On 10/28/2018 at 12:58 PM, Jargal said:
On 10/28/2018 at 3:04 PM, TBeholder said:
On 11/6/2018 at 9:30 PM, Angel of Death said:
I'm quoting you all as it seems you were interested initially. One of you asked about Moritat questions, a few of those were answered in my other Q&As about Inquisitor's Handbook and I believe a couple archive Q&As as well, so I'd go look there for more.
Here's the replies:
Core Rulebook
Skill and Talents that cannot be gained through listed advances (and so presumably are only available as elite advances with GM permission):
- Speak Language (Low Gothic) - as already noted above, all Career Paths have this as a free starting skill (noted for completeness).
- Speak Language (Hive Dialect X), Speak Language (Ship Dialect X), Speak Language (Tribal Dialect X) - these are gained through the appropriate Home Worlds (noted for completeness).
- Forbidden Lore (Ordo Malleus), Forbidden Lore (Ordo Hereticus), Forbidden Lore (Ordo Xenos) - no discernable way to gain these skills.
- Good Reputation (Imperial Navy) is not an option for any Career Path. But note that Peer (Imperial Navy) is an advance for Omniprophet (Tech-Priest 7b). Peer does not list Imperial Navy as a group.
Presumably this switch was made due to the fact that a Tech-Priest cannot gain the required Fel 50 for Good Reputation. So perhaps Good Reputation should have Imperial Navy removed as a group, and Peer should have Imperial Navy added as a group.
- Hatred (Heretics) - no discernable way to gain this talent.
- Peer (Feral Worlders), Peer (Hivers) - no discernable way to gain these talents.
----------- > These can be assigned by the GM based on game play.
Inquisitor's Handbook
Moritat Reaper has a Meditation skill. Should that be Medicae???
--------- > I’d imagine so, yes.
3. https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/34473-moritat-assassin-and-power-weapons/
Moritat’s opinions on Power Weapons??
Personal Addition: Assuming in relation to Bloody Edge?
--------- > Already answered: “This question was debated to high heaven and was on the verge of violence in several instances until someone from FFG was consulted. The final ruling was that while Moritat could indeed use Power Weapons (with a power field actively on) without having to make the Willpower test, they do not get the benefit of Tearing while the power field was active. I don't remember the full reasoning behind it, so if I find the original thread, I'll link it.”
Hi there,
I know there have been a bunch of threads on moritat assassins and power weapons, but this has come up between one of my fellow players and myself.
- Would a Moritat assassin be able to get the tearing feature twice (once from the bloody edge and once from the actual chain weapon)?
He points to the fact that it combines the raw power of the chain weapon with the moritats skill and precision, thus the stacked tearing. While there are no rules explicitly saying yes or no, I'd like to get some feedback from the community.
--------- > I’d say no.
5. https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/28857-chainwire-weapons/?tab=comments#comment-293637
Me and one my game buddies were talking, and pondered something.
- What kind of ruling would a blade of some kind (Probably a modified sword, or at least a long knife) on a chain, or length of cloth, or wire, measuring 2 meters have?
Specifically, we were pondering this for use with a Moritat Reaper, but we wouldn't mind some idea of if this would work/wouldn't work.
- In short, chain weapons/reach weapons/thrown weapons with a wire to pull the blade back, yes or no?
-------- > if you want to create something like that, seems like fun. You’d need to work out details with your GM.
6. https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/54102-question-hellgun-capacitor-upgrade/
My copy of the Inquisitor's Handbook seems to be updated with the errata 3.0 but I can not find the description of the Hellgun Capacitor Upgrade I only find that it says it is 50 thrones/full clip and that it is rare but not what the item itself does different then a regular lasgun ammo clip.
-------- > This seems to have been answered pretty well in the thread.
Personal Additions:
Core Rulebook
7. Personal Addition
What about the Talented talent?
- It gives you a +10 to a skill, but can the trait "exceed the maximum" of +20 as mentioned in Skill Mastery (pg 96)??
After getting the Skill: Gamble Mordechai seems to have the knack for gambling and therefore is granted the Talented: Gamble trait giving him +10 to the Gamble Skill. As per Skill Mastery rules can he spend XPs to get Gamble +10 (giving him +20 total) and then get Gamble +20 (giving him a totla of +30)?
