Legend of the Five Rings Play by Post

By tubatimb2, in Your Stories

4 hours ago, Void Crane said:

looking at the Guard on page 264 the last sentence says you can commit two options to raise the TN by 1.

if you're looking at the bit I think you are:

"Increase the TN of Attack checks against the guarded target by one, plus an additional one per two bonus successes."

That's by committing 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 , not 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343

((::sigh:: i’ll Get one of these right eventually. TN 4. Use one of the other options to Kick a die set to option forward to my next Martial roll))

The increasingly depleted recruits try to strike out again.

Fei swings his yari round in a wide sweep, trying unsuccessfully to strike with the haft and force his commander back from the recruit now struggling to stand up behind the nikutai, whilst a trio of ashigaru step forward from the other end of the line to strike at Yoshi, but fail to break through his guard.

Pinned back against the palisade, with other ashigaru hemming them in to left and right, the two recruits facing Hekasu desperately try to fend off the samurai now inside the reach of their spears.

Minion Group #1 - Fei - Fire Stance, Strike Action targeting Koharu. Flint Quay Village Ashigaru Recruit - Removes Prone

Fei (Water 2, Martial 1) performs TN2 Martial Arts (Melee) Check.

Rolls 2 ring dice: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Rolls 1 skill dice: Blank

Keep 1 dice:Blank

Resolve Explosive Successes: None

Resolve Strife: None

Resolve Opportunities: Minions with no applicable ability

Resolve Success/Failure: TN2 - Fails

Minion Group #2 - Fire Stance, Moves to range 2 of Yoshi, Strike Action targeting Yoshi

Flint Quay Village Ashigaru Recruit performs TN2 Martial Arts (melee) check

Rolls 2 ring dice: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8

Rolls 1 skill dice plus 2 skill dice for skilled assistance: Blank, 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8

Keeps 2 dice: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8

Resolve Explosive Successes: None

Resolve Strife: None

Resolve Opportunities: Minions with no applicable ability

Resolve Success/Failure: TN4 - Failure

(note that at range 2, they are not in range for the free strike action with Crescent Moon style; if you were in water stance, you could potentially use 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 for a free range band move during the strike action, but you're in air stance)

Minion Group #3 - Defeated

Minion Group #4 - Air Stance, Guard action targeting self.

Flint Quay Village Ashigaru Recruit performs TN1 Tactics check

Rolls 1 ring dice: 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Rolls 1 skill dice plus 1 skill dice for skilled assistance: Blank, 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8

Keep 1 dice: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8

Resolve Explosive Successes:None

Resolve Strife: None

Resolve Opportunities: Minions with no applicable abilities

Resolve Success/Failure: TN1 - Succeeds with no bonus successes

TN4 to target Minion Group #4

Note -trapped in as group #4 is, they are prime targets for 'creating' environmental disadvantages with water 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343

Edited by Magnus Grendel

((Is the guard action supposed to be obvious? In other words is it appropriate to avoid attacking a guarded target? At any rate, assisting Hekasu doesn't seem to be helping much))

Aruzhan steps back and throws her Yari at Fei, she misses and the Yari falls to the ground behind him. Hopefully she at least distracted the ashigaru leader enough that someone can get a telling attack against him.

(( I make a water 3 M.A. ranged 0 strike roll against Fei and I roll 1 success, 2 opportunity and 1 strife, so I miss, however I believe if I keep both the opportunities, I can use them to still assist the next person to "take a similar action".. which I hope will be any action to strike fei.. since I have no martial arts, my assistance would be 1 ring die unless someone is going to cast a spell on him :p))

((P.S: Just for record keeping, I believe I'm currently at 5/8 fatigue and 6/10 strife))

Edited by Black_Rabbit_Inle

As Fei ducks the thrown pole, Koharu presses in with a flurry of blows. The Ashigaru fends each strike off with the haft of his yari, but the samurai has clearly caught a second wind and each blow is more forceful than the last.

I'd imagine so. It basically represents them giving up trying to bring their yari-points to bear and trying to block and protect themselves; it's pretty obvious to a trained warrior - and a samurai is a trained warrior even if you're primarily a shujenga - when someone is fighting defensively.

