Harold exited the bar and headed over to the air speeder. He climbed in and turned on the vehicle. "Gotta see a duro about a nerf." He says to no one in particular and starts heading out towards the north-east section of town.
The Circuit (IC)
The north-east was the most crime riddled section of the entire city of Tyrena. The city thrived on its tourism and holiday goers, but the more sinister element had to go somewhere. The streets were patrolled by swoop gangers and enforcers, all wearing their gang logos and colours proudly. No Corsec came near here for fear of a beating, or even death. The shift in the atmosphere was noticeable to the doctor as he makes his way into the sector. Every so often he would hear the smash of glass, raised voices or even a gunshot. This was a very different world.
Still, Harold knew where he was going, and making his way through the streets carefully he could avoid the worst that the criminals had to offer. After a but if walking he saw a cantina. It was a ratty afair with cracked windows and black stained walls, and the sign above the door declared it to be 'The Splat'. People passed by without paying it much attention as they went about their business. A young woman lent against the wall, one foot propped against it as they glanced around nonchalantly.
As Harold approaches, there is a commotion near the door, and a man is hurled out of the entrance, skidding onto the muddy surface in front of it that made the road here. Follwing a moment later is another man dressed in a black and blue swoop jacket, and in his hand is a pistol. As the fallen figure tries to crawl away, he marches up behind him, planting a foot on his back and raising the pistol to aim at his head.
'I told you not to come back here' the biker would growl before glancing up as Harold catches his eyes. 'What?' he would grunt as he scowls at the stranger.
The drive was both relaxing and exciting with Harold knowing what reward was at the destination. He had traveled this rougher section plenty of times so avoided the truly chaotic sections for the more "civilized" areas. The twileks of the night and the gang bangers were out in force tonight though. No doubt drunk or high or both and looking for trouble after the excitement of the race.
Harold parked a bit away but stayed in sight of his speeder. Walking towards the woman by the cantina he could not help but be startled by the flying man followed by the ganger with the pistol. Holding up his hands as the man barks at him Harold speaks. "I have no quarrel friend." he says with an easy smile. Looking down at the man on the ground with the very limited lifespan his curiosity got the better of him. "What did this fool do to earn a blaster lobotomy?"
On 2/4/2019 at 4:10 AM, Edgehawk said:"Buy-in tonight is on me.. well, on Doc here, really. Don't let the fact that you can't beat me deter you from trying." She looks around at her companions. "That goes for any of you. You don't have to be a racer on a swoop to have fun at the beach. C'mon, let's fly."
Cormil smiles at Zara and says, "Well, if you're buying, then I'll do my best to give you a challenge! Still think you should have gone with the speed mods though. My swoop is way faster than yours in a straight-away."
"It's not what's between your legs, Cor, it's how you fly it." Zara winks and smiles back, then concedes, "Furiosa's next upgrade." She glances over at Krydil. "Soon as I win my next thousand credits, for the parts."
Climbing astride her swoop, she deactivates the security system and revs it up. The music player immediately begins blasting Clone Fett and the Darkhearts. "She does have a sweet sound system, though."
With that, she's off! Back at the garage, she inspects her ejection system, and has Krydil calibrate the maneuvering thrusters. When he says something about tuning the engine, she gives him the thumbs-up. "Sure, Thanks, Kry!"
Krydil squares himself up to Zara’s swoop bike and starts inspecting the engine. “ Zara have you changed the oil recently.” He says while draining the engine. “ You really should do so more often.”
The swoop ganger glares at the doctor as the blaster fires a single shot into the back of the poor victims skull. The red bolt punches into the head and straight through into the ground. The bolt jolts with a final twitch before the murderer turns to move back into cantina. 'Nothing you need to worry about' he would grunt. With that he was gone.
The woman would shake her head slowly as she walks forward. 'You'd do well to steer clear of that guy. He thinks he's a big shot but he's just a thug'. She was dressed in a large puffy coat, a little worn at the elbows but looked warm enough. Her face was weather beaten from too much time outdoors, and her hands were stuffed deep into her pockets. 'Been a while Harold, what are you doing in this part of the city?' she'd ask casually.
Harold still looked rather shocked at the blatant murder that took place a few meters from where he was standing. He looked with dread as the beast of a man walked back into the cantina. Without thinking Harold quickly was down on one knee checking on the blaster shot victim. A point blank shot like that left little chance of survival and this poor sot had no sort of luck.
Looking up to the woman who also witnessed the murder he shook his head. "Steer clear eh, funny I was thinking of steering right into him." Hal says glancing back to his speeder. "Nice to see you Iffit." hall continues as he stands up and walks over to the woman. "Other then the joy of seeing an old friend I am also hoping to find a little boost as I am feeling a bit blue."
Iffit would chuckle and shakes her head. 'You can tell you haven't been in the north-east often doc. You don't need to be coy, the corsec don't come down here. All you've got to do is dodge the blaster fire going down the street. So how much you looking for?'
As she talks she rummage through her pockets to produce a small silver canister. Harold would recognise it as one of the many new methods of packaging spice. A highly compressed canister like this can be passed off as a medical dispenser at first glance. One of these holds at least five doses. 'I've got a few of these, forty-five credits each'.