---------- > I would say no.
8. Personal Addition
Do Hot Shot packs and Manstopper Rounds set the Penetration or do they add to the Penetration.
------- > former sets, latter adds.
9. Personal Addition
How many uses do Medikits get in the field?
Or is it one of those things assumed to always get restocked in whatever downtime there is?
--------- > latter
10. Personal addition
Are combi-tools considered multitools where they are mentioned throughout various texts?
--------- > usually yes
11. Personal addition
Are the services costs listed per night, week, or longer?
--------- > per night unless stated otherwise.
12. Personal Addition
When using psychic powers on enemies that are distorted via Distored Vision, what modifier to attack powers get on them?
As they require no real attack roll per say. Something like Bio-Lightning or Force Bolt for example.
----------- > If you mean Distorted Reflection, there is no mechanical attack bonus.
-My apologies, I mean the power "Distort Vision". I mistyped the question it seems, I should have said "...what modifiers do attack powers get on them?"
--------- > Ah, gotcha. It’s somewhat weird for psychic attacks, yes. If the power is an attack of some sort, then I’d apply it to any tests made to use that power.
13. Personal addition
Bio lightning is lightning yes?
Thus…shouldn't it have the "shocking" quality?
-------- > Not unless it says it does, no. If you want to add it for your games, then sure.
14. Personal addition
What is the minimum distance required to be engaged in melee?
----------- > I’d say 1 meter, as that’s essentially arm’s length.
Inquisitor's Handbook
15. Personal addition after the fact
Does the Spitfire get “Tearing” as per the errata or since it doesn’t use traditional bolts does it not get tearing?
--------- > If the errata says to do it, then I’d do it.
-The errata states: On Table 5-7: Ranged Weapons on page 130, all Bolt Weapons should have the Tearing quality.
The spitfire while mechanically stated to be a Bolt Weapon narratively is little more than a signal flare that got Stimm pumped in to it. They don't fire actual bolt rounds, which is where my question came from. This is likely a case of not letting the narrative impact mechanics too heavily, but I felt it was worth the question for the sake of clarification.
--------- > I’d still go with errata.
16. Personal, but there was a question about it as well found afterwards - https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/49911-wrist-mount-and-2h-weapons/
Can you (with two-weapon wielder talents included) use a two handed melee weapon and then use a forearm mounted weapon with your offhand or something?
---------- > I’d say no.
Desired Clarifications for Character's sake:
Core Rulebook
Our scum player wants it to be 'Every time you rank up, increase your income by however much you roll on the chart', but this seems excessive since with average dice he'd be increasing his salary by around 50 thrones each rank, nearly triple his starting income.
Then again, if he doesn't get that, I have no idea how his salary works
--------- > Page 125 covers that. Scum work differently.
18. https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/25403-xp-cost-for-reducing-insanity/
I'm aware of the numeric XP cost for reducing Insanity Points, 100 per point.
- My question is this: Does XP spent in this way count for the purposes of advancing in rank?
--------- > I’d say no.
Inquisitor's Handbook
So I have a Battle Sister Character, Rank 4, Both Celestian and Seraphim both say that they require rank 5. So when I reach Rank 5 I replace my current rank with with one of them.
- Once I reach rank 6: Can I take the other alternate rank?
- Is there a limit? (Provided I have all the required attributes and talents)
----------- > I’d say no to this, unless GM allows it.
On the prerequisites for Alternate Ranks the Rank requirement is that the first Rank it can take the place of or is it the Rank afterwards.
For example I want to take the Moritant Reaper Alternate rank with a Rank requirement of 6. Does that mean as soon as I spend over 5999xp and qualify for Rank 6 that I can take the Reaper alternate and replace rank 6 or do I have to wait till I’ve spent over 7999xp and will be going to rank 7 and replace Rank 7
---------- > I agree with first reply here.
To note, at this point, for the large part I am done with archive questions up through Tattered Fates (as there were none for Tattered Fates).
From now on I won't be asking about former archive questions from those works, and I'll be working on further books in the series.
I have finished Tattered Fates, but I forgot about the 2008 Adventure contest finalists and winner, so while I am finishing those up The Haarlock Legacy will have to wait.