So far painted... (Updated: Luke & Vader -operatives)

By xmarkusx, in Painting

Hey peoples, i've been painting already for most of the core box and expansions i own, but haven't yet posted anything here. I don't concider myself very good, but based on what (two and half years of painting currently) my first Stormies from Imperial Assault ended up to look versus today, i've progressed to be able to paint ok looking minis for gaming.

First one here will be Rebel Troopers from the core box, two squads with little bit differences on some units.

I made mistake by glueing these together before priming and painting so it was bit agonizing (and there might be few eyes that don't exist, oops).

Don't also mind the bases, they suck (cuz i'm going to base them when i get to pick up terrain goo)!

Painted following master Sorastro's videos of course :)

Hints are welcome to post photos easier than from Imgur, it's really a workload and sucks imho, hehe.

Edited by xmarkusx

These are great! I really like them. How will you be basing them?

7 minutes ago, Alino said:

These are great! I really like them. How will you be basing them?

Will make them just like in Sorastro's videos, fitting for my Endor look :) just need to pick up some Vallejo's Brown Earth.

Edited by xmarkusx
28 minutes ago, xmarkusx said:

Will make them just like in Sorastro's videos, fitting for my Endor look :) just need to pick up some Vallejo's Brown Earth.

Great! I'm looking forward to the rest. I'm planning to start my own painting thread next year when Clones are out... mostly because I haven't tried whatsoever with my Rebels or Imperials. (They're just what I'll be collecting till Clones are out, at which point I'll be running an all clone force.)

What brushes and such do you use? :)

For all recommendations and references on brushes and all i'd really recommend Sorastro, he's the man! Check out his youtube vids, all details on brushes, primers, paints etc. etc. is in the description!

IMHO Rosemary & Co brushes are the best i've used so far, but bit hard to get in Finland. So i use locally available brushes if neccessary (Games Workshop, Army Painter), paintwise i got Citadel (GW), Army Painter and Vallejo -some from all these, i like dropper bottle better, but some Citadel color tones are superior to others, but whatever's available should do the trick.

That's a great camo pattern!

16 hours ago, manoftomorrow010 said:

That's a great camo pattern!

Thanks! It's the best thing in these fellas in my opinion heh!

Emperor Palpatine

Boba Fett

Edited by xmarkusx
7 hours ago, xmarkusx said:

Thanks! It's the best thing in these fellas in my opinion heh!

Your Duros skin tone is nice, I did mine pretty much the same way (2 of them anyway).

Great Boba and Palp, too

6 hours ago, manoftomorrow010 said:

Your Duros skin tone is nice, I did mine pretty much the same way (2 of them anyway).

Great Boba and Palp, too

Thanks man! Just doing my best on following the master!

...nice werk….really nice job!...

Oh man look at that amazing Sidious paintjob... so dark.... so... black.... Sorry, I had to. It's a good paint job, I just like poking fun at people's paintings of him regardless of how good they do it, mostly cause he's just a pale guy in a black robe. My advice is to give him a super fancy base to make him pop.

As for Boba Fett, he looks sweetttttttttt. I absolutely love that Fett Model. I ended up not gluing the flames onto my own Fett's jetpack. They were too small and when i went to glue them on they fell to the ground and i couldn't find them. I think they're under my bookshelf.

Palpatine's robes have actually more lighter tones (towards greener / lighter) but it doesn't show well in the photos. I'm pretty happy with Boba, armor color could be a lot lighter, but i decided to go easy way and i didn't have half of the colors to paint him the way Sorastro did, so it is what it is.

More stuff i've already painted.

Darth Vader

Han Solo & General Veers


Luke Skywalker

Leia Organa

T-47 Airspeeder


Edited by xmarkusx

I really like the matte finish look and soft tones. Very nice!

2 hours ago, Nihm said:

I really like the matte finish look and soft tones. Very nice!

Thx! Mostly quite happy on majority of these myself, aside the eyes, would say only Veers is where i really got 'em really well done.

Royal Guards

Edited by xmarkusx

Looks great - what did you use for the guards?

1 hour ago, Sith Lord Revan said:

Looks great - what did you use for the guards?

Thanks mate!

Primed - chaos black.

Base colors, Cloak+boots - Mephiston Red. Underarmor - Daemonette Hide mixed with Mephisto or Evil Sunz, a dash of Composite White maybe too. Visor - Black. Staff - Leadbelcher mixed with little Stormfsng Silver for metal and black for rest (plus Flash Gitz Yellow mixed with Auric Armor Gold for Electrostaff dude). Gloves - Rhinox Hide.

Washed all expect staff with Reikland Fleshade, Staff with Nuln Oil.

Second base/highlight for most of the cloak and helmet with Evil Sunz Scarlet.

After this washed the cloak again with Reikland, you could use red glaze for this too but i didn’t have any, i think Bloodletter would be cool?

Additional highlights: Gloves - Rhinox lightened with white. Staff - Stormfang Silver.

Then some varnish to protect and finish with Ardcoat on Helmet and Boots.

Kinda forgot to highligh the under armor, but it looks ok still so fug it hehe. These are done pretty much the same way as Sorastro did for his Imperial Assault -video. I just went up with what colors i though look good and still matche how they should look proper!

Thanks for that - I still have to paint mine and have been wondering what colours to use.

Fleet Troopers

Edited by xmarkusx


Chewbacca & Wookie Warriors







I know i should have waited for Sorastro's video, but decided to go in there and just splash these guys to get 'em table ready asap!

Rebel Commandos

Edited by xmarkusx
