Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing Off-Topic

16 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

The Death Star > Amidala > Leia > Rey

Baby Yoda > The Death Star > Amidala > Leia > Rey


1 hour ago, Red Castle said:

" There are people that are never going to ******’ like it and there’s no other way around it,” she says. “But I think people are going to feel like this was made with a lot of love and JJ worked really hard to tie up nine films. It’s impossible to make everyone happy.”

Would you mind sharing a timestamp with when that occured? I watched it twice and never heard it and am bothered that I can't find it.

1 hour ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

3 B wings! Best preview yet!!!!! and not just star wars, I believe this qualifies it as the best movie preview of all time, based on the number of B wings (which I assume is still the rubric?).

Also, any idea what these things are with three engines in a triangular shape are? The only thing I could think of was Delta-7s, but I assume that must be incorrect...



Australian poster

6 hours ago, Whalers on the moon said:

3 B wings! Best preview yet!!!!! and not just star wars, I believe this qualifies it as the best movie preview of all time, based on the number of B wings (which I assume is still the rubric?).

Also, any idea what these things are with three engines in a triangular shape are? The only thing I could think of was Delta-7s, but I assume that must be incorrect...


You can just barely see the fins. They're just RZ-2s.

5 hours ago, Odanan said:

Amidala > Leia > Rey

Ouf, tough call since they're all gorgeous women, but if I had to assume my geekness and rank them in my own personnal taste, I would say:

Leia (She'll always be my number one in my heart) > Rey (I just can't resist her smile) > Amidala (still very beautiful though, it's just that the competition is too fierce :P )

4 hours ago, Captain Lucas said:

Would you mind sharing a timestamp with when that occured? I watched it twice and never heard it and am bothered that I can't find it.

It's at the end of the written article that Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun kindly posted.

17 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

It 's at the end of the written article that Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun kindly posted.

Thank you!

On 12/2/2019 at 6:31 PM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

In honour of your Icon’s brave service to TIE Starfighter Command, as well as not to impede your efforts in watching The Rise of Skywalker multiple times during the worldwide opening weekend, we will release Episode 6 and 7, as less than a week apart.

I have spoken.

Episode 6 — 13th December

Episode 7 — 18th December

@Red Castle


I will spoil nothing for you guys but if the leaks are true this movie will be as controversial as 8. I don’t plan to see it but enjoy it to the fans of the sequels it’s your cap stone 😊

3 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Oh man! Not sure if I want a sneak peek or not, I want to enjoy the movie as spoiler free as possible, except for trailers... but it will definetly be hard to resist!

If i was to rate the gals. Leia takes top spot, then Mon mothma, then amidala and rey tying for third.

Weird, in the last 24 hours I've gotten two arrays of five reactions to my posts in this thread by two people.

Almost as if I'm being targeted.

Edited by KCDodger
6 hours ago, LordFajubi said:

I will spoil nothing for you guys but if the leaks are true this movie will be as controversial as 8. I don’t plan to see it but enjoy it to the fans of the sequels it’s your cap stone 😊

The cringe when the cast was asked what they think of the ending was so funny.

2 hours ago, Captain Lucas said:

The cringe when the cast was asked what they think of the ending was so funny.

Was it anything like Emilia Clarke's reaction when she was asked how GoT Season 8 ended? 😂

17 hours ago, Red Castle said:

" ...and JJ worked really hard to tie up nine films."

This seems to be part of the problem. There was no real NEED to "tie up nine films".

Return of the Jedi was the perfect end to the Star Wars saga. When the prequels came about, they certainly didn't do everything right either but they didn't completely shatter everything that came before.

The sequels didn't need to "tie everything together"; they just need to tell a fresh new story, expand upon the universe and pass the torch over to to a new generation of actors and characters. By marketing this as "the end of the Skywalker Saga", they haven't even managed to do that.

Of course, that could technically be a misquote. Daisy might have said "TIE up nine films". I'm all for that kind of action.

2 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

Daisy might have said "TIE up nine films". I'm all for that kind of action.


3 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

By marketing this as "the end of the Skywalker Saga", they haven't even managed to do that.

I'll wait after seeing Episode 9 to personally judge if they managed it or not.

