Vassal World Cup Results

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

2 hours ago, Karneck said:

Karneck v @thecactusman17

Thecactusman: 144

Karneck: 322

8-3 win 178 MOV win to Karneck

Objective:Adv. Gunnery

Initiative: Thecactusman

Cactus made his raider Adv Gun ship, and mine was Demo.
Came down to positioning on both sides and my squads managed to put in enough damage to down his ISD and Demo with help from my ISD and demo. I lost demo to Cactus demo.

i have a log file if you want me to post it

15 minutes ago, clontroper5 said:

i have a log file if you want me to post it

yes please, was trying to create one at the end when we realized we'd missed it by going back to the syst but it wouldn't let me.

2 hours ago, Karneck said:

Karneck v @thecactusman17

Thecactusman: 144

Karneck: 322

8-3 win 178 MOV win to Karneck

Objective:Adv. Gunnery

Initiative: Thecactusman

Cactus made his raider Adv Gun ship, and mine was Demo.
Came down to positioning on both sides and my squads managed to put in enough damage to down his ISD and Demo with help from my ISD and demo. I lost demo to Cactus demo.


@jp82729 vs myself.

I was 1st and chose his Solar Corona. Final score 185-167 for an 18 MOV to myself.

We traded his Screed ISD and Ciena for my MC75 and Bright Hope.

The Comatose Potato encounter

Party-Potato vs Comatose

Party-Potato = 328

Comatose = 285

Objective = Sensor Net

Initiative = Party-Potato... come on 23 point bid I'm taking the initiative :)

In Hindsight Sensor Net probably wasn't the best choice with two VSDs against a fleet with 2 VCXs. Great game. Comatose is a fantastic opponent, super great sport. He harvested 90 points worth of tokens and Bailed his MC90 perfectly to get the perfect double arc on turn 4 on my Warlord. Sadly the dice gods abandoned him and Warlord (ECM helped) stayed in the fight with 1 Hull being able to return fire 4th and 5th turn with full bomber complement taking the great Doddona down before the Dolphin delivered the Coup de Grace returning the favor against Warlord. At that point my other VSD never really got into the fight and it was a squadron game looking for those last few points.

Fun Game.

Gonna post an end of the "week" update sometime Wednesday.

@The_tony_davis and I just finished our match. He chose first, picked my Most Wanted, and I made my Gozanti and his MC30 the objectives. He dropped his Liberty on my Interdictor and my squads pounced. The result was a 463-50 in my favor. It was a really good game, thanks Tony! I’ll do a more complete write-up later on.

24 minutes ago, CommanderDave said:

@The_tony_davis and I just finished our match. He chose first, picked my Most Wanted, and I made my Gozanti and his MC30 the objectives. He dropped his Liberty on my Interdictor and my squads pounced. The result was a 463-50 in my favor. It was a really good game, thanks Tony! I’ll do a more complete write-up later on.

Added this one too.

Broba v Cactusman in the books

Brobafet = 274

Comatose = 82

Objective = Close Range intel Scan

Initiative = Cactusman chose first.

Cactusman had the bid and chose first, instaselecting my Close range intel. The obstacles got spread out to the 4 winds in an attempt to limit brunson, and cactus deployed at a shallow angle pointing toward me from the corner opposite from where I deployed. I pryced 2, and we moved forward. Turn one he Strategic advisor'd to make me make the opening move, which obliged him by sending maarek, a generic defender, and jendon forward to bomb the hapless dcap raider. I ended up drawing the crit that disallowed attacks at long range, neutering his DCAP ability and effectively making the raider useless this game. The raider charged forward speed 4 in an attempt to get in mid range, and narrowly missed. The ISD moved forward steadily into it's pryce position behind the dust cloud. Cactus charged forward full tilt with the rest of his fleet attempting to close the game and simply put too many targets in threat range for me to deal with before the bombers got the chance to stack up damage.

Turn 2 was another SAD round, and the quasar finished off the raider and sent squads into the slicer Gozanti who had activated first to remove it's nav command and block it in the maw of demo and the hard charging ISD2. The raider crumpled without contributing and the slicer was forced to ditch it's scatter before the quasar shot it and rammed it, falling back right into the loving arms of demo. Demo was out of range, but it moved forward into a nasty spot and shot with it's front arc. Brunson paid for herself x 10million by cancelling 2 or 3 APT triggers, despite cactus rerolling aggressively for the pair of hit/crits. Since I was in pryce mode cactus threw everything at me, the ISD continued to barrel, and everything was now in killing range. I activated the ISD, killed the slicer goz, and sat the ISD on the dust cloud where it could shoot out, but not really be threatened itself.