I'm not sure what I'd have considered throwing the practice yari if it had hit anyway; we have guidance in the rulebook for what to call an improvised melee weapon but not an improvised thrown weapon. Since Aruzhan missed, it doesn't really matter...

10 hours ago, Black_Rabbit_Inle said:

if I keep both the opportunities, I can use them to still assist the next person to "take a similar action".. which I hope will be any action to strike fei.. since I have no martial arts, my assistance would be 1 ring die unless someone is going to cast a spell on him

That wouldn't be 'a similar action' anyway.

Koharu no Bunya sano Asahina - sets Water Stance, moves to within range 1 of Minion Group #1, Performs Calming Breath (reduced to 10 strife), strike action targeting Minion Group #1

Koharu no Bunya sano Asahina (Water 3, Martial 3) performs TN2 Martial Arts (Melee) Check.

Rolls 3 ring dice plus 1 die for unskilled assistance: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Rolls 3 skill dice: Blank, 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Keep 2 dice: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343

Resolve Explosive Successes: None

Resolve Strife: None

Resolve Opportunities: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 - Remove 1 Fatigue (reduced to 3 Fatigue), 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 - Remove 2 Strife (Reduced to 8 Strife)

Resolve Success/Failure: Failure

Koharu is no longer compromised and may now keep die results containing 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 again

Edited by Magnus Grendel

Yoshi continues to slide forward to close ranks with his group. (Are we also at the wall?)

((Yoshi stays in Air. Goes into guard. Rolls 2x success & strife, an option, & a blank. Also inherits a die set to option from last action. Keeps a success w/ strife and 2 options. Uses one option to Crescent Moon. Kicks the other option forward for his next martial roll. TN 4))

2 hours ago, Void Crane said:

(Are we also at the wall?)

Fei and the other half of the recruits are basically pushed back up against the wall, but the three attacking you moved forwards, so have a bit of space to back into if they choose.

If you've moved forwards, you're at range 1 of them, whilst they in turn are at range 1 of the wall - in short you could juuuuust about reach the palisade with the tip of a lunging yari if you had one rather than your bokken (it's probably a fraction beyond range 2 from you).

Edited by Magnus Grendel

yup. sliding forward in air and guard ....

Determined to go down swinging, Hekasu grasps his bokken and goes for the gold.

And continues his missing streak.

Finally some circles on these dice. Water. Strike action first. Water 3, Melee 1: [blank],

1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 .

Resolve explosions: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 ( keep nope, drop, because they're TN4)

Resolve strife: 3/8

Resolve Opp: -2 strife, 1/8

Resolve Successes: 2 v TN4, fail again.

Second action, calming breath, 4/6 fatigue.

Fei tries to strike again at Koharu, with the recruit - now back on his feet - trying to assist, the practice yari clacking loudly against the ji-samurai's bokken.

Immediately to their left, the recruits facing Hekasu continue to block and defend against the ronin's blows, whilst the trio facing Yoshi back away - now back up against the palisade wall - and once again try to break past his guard.

People really aren't doing too well at the moment, are they? I like the strife mechanic in combat because it simulates fight-a-bit, get-exhausted, recover, fight-a-bit that feels realistic, and PCs pointedly having to drop back and cover one another whilst they take calming breaths is very engaging.

Of course, it does rely on being able to hit anything when you're not compromised...

Fei (Fire 2, Martial 1) performs TN2 Martial Arts (Melee) Check.

Rolls 2 ring dice: Blank, 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Rolls 1 skill dice plus 1 for skilled assistance: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343

Keep 2 dice: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343

Resolve Explosive Successes: None

Resolve Strife: Fei gains 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Resolve Opportunities: Minions with no applicable ability

Resolve Success/Failure: TN2 - Succeeds with no bonus successes. Koharu (resistance 3) receives 4 damage and suffers 1 fatigue defending

Minion Group #2 - Fire Stance, Moves to range 2 of Yoshi, Strike Action targeting Yoshi

Flint Quay Village Ashigaru Recruit performs TN2 Martial Arts (melee) check

Rolls 2 ring dice: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Rolls 1 skill dice plus 2 skill dice for skilled assistance: Blank, 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Keeps 1 die: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8

Resolve Explosive Successes: None

Resolve Strife: None

Resolve Opportunities: Minions with no applicable ability

Resolve Success/Failure: TN4 - Failure

(once again, they are not in range for the free strike action with Crescent Moon style - although they have now backed up as far as they can and will be at range 0 of the palisade, meaning they can also potentially be given 'trapped' type disadvantages by spending 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 )

Minion Group #3 - Defeated

Minion Group #4 - Air Stance, Guard action targeting self.

