Now Available: Paper Blossoms, a Character Generator

By AltitudeMatters, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Roleplaying Game

8 hours ago, BorisPretzel said:

The program must've automatically recognised different country and changed it. After changing to "en", all the problems I mentioned were solved 

Gotcha -- glad you're square! What locale was it using? There may be a bug somewhere there I should take a look at. :)

8 hours ago, BorisPretzel said:

  1. While advancing, I am able to select and purchase a Ring, BUT only the lower ones (for example: my character has Air 3, Earth 2, Fire 2, Water 1 and Void 2  -> I'm able to purchase everything except for the Air Ring; another example: my character has Air 1, Earth 3, Fire 3, Water 2 and Void 1 -> I'm able to purchase Air and Void Rings only, but after I purchase Void, I can now purchase Air, Void and Water - so again, those that are below a value of 3). 

This looks like expected behavior -- after character creation, the maximum for rings is Void+Lowest. Sso in the first example, Water+Void = 3, so buying air to 4 won't be possible until you've raised Void or Water. For the second, Air+Void = 2. The two 3s are fine (they came from chargen) but to level above 2, you'll need to up air or void. :)

And again, I'm learning something - I missed that crucial information somehow. Thank you!

16 hours ago, AltitudeMatters said:

What locale was it using?

It was pl

7 hours ago, BorisPretzel said:

And again, I'm learning something - I missed that crucial information somehow. Thank you!

It was pl

Gotcha! I actually have a PL locale set up (someone had indicated interest in translating it) but it never was populated. I'll poke around and see if something unexpected us happening there on my builds.

Thanks for the report! Glad it's up and running correctly, now :)

Edited by AltitudeMatters

Have the Titles from CoS been added? I have all the Schools, items, and Techniques but no Titles.

6 hours ago, Bronther said:

Have the Titles from CoS been added? I have all the Schools, items, and Techniques but no Titles.

Whelp--sure looks like we missed those. -_- Adding an issue--shouldn't take too long to roll them in!


Edit: You can, in the meanwhile, always add a custom title if you need to by editing the user_* tables (but that's obviously a pain -- hopefully we'll have some titles in there for you soon :) )

Edited by AltitudeMatters
Adding workaround note

Can I change the UI from German to English? Did I overlook it somehow?

6 hours ago, Seam said:

Can I change the UI from German to English? Did I overlook it somehow?

You can set your locale by opening the settings.ini (it's in the data directory--typically C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\PaperBlossoms, but you can find it by going to Tools->Open Application Directory in the app). In the settings.ini file, you can alter your settings accordingly:


You *should* be able to use an english DB and a german UI if you prefer, as well!

Thank you!

any word on when the High DPI bug will be fixed? I cant user the program due to this issue. I was hoping to see a fix by now...

1 hour ago, Daeglan said:

any word on when the High DPI bug will be fixed? I cant user the program due to this issue. I was hoping to see a fix by now...

I've been on travel a lot lately, so my bandwidth has been a little limited. I did take a look at it last week; it seems to be Qt getting confused when automatically handling the scale factor.

Let's try this -- he may be able to try some flags by running the exe with the arguments:

PaperBlossoms.exe -platform windows:dpiawareness=0

PaperBlossoms.exe -platform windows:dpiawareness=1

PaperBlossoms.exe -platform windows:dpiawareness=2

Based on the documentation, this may change how it scales it. ( ) . Can you have him try that, and let me know if it changes anything?

As always, if anyone has a fix and would like to submit a pull request, I'll be happy to review it! :)

Thank you so much for making this. I use it all the time. Seriously. Any time I want to play around with a character idea (which is multiple times a week), I use Paper Blossoms. When I'm prepping for a session and want to make some NPC stats quickly, this makes it so quick and easy. It's just a really fun program. So yeah. Thanks.

1 hour ago, MonCalamariAgainstDrunkDriving said:

Thank you so much for making this. I use it all the time. Seriously. Any time I want to play around with a character idea (which is multiple times a week), I use Paper Blossoms. When I'm prepping for a session and want to make some NPC stats quickly, this makes it so quick and easy. It's just a really fun program. So yeah. Thanks.

