Vassal World Cup Results

By BiggsIRL, in Star Wars: Armada Battle Reports

I want to Add that Hondo is a Terrible Driver and smashed his Gozanti on an Astroid thanks to a dodonna Strutural Damage.

Ha that's right! I'd like to think Dodonna put some valuable salvage rigged with explosives in that asteroid field, and Hondo was just too greedy to pass it up.

8 hours ago, clontroper5 said:

don't happen to have a logfile by chance do you?

I do. I'll post up later along with my pod games v Tokra and Bill.

Thanks @PartyPotato for a fun game. Felt very thematic having to have wave after wave of TIEs swarming in!

In hindsight I know what I did wrong and will add some comments when I post up logfiles.

Reporting a round 16 match, CommanderDave vs Neb.

I took 1st player and we played Most Wanted (one of my CR90s and Daves Gozanti).

After quite a nailbiter (surely for me), I won the game 140 to 120, with the Liberty, the MW CR90 and Raddus‘ life boat / Jacuzzi HH surviving on my side, the Dictor (predictably) and all 6 squads on Daves.

First of all many thx to Dave, plain to see why he won so many games, lately. Skilled player and this Jendon\Maarek/Morna trio is such a ship killer, made worse because I didnt field the sturdiest. Still, Tycho did what he could, but for sure I forgot the Jendon thing once or twice. As for the dictor, I never thought I would bring her down, so I didnt bother. I was surprised to see Demo coming at full speed and away from my MW CR90, but Daves game reporting will be much more extensive than mine, so lets stop here and again thanks, Dave.

Oh, and Gink, thx for the confidence! Keep this flag 😉

Edited by NebulonB

Congrats on the win Neb! No easy feat to beat Dave's fleet.

How many Europeans are there left now in the tournament? Glad there's also at least one rebel in the bottom half of the draw!

Aresius is also still in.

And I am not sure where Dark Raver is from.

Edited by NebulonB
13 minutes ago, NebulonB said:

Aresius is also still in.

"There is another"

17 minutes ago, NebulonB said:

And I am not sure where Dark Raver is from.

Germany I think.

2 minutes ago, Ginkapo said:

Germany I think.

Yes, @Dark Raver is from Germany. I'm going to be rooting for the remaining Europeans :D - don't think a European has won a major transatlantic tournament yet have they?

Tokra might have won a WC?

Nope, how could I forget, Green Knight made the final two years in a row. Only lost to the best.

Edited by NebulonB
18 minutes ago, NebulonB said:

Tokra might have won a WC?

Semi finalist. GK is a runner up. Rikki P is a worlds finalist. I won one of the vassal tourneys though.

tough to win any of them.

very thorough write-up, enjoyed it.

I sure was lucky when it counted, two Lib rerolls on Demo worked (I was fully aware what I needed and decided to risk the attack as is), and slicing the Gozanti was also closer than I thought it would be. Were it not for the debris field, rammig her would not have worked, either, and I totally forgot the scrambler when I rolled 4 blue on the Goz, expecting one acc to show up to bring her down to at least 2 hull. Hilarious 4 blue accuracies after scrambler...

And a final doubt flickered when I was close to the board with the Lib and not having a nav coming up.

All in all happy, most decisions must have been right, one doesnt beat you, otherwise.

Edited by NebulonB

@CommanderDave you have been summoned by the Emperor and Lord Vader for a "debriefing" :)

We’ll redouble our efforts!

JJ (1st Player) vs Rasproteus

Objective: Solar Corona

273-131 (MoV 142)

Win for JJs Juggernaut

A good game to Rasproteus as he faced this list for the third time in a row in high level tournaments. The matchup was definitely against him, though if things had gone just a little differently it could have been a different story. I was able to kill the MC80L before the turn it had Bail'd, though Rasp was planning to trade that ship for my Raddus CR90 and Admonition. I was barely able to get Raddus out to long range of the Liberty, which saved it. Admo and my Hammerhead did succumb to the ET rams of the CR90s, but I was able to take two of them down with me. At that point Rasp conceded as he would have had to kill my MC-75 to win and that wasn't possible.