Hal smiles. "In that case I am looking for some booster blue specifically. Although I am always interested in new mixes and flavors of spice. Tell me about this one." the doctor says as he hands over forty-five credits for one of the spice canisters.
Edited by Jawa4thewinbolding
"Hey! I leave that to you, and you should be honored ! I don't let just any guy check my fluids, like Lei Mie over there." It made Krydil distinctly uncomfortable when she spoke in such a fashion, to her great delight.
Crouching in front of the swoop, Zara begins to touch-up some of Furiosa's nose art. "I just make sure she looks pretty, and fly the frek out of her."
Finishing up, she heads over to her locker and suits-up. Helmet under her arm, she addresses the team: "Ladies and Gents.. You too, Lei.. It's about that time!" Looking around, she notes Hal's absence. Fix couldn't even wait for the party?! Guess we all get our highs, one way or another..

Cormil chuckles at Zara's lewdness. That's just one of the things that makes this garage so great. Cormil suits up as well and joins in the trash talking, "Let's see if anyone else out there can race. I'd hate to only lose to Zara."
19 hours ago, Jonas Shaaf said:Cormil chuckles at Zara's lewdness. That's just one of the things that makes this garage so great. Cormil suits up as well and joins in the trash talking, "Let's see if anyone else out there can race. I'd hate to only lose to Zara."
"You'll lose to me!" Lei Mie teases.
Krydil finishes up his work on Zara’s bike, despite his harrasing her the bike was in good condition to start with, a quick check of the engines was all he needed to do. “ Yeah, yeah.” He says responding to Zara. “ You may ride her, but I make her purr !” He rolls his r’s for extra effect.
14 hours ago, Shlambate said:Krydil finishes up his work on Zara’s bike, despite his harrasing her the bike was in good condition to start with, a quick check of the engines was all he needed to do. “ Yeah, yeah.” He says responding to Zara. “ You may ride her, but I make her purr !” He rolls his r’s for extra effect.
"You can make me 'purr' any time," Lei Mie teases as she slips in behind him, and nibbles his ear. "My bike's next."
Iffit would chuckle as she bounces the canister in her hand. 'I'm not a wine seller Harry' she would say, coining her own nickname for the doctor. 'You've had booster blue before right? Same stuff as usual, I don't cut my spices, you know that'. I've got a couple of other strains, neutron pixie, glitterstim, you know the stuff'.
Hal nods knowingly. "You know I love my booster blue." he says. "I wouldn't mind some neutron pixie as well though if you have some. I am a bit flush of credits and wouldn't mind some variety if you know what i mean."
Hal caressed the first vial as one would caress a lover. "Iffit I think I'll take 3 hits of the neutron pixie and two glitterstim." he says with a wide smile.
The dealer would nod with a knowing smile as she rummages through her pockets once more. 'Ah I knew you'd want something a little more fun. Glitterstim has gotten real popular with the students recently, I think they're using it for studying'. Producing a couple of small silver bags this time she would pass them across to the doctor. 'Ok, with the blue your looking at five hundred credits, but for a firend I'm going to knock five off the top for you. Now, don't get the bags mixed up, or you're going to have a weird evening' she would joke.
Hal nods. "No need to discount, I can pay full price." he says and hands over the extra 500 credits. Pocketing the drugs he quickly makes his way back to the air speeder. He didn't want to get robbed so soon after getting his score and after all there was the beach party bingo to get to.
On 2/12/2019 at 4:29 PM, Tramp Graphics said:"You can make me 'purr' any time," Lei Mie teases as she slips in behind him, and nibbles his ear. "My bike's next."
He pays no mind to her bitting his ear and moves immediately to the bike. “ Alright what do we have here.” Krydil says as he starts to mess with the engine, “ Bad spark plugs, Lei, how long had the blinking check engine light been on?” He asks as he goes to retrieve some replacement plugs for the swoop.
4 hours ago, Shlambate said:He pays no mind to her bitting his ear and moves immediately to the bike. “ Alright what do we have here.” Krydil says as he starts to mess with the engine, “ Bad spark plugs, Lei, how long had the blinking check engine light been on?” He asks as he goes to retrieve some replacement plugs for the swoop.
"What're you talking about?" she asks indignantly. "It's brand new off the show room floor. I haven't even fully broken it in yet."
Edited by Tramp Graphics3 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:"What're you talking about?" she asks indignantly. "It's brand new off the show room floor. I haven't even fully broken it in yet."
" Then Lei, they might have sold you a Lemon. Maybe we can go back and ask for a new one with all the same customizations but whatever it is the engine should work fine now." Krydil says in response to her questions.
1 minute ago, Shlambate said:" Then Lei, they might have sold you a Lemon. Maybe we can go back and ask for a new one with all the same customizations but whatever it is the engine should work fine now." Krydil says in response to her questions.
"It's stock," she says. "I haven't made any customizations yet. That's not exactly my strong suit. That's your job. Just make her purr."
Edited by Tramp Graphics7 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:"It's stock," she says. "I haven't made any customizations yet. That's not exactly my strong suit. That's your job. Just make her purr."
Cormil puts his tools away and walks over to Krydil. "It's amazing how some people can fly these gorgeous swoops and just ignore the simple things like 'regular scheduled maintenance'," Cormic says quietly.