Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing Off-Topic






Sith Trooper Transports

6 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Rey's clothes here remind me of Cal Kestis'.



This would be one of those cases where the more I see, the less I want to.

20 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

This would be one of those cases where the more I see, the less I want to.

Cool, get out of here.

2 hours ago, KCDodger said:

Cool, get out of here.

Dude, stop gatekeeping and allow others to have opinions, for crying out loud.

11 minutes ago, KCDodger said:

There are certain groups those terms are aligned with and I for one have zero interest in seeing that on this forum. Go make a thread about being angry, let US have THIS. Make your own spaces for being angry about this film.

Again, forums are spaces for all comments, questions, and opinions as FTS Gecko pointed out. It's all a part of the discussion as long as it doesn't break forum rules, as it hasn't. If you don't like that, then you need to focus your anger elsewhere. They weren't being negative here against another induvidual, just simply sharing their opnion.

11 minutes ago, KCDodger said:

No, no you stop. No frakking sir, do not even try. I am so sick and tired of any sequel trilogy film discussion being RULED by negativity.

Don't even try, "We're not the angry ones here". I've fought those tactics forever. Go do other things but crap on positivity. Go be bitter elsewhere.

All I simply did was ask you to stop gatekeeping, which is a pretty petty thing to be upset about, bud.

If online comments of others bother you so much, you can simply share your disagreement by either sharing laugh (can go both ways really) or confused reactions to those comments as others have done, argue or refute those points, report them if they are against forum rules, or you can simply ignore them as they have no bearing on you unless you choose to react to it.

7 minutes ago, Shadowshand said:

Again, forums are spaces for all comments, questions, and opinions as FTS Gecko pointed out. It's all a part of the discussion as long as it doesn't break forum rules, as it hasn't. If you don't like that, then you need to focus your anger elsewhere. They weren't being negative here against another induvidual, just simply sharing their opnion.

All I simply did was ask you to stop gatekeeping, which is a pretty petty thing to be upset about, bud.

If online comments of others bother you so much, you can simply share your disagreement by either sharing laugh (can go both ways really) or confused reactions to those comments as others have done, argue or refute those points, report them if they are against forum rules, or you can simply ignore them as they have no bearing on you unless you choose to react to it.

alright cool marketplace of ideas

gatekeeping the angries out is apparently discrimination despite angries tending to have harmful and discriminatory views

if you want a real valid "safe space" complaint then allowing negativity in places where it absolutely isn't needed is definitely the epitome of it

just keep enabling anger and virtriol

that helps

37 minutes ago, KCDodger said:

alright cool marketplace of ideas

gatekeeping the angries out is apparently discrimination despite angries tending to have harmful and discriminatory views

if you want a real valid "safe space" complaint then allowing negativity in places where it absolutely isn't needed is definitely the epitome of it

just keep enabling anger and virtriol

that helps

Exaggerate much, bud? You have a pretty bad habit of wanting the last word and getting angry and triggered from literally nothing. You are pretty heated over a simple differing opinion and need to chill.

Talk about good things for the film again, that will cheer you up, as well as not lock this thread for you getting off topic. 😂

Edited by Shadowshand

The atmosphere was so exceedingly negative, and in many cases toxic, following The Last Jedi (only mostly going away with release of The Mandalorian) that many aren’t ready to go through that again now that they’re excited for the next film.

The reaction to The Last Jedi was such an extreme that I think it’s left people still a bit tender on both sides.

Personally I’m still not ready to deal with this community once The Rise of Skywalker comes out. There was this magic that the new films had kindled in me that the internet killed and buried and it’s only just clawing it’s way back.

I also acknowledge part of that was me being too naive to just take a break from the online fandom and come back when the dust settled. While mood and other’s opinions can sour excitement, we are also each responsible for allowing others to ruin our own joy.

I hate “Rebels”, I think it’s an awful show. I’m not going to avoid critiquing it when appropriate simply because others might be too fragile to withstand an opinion, but I also don’t want to contribute to a negative environment that works to kill others enjoyment of something I dislike.

Edited by Forresto



FYI, the f fFINAL FILM OF THE SKYWALKER SAGA was Return of the Jedi.

Everything after that has been a cash grab.

7 hours ago, KCDodger said:

Wow, really do not like the wilful exclusion of Rey, considering she rebuilt the version Leia is holding here. That's literally erasure.

I was also bothered by the exclusion of Rey (and Finn), but I think the person who made the picture went with the Skywalker bloodline and not just owners of the saber.

Either that or it is indeed some deep denial! :P

Edited by Red Castle
8 hours ago, KCDodger said:

Wow, really do not like the wilful exclusion of Rey, considering she rebuilt the version Leia is holding here. That's literally erasure.

Psssst @KCDodger come a little closer.

A little closer.

ok that’s too close.

I have a Dark Secret,










7 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

FYI, the f fFINAL FILM OF THE SKYWALKER SAGA was Return of the Jedi.

Everything after that has been a cash grab.

This is exactly what I'm talking about!

2 hours ago, KCDodger said:

This is exactly what I'm talking about!

Cool, so you're happy with cash grabs and bastardisation s of the original story. That's totally fine.

What's not fine is assuming anyone who is not happy with the above is an absolute a-hole fixated entirely on invading your happy space.

28 minutes ago, FTS Gecko said:

Cool, so you're happy with cash grabs and bastardisation s of the original story. That's totally fine.

What's not fine is assuming anyone who is not happy with the above is an absolute a-hole fixated entirely on invading your happy space.

So why have you chosen to voice your displeasure with the direction the story has gone in a thread meant to hype the next Star Wars film exactly? You have me curious.

33 minutes ago, Hiemfire said:

So why have you chosen to voice your displeasure with the direction the story has gone in a thread meant to hype the next Star Wars film exactly? You have me curious.

Surely that's obvious? This is a thread about the new film. That invites discussion about the new film, it's story and where it is at / where it is going.

I mean, I COULD talk about my disappointment with the sequels in a completely unrelated topic, bit that would be a bit pointless, wouldn't it?

Now, as to why I keep checking in on the subject when I (and many Star Wars fans like me) have already checked out of the sequel trilogy... well, that would be because despite the missed opportunity the sequels represent, I am still above all else a Star Wars fan.

And fandom is built on hope.

So I keep looking, out of hope.

6 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

Cool, so you're happy with cash grabs and bastardisation s of the original story. That's totally fine.

What's not fine is assuming anyone who is not happy with the above is an absolute a-hole fixated entirely on invading your happy space.

That's how you see it. I see it otherwise. You think me a fool simply because you believe you are ineffably correct.
Sadly you aren't.

6 hours ago, Hiemfire said:

So why have you chosen to voice your displeasure with the direction the story has gone in a thread meant to hype the next Star Wars film exactly? You have me curious.

Isn't it curious as ****? It's almost like he has a goal.

5 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

Surely that's obvious? This is a thread about the new film. That invites discussion about the new film, it's story and where it is at / where it is going.

I mean, I COULD talk about my disappointment with the sequels in a completely unrelated topic, bit that would be a bit pointless, wouldn't it?

Now, as to why I keep checking in on the subject when I (and many Star Wars fans like me) have already checked out of the sequel trilogy... well, that would be because despite the missed opportunity the sequels represent, I am still above all else a Star Wars fan.

And fandom is built on hope.

So I keep looking, out of hope.

A Disney made Star Wars character said what you're quoting, which you referred to as a cash grab. That is honestly absolutely frakking hilarious.

It’s funny how people who like the sequel trilogy can shout from the rooftops, but if you don’t like it you must have a goal or an agenda.