no Boba Fett in slave at "second edition"? just at "extended"? is that correct or another error?
Web App Bugs
PDF does not always format text correctly:
Lando’s <italic>Millennium Falcon</italic> (6)
instead of
Lando’s Millennium Falcon (6)
no falcon but quadjumper and z-95 in "second edition"... again: ist that correct? i dont think so...
This thread is "Web App Bugs" and not "Complain About the Low Quality of the Web App", right? Cool.
6 hours ago, Glucose98 said:Lots of of internal testing, very little external testing with the actual users who always find your bugs in the first 5 minutes.
**** these arnt corner cases, these are basic things. Slots not adding and variable costs showing up as free.
6 hours ago, xbeaker said:I am a programmer.. If I sent a job for internal testing that had this many clear errors, I'd be written up. If it made it to the end user, people would be fired.
Oh Im betting on these people getting **** canned by FFG real quick if this stuff isnt fixed before monday. Im no programmer but have taken classes and know you NEVER let things like this EVER get to market.
5 hours ago, nexttwelveexits said:Impatient X-wingers: "WHERE IS APP I WANT IT NOW IT IS HAS BEEN THE 13th IN NEW ZEALAND FOR HOURS NOW FFG PLZ"
App was likely started over a year ago and the bugs in it arnt corner case long shots, they are issues that no self respecting programmer would let out of internal testing let alone launch as the actual product. Im betting on if the issues arnt fixed by monday the idiots who developed this thing, it isnt FFG they actually outsourced its development, will be fired.
5 hours ago, Icelom said:This was rushed out..... the bugs the missed are not weird side cases a single user testing it would have found many.
Getting us the app sooner would have done little as my guess is they had nothing even close to workable a few weeks ago if this is what we are getting today.
What they needed was more time (or talent) not more testing.
Im betting talent. As there are fan apps that run better than this just shortly after 2nd announced. So time is very likely not the issue.
It would seem in the overview that you're supposed to be able to click on an upgrade and see it in more detail, but it does nothing (and if that's not the case then I wish it did that!)
4 hours ago, Frimmel said:There is also the part where they seem to have left out many sorts of things that are common among the fan made squad builders. You'd think they would have been able to make a beautiful listbuilder with all the examples for this endeavor already about.
Well as Ive said in other posts here and on Facebook this wasnt FFG. If you look there is a third party that actually developed the App. Im betting it was a group that advertised itself as "professionals" so FFG thought that if Fans can do it these pros can do better. Launch day comes and FFG is left with a pile of crap and looking bad. Not to let FFG entirely off the hook they should have asked for a working version to be shown to them 2 months ago. But considering FFG themselves have ZERO to do with the actual coding well theres your answer to why Fan apps are better.
- When entering an already taken username, the error message is "Bad Request". Which is pretty useless.
- When entering a password it considers a password with 9 letters "strong". No letters, no special characters, straight out of a dictionary. Seriously?
- Click "Log Out". Click "Log In" again. Congratulations, you are logged in again! Come on, people, this is the most basic of testing cases...
At least when you request your password you only get a link to reset it and not your password in plain text. I hope to god that this is because they can't send the plain text and not because they want to obfuscate the fact that the stuff is not hashed.
EDIT: Found another one:
- The search function only gives out PNG images, so there's no way to look up an ability and copy it over into something else (which would be kinda nice). Though that's not a bug, I guess.
- The ranges are wrong. Proton torpedoes should have range 2-3, but it only has range 2. Which has already been pointed out...but isn't an error with the web app itself (which runs mostly on the side of the browser, it seems). It's an error on the server side (the JSON file only lists a value of "2" for what I suspect to be the range).
4 hours ago, Amigoameise said:no falcon but quadjumper and z-95 in "second edition"... again: ist that correct? i dont think so...
I think the second edition list should be only 2.0 mini products. Not conversation kit stuff.
So for scum that would be core set, falcon, slave 1 and the fang fighter.
And I'm no scum expert so someone correct me if I'm wrong.
27 minutes ago, papy72 said:I think the second edition list should be only 2.0 mini products. Not conversation kit stuff.
So for scum that would be core set, falcon, slave 1 and the fang fighter.
And I'm no scum expert so someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Scum gets tokens, upgrade cards and templates only from the Core. Otherwise correct.
10 hours ago, xbeaker said:I am a programmer.. If I sent a job for internal testing that had this many clear errors, I'd be written up. If it made it to the end user, people would be fired.
I worked in QA... If I ever got something this buggy, it's never the programmer's fault - it's always some parachute in director/PM/executive forcing my beloved programmers to do a 5 day task in an afternoon.
Listen to your developers, people - they know more about their field of expertise than you, even if you drive a fancy car and have a corner office
Web-app 1.1.0 italian: doesn't list the veteran tail gunner, at least for the Arc-170 gunner slot.
Additionally, the veteran turrett gunner shows the veteran tail gunner image instead.