Most fun tier 2 or lower figures etc?

By Ram, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

So, we know a lot about the figures that are the hotness right now and all the cool squads they are in. But what about the others? Tell me a bit about your games with the less commonly used figures. Squads, tidbits on command decks, games that you played with them and all that.

Or perhaps even as simple as speaking of your favorite less used command card and how that one pulled off an awesome whatever?

Fire away!

I've always really liked playing Varena when I've had a chance. My favourite match was taking her to a casual store tournament and watching my opponent set out his figures... a rancor, another rancor, and Vader. If you want to get through the Dark Lord's defense in a hurry, just steal his lightsaber. The "stop hitting yourself" imagery when using a rancor's attack against itself was fun for me as well.

I was curious as to whether Extra Armour and the new command cards would help older figures. I experimented with Wookie Warriors, Trandoshan Hunters, and some old uniques. I ended the experiment early! I really felt like having that extra defence and newer command cards made these figures viable. I'm sure the rest of the squad makes a difference too, but I didn't feel like I had to invest too many more points to bring these groups to life. My biggest issue was getting these guys into position so they can do some actual damage. I also used Headhunter on the regular Trandoshans and played them like melee figures. Having each one of them strip your opponent of a card is annoying for them. So, it makes them viable targets while the real meaty guys can do some heavy damage.

I still shake my head at naysayers who don't think this game is amazing, and frankly the best star wars game out there. I fully admit, I'm not always interested in the fine tuned meta lists from the internets, thus these figures might now make the cut, but you can still win with old figures!!! Nobody wants to have the guts to try and possibly lose. Lots of people want to win and not enjoy the how did it. Just my preference. LOL

7 hours ago, NeverBetTheFett said:

I fully admit, I'm not always interested in the fine tuned meta lists from the internets, thus these figures might now make the cut, but you can still win with old figures!!!

Yeah, I definitely go for more "fun" lists than the current meta. I'm having tons of fun playing Bossk in a few variations lately. I also love Maul. I tried them together but didn't work that well (granted, that iteration also had Dengar, so maybe it would do better with Bossk, Maul and someone else). The current fun list I like is Bossk, Sabine, Greedo, Onar, Gideon, eJawa, R2, Chops, 3PO and of course TA. It's a Merc list with more Rebels than mercs... I love a focused Bossk and also his indiscriminate fire can do a bit of unmitigated damage on SC. I just with Trandoshan Terror was only 1pt but I've still been using it.

I also love Chop and the eJawa. Last week I was down 26 to 24 and had my eJawa with an extra red dice (the map where you get all the special weapons, Tarkin labs or whatever). I used him first activation in the fourth round to finish off a Bantha rider with Price on it's head and maybe something else, tools for the trade? to get 14 points and win. Loved that it was the little jawa who won it for me!

8 hours ago, ManateeX said:

I've always really liked playing Varena when I've had a chance.

Yeah, I love the Verena vs Vader shenanigans too! Shyla's fun too but maybe she is considered tier 1? Dunno.

17 hours ago, ManateeX said:

I've always really liked playing Varena when I've had a chance. My favourite match was taking her to a casual store tournament and watching my opponent set out his figures... a rancor, another rancor, and Vader. If you want to get through the Dark Lord's defense in a hurry, just steal his lightsaber. The "stop hitting yourself" imagery when using a rancor's attack against itself was fun for me as well.

Oh yes, Varena seems like lots of fun. I would play her a lot if I had her. I dont own that box.

12 hours ago, Mandelore of the Rings said:

Yeah, I definitely go for more "fun" lists than the current meta. I'm having tons of fun playing Bossk in a few variations lately. I also love Maul. I tried them together but didn't work that well (granted, that iteration also had Dengar, so maybe it would do better with Bossk, Maul and someone else). The current fun list I like is Bossk, Sabine, Greedo, Onar, Gideon, eJawa, R2, Chops, 3PO and of course TA. It's a Merc list with more Rebels than mercs... I love a focused Bossk and also his indiscriminate fire can do a bit of unmitigated damage on SC. I just with Trandoshan Terror was only 1pt but I've still been using it.

See this is what I mean! You never see Bossk on the table. But with your list, you can make him competitive. If you draw Indiscriminate Fire, it's a game changer I find. I may try your list at a tournament soon. I think it could hold some surprises.

Bossk is great. I use him as somewhat of a secondary tank, picking off some of the smaller units, or indiscriminate fire on groups. He is one of the main reasons why I won my store championship.

I'm allllll about the bantha. Crush -> Stampede -> Trample -> Jundland -> do-it-all-again-to-start-the-next-turn is just such a fantastically fun thing to do to your opponent's army, and it's also great watching them try to react to the huge furry elephant that's about to be running through their forces.

As for the other half of the bantha games where you don't draw the cards you need and your behemoth does three damage and then goes down in a hail of blaster fire... I prefer not to comment :P

I love running Nexus. Between 6 move, Pounce, and Beast Tamer: "Oh, you're trying to keep your fragile support unit in the back, or trying to run away with your badly wounded main hitter? That's so cute! " ; )

They also benefit from all the tokens flying around these days, with their Cunning. The white die is a bit swingy, but spending an evade token on an attack gives a 50-50 chance of either a dodge or 2 each evades and blocks.

