Reach of the Empire OOC

By Edgehawk, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

2 hours ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

Val in keeping with his task will want to chase the PQ. If he moves two maneuvers to reach the ramp, does he know of a way to lower it from the outside. Does he know if it will be locked or if that's dependent on having it locked. If it is locked does he have knowledge of the codes to open it.

It is likely locked, as that would be an obvious option from the inside, perhaps the default. Venlana would probably not give up the codes, but it is entirely within the scope of your character and mission that you might have tried to obtain them. Make an Avg Skulduggery check with a Boost (as sort of a retroactive incidental, to determine how much help or hindrance your past efforts might assist Briar’s check). Success/Failure can Upgrade/Downgrade Briar’s check, and Advantage/Threat add Boosts/Setbacks.

2 hours ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

Further, does he know of other entry points?

For a destiny point, he does.

2 hours ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Does the Intrepid have tractor beams, and does Briar still have communication with the bridge?

The Intrepid has no tractor beam. The good news is that the yacht has no real weapons; the bad news is that it has state-of-the-art anti-theft defenses.

Briar can communicate with the bridge, and in fact, Venlana set the CO and chief engineer free, before heading down.

2 hours ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

Also, if the Yacht is locked could Briar unlock it?

I’m pretty sure Briar can unlock just about anything. Hard Computers w/ 2 Setback... which 2 ranks of codebreaker will nullify anyway.

1 hour ago, Edgehawk said:

Make an Avg Skulduggery check with a Boost (as sort of a retroactive incidental, to determine how much help or hindrance your past efforts might assist Briar’s check).

http://: 3eA+1eB+2eD 3 successes, 3 threat a--.png a-s.png a-s-s.png b--.png d-th-th.png d-th.png

If Val knows the codes. He's going to try to drop the ramp. If he doesn't, I'll flip that DP ;)

If that's allowed.

33 minutes ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

http://: 3eA+1eB+2eD 3 successes, 3 threat a--.png a-s.png a-s-s.png b--.png d-th-th.png d-th.png

If Val knows the codes. He's going to try to drop the ramp. If he doesn't, I'll flip that DP ;)

If that's allowed.

The check was for surreptitiously observing/obtaining part of the code, but also allowing for the possibility of seeing or remembering part of it incorrectly. Agent Ostell is the team’s codebreaker, but the parts of the code you have correctly (Successes) can Upgrade her check thrice; likewise, the parts Val only thinks he has correctly will add Setback. Adding 3 Setback for this seems excessive, despite the way I laid out the roll, so I’ll cap it at 2, if Val takes a Strain for the other Threat. Yes, @Shlambate . For the migraine.

18 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

The check was for surreptitiously observing/obtaining part of the code, but also allowing for the possibility of seeing or remembering part of it incorrectly. Agent Ostell is the team’s codebreaker, but the parts of the code you have correctly (Successes) can Upgrade her check thrice; likewise, the parts Val only thinks he has correctly will add Setback. Adding 3 Setback for this seems excessive, despite the way I laid out the roll, so I’ll cap it at 2, if Val takes a Strain for the other Threat. Yes, @Shlambate . For the migraine.

Oh I see, alrighty. I'll take the strain :)

So hows does this break the turn down. Can Val make it to the ramp and wait to see if Briar can drop it to finish my turn. Or will he have to wait until next round?

Edited by CloudyLemonade92
18 minutes ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

Oh I see, alrighty. I'll take the strain :)

So hows does this break the turn down. Can Val make it to the ramp and wait to see if Briar can drop it to finish my turn. Or will he have to wait until next round?

You can let @Imperial Stormtrooper resolve the check first, then act accordingly, depending on the outcome.

@Imperial Stormtrooper Hard Computers, Upgraded 3 times, 2 net Setback (after the initial 2 are removed with Codebreaker).

Ok, then suffer two strain to get to the yacht (right?). Then the computers check. Oh, an on the way I'll tell the CO that a ship is trying to escape through the forward doors, and to try and stop it without destroying it.

Upgraded 3 times means 5 proficiency dice, then codebreaker reduces hard to normal (unless that had already been accounted for) then the two setbacks after everything (unless I messed up somewhere) so here goes.

Unlocking the ramp (Upgraded) : 5eP+2eD+2eS 5 successes, 1 advantage
p-s.png p-s-s.png p-s-s.png p-s.png p-s-a.png d-f.png d--.png s-f.png s--.png

I would like to use the advantage to recover 1 strain. Is there anything special I should know before I post IC?

Sweet roll :D @Imperial Stormtrooper

You see Val, reach the ship at the same time.

Edited by CloudyLemonade92
8 hours ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:

I would like to use the advantage to recover 1 strain. Is there anything special I should know before I post IC?

Ramp lowers and entry is made into a foyer of sorts. Using the below illustration as a guide, you would be below Rose, between the cabin (forward) and stairwell (aft). You spy the PQ, but also a dozen or so hostages, what looks like the remainder of the Intrepid’s crew. It is standing room only, and they are all in binders. The PQ has jostled her way into their midst, and any combat attacks will be Upgraded accordingly.