Flint Quay Village Ashigaru Recruit performs TN1 Tactics check

Rolls 1 ring dice: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8

Rolls 1 skill dice plus 1 skill dice for skilled assistance: Blank, 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8

Keep 1 dice: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8

Resolve Explosive Successes:None

Resolve Strife: None

Resolve Opportunities: Minions with no applicable abilities

Resolve Success/Failure: TN1 - Succeeds with no bonus successes

TN4 to target Minion Group #4

Aruzhan - note that (a) you're going to need to perform a Prepare action to ready your bokken (having 'dropped' your yari) and (b) if not confident in your skills I should point out in case you missed it that Fei's buddy is on 6/6 fatigue.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

Aruzhan readies her Bokken and repositions to stand even with Koharu.

((I was in water stance, so I get two actions.. one of those is to ready a weapon, but I was also 1 range band further away than the other ronin were, so I must move up before I'm able to attack anyway.))

Focusing inwards, despite her exhaustion Koharu steps around Fei's wildly swinging yari and lands an explosively powerful blow cleanly on the recruit behind him, leaving the nikutai on his own.

Koharu no Bunya sano Asahina - sets Void Stance, strike action targeting Minion Group #1

Koharu no Bunya sano Asahina (Void 2, Martial 3) performs TN2 Martial Arts (Melee) Check.

Rolls 2 ring dice: 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Rolls 3 skill dice: 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Keep 2 dice: 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Resolve Explosive Successes: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343

Resolve Strife: None (Void Stance)

Resolve Opportunities: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 - Choose a ring other than Void. Reduce the TN of your next check by 1 if it uses that ring. (Water)

Resolve Success/Failure: TN2 - 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 - Success with one bonus success - Flint Quay Village Ashigaru Recruit (resistance 1) receives 6 damage and is defeated.

Yoshi calmly slides forward. Working his bokken in seemingly lazy movements. "The wall is behind you."

((Air. Guard. Roll: a success, an option, an explosion with strife, an option with strife. Keep the success and the option. plus inherit the option from before. I keep on the same plan. 1 success puts me in guard. 1 option puts me in Crescent Moon. 1 option i kick forward. TN 4))

"Well, Koharu-san, looks like you didn't need all that much help," Hekasu comments with a chuckle. "You're quite the competent samurai-ko."

On 5/31/2019 at 3:38 AM, Magnus Grendel said:

People really aren't doing too well at the moment, are they? I like the strife mechanic in combat because it simulates fight-a-bit, get-exhausted, recover, fight-a-bit that feels realistic, and PCs pointedly having to drop back and cover one another whilst they take calming breaths is very engaging.

Of course, it does rely on being able to hit anything when you're not compromised...

Yeah, I'm getting plenty of Opps to manage my strife with all the insufficient successes I've been getting. I haven't gone after Fei because Koharu has that extremely well-handled and I'll only get in the way. Yoshi is in 'full-defense' mode and doesn't need any help, Aruzhan's not being targeted, so yeah.

Stance stays in water. Calming breath: 3/6 fatigue. Unique action: Games (Charm) to flirt with Koharu. Water 3, Games 0: [blank], [blank], 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 .


I remove a fatigue. 2/6.

Just wondering is the pbp still on? I’m a newly introduced L5R player, and i really really like the concept and story etc, so I’m hoping to join a pbp game of it!

