Wave 12 Wishlist

By Sharkey1337, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

So I’ve been knee deep in the goodies of Wave 11, but I can’t help but get excited for more Rebels love in a new wave! Since waves in between boxe sets typically have around 3 character packs, here’s what I would LOVE to see:

-Rex (Rebel)

-Agent Kallus (Imperial)

-Rukh (Imperial)

What about you guys?


I'd love

  • Yoda
  • Cad Bane
  • Aurra Sing
  • Asajj Ventress (merc + imperial version?)

And maybe

  • 4-LOM
  • Zuckuss
  • Tobias Beckett
  • Enfys Nest + crew

Though maybe some of these are better suited for box sets

Edited by Eddie

Seriously anything that can get Imperials to be able to play Spies or bring stormtroopers back on the table. Kind of sick and tired of the Trooper/Guardian traits being on every Imp release

Yoda. Always Yoda. And something that would thematically make sense to include a Boba Fett fix with.

2 hours ago, Sharkey1337 said:

-Rex (Rebel)

-Agent Kallus (Imperial /Rebel )

-Rukh (Imperial)

There, now we can talk like reasonable folks.

Mandalorian Box with imperial mandalorians among other stuff.


Enfys Nest;

Special Action: Reveal to your opponent that you're actually a woman. Act puzzled when nobody cares. Write a better plot twist next time.

1 hour ago, cleardave said:

There, now we can talk like reasonable folks.

Ha, that is a fair point after all! Kallus could actually be an interesting two character pack, one Imperial Version and one Rebel Version.

Imperial player could gain him automatically with his Agenda Set, however Rebel players could essentially remove his Imperial version from the game by completing and winning his Green mission, gaining his Rebel version! =D

OR if the Imperial player loses Kallus’ Agenda mission then the Rebels gain him as an ally.

Another option could still have a Green mission packed in, however only one of the missions can be included in a campaign. If the Imperial player picks his Agenda set then his Green mission won’t be included in the side quest deck. If the Imperial player doesn’t choose to use his Agenda set then his Green mission may be included for the Rebels for that campaign then.

Edited by Sharkey1337




We've waited long enough. Give us out Ewoks!!!

Jango Fett. I think this would make the most sense to incorporate the long sought after Boba Fett fix. A Fett-only attachment.

This was the first wave where I avoided a lot of the blister expansions to go along with the boxset (had to pick up Thrawn!)

It would be interesting to find out whether this Rebels themed expansion helped boost sales/brought people into the game but I'd be happy to move away from it.

I'd love to see some Scout Troopers!


Realistic prediction: Varied figure wave announced later this year, released in the spring

Maybe something like

Rebels: Cassian and K2-SO

Imperials: The Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister

Merc: Doctor Aphra

Hopeful prediction: Large box set based on Clone Wars stuff, including these figure packs

Rebels: Rex

Imperials: Tarkin

Merc: Cad Bane (or Embo)

1 hour ago, cleardave said:


Enfys Nest;

Special Action: Reveal to your opponent that you're actually a woman. Act puzzled when nobody cares. Write a better plot twist next time.

I think that the plot twist was that she was a Rebel...

1 hour ago, subtrendy2 said:

I think that the plot twist was that she was a Rebel...

Perhaps, but much like her "dramatic" unmasking, it's not really of much consequence either way.


Wait, why are we running on spoiler tags, everything in the movie was a foregone conclusion. I guess spoilers on Star Wars boardgames page for people who haven't watched Star Wars? That has to be a narrow group...


Regarding Kallus' allegiances, it's a little harder to make that a surprise in the campaign per se, but it could just be an easier thing for the campaign his figure is attached to, to have him appear or not in missions based on Rebel and Imperial victories throughout the campaign.

For agendas/side missions, he would show up as a reward card with a line of text that says something like "If <placeholder for opponent's Kallus reward card> is in play, cancel that card. You may bring Agent Kallus in as an ally/villain"

Scout Troopers. With or without speeder bikes (though without would make more sense for IA).

There is tons of stuff from Rogue One/ Solo that would be great, but for stuff that we have basically already passed over I would love to see:
Scout troopers
Lo-Bot(rebel/merc, either if you have lando?)

It'll be interesting what they do with Rogue One and Solo, and we haven't dipped into Endor too much either (alliance rangers).

Rogue One is strange for a box because most of the characters weren't together before the film...maybe boosters, but I can't see a box set for them.