Turn 3 Demo opened fire close range, first with the front, then moving and out the side. The quasar tanked it like a champ, finishing with 1 hull thanks to discarding all it's tokens and brunson'ing the first APT. Cactus was a little past the point of being able to ET ram it, and sailed into a butt to butt position with the quasar. Quasar, sensing it's immediate demise at the hands of the medium range ISD 2, activated and sent everything into the rear of demo, stripping shields and pulling some hull damage. The ISD passed with SAD and my ISD sent the balance of the squads to continue pummeling demo. The demo was 2 hull and no shields, but the ISD with the shot lined up whiffed, pulling acc blank with it's side shot. It still served to allow me to gain another CRIS token, my second. The ISd activated and wasted the quasar, and moving up but narrowly ending in an ISD double arc.

Turn 4 cactus was forked. He had to move the Demolisher or the squads would eat it, but then my ISD would get a double arc into his ISD's side/rear. He opted to attempt to save demo, moving it far out and yanking hard on the controls with ET to try and edge out of range. But defenders are speedy buggers and I had set up the ISD to relay maarek and one of the generics over to him, both hitting and taking out Demo. The ISD then shot it's double arc, stripping almost all the shields and scoring 2 more CRIS tokens. The ISD moved to "opening scene of a new hope" style chase the lone remaining gozanti. Now that Motti was gone and the ISD was just normal hulled again, and having it be out of shields, Cactus moved it out of combat. End of turn 4 my unactivated squads repositioned and prepared to launch at the goz turn 5 and 6. Seeing that the game was over, we counted the gozanti destroyed and ended it here.

Cactus destroyed my Quasar, and scored 1 CRIS token (the first CRIS token a first player has ever scored against me! Has to be an achievement for that or something)

I destroyed Cactus' Demo flagship, DCAP raider II, Slicer gozanti, and coms net gozanti.

End result being as noted above, 8-3, 192 MOV

Edited by BrobaFett

Bantha vs Ginkapo

Bantha = 189 + 45 in tokens = 234

Ginkapo = 127 + 270 in tokens = 397

Objective = Precision Strike

Initiative = Bantha chose first.

So the scoreline kind of tells the story here. Bantha used his Ozzel to get a raider forward so that it could last first my Raider, which it did and took it to 2 hull. It then decided to ram to avoid landing in a glad double arc. Maybe not the wisest as the rest is token farming **** for him. 6 tokens from his first Raider, 4 from his second. At which point point he got his avenger boarding troopers last first on Demo to regain some points, although that was close. 6 dmg with 6 needed to kill on rear of Demo.

Ciena was marginally annoying as I had to actually activate a YV to dispatch her for that one activation she was in my way. Shameful. YV's rule by the way. Most overpowered squadron in the game.

Bantha killed my Raider, Demo and three bombers including Gamma. I killed two Raiders, Ciena and Valen.

Edited by Ginkapo
13 minutes ago, Ginkapo said:

Ginkapo = 127 + 270 in tokens = 397

Objective = Precision Strike

You know what that is? A Painful lesson in don't take precision strike, that's what.

2 hours ago, BrobaFett said:

Broba v Cactusman in the books

Brobafet = 274

Comatose = 82

Objective = Close Range intel Scan

Initiative = Cactusman chose first.

#vote Broba. Scum tell for sure.

1 hour ago, CaribbeanNinja said:

#vote Broba. Scum tell for sure.

He's not far wrong given my mental state this morning.

JJs Juggernaut (1st Player) vs mhd

Objective: Solar Corona

Score: 400-0 (MoV 400)

10-1 win to JJs Juggernaut

This match was brutal and fast and the game was finished by turn 3. With squads threatening I dropped raddus early. I was able to head off the combat ships in mhd's fleet. I had too much burst damage and was able to table him before the squads could wear me down. Profundity ended on 1 hull, but barely survived due to a lot of repairs. Good game to my opponent who had me worried even though this matchup favored my fleet heavily.

Logfile: 3 JJ vs mhd.vlog?dl=0

4 hours ago, CaribbeanNinja said:

#vote Broba. Scum tell for sure.

Yikes.... I definitely did NOT just copy paste party potatoes status cause I'm lazy... nope not me.

@comatose vs GiledPallaeon has completed.

He chose to go second, and I took his Targeting Beacons. He's got the logfile, but the long and the short of it is that Jan/GH X-wings still rule the squad game, and I traded my entire Defender wing for a [redacted] single [redacted] Z-95. However, the distraction let the bombers wear down the MC75 enough (and generously rolled little enough damage the Interdictor had to enter play) that HMS Nike was able to bring down the MC75, before joining her comrades in a very hasty retreat from the vengeful Rebels.

Final Scores 94 - 168 respectively, for 74 MoV and a 7-4 (how cute).

Edited by GiledPallaeon

Pod 2 Match: @OutboundFlight VS CyborgNinja

OutboundFlight won the bid ---- picked 1st Player and Fighter Ambush

CyborgNinja: 520

OutboundFlight: 165

10-1 for CyborgNinja

Some unlucky breaks (and missed tokens) made this more lopsided than it would have been. Thanks to @OutboundFlight for a friendly, fun game. In case you wanted more detail.....

Round 1 : The rebels split their forces around the Thrawn 2-ship squadron menace....


