Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing Off-Topic

7 hours ago, Vykk Draygo said:

It’s funny how people who like the sequel trilogy can shout from the rooftops, but if you don’t like it you must have a goal or an agenda.

You guys own youtube, don't frakking even.

6 hours ago, KCDodger said:

That's how you see it. I see it otherwise. You think me a fool simply because you believe you are ineffably correct. Sadly you aren't.

You're perfectly entitled to your opinion. I am equally entitled to mine. Trust me, it's not your opinion I'm laughing at.

6 hours ago, KCDodger said:

A Disney made Star Wars character said what you're quoting, which you referred to as a cash grab. That is honestly absolutely frakking hilarious.

Your lack of reading comprehension is disturbing. Maybe it is the self-entitled rage blinding you, but what I actually said was:

"The Skywalker Saga ended with Return of the Jedi. Everything after that has been a cash grab".

Everything after that being Force Awakens and The Last Jedi (so far).

There is no anti-Disney agenda here; I'm perfectly capable of acknowledging worthwhile contribution s to the Star Wars saga, which Rogue One was. ****, even Solo had some merit (compared to the Least Jedi, anyway).

7 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

You're perfectly entitled to your opinion. I am equally entitled to mine. Trust me, it's not your opinion I'm laughing at.

Your lack of reading comprehension is disturbing. Maybe it is the self-entitled rage blinding you, but what I actually said was:

"The Skywalker Saga ended with Return of the Jedi. Everything after that has been a cash grab".

Everything after that being Force Awakens and The Last Jedi (so far).

There is no anti-Disney agenda here; I'm perfectly capable of acknowledging worthwhile contribution s to the Star Wars saga, which Rogue One was. ****, even Solo had some merit (compared to the Least Jedi, anyway).

You're better than this, FTS.

It’s all cool and all, but could you please move this discussion elsewhere so we can get this thread back on topic please?

JJH just made a thread just for this kind of argument so you don’t even have to create a new one!

I hate that this is the world we live in now... Its pathetic. We cannot have civil discourse anymore. We have to either agree with someone completely or be segregated into our own group. Its black or white, 1 or 0. No nuance.

No, I will not post my displeasure of Disney's direction with the ST in that stupid thread and when this movie comes out and its the trainwreck we all fear it will be, then I will come back in here...

4 minutes ago, Jo Jo said:

I hate that this is the world we live in now... Its pathetic. We cannot have civil discourse anymore. We have to either agree with someone completely or be segregated into our own group. Its black or white, 1 or 0. No nuance.

No, I will not post my displeasure of Disney's direction with the ST in that stupid thread and when this movie comes out and its the trainwreck we all fear it will be, then I will come back in here...


3 hours ago, Jo Jo said:

I hate that this is the world we live in now... Its pathetic. We cannot have civil discourse anymore. We have to either agree with someone completely or be segregated into our own group. Its black or white, 1 or 0. No nuance.

No, I will not post my displeasure of Disney's direction with the ST in that stupid thread and when this movie comes out and its the trainwreck we all fear it will be, then I will come back in here...

There's nothing about this discourse that's been civil. Do not even try.

9 hours ago, KCDodger said:

You guys own youtube, don't frakking even.

I use YouTube to watch videos, usually not related to Star Wars. The majority of angst I’ve seen lately has been from you. Your better than this, I used to enjoy your posts but lately They’ve gone completely off the rails.

Edited by Vykk Draygo
3 hours ago, Vykk Draygo said:

I use YouTube to watch videos, usually not related to Star Wars. The majority of angst I’ve seen lately has been from you. Your better than this, I used to enjoy your posts but lately They’ve gone completely off the rails.

It's in response to the growing negativity - for no reason, over a movie that isn't even out yet.

21 minutes ago, KCDodger said:

It's in response to the growing negativity - for no reason, over a movie that isn't even out yet.

What about addressing the negativity in your responses? It takes two to tango, find a post where I’ve attacked anyone for liking the movie. I know a ton of people who like stupid movies, I don’t attack them for liking them and they don’t attack me for not liking them. How can you honestly expect people not to state their opinion, especially when you attack them for doing so. Treat others the way you want to be treated and stop with all the angst against them. If you can’t hear differing opinions an online forum might not be the best place for you. I say this because for the last year the most anger over this movie has come from you. Most of us can say we don’t like it and that’s the end of it. Live and let live.

3 hours ago, Vykk Draygo said:

What about addressing the negativity in your responses? It takes two to tango, find a post where I’ve attacked anyone for liking the movie. I know a ton of people who like stupid movies, I don’t attack them for liking them and they don’t attack me for not liking them. How can you honestly expect people not to state their opinion, especially when you attack them for doing so. Treat others the way you want to be treated and stop with all the angst against them. If you can’t hear differing opinions an online forum might not be the best place for you. I say this because for the last year the most anger over this movie has come from you. Most of us can say we don’t like it and that’s the end of it. Live and let live.

I'm not a centrist anymore, Vykk. When I'm constantly insulted I'm not just going to take it.

We all love Star Wars here don't we? I mean there are crazy people who don't like any of it or who are completely ambivalent to anything Star Wars (my Wife is one... but she does love a baby Yoda). At least we all Like/Love/Completely Obsessed, with this **** IP. Just put that into perspective.

John Boyega seems like such a nice guy that I would love to hang out with! I loved his answer to his question, I never really realised that Finn is kinda the link between every characters.

Only 3 weeks to go!!!

13 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

Only 3 weeks to go!!!

To help with the wait, I’ve thought of it 3 episodes of The Mandalorian before the End of the Saga.

27 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

To help with the wait, I’ve thought of it 3 episodes of The Mandalorian before the End of the Saga.

I like where your mind is at, but then it reminds me that I have to wait a WHOLE week between each Mandalorian chapters! Good grief....

11 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

I like where your mind is at, but then it reminds me that I have to wait a WHOLE week between each Mandalorian chapters! Good grief....

In honour of your Icon’s brave service to TIE Starfighter Command, as well as not to impede your efforts in watching The Rise of Skywalker multiple times during the worldwide opening weekend, we will release Episode 6 and 7, as less than a week apart.

I have spoken.

Episode 6 — 13th December

Episode 7 — 18th December

2 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Thanks for sharing! Very good read! I love how this girl seems down to earth. Best part for me, and I think that resume pretty well where the Star Wars fandom is at now, is at the end, regarding Episode 9 reception:

“There are people that are never going to ******’ like it and there’s no other way around it,” she says. “But I think people are going to feel like this was made with a lot of love and JJ worked really hard to tie up nine films. It’s impossible to make everyone happy.”

On a side note, what a gorgeous lady she is!

41 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

On a side note, what a gorgeous lady she is!

She’s BEAUTIFUL in every way, but she’s no Grand Moff Tarkin 😍

47 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

On a side note, what a gorgeous lady she is!

Amidala > Leia > Rey

4 minutes ago, Odanan said:

Amidala > Leia > Rey

The Death Star > Amidala > Leia > Rey