These seem sorta likely to me in a "boosters only" wave:

Yoda- he doesn't really fit in any box set during the OT time period, and Rebel force users still need more boost.

Rex- he wouldn't fit in a box set now, and he's such a big fan favorite. Maybe slip a Leia fix in here (not confident on that at all though)?

4Lom/Zuckuss- if they make it in, it'd have to be a wave. This would be a perfect way to include Boba, Dengar, and probably Bossk fixes (Bossk is the closest to competitive and only needs slight tweaking)

Agent Kallus- so much cool potential here. If he gets in, it's the same wave as Rex.

Lobot would be cool for a Lando fix, but I dont see him making it. I hope to be wrong!

It could be a long time before we get another announcement...wasn't it 6 months after Heart of the Empire (October to April) for the last wave?

Rebels based figure pack wave before moving on to Endor/R1/Solo

Rebels: Captain Rex

fan favorite, been teased in artwork

Merc: Loth-Wolves

I mean I still don’t understand why the title to this topic wasn’t Loth-wolves or we riot

Imperial: Rukh

A character I love after Thrawn Alliances. Would also interest EU fans

Other Imp options: Kallus, Imperial Super Commandos w/ Boba fix

Edited by 3greubs4

Yoda a Brawler force user that can match Vader in strength (we can't have 3rd Luke just because he keeps quitting the meta every 2 expansions)

Ackbar, leader and tactician that can see a trap and let friendly figures escape. "It's a trap!" should be his CC.

Tarkin, a heavy weapon leader that can use death star to do massive AoE

Garindaan for boosting Merc spies in a Blaise fashion

Edited by Golan Trevize
17 hours ago, TheWelcomeMat88 said:

It'll be interesting what they do with Rogue One and Solo

I thought the same thing until the actual movies started.

But to the point of working it into the game, the walking-dead "characters" of Rogue One don't exactly get up to a lot of side missions on their inevitable quest to be written in and out of Star Wars lore.

Krennic, maybe, but that's about it.

The side missions don’t have to be “during” Rogue One... set them before...

it could be a mission where Baze and Chirrut meet.

or how Cassian obtained K2...

think outside the box a little and the missions can have huge potential...

Edited by Majushi


The thing is, the side missions that feature the players from the movies/shows are meant to be a way to have the popular heroes guest star in the main story, which is about the characters you ran in the campaign. It's not really the place to tell the gripping tale of how Murder Man got his robot from the Empire.

A side mission with Cassian would likely be about helping him get some wetwork done where you kill a person in cold blood so the Empire doesn't get their intel on whatever plot device they want to theme it around. Your Reward card issued would be "blood on your hands" or something to that effect.

A side mission with Blind Guy and Gun Guy would be about...being homeless weirdos on Jedha? Like, they reach out to the campaign heroes to help them...panhandle credits? Hang out and watch as the Empire mines some crystals?

The real money would be a side mission with Saw, where the Reward issued for the campaign would depend on how many "collateral damage" points you were able to collect along the way. Too few and you fail the mission, but if you get enough, Saw will see that you're suitable radical and extreme enough for his tastes (in the terrorist sense, not the Mountain Dew marketing sense) and help you blow some stuff up on a future mission.

8 hours ago, cleardave said:


The thing is, the side missions that feature the players from the movies/shows are meant to be a way to have the popular heroes guest star in the main story, which is about the characters you ran in the campaign. It's not really the place to tell the gripping tale of how Murder Man got his robot from the Empire.

A side mission with Cassian would likely be about helping him get some wetwork done where you kill a person in cold blood so the Empire doesn't get their intel on whatever plot device they want to theme it around. Your Reward card issued would be "blood on your hands" or something to that effect.

A side mission with Blind Guy and Gun Guy would be about...being homeless weirdos on Jedha? Like, they reach out to the campaign heroes to help them...panhandle credits? Hang out and watch as the Empire mines some crystals?

The real money would be a side mission with Saw, where the Reward issued for the campaign would depend on how many "collateral damage" points you were able to collect along the way. Too few and you fail the mission, but if you get enough, Saw will see that you're suitable radical and extreme enough for his tastes (in the terrorist sense, not the Mountain Dew marketing sense) and help you blow some stuff up on a future mission.

You got some serious salt going on there son!

3 hours ago, NeverBetTheFett said:

You got some serious salt going on there son!

Are you suggesting that the chemical formula for good points is NaCl?