As far as RotJ being the perfect end, it seems that even M Lucas didn't think so and wrote a draft for a sequel trilogy. Would it have been better is up to each person opinion, but from what I heard of it, I would not personally have liked it. Of course, I'm also part of the lucky group that love the Sequel trilogy so I'm biased, just like someone that hate it would be biased in favor of Lucas script. At the end of the day, we'll never know.

My personnal opinion is that by naming them Episode 7-8-9 they chose to make them part of the Skywalker saga, so I personally hope that they did tie them all together and not just an independant trilogy that has no real link with the prior episodes.

Yeah, unfortunately we're probably not ever going to know exactly what George's ideas for his sequels were, but just like the prequels, chances are they would have split opinion as well.

It was never going to be an easy job, bringing beloved characters back to the screen after 25 odd years of anticipation.

8 hours ago, Captain Lucas said:

The cringe when the cast was asked what they think of the ending was so funny.

That was a bunch of people not knowing how to react, and much of the cast hadn't seen the movie yet. First cast screening just happened last night. They've almost all glowingly discussed this film and how it wraps the series separately. I wrote my response to the talk of Anthony Daniels in the poll on main. We shall see the public's response to the film but people are reading way too much into that reaction pending anything else of substance.

To be fair @dsul413 , most people have already made up their minds whether they will like this movie or not. Now they're just waiting to get online and let us all know that they told us so.

2 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

Yeah, unfortunately we're probably not ever going to know exactly what George's ideas for his sequels were, but just like the prequels, chances are they would have split opinion as well.

It was never going to be an easy job, bringing beloved characters back to the screen after 25 odd years of anticipation.

Yep. I'm pretty sure that if Georges didn't sell to Disney and somehow decided to make his Sequel trilogy, it would have divided the fanbase just as much as the current Sequel Trilogy. I was 18 when the prequels came out and it was far from being well received... social media was just not the machine it is right now. There was so much hate against Lucas.

I think that no matter what they would have done, there is no way they could have pleased everyone. Star Wars is different for everybody. It is so big now, bigger than any of us.

But I think that regardless of how much we love or hate the new contents, it is important to respect the others point of view. We are all fans of Star Wars and I think that how much we can get emotional sometimes is just a testament of how much we love this franchise.

1 hour ago, dsul413 said:

That was a bunch of people not knowing how to react, and much of the cast hadn't seen the movie yet. First cast screening just happened last night. They've almost all glowingly discussed this film and how it wraps the series separately. I wrote my response to the talk of Anthony Daniels in the poll on main. We shall see the public's response to the film but people are reading way too much into that reaction pending anything else of substance.

The more information you know, the better. Thank you for sharing this.

29 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

Bu t I think that regardless of how much we love or hate the new contents, it is important to respect the others point of view. We are all fans of Star Wars and I think that how much we can get emotional sometimes is just a testament of how much we love this franchise.

This is single handedly the best comment in the entire thread from what I have read.

If I might add, I understand the people that don’t like the sequel trilogy. I did the same thing when the prequels came out.

I saw episode 1 in theater, didn’t bothered with episode 2 (only saw it on VHS later with a friend and hated it) and thought that episode 3 was too little too late. I then took a break of Star Wars until 2011-12. In fact, I came back to Star Wars because of x-wing miniature games.

And in retrospect, I think that this break is one of the best thing I did regarding the franchise. It might have tempered my expectation because I was not attached to the old EU.

2 hours ago, dsul413 said:

That was a bunch of people not knowing how to react, and much of the cast hadn't seen the movie yet. First cast screening just happened last night. They've almost all glowingly discussed this film and how it wraps the series separately. I wrote my response to the talk of Anthony Daniels in the poll on main. We shall see the public's response to the film but people are reading way too much into that reaction pending anything else of substance.

Well, they are not going to publicly say they dislike the movie or denounce it in anyway.... Of course they would like to be a candidate for future spin off movies if there are any with these characters. It would be like telling your employer that the work you do is stupid and that you do not like it.

I would wager that most critics/general public are going to give this movie pretty positive reviews. There are a lot of grand looking set pieces and what appears to be a lot of action sequences to make it likely a pretty entertaining film. However, I bet the more hardcore fans are going to pan it just about as badly as TLJ. The leaks for this movie are just so puzzling and full of holes... I mean even if half true. Wow.