Round 2 : (Governor Pryce does a classic villain chair swivel) The corvettes finally realize they have no choice but to fly closer to MMJ. The imperial squads with the ISD jump in, but everyone besides the bomber manages to shoot down Mauler so he can only splash once. Scurrgs start to strip shields (and defense tokens, yikes!) from Devastator . Unfortunately, the Quasar captain also realizes this round he forgot to stash a nav token, instead gunning it up to speed 3 to chase down those frightened rebel freighters.


Round 3 : Jendon's relay lets the far Imperial squads finish off the CR90B. Meanwhile, Devastator 's all Incredible Hulked up and smashes the poor bomber command center flotilla. But the spread squads let the Scurrgs continue bombing the ISD...


Round 4 : (Image is post-ISD move) With the AF just out of Devastator's front arc, it points all its Hulk-fury at Nym (did you know you could Devastator squads? We didn't till today), but gets a little too angry and crits more than hits. With the ISD limping away and squad reinforcements far out, the Scurrgs use grit to avoid Dengar and pile on the damage and victory tokens to both Imperial ships.


Round 5 : All the rebel squad escorts die, but Maarek just can't make it far enough to finish off Jan and tie down the bombers. The Quasar goes down by the end of the round.


Edited by CyborgNinja

Thanks for the writeup, @CyborgNinja . Cyborg was a great opponent and I'd like to say thanks to him for being patient. Lots of hairbrained mistakes on my end. Some pretty awful dice combined with some horrible decisions and a bit of forgetfulness on my part. This game was a trashcan fire, but Cyborg was a fun guy to play against and that made it fun despite the end result. Good luck in the rest of the VWC, Cyborg!

Not in the tourney nor on Vassal but I am really enjoying the writeup's and be able to check everyones list over att Steel Command

@The_tony_davis (1st Player) vs myself

Objective: Capture the VIP

Score: 230-0 (MoV 230)

9-2 win to myself

In the battle of the Raddii, Tony had the bid and chose to go first and picked my Capture the VIP. I was able to use Quantum Storm to secure the objective on turn 2 and then ran for the hills. Round 3 saw the much-anticipated Raddii drop with Tony landing behind his Admo and in range of my Admo flagship. I was able to counter drop to the side of his Liberty, out of black range of his Admo. Between my HIE CR90, the side of Profundity, Admo's front and Tycho learning to bomb, I was able to drop his Liberty at the bottom of Turn 3. Admo then finished off a TRC HH and we called it. Good, tense game.

mhd vs. dupy

8-3 mhd, 182 MOV Solar Corona.

In what was mutually agreed on the most boring game of armada ever played, where a combined 22 (!) fighter units were destroyed, I bested @Dupy in the squadron battle extraordinaire with Valen Rudor and Cienne Ree the lone squadron survivors. The game was largely me kiting to the left and strafing his MC80 while massed squads beat themselves silly as the real engagement only started turn 3. Eventually, the MC80 committed to an attack run charging straight into the corona/kill box in a desperate bid to just end it already. We both fondly look forward to being tabled by Caribbeanninja so we can throw these fleets in the garbage.

Edited by mhd
9 minutes ago, mhd said:

In what was mutually agreed on the  most boring game of armada

Not the best of games. @mhd , this is one best forgotten.

Pod #2 Match: @Angry Ewok vs CyborgNinja

Angry Ewok had the bid (and a serious strategic play) and chose 2nd Player.

Objective: Intel Sweep

Angry Ewok: 346 (including the Swept Intel)

CyborgNinja: 253

7-4 Win for Angry Ewok

Thanks to @Angry Ewok for a fun and bloody game (the Ewoks were especially ferocious in their A-Wings...). More details if you want to see them....

Round 1 : Dodonna's Rebels don't have a chance at the sweet, sweet Intel -- they're also feeling pretty bad about where those corvettes deployed...


Round 2 : X-Wings jump in to try and take out Tycho --- and fail miserably. Dodonna's corvettes are forced to move into Ackbar's firing arcs, and get beat up pretty hard because of it. Ackbar's corvette uses a bump off their flagship to stay far enough away from Dodonna's assault frigate and bombers. Dodonna's squadrons end up scattered as A-Wings fly in from every possible direction...


Round 3 : (Image is taken after Bail Bailed his murder-frigate) The Bailed frigate evaporates one of Dodonna's corvettes, but lands in the other frigate's double arc. Jan barely survives without her escorts to free up some bombers to start damaging Ackbar's flagship. Dodonna's corvette gets evaporated before the round is out, and almost all of Dodonna's X-Wings are dead.


Round 4 : Bombers start the round finishing off Ackbar. At this point the combat ships are pretty much safe from dying to each other, and it devolves into a flotilla and squadron fight for some final points.


Round 5 : Both sides lose a flotilla, Dodonna loses Dutch to Tycho.


Round 6 : Toryn Farr gets rammed to death, Nym escapes to the station to live through the battle.