If thats the extent of Briars turn, Val can't go any further in, but if I wanted to hit the PQ with my whip, I'm assuming she's in short range, what would be my difficulty? Hitting with the whip would generally be 3eD from short range.

Alternatively, would it be possible to rouse the hostages to try and body tackle the PQ? if so, would they listen to me or would I need to perform a leadership check?

Edited by CloudyLemonade92

@CloudyLemonade92 Has Val retrieved the whip? PQ used Move to yank it away from you, and toss it away to Short range behind you. Also, I’m Upgrading all attacks (including melee) Twice in this situation, due to hostages in close proximity.

Val played a part in taking the ship, so rousing the hostages may not be easy... but against the PQ..? Maybe not too daunting. Hard Leadership with a Boost, but also a Setback. I will flip a dp to Upgrade.

5 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

@CloudyLemonade92 Has Val retrieved the whip? PQ used Move to yank it away from you, and toss it away to Short range behind you. Also, I’m Upgrading all attacks (including melee) Twice in this situation, due to hostages in close proximity.

Val played a part in taking the ship, so rousing the hostages may not be easy... but against the PQ..? Maybe not too daunting. Hard Leadership with a Boost, but also a Setback. I will flip a dp to Upgrade.

Oh crap! I completely forgot about the Whip! Can I grab it on the way to the Yacht? Would that be a maneuver or an incidental?

Edited by CloudyLemonade92
12 minutes ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

Oh crap! I completely forgot about the Whip! Can I grab it on the way to the Yacht? Would that be a maneuver or an incidental?

Unfortunately, I believe picking up a dropped weapon counts as a Maneuver. It would be on the way to the yacht, or close enough, but I’m afraid it would count as its own Maneuver.

4 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

Unfortunately, I believe picking up a dropped weapon counts as a Maneuver. It would be on the way to the yacht, or close enough, but I’m afraid it would count as its own Maneuver.

****. Ok, I'll give a wink to briar and go for that Leadership check.

2 minutes ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

****. Ok, I'll give a wink to briar and go for that Leadership check.

Hold up.

Ok, I already rolled though. Do u want the result anyway?

@CloudyLemonade92 I think it counts as a Maneuver, because disarming would be effectively neutered if picking a weapon back up was just an incidental (possibly in the same turn). In this case, your being disarmed has already served its narrative purpose, so I’d let you flip a dp to retrieve it on your way.

The roll is fine, just wanted to provide the above as an option.

I believe it was the Girl who Used move, mom moved her into the ship and besides that couldn’t touch Drogos.

1 minute ago, Shlambate said:

I believe it was the Girl who Used move, mom moved her into the ship and besides that couldn’t touch Drogos.

Thanks, yes. Move was the girl.

54 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

@CloudyLemonade92 I think it counts as a Maneuver, because disarming would be effectively neutered if picking a weapon back up was just an incidental (possibly in the same turn). In this case, your being disarmed has already served its narrative purpose, so I’d let you flip a dp to retrieve it on your way.

The roll is fine, just wanted to provide the above as an option.

Alrighty, thanks Edge. I'll roll a DP to retrieve it on my way then.

Here is the Leadership

http:// Hard Leadership, DP upgrade : 2eD+1eC+1eS+3eA+1eP+1eB 1 success, 2 threat d-th-th.png d-th.png c-f-f.png s-th.png a-a.png a-a.png a-s-s.png p-s.png b--.png

Basically gonna want them to tackle/block/apprehend/stop her in any way they can.

27 minutes ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

Alrighty, thanks Edge. I'll roll a DP to retrieve it on my way then. Basically gonna want them to tackle/block/apprehend/stop her in any way they can.

Go ahead and post Val’s turn, and I’ll work on the reactions. PQ is going to take a free maneuver for the 2 threat. Also, still need to narrate Briar unlocking the ship in the IC. @Imperial Stormtrooper

1 minute ago, Edgehawk said:

Go ahead and post Val’s turn, and I’ll work on the reactions. PQ is going to take a free maneuver for the 2 threat. Also, still need to narrate Briar unlocking the ship in the IC. @Imperial Stormtrooper

I'll wait for her if that's alright. Busy day D:

17 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

Go ahead and post Val’s turn, and I’ll work on the reactions. PQ is going to take a free maneuver for the 2 threat. Also, still need to narrate Briar unlocking the ship in the IC. @Imperial Stormtrooper

Also, does the PQ get the benefit of the threat even though the check wasnt targeting her?

Nevermind, threat can take any form really. Disregard the question

Edited by CloudyLemonade92

Oh, have the Stormtroopers done anything yet? If not can they fire stun shots at the Pirate Queen?

6 hours ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

Also, does the PQ get the benefit of the threat even though the check wasnt targeting her?

Nevermind, threat can take any form really. Disregard the question

@Edgehawk You could also have some of the hostages go after the "pirate" (evil smiley - don't how to do :( )

Edited by Rimsen