Realising he's on his own, Fei starts fighting defensively as he yells at the recruits to get back into a proper formation. The farmer-turned-ashigaru has the makings of a good nikutai, if the volume he can generate whilst fighting is anything to go by, and if his language is a bit uncouth by samurai standards it has an appropriately motivating effect on the still-standing recruits, and they bunch up as best they can given the palisade and the attacking samurai to cover one another's blind spots.

The trio attacking Yoshi fail to break through his guard, but Hekasu receives an audible 'whack' to one leg from the yari haft of one of the pair he is facing whilst he deflects the awkwardly-wielded tip of the other.

Fei - Earth Stance, Guard

Fei (Earth 3, Martial 1) performs TN1 Tactics Check.

Rolls 2 ring dice: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Rolls 1 skill die: Blank

Keep 1 dice: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8

Resolve Explosive Successes: None

Resolve Strife: None

Resolve Opportunities: None

Resolve Success/Failure: TN1 - Succeeds with no bonus successes. Fei is TN3 to hit

Minion Group #2 - Earth Stance, Strike Action targeting Yoshi (counting practice Yari as improvised weapons due to range)

Flint Quay Village Ashigaru Recruit performs TN4 Martial Arts (unarmed) check

Rolls 3 ring dice: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 , 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Rolls 1 skill dice plus 2 skill dice for skilled assistance: Blank, Blank, 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343

Keeps 3 die: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343

Resolve Explosive Successes: None

Resolve Strife: Flint Quay Village Ashigaru Recruit receives 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Resolve Opportunities: Minions with no applicable ability

Resolve Success/Failure: TN4 - 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 - Failure

(Now pinned against the palisade, you are in range for your free counterattack)

Minion Group #3 - Defeated

Minion Group #4 - Earth Stance, Strike Action targeting Hekasu (counting practice Yari as improvised weapons due to range).

Flint Quay Village Ashigaru Recruit performs TN2 Martial Arts (unarmed) check

Rolls 3 ring dice: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Rolls 1 skill dice plus 1 skill dice for skilled assistance: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8

Keep 4 dice: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8

Resolve Explosive Successes: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Resolve Strife: Flint Quay Village Ashigaru Recruit gains 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 *

Resolve Opportunities: Minions with no applicable abilities

Resolve Success/Failure: TN2 - 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 - Succeeds with three bonus successes, causing 6 damage**. Hekasu (resistance 2) receives 4 fatigue defending***

* They are now on 9/12 composure - remember compromised minions will unmask immediately, in this case probably by surrendering or fleeing, so a concerted attack - say, Hekasu and Aruzhan using a couple of fire 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , could realistically 'break' them.

** Improvised weapons reduce their damage by 1

***putting you back onto 6 and within a hair of being incapacitated...

With audible satisfaction Yoshi exhales and says, "Finally." As his reaction, his Bokken whips in an upward half circle catching an Ashigaru spear and moving it out of alignment to briefly foul the others' weapons. And then ...

((rolls 2 blanks, a success, an option, an explosion w/ strife & an option with strife. I keep the success, option, & explosion w/ strife which produces an option. 2 successes, 2 options & 1 strife. I also inherit the die set to option from previous air stance. That's a hit. I use one option to negate the strife. So satisfying to hit somebody! That leaves two options))

...Yoshi's bokken, on top of the pile of sticks (that we're hitting each other with) then glides along the top of the practice Yari and lands a solid blow against the right-most Ashiguru facing him.

((Can i use two options to crit the minions? Looks like they are in Earth stance. That's 8 stamina if so...but only 5 if not. If not ... contingency plans ... (a)I'd like to use the two options to provide assistance as I use a moment to peek over at the new allies and talk Hekasu through the maneuver I just executed. "Hekasu, try to come in from their left side. Then slide the blade in along the shaft of their weapon just like I did." If that won't work because we're facing different groups, Yoshi is probably just running his mouth again and ... (b) i guess Yoshi instead just adds an extra point of TN against a the next ranged attack against him? Because ... maybe there are hidden ninjas??? ::shrugs shoulders:: ))

Edited by Void Crane

Minions still benefit from stance effects, so no, you may not spend 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 to apply criticals or conditions to the recruits.