Logfile: 3 JJ vs Rasproteus.vlog?dl=0

8 hours ago, JJs Juggernaut said:

JJ (1st Player) vs Rasproteus

Objective: Solar Corona

273-131 (MoV 142)

Win for JJs Juggernaut

A good game to Rasproteus as he faced this list for the third time in a row in high level tournaments. The matchup was definitely against him, though if things had gone just a little differently it could have been a different story. I was able to kill the MC80L before the turn it had Bail'd, though Rasp was planning to trade that ship for my Raddus CR90 and Admonition. I was barely able to get Raddus out to long range of the Liberty, which saved it. Admo and my Hammerhead did succumb to the ET rams of the CR90s, but I was able to take two of them down with me. At that point Rasp conceded as he would have had to kill my MC-75 to win and that wasn't possible.

Logfile: 3 JJ vs Rasproteus.vlog?dl=0

Hi JJ, I would not say that your wins are boring but ...

I just read that you did not win the Minnesota regional. Did you play against the winning list (I think a Liberty Raddus drop + rogues) and can you comment about how the match went ?'

Are there match-ups that you consider unfavorable with your well-seasoned almost-always-winning list ?


@BrobaFett (first player) vs PT106 ended up with Broba winning 6-5 (MoV 17)

We played my Solar Corona with us setting up in the middle and Broba's ISD being Pryced for round 2.

With his first Quasar activation he alphaed and killed my Ciena (however this put his Defenders into flak range), however I was able to set up my Demo for a triple tap (front arc only on first shot though) and got his Quasar trapped in a Cymoon medium range front arc. Round 2 was a bloodbath with me Demoing his ISD, Cymoon unloading on Quasar and his ISD Prycing itself to kill Projector round 3 and escape (as it was braceless and at 4 hp and 2 shields after Demo attack). After that we traded Projector for Quasar round 3 and the rest of the game was about Demo trying to catch up fleeing ISD. Unfortunately I was unable to get to close range and so after all was set and done Broba escaped with his flagship down to 1HP.

An amazing and tense game versus a good and strong opponent. Good luck to @BrobaFett going forward!


Edited by PT106
16 minutes ago, PT106 said:

@BrobaFett (first player) vs PT106 ended up with Broba winning 6-5 (MoV 17)

Broba escaped with his flagship down to 1HP.


I hope you have a log to share for us to see the match !

Anyone else having trouble replaying the vlog on this one?

Gave up too quickly. Got it fixed. Thanks for sharing your vlogs with the benchwarmers. This is my pro bowl.

Edited by deDios
Too hasty to ask for help.
5 hours ago, Fanfan said:

win the Minnesota regional.

I've been looking for any write-ups on the FFGHQ regional. Can anyone point me to something? I'm curious because those fleet lists looked interesting in the data project.

I just hear about it from a facebook post from Victor Naqvi, indicating thak Yik Au, from Toronto, won it with 38 (!) and JJ finishing third with (30), and quite a solid attendance,

with the following list:

but indeed a bit more insight about the tournament would be very appreciated :)

Toronto is still an Armada powerhouse, even if not the most present in vassal tournaments.

Y'all maybe make a new thread? :)

35 minutes ago, CaribbeanNinja said:

Y'all maybe make a new thread? :)

Cninj! Get out of hear with your so called "logic" and "topics". This is the Internet. We talk about whatever we want to talk about and no one can say anything about it at all.

Back on topic - I've been slamma mamma jamma'd since we wrapped our game but I want to say a huge thank you to @PT106 for being an excellent opponent. I had a plan from the start to shoot for the 17pt win since I realized the Proj Experts Glad and my quasar were the exact same points and I knew I could nuke Ciena quick and efficiently. That gave me enough margin to even lose a defender and still get the win. I wasn't shooting for a landslide like I normally would because I didn't want to risk it. PT is an amazing player who did exactly what he needed to do to get the job done, but it's a tall order to kill an ISD in one turn.

He even caught me off guard because after the Pryce turn my ISD was SO FAR away I figured there was no chance with second player and such a huge head start PT could catch up to the ISD with demo. He did, however, and held the game in his dice when he took his 2 red with a third from confire at the rear of my ISD, needing 4 damage to kill me with my contain being the only token I had left. If he snagged a double, I would have been out of the tournament and he would be moving on. This teaches me a valuable lesson - never be overconfident. I could have locked all repairs those last turns and salted away a guaranteed win, instead I mindlessly auto locked squadrons when I didn't need them and then almost got caught.

All the props to PT in the world. Thanks for the great game, and best of luck in future tournaments (except when you play me :P)