Thanks so much!! You have no idea how much that means to us. :)

Also, a bit of (hopefully good) news relating to the character sheets. I'm working with AltitudeMatters to revamp the rendering system with the end goal of getting prettier output.

I've given him a 'statblock' setup to test with, and figure out what updates/changes he needs in the application, but the first real sheet will be based on the sheet at and I'm also looking at mimicking the sheet from the book once that is done. The goal is that, once it's fully setup, anybody with the right skill-sets ought to be able to do custom sheet designs.

It's a bit of a long-term project, and there's a number of unknowns, so I can't give any sort of timeline on it, but I figured people would like to know that it's coming.

When the generator is calculating the contribution of out-of-curriculum advances, it's not properly rounding up fractions. (core rulebook p.98)

I only get 1 XP toward school rank when I spend 3 XP on an out-of-curriculum technique and assign it to curriculum advancement, when I should be getting 2. (OS X v 1.2.0)


That wasn't the issue (mea culpa), rather the schools table for Fortunist Monk Order rank 2 has Social Skills as a "skill" instead of "skill_group" leading to miscalculation of advances in Courtesy.

Another minor issue: Fortunist monks cannot add their free invocations, since they don't normally have access to invocations.


Thanks for all your effort on this great project!

Edited by Moribund
3 hours ago, Moribund said:

That wasn't the issue (mea culpa), rather the schools table for Fortunist Monk Order rank 2 has Social Skills as a "skill" instead of "skill_group" leading to miscalculation of advances in Courtesy.

Another minor issue: Fortunist monks cannot add their free invocations, since they don't normally have access to invocations.

Aaahhhh! That sounds entirely plausible. The first issue should be a quick fix--it's data, after all. I'll take a closer look at the second when I get home this evening!

8 hours ago, Moribund said:

Another minor issue: Fortunist monks cannot add their free invocations, since they don't normally have access to invocations.

Ok, @Moribund : Tonight, meow9th checked in a data fix for the skill_group typo!

I checked in a new feature: a checkbox on the Advance dialog that will allow a user to bypass all restrictions when selecting techniques. This should resolve the Gigantic Walking Corner Case that Fortunist monks represent (in both lore and mechanics? 😉 ) -- as well as a number of other special cases (such as a GM wanting to give a character a random ninjutsu, for example). You should see these reflected in the next build (which I will hopefully run this week some time).

Thanks for the excellent bug reports! Made it easy to chase them down.

18 hours ago, AltitudeMatters said:

Ok, @Moribund : Tonight, meow9th checked in a data fix for the skill_group typo!

I checked in a new feature: a checkbox on the Advance dialog that will allow a user to bypass all restrictions when selecting techniques. This should resolve the Gigantic Walking Corner Case that Fortunist monks represent (in both lore and mechanics? 😉 ) -- as well as a number of other special cases (such as a GM wanting to give a character a random ninjutsu, for example). You should see these reflected in the next build (which I will hopefully run this week some time).

Thanks for the excellent bug reports! Made it easy to chase them down.

Wow, that was a fast turn around! Thanks!

I also appreciate how you've set up the data structure. It wasn't hard to add Invocations to the available techniques or Social Skills to the curriculum for Fortunist Monks with the user data tables. It was a bit of a kludge though, and I can see having the ability to bypass restrictions being useful in other scenarios.

One thing that might be nice is having the records in the Advances table in the Advancement tab include a field for which rank they applied to along with controls to manipulate their order. When you're making an advanced character (and you're being as indecisive as I was), it's not really intuitive to swap stuff out. I ended up removing several rank 3 advances a few times, just so I could make adjustments to my selections for rank 2. Again, corner case, but that's what they used to call me in high school.

4 minutes ago, Moribund said:

I also appreciate how you've set up the data structure.

Thanks! I can't claim credit, though -- Meow9th put together a pretty sweet DB schema (and then suffered through entering all that data, no less)!

4 minutes ago, Moribund said:

One thing that might be nice is having the records in the Advances table in the Advancement tab include a field for which rank they applied to along with controls to manipulate their order. When you're making an advanced character (and you're being as indecisive as I was), it's not really intuitive to swap stuff out. I ended up removing several rank 3 advances a few times, just so I could make adjustments to my selections for rank 2. Again, corner case, but that's what they used to call me in high school.

