Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing Off-Topic



New Supreme Leader ?


Deutsches Plakat


YES !!!


by Sean Miller



LEGO Sith Officer*

* I have five Imperial Officer uiforms for conventions (and when I want to scare off the cable guys/nosey neighbors/Girl Scouts without the cookies I want [“No Tag-alongs and Frozen Thin Mints?! Away with ye!!”]), do I really need to get this one?

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun


EMPIRE Magazine





by Rory Kurtz


Many thanks to the New Republic 🥂 🍾


76720770_703158060175220_835815573697855 74311521_276475736618747_671391786952189

Cleanest look at the B-Wing yet.

I really like watching folks who insisted the new Bs and Ys were the old ones, or something else we'd already seen, thrash about.

It must be tiring to be wrong about starships literally ALL the time.

44 minutes ago, KCDodger said:

76720770_703158060175220_835815573697855 74311521_276475736618747_671391786952189

Cleanest look at the B-Wing yet.

I really like watching folks who insisted the new Bs and Ys were the old ones, or something else we'd already seen, thrash about.

It must be tiring to be wrong about starships literally ALL the time.

Ya, these seem to be thinner in the wing, cockpit and foils than the RotJ ones. I think the main engines (the big ones) have been reduced in number too.

Edit: Yep. As I suspected. Different engine configuration on top of the rest I noticed. The RotJ B-Wing:


Edit 2: ******* **** the comment section of that vid...

Edited by Hiemfire


Finn vs Sith Troopers

I'm just sad that the tie silencer and tie dagger are the only "new" fighter designs we've gotten from the ST.

And that's not saying much since TIE designs are all similar already.

Everything else is just a "2.0" version of a fighter from the OT.

Xwing 2.0, Awing 2.0, Ywing 2.0, Bwing 2.0, Tie Fighter 2.0, Tie Fighter 2.1 (SF version), and Tie Interceptor 2.0 (kylo's new ride).


21 hours ago, KCDodger said:

76720770_703158060175220_835815573697855 74311521_276475736618747_671391786952189

The design was no improved, IMHO...

2 hours ago, markcsoul said:

I'm just sad that the tie silencer and tie dagger are the only "new" fighter designs we've gotten from the ST.

And that's not saying much since TIE designs are all similar already.

Everything else is just a "2.0" version of a fighter from the OT.

Xwing 2.0, Awing 2.0, Ywing 2.0, Bwing 2.0, Tie Fighter 2.0, Tie Fighter 2.1 (SF version), and Tie Interceptor 2.0 (kylo's new ride).

Yes, this is very sad.

PS: maybe the FO TIE Bomber also appears in the movie.

7 hours ago, Odanan said:

The design was no improved, IMHO...

Surprise, the guy who doesn't like the sequel designs in the sequel era doesn't like the B-Wing in RoS..?

9 hours ago, markcsoul said:

I'm just sad that the tie silencer and tie dagger are the only "new" fighter designs we've gotten from the ST.

And that's not saying much since TIE designs are all similar already.

Everything else is just a "2.0" version of a fighter from the OT.

Xwing 2.0, Awing 2.0, Ywing 2.0, Bwing 2.0, Tie Fighter 2.0, Tie Fighter 2.1 (SF version), and Tie Interceptor 2.0 (kylo's new ride).

Every time somethin' new comes out y'all mushroom stamp it. TIE FO dropship? Hate it. Resistance Transport? Hate it. MG-100? Despise it. Like the only design y'all like that's new is the Upsilon, and I see dissent about that too?

They can't make new stuff to fill the roles without y'all hating on it. How many **** times do I gotta see folks beat on the MG-100 for "Being worse than the Y-Wing" and then see folks turn around and say, "Another Y-Wing? How boring!"

Like ****, it isn't possible to please this fanbase. I'm not saying to not be disappointed...

But I sure as **** AM saying that, after TFA, why would you ever expect anything else?

13 minutes ago, KCDodger said:

Surprise, the guy who doesn't like the sequel designs in the sequel era doesn't like the B-Wing in RoS..?

Every time somethin' new comes out y'all mushroom stamp it. TIE FO dropship? Hate it. Resistance Transport? Hate it. MG-100? Despise it. Like the only design y'all like that's new is the Upsilon, and I see dissent about that too?

They can't make new stuff to fill the roles without y'all hating on it. How many **** times do I gotta see folks beat on the MG-100 for "Being worse than the Y-Wing" and then see folks turn around and say, "Another Y-Wing? How boring!"

I'm personally indifferent to both the resistance transport and FO dropship. They look the part I suppose.

I actually like the MG design. Its a cool nod to ww2 bombers. The depiction though leaves much to be desired. Seems like they are worthless unless they have a massive starfighter advantage AND the enemy capital ship is either weapons disabled or has mostly anti capital ship weapons. They go down like flies otherwise, and are just as likely to cause friendly fire damage if their bombs are activated.

I also like kylo's shuttle a lot. Very menacing like a large, dark raven.

Also apparently the animated shows know how to do better starfighter designs than the ST.

Look at the original ywing in the clone Wars, or the t85 xwing in resistance. In both cases it's clear the lineage they have, but they also have quite a few design differences.

Whereas I bet most casual fans just assume the xwings, awings, etc are the same version as the OT since they look almost the same.

9 hours ago, markcsoul said:

I'm just sad that the tie silencer and tie dagger are the only "new" fighter designs we've gotten from the ST.

And that's not saying much since TIE designs are all similar already.

Everything else is just a "2.0" version of a fighter from the OT.

Xwing 2.0, Awing 2.0, Ywing 2.0, Bwing 2.0, Tie Fighter 2.0, Tie Fighter 2.1 (SF version), and Tie Interceptor 2.0 (kylo's new ride).

You missed out an entire fleet of new Resistance ships.

1 hour ago, Wraithdt said:

You missed out an entire fleet of new Resistance ships.

I was referring to fighters only. No indications yet the massive fleet has new starfighters designs. Just freighters and capital ships.