backdoor is a possibility for the Triumph. Alternatively, Briar might have stumbled upon something unexpectedly- something useful or important, but beyond the scope of her mission.

The third check, enabled by the other Triumph, will be the same: Daunting Computers. The two Threat will add a Setback, beyond those negated by Briar’s talents. @Imperial Stormtrooper

I think the unexpected information would be more interesting, even though it risks failing future checks to access this system.

Computer Extra Info : 3eP+1eA+3eD+1eS 6 successes, 3 threat
p-s-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png a-s-a.png d-th.png d-th.png d-th-th.png s-th.png

:o No failures on any of the dice. So what does the threat do, and what does Briar learn from all the checks?

Edited by Imperial Stormtrooper
12 hours ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Oh, I don't think I recovered strain after the fight on the beach.

This would be taking place the following day, following a night’s rest, so Strain should reset.

Okay. So Briar locates files relating to the stim-collars, worn by the Wookiee gladiators, and also found on the renegade Fitz.

There are also details regarding a project called Railcrawler , through which Wookiees recorded as deceased are being smuggled out, with new identities. The Melitto guide Scarpa Flek appears to be complicit, and is involved in a related hunting operation.

As for Veitra, her correspondence appears to be of a personal nature, but could possibly be cleverly encoded. There is an entity referenced only as Chimaera, with a number of heavily encrypted files- the type used by intelligence organizations or the criminal elite.

Briar is able to transfer all the mentioned files to her pad or dataspikes, for further analysis. Unfortunately, though wildly successful, the Chimaera files trigger a silent alarm, just as Briar receives notice that Vos has completed the surgery- take 3 Strain.

edit: I should add that Successful checks will not require further checks, just more time to delve into the files, in a more secure setting.

Edited by Edgehawk

@Edgehawk , where exactly are the Y-wings in relation to Hale? Which way are they heading, how far away from certain reference points are they, etc.

5 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@Edgehawk , where exactly are the Y-wings in relation to Hale? Which way are they heading, how far away from certain reference points are they, etc.

Extreme range from the Stormcrow , berthed atop one of the towers of the resort. Close range planetary scale.

2 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

Extreme range from the Stormcrow , berthed atop one of the towers of the resort. Close range planetary scale.

And where is Hale in reference to that? I'm picturing the Y-Wings as over the water, heading towards the resort, but I'm not sure if Hale is off to the side, directly in the way, or what.

3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

And where is Hale in reference to that? I'm picturing the Y-Wings as over the water, heading towards the resort, but I'm not sure if Hale is off to the side, directly in the way, or what.

Off to the side. The dogfight is circling out over the water, but not really closing with the resort.

@Imperial Stormtrooper Roll initiative, as triggering the alarm places Briar in structured time.

@Barbaross41 Hawk is up, with the missile tube, in the aerial scene.

Any one else wishing to participate in either of these scenes (or possibly both, as they are occurring at different times), chime in as appropriate. Otherwise, think about how you’re going to spend the 45 XP that are going to drop, once these scenes conclude (immediately following, so prior to the interrogations).

Were any wounds recovered overnight?

Intiative (Warfare) : 2eP+2eA 2 successes, 2 advantage
p-s-s.png p--.png a-a.png a-a.png

@Edgehawk , Difficulty of shot?