You could spend 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 to provide assistance (narratively that's most likely trapping one of the yari to create an opening), but as noted that only matters if someone attacks the same group. Talking another character through a technique is fine for something like a downtime check to....I dunno, fix something or build something....but if you've literally told an ally "do this move" within earshot of the defender and they actually do that, I don't see it ending well.

I would suggest " 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 : Notice an interesting detail about a character in the scene, such as an advantage or disadvantage. At the GM’s discretion, you may establish a new detail for an NPC ." - this is one of the things this effect is intended for - narratively 'noticing' a detail which translates into a temporary disadvantage - let's say, you realising that if you don't recover after you strike, but close in further, that their yari hafts will be trapped against the palisade and they won't be able to swing them properly, even holding them in awkward short grips as they currently are (which would translate into an adversity the next time they try and hit you with them, or that someone could spend a void point to exploit for rerolls when attacking the recruits).

Edited by Magnus Grendel

((I personally wouldn't ever want to close that far with three people ... that sounds like how your bokken gets entangled and three people grapple you and drag you to the ground. But maybe Yoshi notices that they are getting flustered by their inability to hit, and now are getting in each others way as they try to untangle themselves...))

They are recruits, and their NCO is busy and not really directing them much anymore. Moving in such a manner that they get in each other's way - however you want to phrase it in character - should be fairly easy. Come up with an appropriate name for the disadvantage, and it'll apply the next time they try and strike you, as well as being exploitable by anyone with void points left until such time as they can move and shake their formation out.

Aruzhan's demeanor switches, as she suddenly begins to furiously attack the ashigaru with her Bokken. Although she doesn't land any meaningful hits, perhaps her lack of martial training is hidden by the dutiful zeal that she was known for in her youth.

((Switching to fire stance, Aruzhan attempts a Fire (2)+ M.A. Melee (0) strike action. She misses, having rolled 1 opportunity and 1 opportunity/strife. I'll select the general fire opportunity to "inflame another character" which causes 2 strife, targeting the ashigaru group 4.. since I believe I can only activate each of these abilities once unless otherwise stated, I won't keep the opportunity/strife die.))

18 hours ago, Von3679 said:

Just wondering is the pbp still on? I’m a newly introduced L5R player, and i really really like the concept and story etc, so I’m hoping to join a pbp game of it!

((We were waiting for one other person, who I should note hasn't been on the forums in a month, but since he's the one who started the ball rolling I'm not really sure what to make of that.))

8 hours ago, Black_Rabbit_Inle said:

'll select the general fire opportunity to "inflame another character" which causes 2 strife, targeting the ashigaru group 4.. since I believe I can only activate each of these abilities once unless otherwise stated, I won't keep the opportunity/strife di  e 

That's correct. You can only choose an 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 option multiple times for one check if it lists " 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 +" as the trigger cost.

The other 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 could potentially be used to draw some heat off Hekasu (or protect him a bit) - " Choose another character in the scene; increase the TN of the next check they make before the end of their next turn by 1 if it does not include you as a target ."

Either way, that puts minion group #4 on 11/12 strife.

I've messaged @Von3679 directly, and will bring them in at an appropriate junction in the story if we get a character prepared.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

Koharu continues to trade blows with Fei, not seriously testing his guard but continuing to force the ashigaru leader back with each blow, the ji-samurai's bokken rolling from guard to strike and back to guard with the precision of a dojo kata.

Koharu no Bunya sano Asahina - sets Void Stance, strike action targeting Fei

Koharu no Bunya sano Asahina (Void 2, Martial 3) performs TN3 Martial Arts (Melee) Check.

Rolls 2 ring dice: Blank, 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Rolls 3 skill dice: Blank, 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Keep 1 dice: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Resolve Explosive Successes: None

Resolve Strife: None (Void Stance)

Resolve Opportunities: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 - Choose a ring other than Void. Reduce the TN of your next check by 1 if it uses that ring. (Water)

Resolve Success/Failure: TN3 - Fails

(Hey everyone, i’m so sorry, but my website glitched out and i couldn’t post anything. I’m so glad i’m back! I’ll be really glad to join everyone, just gotta finish up my 20 qns :) )