Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Red Five, standing by: Destiny : 1eF 1 Dark Side

: 1eF 2 Dark Side

I would like a security sweeper (desperate allies, 400 credits), a concealed escape kit (cyphers and masks, 450 credits), an E-11 D Blaster Carbine (Dawn of Rebellion, 1,400 credits (R)). I would also like 2 ID9 Seeker Droids but that would cost too much (4,500 each), so I'm debating between 1 of them or a few AC1-series surveillance droids, which are 1,100 each.

I'm going to pick up leadership 2, and pending the approval of the E-11 D, Ranged (Heavy) 1 with the xp.

@Imperial Stormtrooper Make a Hard Computers check, talents apply.

I wasn't sure if codebreaker applied since it only applies to some computers checks so I rolled that die separately.

Computers : 3eP+1eA+2eD 1 success, 3 advantage
p-s.png p-a.png p-s-a.png a-a.png d--.png d-f.png

: 1eD 0 successes, 2 threat

I also remembered that you let me keep that advantage from the fear check right after I rolled so I also rolled that as a boost since if I don't use it soon I'll probably forget about it.

: 1eB 1 success

So that's either 2 success, 3 advantage, or 2 success, 1 advantage.

@Imperial Stormtrooper Okay, so Codebreaker can apply. Two of the PQ’s disabled ID9s are intact enough to be repaired and reprogrammed for immediate use. Three others will require more more extensive work, and more time than is currently available, in order to be made operable. Just keep them all well away from Lieutenant Somar. @bsmith23

Good to go with the carbine and other stuff!

I'm back, had a crazy few weeks, I apologize. Val has probably been searching for a liquor cabinet somewhere.

Can I do a knowledge check to determine if Val knows anything about Vader or not. Cant decide what he'd know so I'd prefer the dice to decide @Edgehawk

Edited by CloudyLemonade92

Val would also like to find and don an Imperial Officers uniform without a rank insignia, for kicks and giggles. Can I find one?

@CloudyLemonade92 Glad you’re still with us! Val can have an imperial officer’s uniform, though the lack of insignia might appear odd (just being a non-human will already make you stand out a little as an officer, though they are a bit more common serving in the outer rim). Wearing rank insignia for mission purposes would not be the same as impersonating an officer, if that is your concern.

Make an Average Knowledge (any, but your choice of skill will influence what you may know); also, roll Destiny!

@Edgehawk well, if I can find one with a Rank then that's fine. I'll take it on and off as needed, if I want to impersonate someone. I'll steal it if I need to. There must be a locker somewhere :D

knowledge for vader:

http:// What does Val know of Vader : 2eA+2eD 0 successes a-s.png a-a-a.png d-th-th.png d-f.png

Who the **** was the guy in Black Armor!? What style! What presence!


http://: 1eF 2 Dark Side f-ds-ds.png


I thought rolling new Destiny would be a good thing for the PCs, but it’s looking pretty dark...

Knowlege of DV’s existence and general role is up to you as a player; the roll was for something beyond that. @CloudyLemonade92

Edited by Edgehawk
4 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

@Imperial Stormtrooper Okay, so Codebreaker can apply. Two of the PQ’s disabled ID9s are intact enough to be repaired and reprogrammed for immediate use. Three others will require more more extensive work, and more time than is currently available, in order to be made operable. Just keep them all well away from Lieutenant Somar. @bsmith23

Good to go with the carbine and other stuff!

*Rocks back and forth in his bunk*

...can't sleep droids will eat me cant sleep droids will eat me cant sleep droids will eat me...

Destiny : 1eF 2 Light Side

I think I'll save me xp for now. Can we put credits towards anything on the Phantom? I know it has 0 hp...

39 minutes ago, bsmith23 said:

I think I'll save me xp for now. Can we put credits towards anything on the Phantom? I know it has 0 hp...

What did you have in mind?

3 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

What did you have in mind?

Don't know yet. I'll go shopping tomorrow.

Destiny : 1eF 2 Light Side

Destiny roll : 1eF 2 Light Side

Spending 10 Xp on a rank1 of Discipline and 5 on rank1 Vigilance and 10 on rank2 Athletics.

Also, I'd like to have the replacement as a visible cybernetic, a reminder for Evon about the price of carelessness and probably comes handy at interrogations for added effect. (And certainly not comes handy for picking up ladies 😄 ) I am going for the Screed vibes!

As for shopping, I'd like a Toxin Detector (CM p46), preferably built in my chrono so it's not so obvious. 10-10 Synthskins and Stimpacks, I counted them as 1 encumbarance as I probably can store them in my medpack, or utility belt (medical belt narratively) efficiently. Keep the rest of 25 creds 😄

Edited by Rimsen

Spending 10xp each on Medicine and Mechanics

Force point : 1eF 1 Dark Side

Can I buy an armored coat? (350$)


Edited by Barbaross41

Well, I had looked at improving Armor or hull threshold, but its 4-5 times my pay. So I guess I'll maybe hit the sabacc tables.

+1 to Astrogation (5)

+1 to Gunnery (15)

1 hour ago, bsmith23 said:

Well, I had looked at improving Armor or hull threshold, but its 4-5 times my pay. So I guess I'll maybe hit the sabacc tables.

I’d be okay with adding +2 to the hull. The Defender has 10 HT, so I think it’s within reason. And I want you to be able to improve your starfighter. Alternatively, electronic countermeasures would be an option (but not both, at this time).

If you’ve had your fun with the Phantom , and would prefer to try a different ship, that is also within the realm of possibility. I assume the Inquisitor is probably more comfortably berthed in the shuttle, than up your *** in the TIE’s cockpit

Everyone: If anyone has ideas for upgrades to the Stormcrow , they’re on offer, and now is the time to submit them for approval.

Turret-mounted Quad Turbos on a belly mount?

12 minutes ago, Barbaross41 said:

Turret-mounted Quad Turbos on a belly mount?

Nonono, you're missing the bigger picture. Ventral turret-mounted quad-barrel assault concussion missile launcher. :D

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Nonono, you're missing the bigger picture. Ventral turret-mounted quad-barrel assault concussion missile launcher. :D

Yeeessssss.. But this is less expen$ive.

1 minute ago, Barbaross41 said:

Yeeessssss.. But this is less expen$ive.

The Empire built two Death Stars, remember? Surely they can afford to give their newest heroes some heavy ordnance?

The Assault Boarding Tube looks interesting, but it takes up 3 HP.

Slicing Computer might be fun for the agent.

Sensor Baffler and Pseudo-Cloaking Device only take a combined 2 HP and make us hard to see and hard to hit.

Of course the 0 HP attachments are always nice as well.