Jumping ahead, here they are finished.
Jumping ahead, here they are finished.
I'm working on another squad of stormtroopers and General Veers now. I'll post some pics soon.
On 2019年1月25日 at 11:37 PM, devin.pike.1989 said:Do you plan on basing your objective pieces? Do most people base them for that matter?
On 2019年1月26日 at 2:54 AM, Sharkbelly said:I don't plan to, so I can use them in all sorts of settings. Anyone else want to chime in?
I saved my Priority Supplies bases for the 3D printed miniatures that I wanted to pick up so they would have matching bases to the Core Set. (actually found matching paint for both Rebel and Imperial bases) I found a 12 pack of large round wood discs at Michaels and Hobby Lobby that were the right size and thickness to serve as an objective token and a miniature base. I painted the top of one side red to designate objectives and the rest of the disc to match the original Priority Supplies bases. They are not glued to the bases so that I can just set them on the bases and use them as terrain or flip over the bases and designate them as objectives.
General Veers and a squad of stormtroopers are now finished.
On 2/15/2019 at 9:25 PM, C3POFETT said:I can just set them on the bases and use them as terrain or flip over the bases and designate them as objectives.
Cool idea!
Next up are another squad of Troopers and an AT-RT.
A little more progress on these guys this morning:
All finished.
And a few bonus WOTC models.
Next up are Boba Fett, some Scout Troopers, and some terrain.
The scouts have been primed white, given a dark wash, and have had two dry brushes of white.
Boba Fett's base colors are done, and he is ready for a wash.
Here he is after a wash of Nuln Oil.
Getting closer. The cape and backpack have each had a base coat and wash.
All finished.
Four speeder bikes up next. And a few barrels for extra terrain.
The riders are very nearly done. Now to get to the bases...
The bases for the speeder bikes got a little more attention this time because of their size. I glued small rocks on before applying the sand and primer. I wanted the larger bases to have a little more detail. Speaking of which, there is a rather big base that got some love as well, and it will be showing up in the next day or two.
The bikes are finished.
The AT-ST is now finished, too.
Alright, I'm back after a short hiatus. Here are Han Solo and his Rebel Commandos.
Next up are two T-47 speeders and a transport ship.
It does! I'm not sure how to position it differently without it looking like its standing straight up, though...
Up next are two T-47 and a transport ship (I also plan to use these for the D6 miniatures game and the RPG.) The transport ship is a Warhammer 40K Valkyrie.
Here are the bases for all three models. The ones for the T-47s are just as big as the one for the much larger transport...
The base coat on the speeders is finished and the wash has been applied. Now to dry brush and highlight.
The bases for the fliers are now finished.
Got some more work done today. Dry brush of beige and then white.