Next expansion?

By Rogue 4, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

I am having a blast playing with the Rebels and Thrawn, but I was just curious what is coming down the line?

Are they going to make a Dr. Aphra? Grand Moff Tarkin?

Apparently nothing is being playtested so who knows? If there is going to be another expansion, it's not going to be out for a long time.

My hope in lieu of this information is that they are focusing on the campaign app, and taking a break frpm skirmish dor a bit


I really hope you've been grossly misinformed.

7 hours ago, defkhan1 said:

Apparently nothing is being playtested so who knows? If there is going to be another expansion, it's not going to be out for a long time.


Rumors from NOVA

Yeah, I'm...-highly- skeptical about this "rumour". Seems like typical sky-is-falling drivel to me. And, because of the NDA they're under, actual playtesters can't deny it.

Edited by IndyPendant
22 minutes ago, IndyPendant said:

And, because of the NDA they're under, actual playtesters can't deny it.

This is true... ;)

And if playtesters are regularly breaking nda, it's possible FFG is keeping them out of the loop purposefully until they're ready for the info to get out.

Edited by Averagejo3gam3r

I think FFG would be smart to let the community know they're working on something sooner rather than later. Just a "hey there is something on the horizon" would be nice.

20 minutes ago, brettpkelly said:

I think FFG would be smart to let the community know they're working on something sooner rather than later. Just a "hey there is something on the horizon" would be nice.

Second that.

3 hours ago, brettpkelly said:

I think FFG would be smart to let the community know they're working on something sooner rather than later. Just a "hey there is something on the horizon" would be nice.

Vague announcements that announce they have something to announce at a future date have never been their style. In a way this is a good thing, as I find the Hollywood practice of announcing trailers which merely announce when the real trailer is coming out to be a bit obnoxious.

We know from numerous examples of discontinued games they tend to announce the final product and its last appearance at a Premier event, so until you see that, there's always something to look forward to. The release schedule may not be to everyone's liking, but it's coming.

Patience, friends, and ask yourself "what would George Michael do?!"

No, not THAT...the other thing...


Inebriated playtesters break NDA sometimes accidentally or deny they did because they don't remember ?

God anything for the Empire that will allow them some flexibility in list building, sure Thrawn allows for some card control but he's the only viable choice so you can't really make a list around him and the DT's are ok but not stellar.

Yeah I call BS. The game sells well and I doubt the mouse would care to stop that. There is a delay for whatever reason but I agree with @cleardave . Stuff always seems to come out like a big surprise. Besides, the impression I got at Gen Con was that there was stuff coming, including a Boba fix. Let's all enjoy our new toys for now.

I'm enjoying it now but I think we won't get a bunch more for several months and then it will be APP-related updates and a long time before we get skirmish stuff.

If they are smart, an entire wave just for fixes for older cards (with no expansion needed) would be something amazing.

On 9/8/2018 at 6:17 PM, Averagejo3gam3r said:

And if playtesters are regularly breaking nda, it's possible FFG is keeping them out of the loop purposefully until they're ready for the info to get out.

Which would mean that the playtesters haven't been given anything to playtest, wouldn't it?

On 9/9/2018 at 6:45 AM, brettpkelly said:

I think FFG would be smart to let the community know they're working on something sooner rather than later. Just a "hey there is something on the horizon" would be nice.

Judging by their treatment of Descent it's their MO to string customers along with a "stay tuned" line if they have no plans to release anything.

14 hours ago, Tvboy said:

Which would mean that the playtesters haven't been given anything to playtest, wouldn't it?

Yes. My point is the fact that playtesters haven't been given anything yet (which may or may not be true), doesn't necessarily mean that IA is done for. There are many other equally likely scenarios.

As much as I love the game, it's very difficult to not see the writing on the wall. Even absent of any rumors from nova, the slowdown in released content is pretty palpable.

And quite frankly it doesn't really matter how well the game sells (and from what I hear it definitely does), but without proper support skirmish is going to either die, or a the very best case is going to stagnate.

I want to have faith, but I have my limits, and for many other people I know in my area, that limit has already been breached.

Based on my research and interviews, my guess is that they are working out some issues with licensing with Disney. In saying that, FFG does a PHENOMENAL job making these products with quality and in spirit of Disney's Star Wars franchise. Who else would make these kinds of games? So, it makes no sense for Disney to look elsewhere.

Look at Armada? They got ONE announcement in what probably seems like years! And funny enough, that release was two years in the making but nobody ever mentioned it??? They've said nothing about making anything else, but I don't see Armada dying.

X-wing is getting a fully functional 2.0 version that had to be worked on in secret forever. Many of us begged for it for years and nobody from FFG (or know who you are...well you can read the credits...LOL) said a word to any of us?

The sky is not falling. We're just in a slow time, is my belief. I did not get the impression like there was nothing in the works. On the contrary, I sensed there is something in the works.

18 hours ago, erlucius90 said:

If they are smart, an entire wave just for fixes for older cards (with no expansion needed) would be something amazing.

Sadly, they were pretty clear that there would likely not be many more if any fixes, although I really felt they hinted that Boba Fett would be fixed, but not many more. Their opinion was that you can't get the game right the first time, all the time, and that you have to leave some bad design in the box. I still hold hope for more fixes! :)

The game is disgustingly good right now. The recent SC I went to had 14 players. I believe it was 4 rebel, 4 merc, and 6 imperial lists. I also believe NO list was the same. If that's not balanced, I don't know what is.

Edited by NeverBetTheFett

They did say they are working on App Campaigns, so we know there's at least some sort of content on the way, even if we aren't guaranteed physical content.

Come on guys you can't even buy IA on their own website.... IT'S OVER ?

? I jest. But it all seriousness there's probably some poor designer who's been tasked with designing Yoda and who knows that ****'s gotta be good so is taking their time and doing it properly.

Also some of us need to catch up with some past waves... ?

I hope they start working backwards on the App campaigns to utilize old components. It would be nice to use my Hoth tiles again or Mos Eisley Cantina :D

I was really excited at first when they said ONLY core components for campaign one, I thought they would slowly introduce the new content with each new expansion letting us re live and explore our old components. However I understand this isn't a good sales model, having everything available now promotes the splurge tactic.

HOWEVER, right now, there is only the incentive to buy the core + Jabba for App only players.. so I can see this being a viable sales strategy.

Edited by FrogTrigger