Vassal World Cup Results

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

I think that is a first for the tournament. Congratulations!

1 hour ago, BiggsIRL said:

I think that is a first for the tournament. Congratulations!

Don't be Messing with that Guy!

So many sweet head-to-heads lining up for Round 2! Can't wait :)

1 hour ago, clontroper5 said:

Don't be Messing with that Guy!

Yeah! Haha!

*looks at bracket*


A 24 hour extension has been given so that last minute games can be played.

My last POD Game against @Aresius is over, ending with a 4:7 MoV 98 win for him.

I was first player ande we played advanced Gunnery. He killed my objective Raider, Ozzel on his Raider and Ciena, i killed one hammerhead and one Gr75.

Very nice match, thanks again and best of luck for the elimination round.

and thanks @BiggsIRL for hosting, will surly try again.

grats for winning the Pod, Aresius.

thx Bantha and Gink for the games.

Outbound V @Angry Ewok complete with a 7-4 MOV of 89 to Ewok.

I chose 1st (Since I forgot which objectives I chose for this tourny) and we played his Intel Sweep. I had never played this objective before, and this time his Ackbar set the trap. From the deployment it was obvious he would win the objective, and he set his AF and two CR90s in the bottom left. My quasar deployed in the middle, with my ISD on the left.

I'm a little rusty on the details because we had to split the game over two nights, but my ISD LEEEEEEROYYYYY JENKINS'd! into three ackbar arcs on turn 2, with Bail waiting on turn 3. Turn 3 saw the death of my ISD, Dengar and Morna. Turn 4 was more fortuitous for me, as I managed to rid myself of Ewok's pesky A-Wings. Turn 5 I popped a CR90 with my squad ball (Thanks, Vader Hit/Crit!). Then I bravely ran away just like Sir Robin. Turn 6 I killed his 2 VCX's and Thrawn flew off into the sunset.

Thanks, Ewok, for a good game, and thanks @BiggsIRL for putting the tourny together!

@The_tony_davis effectively concedes to @jp82729 . Unfortunately 8 points and 140 MOV is not enough to overtake Viktor who wins on MOV.

@themightyhedgehog vs rasproteus has ended in hedgehog's victory. 185-174 for a 6-5.

I managed to quickly rush down Ackbar's CR90 and obliterate it, but the Advanced Gunnery Assault Frigate slowly chipped my CR90's away (and in Dodonna's case, quite quickly when I rerolled a crit into a double).

I should have just taken a small victory, but I re-engaged to try to score enough points to be competitive in the pod.



If you have your matchups for the Elimination Round, you can begin play. JJs, you will have your opponent by the end of the night.

Last game of podn8 was a 6-5 to me vs @Maturin . I needed a 10 to move on and after round 3 it was clear it would be a 6 or 7 so we called it.

I clearly tanked the game on purpose to give @rasproteus the terror oh playing @JJs Juggernaut .

Oh I mean honor.

I don't have Vassal and I'm not really interested in it, so I can't really get much out of log files. Is there a thread with full battle reports somewhere?

1 hour ago, Benjan Meruna said:

I don't have Vassal and I'm not really interested in it, so I can't really get much out of log files. Is there a thread with full battle reports somewhere?

This is that thread.

2 hours ago, Benjan Meruna said:

I don't have Vassal and I'm not really interested in it, so I can't really get much out of log files. Is there a thread with full battle reports somewhere?

Yep, if your lucky some use type up reports but you find that here haha.

@BiggsIRL are we going to be able to have any of the games streamed ?

Depends of if you schedule them when I'm not doing anything.

My schedule is... interesting.

I'll try to at least do the Championship.

16 hours ago, clontroper5 said:

Yep, if your lucky some use type up reports but you find that here haha.

@BiggsIRL are we going to be able to have any of the games streamed ?

I'll occasionally do silent streams, but with such a low turn out from Europe I doubt I will be online for many of the games.

@Zamalekite and i finished our brutal match up. Fantastic game with a great opponent. A pleasure to play.

I chose first player and picked his precision strike. He out deployed me forcing me to bank warlord across some asteroids drawing de-powered armament turn 2. Perfect! A Warlord with D Caps that can't shoot at long range. Turn 2 also saw the squadron engagement begin in earnest with me launching saber, howl, valen and a generic tie into the mouth of the beast. They succeeded in taking out Corran but lost the generic tie and howl in return. Double tapping Yavaris is no Joke. Turns 2 and 3 proceeded to be a blood bath with a combined 13 squadrons meeting their maker with the small number of survivors hanging on by a thread (except for those VCXs... obscene how much hull they have).

Top of turn 4 Warlord finally got its engineering dial repowering the turbo lasers and with the help of Captain Jonus and popping the D-caps proceeded to one shot a transport and ripped yavaris in half Rogue One style. With warlord back in action and only an empty shale of our former glorious fighter/bomber wings the writing was on the wall and @Zamakiel yielded the field.

There were some great moments especially when the Rebel squadrons were taking down everything I was throwing at them. I could visualize a stout Captain of the VSD Warlord staring at the battle unfolding. His bridge deafeningly silent as the rebel squadrons reformed their approach with obvious holes from comrades lost to the vanguard. The captain merely whispers "Send in the second wave". Forcing the the survivors to contend with fresh tie fighters.

Again, great game and look forward to the next match!

Edited by PartyPotato


Whoops sorry. 160 vs 84. I believe that’s a 7-4 to me?

don't happen to have a logfile by chance do you?

Elimination Round: @clontroper5 vs CyborgNinja

Clontroper5 picked 1st Player and Precision Strike

CyborgNinja: very little (2 flotillas, 1 victory token)

Clontroper5: Tabled plus lots of victory tokens


Clon's great play had me on the run from early on - awesome job and good luck with the rest of the tournament! Here's a round-by-round breakdown if you wanted more...

Round 1 : Hook onto Demo's side or the ISD's side? Two equally terrible choices await the Rebels....


Round 2 : ...And it all starts to fall apart for the Rebels. Early strong activations from Morna and Ciena knock out the lead X-Wing, leaving just enough room for Maarek (double tapped from Jendon) to scalpel out Jan from the Rebel squad formation. If that wasn't bad enough, Toryn's flotilla gets toasted by Demo's post-move attack (rolled double accuracy / double hit-crit...). With Demo's flank obstructed too, the Scurrgs come in to finish off Morna and Maarek after the X's whiffed pretty hard.


Round 3 : It's all downhill from here (or uphill, depending on the way you like to use the most ambiguous metaphor). The Rebels have to start hoping for amazing bombing runs on the ISD, which they definitely don't get. Demo wipes out the corvette you see it targeting below (but gets stuck back using the double ram to do it), and Avenger's flak is seriously laying into the Rebel squads that are left.


Round 4 : The assault frigate is just out of black range of BTAvenger this round, but its fate is sealed at this point --- no amount of side shots and mediocre bombing runs (Nym had 3 straight accuracy/blank shots along the way...) is taking down the ISD. Suppressor and Leia's Bomber Command Center decide to ram each other off the board this round.


Round 5 : Here come the boarding troopers! There's goes the space whale!


Round 6 : And there goes Dodonna, a sliver in black range on Avenger's front arc (although Demo had him lined up just in case the most epic of whiff rolls occurred).