Getting a rank column should be a pretty straightforward feature! I'll get a feature request on the board for that one. :) Reorganizing the order should be doable as well -- but is likely a lot trickier. I can definitely add some feature-requests for it though 😄

Glad we could get it squared away! Note: I was reluctant to mark Invocations as allowable for Fortunist Monks, since aside from the free one each rank, they can't take them; adding them as allowable would allow them to add them at any time. >_< If that's working for you, though, then huzzah!

A quick data cautionary note: before you update, if you have custom data you intend to use be sure to use the 'Export->Export All User Data Tables...' feature to save your changes off, then re-import them into the new build. Note that this will only save off things in the user_* tables; if you're making direct, non-user data changes you'll want to save those tables manually. :)

On 8/23/2019 at 11:00 PM, AltitudeMatters said:

Let's try this -- he may be able to try some flags by running the exe with the arguments:

PaperBlossoms.exe -platform windows:dpiawareness=0

PaperBlossoms.exe -platform windows:dpiawareness=1

PaperBlossoms.exe -platform windows:dpiawareness=2

Based on the documentation, this may change how it scales it. ( ) . Can you have him try that, and let me know if it changes anything?

Following up with @Daeglan or his friend (or anyone else seeing huge text on high-dpi displays): did using any of the above flags resolve your issue?

Edited by AltitudeMatters
opening up the question to others
6 minutes ago, AltitudeMatters said:

Following up with @Daeglan or his friend (or anyone else seeing huge text on high-dpi displays): did using any of the above flags resolve your issue?

When i was figuring out where to put that in i found some check boxes i was unaware of and it fixed it. But i am away from my machine so i cant tell you which setting

14 minutes ago, Daeglan said:

When i was figuring out where to put that in i found some check boxes i was unaware of and it fixed it

Awesome! Wanted to make sure it wasn't idle. Whenever you find the setting, let me know--I'm going to work on an FAQ section for people having troubles, and want to make sure that's in there. 😄 Glad you're up and running!

3 hours ago, AltitudeMatters said:

Awesome! Wanted to make sure it wasn't idle. Whenever you find the setting, let me know--I'm going to work on an FAQ section for people having troubles, and want to make sure that's in there. 😄 Glad you're up and running!

Under properties compatability tab high dpi Chec k the high dpi scaling override

We're happy to announce a new, full release - 1.2.2! Thanks again to everyone for your feedback, bug reports, well wishes, and general excellence. As always, the latest download is available at ! Full release notes below.

@dashnine dashnine released this 5 minutes ago

Version 1.2.2

This is a minor release containing all content from the beta release, as well as additional fixes based on user feedback. Full, combined changelog is below.

Changelog (from 1.1.0):

  • Now supports content from Courts of Stone
  • Added checkbox to the Add Advance window to remove all restrictions when selecting tech. This should help with corner cases like the Fortunist Monk, or with GMs that want to give a player a random Ninjutsu...
  • Now requires paying 3 XP to purchase a passion
  • Updates About dialog to show proper version number, and proper credit to /u/mproud for ring art
  • Adjusted default margins on print to prevent some printers from cutting off edges
  • Added CoS Titles (which were missed in the beta)
  • Fixed typo in Fortunist Monk (EE) that resulted in incorrect calculation for a skill group

Known Issues:

For users that are having trouble with scaling on high-DPI monitors: one user has reported correcting the issue with the following:

Right click the executable and choose Properties.
Click the Compatibility tab->Change high DPI settings->Check 'Override high DPI scaling behavior' .

There are some additional options we could try -- if you're experiencing this and want to experiment a bit, drop us a line at [email protected] .

Thanks. Already downloaded it.

EDIT: I'd have gone for "Ignore all restrictions" rather than "Remove all restrictions" but that's about it.

Edited by Tenebrae
additional info
7 hours ago, Tenebrae said:

Thanks. Already downloaded it.

EDIT: I'd have gone for "Ignore all restrictions" rather than "Remove all restrictions" but that's about it.

...that does seem better. Adding an issue on the board to remind myself. :)