4 hours ago, IndyPendant said:

I love running Nexus. Between 6 move, Pounce, and Beast Tamer: "Oh, you're trying to keep your fragile support unit in the back, or trying to run away with your badly wounded main hitter? That's so cute! " ; )

5 hours ago, ManateeX said:

I'm allllll about the bantha. Crush -> Stampede -> Trample -> Jundland -> do-it-all-again-to-start-the-next-turn is just such a fantastically fun thing to do to your opponent's army, and it's also great watching them try to react to the huge furry elephant that's about to be running through their forces.

I would think both would be good on the new map too! Mobile is going to be an advantage. Also with the loth-cats you may get some good creature support.

Sorin, surrounded by a bunch of droids. Sentries, HKs, Probes

5 hours ago, NeverBetTheFett said:

I'm allllll about the bantha. Crush -> Stampede -> Trample -> Jundland -> do-it-all-again-to-start-the-next-turn is just such a fantastically fun thing to do to your opponent's army, and it's also great watching them try to react to the huge furry elephant that's about to be running through their forces

Oh yeah! Bantha's are still super fun. Played against them yesterday and it's definitely a worry to look across the map at those huge beasts! My friend also had a rancor which is another very fun figure to play with.

On ‎11‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 2:22 AM, Mandelore of the Rings said:

Yeah, I definitely go for more "fun" lists than the current meta. I'm having tons of fun playing Bossk in a few variations lately. I also love Maul. I tried them together but didn't work that well (granted, that iteration also had Dengar, so maybe it would do better with Bossk, Maul and someone else). The current fun list I like is Bossk, Sabine, Greedo, Onar, Gideon, eJawa, R2, Chops, 3PO and of course TA. It's a Merc list with more Rebels than mercs... I love a focused Bossk and also his indiscriminate fire can do a bit of unmitigated damage on SC. I just with Trandoshan Terror was only 1pt but I've still been using it.

Oh yes, Bossk is just so much fun. I really wish they would make more figures with that type of design, they are really fun to play. He is a real mess stats wise with built in block + White die, only two attack Dice but with pretty much a built in good roll on a green die. He is truly awseome. I play him way too Little for sure.

I love the rancor. So much fun to play. There's a lot of fun to be had with command card combos as well. Ferocity for just 1 point is great. As is wild fury.

FYI: for casual games figures like Bossk, Rancor can still be tier-1 if we ban the top performers

I usually split the figures by 3 categories: wave 1 - 5; 1 - 7; or everything released so far

I only use wave 1 - 5 for demo games, having eStorm shooting eRebel Troopers with AT-ST coming in to cleanup while Farmboy Luke tries to Saber Strike eProbe etc

Edited by ricope
On 11/14/2018 at 8:43 AM, ricope said:

FYI: for casual games figures like Bossk, Rancor can still be tier-1 if we ban the top performers

I usually split the figures by 3 categories: wave 1 - 5; 1 - 7; or everything released so far

I only use wave 1 - 5 for demo games, having eStorm shooting eRebel Troopers with AT-ST coming in to cleanup while Farmboy Luke tries to Saber Strike eProbe etc

Yes! I do pretty much the same, even if my limitations are set by what extras I have and not so much the Waves. My demo kit has Jedi Luke, unmodded Han, rEcho base troopers and rAlli rangers going up against the fearsome combo of Royal guard champion, eStormtroopers, eISB infiltrators and BT1. Games tend to be suprisingly even and eStormies are still not bad at all. :)

Edited by Ram

To me Bossk is good enough to be in my tournament deck. He is especially great in the end game.

4 hours ago, Cyklop_Storm said:

To me Bossk is good enough to be in my tournament deck. He is especially great in the end game.

Not disagreeing with you, just curious about your angle; In what way is he great end game?

Edited by Ram

In the end game, a lot of the heavy hitters are out/the best command cards are used. This makes regenerate a ton more helpful as there are mostly going to be support characters left.

Also, indiscriminate fire is strong with a lot of figures running around on low HP.

5 hours ago, Cyklop_Storm said:

To me Bossk is good enough to be in my tournament deck. He is especially great in the end game.

He will almost never make it to end game. To get any use out of him at all he needs to be up close (meaning he can be shot at) and he will generally die easily to a single activation with only 10 hp.

Edited by miguelj

True, I use him with IG-88, so my opponents focus on IG-88 first so he lasts a little longer.

18 hours ago, miguelj said:

He will almost never make it to end game. To get any use out of him at all he needs to be up close (meaning he can be shot at) and he will generally die easily to a single activation with only 10 hp.

I sort of agree with this. He is a wierd piece for sure. He is like a way way better Biv. :) I think he was made when they were still afraid Regen would be too good. But he is still good and a very cool piece to play with.

Bossk was the precursor for Onar . I actually love running these two together with Hunter cards, extra defensive cards (extra life cards) and TO the Limit

On 11/8/2018 at 12:46 PM, NeverBetTheFett said:

I still shake my head at naysayers who don't think this game is amazing, and frankly the best star wars game out there. I fully admit, I'm not always interested in the fine tuned meta lists from the internets, thus these figures might now make the cut, but you can still win with old figures!!! Nobody wants to have the guts to try and possibly lose. Lots of people want to win and not enjoy the how did it. Just my preference. LOL

I’ve been running a hk list competitively for almost a year now and you don’t know how many times I’ve been told “weequays are better” and I completely disagree. I brought them to regionals, nationals, and Gencon and I got top 16 in all of them. (Except Canadian national which I got 18 but a guy was super nice and gave me the boba dial) my friend, Logan has been running leia for a really long time now and brings her to the top tables every time. My point is out of meta figures are really good and just need a lot of experimentation and time to get them down.