The Circuit (OOC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Ok I'll wait to see how it goes with Jonas to determine what to do next.

@Jonas Shaaf , I do need to hear from you soon. @Shlambate , if there is anything you want to do, I'd say do it now.

Ok can I drive the Truck through the fence and at Zara and the cop so she can jump in and the Cop has to run for his life? The intent is not to kill but to get Zara free?

Fantastic, @Shlambate , I'm going to say an average piloting (planetary) check with a setback will do that. If you fail however, @Edgehawk , I will need an average athletics to avoid the incoming truck.

On 10/14/2019 at 4:22 PM, Rabobankrider said:

. @Jonas Shaaf may also be able to help get Zara out of there, as they do have the speeder.

Cormil could try to "whitewash" the cop with the swoop and hope he jumps out of the way.

Officer Athletics Check : 2eA+2eD+1eS 2 failures
a-s.png a-a.png d-f-f.png d-f.png s-th.png

Ok, so this is a good and bad situation for me. Good because I get to test the rules for ramming someone with a vehicle, bad because it's a pc ramming a pc.

@Shlambate , as the truck only has 1 speed, 1 would be enough to break the fence. The best calculation for ramming damage I've found is silhouette*(speed*2), meaning the truck unfortunately does 9 damage to Zara (but then it is a truck).

For the record, this was originally planned as a quick in and out side mission 😛

Edited by Rabobankrider
13 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

The best calculation for ramming damage I've found is silhouette*(speed*2)

That is 2*(1*2) which is 4

But with the proper Silhouette its 3*(1*2) which is 6

unless that's addition

2(1+2) is 6

3(1+2) is 9

@Shlambate , my mistake, your maths is correct. It is only 6 damage in the end. Speed 1 is certainly the safest ramming speed. 😛 @Edgehawk , you are able to get back up to your feet, and @Jonas Shaaf you still have the bike. Both corsec officers are on the floor at the moment so if you want to make a dash for it you can. If there's anything else you want to do before they get back up you'll have to be fast.

I'll make an IC post soon then

9 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Shlambate , my mistake, your maths is correct. It is only 6 damage in the end. Speed 1 is certainly the safest ramming speed. 😛 @Edgehawk , you are able to get back up to your feet, and @Jonas Shaaf you still have the bike. Both corsec officers are on the floor at the moment so if you want to make a dash for it you can. If there's anything else you want to do before they get back up you'll have to be fast.

Does the revised damage inflicted change the original “crumpled on the ground and not moving” prognosis? If the officer appears to be in critical condition, Zara will attempt to assist. If he seems okay, or is obviously quite dead, she will flee.

He is still on the ground and isn't getting up fast, but you can hear groaning suggesting he is still conscious.

Ok! When you guys ares ready you can narrate heading back to the garage and planning your next move to get into the racing circuit. I'll give you guys some options when I'm back, but this is a chance for a general brainstorm to direct the immediate future of the campaign. You can also all take 10 xp for your troubles, and I am afraid that @Edgehawk and @Jonas Shaaf have to add 2 obligation to the characters under the 'criminal' category.

14 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

I am afraid that @Edgehawk and @Jonas Shaaf have to add 2 obligation to the characters under the 'criminal' category.

Runs over the Cops, Not a Criminal.


Anyways I think we need more players as well as a plan going forward, what do we want to do to get out money since btmaja is no longer in.

A well spent DP for tinted window's saved you a wanted poster @Shlambate 😛

I would agree that we need new players, however when I checked there wasn't much interest. Unless you guys know of anyone, this may be tricky to resolve.

In terms of funding, you would ic know of a few options: Self fund through races (risky and very expensive, but doable), find an official team to join (very difficult skill wise), find a benefactor (can be easy depending on a streetwise roll, but may have strings attatched), get imperial funding (not too hard but has some negative points with the imperial rule etc), find an underworld sponsor (not too hard but very shady). Other options are available if you think of them. :)

I’m good with anything up to the racers how shady they want to be.

These are excerpts from Zara’s sheet:

“Dutybound 5
While officially discharged from the Corellian Security Force for unsuitability, her natural abilities (also deniability and expendability) and training have marked her as a potentially valuable asset. Zara knows she might be pressed into service at any time, should a particular mission require her talents..”

”No military or police force enjoys discharging promising individuals who have already undergone extensive and intensive training; but nor do they wish to throw good credits after bad.

Zara's temperament and spontaneity simply pushed her instructors and advisors too far, too often.

She has been contacted recently, and essentially recruited- made to understand that she still has a duty, and may be called upon. It seems someone at CorSec might still wish to make use of her.. TRT, INT, SID, SOD.. or perhaps it was a clandestine imperial agent who had contacted her under a false flag?

Of course she told the agent to frag-off, but she suspects it will not deter a future encounter.”

Zara is going to attempt to make contact, see if there is a job on offer, and what it might pay. Would there be a check involved, and if so, what would it be?

The corsec offices in the city would be an appropriate place to follow up on this I'd say, however considering the recent crimes committed an average stealth with a setback would avoid being arrested before seeing who you need to. The others could help with this as well.

@Edgehawk , when ready feel free to put up the ic post for you plans.

Alright guys, I think I am unfortunately going to have to shelve this game. I am however looking for feedback from anyone willing as usual to see if what caused this one to die can be avoided in the future.

On 11/5/2019 at 8:08 PM, Rabobankrider said:

@Edgehawk , when ready feel free to put up the ic post for you plans.

Sorry about this. The weekend got away from me.

19 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Alright guys, I think I am unfortunately going to have to shelve this game. I am however looking for feedback from anyone willing as usual to see if what caused this one to die can be avoided in the future.

I enjoyed this game, but I think shelving it is a fair option. I wish I had better feedback for you, but I really don’t know. Maybe it is the relative lack of conventional Star Wars style action? Thanks for running this. It was fun while it lasted.

Well we can't control when players go absent, But yeah that is fair.

As to what caused it I don't know, I was having fun.

Potentially in the future I will bring the game back to life. For now though it may be easier for me to focus on the two. If I do revitalise this one or start another, I'll let you guys know so you can take first dibs.