Star Wars Resistance - new trailer

By Stan Fresh, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

3 hours ago, Andreievitch said:

You guys should really take this off line. I am sure I am speaking for many when I say I don't care for the art theory pedantry going on here.

Can we go back to talking about the forthcoming show instead?

I for one am looking forward to it. It does look kid oriented, but given we have a live action show coming too, I don't mind that this is for kids.

Agreed... and after all does it really matter?? Agree to disagree as they say.

Dont ask me who “they” are... I don’t know, & if I did I really couldn’t tell you ?

8 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

And I am saying no, they are not. It is the same style of shading used in many shows and movies targeting adults as well, particularly Japanese animated movies and shows. As a prime example, check out the trailer for Appleseed :

That art stye looks absolutely nothing like that of Resistance though.

I agree the difference is mostly (but not entirely) in the background.

Edited by mazz0
3 hours ago, Andreievitch said:

It does look kid oriented, but given we have a live action show coming too, I don't mind that this is for kids.

Most people who complain about SW stories aimed at kids were kids themselves when they first encountered Star Wars. It's mind-boggling that they want to take that magic away from today's kids.

5 minutes ago, Stan Fresh said:

Most people who complain about SW stories aimed at kids were kids themselves when they first encountered Star Wars. It's mind-boggling that they want to take that magic away from today's kids.

I don’t think it’s really fair to say that people who don’t like a kiddy style animation are being hypocritical because they fit into Star Wars as kids. They may have been kids when they first saw Star Wars but what they saw wasn’t something that would be likely to put adults off, as some kids cartoon styles can.

5 minutes ago, mazz0 said:

I don’t think it’s really fair to say that people who don’t like a kiddy style animation are being hypocritical because they fit into Star Wars as kids. They may have been kids when they first saw Star Wars but what they saw wasn’t something that would be likely to put adults off, as some kids cartoon styles can.

You don't have to like it, of course. Not liking something is perfectly fine.

But when you complain about it's very existence? Amid an unprecedented amount of SW material for both adults and kids? Yeah, that's selfish and hypocritical.

1 hour ago, Stan Fresh said:

You don't have to like it, of course. Not liking something is perfectly fine.

But when you complain about it's very existence? Amid an unprecedented amount of SW material for both adults and kids? Yeah, that's selfish and hypocritical.

I don’t think people are saying “I don’t want things like this to exist” so much as “I was hoping for something like Clone Wars or Rebels and I’m disappointed because I haven’t got it”. But yeah, no reason both can’t exist.

4 minutes ago, mazz0 said:

I don’t think people are saying “I don’t want things like this to exist”

Been on Twitter or Reddit lately? :)

11 minutes ago, Stan Fresh said:

Been on Twitter or Reddit lately? :)

Christ no! <shudders>

3 hours ago, Stan Fresh said:

Yeah, that's selfish and hypocritical.

Sadly, that seems to be the case for the vocal minority of self-professed Star Wars "fans" that have made the community so toxic of late, and driven folks like Daisy Ridley and Kelly Marie Tran off social media with their vitriol. With a great many of those neckbeards simply being old grumps that are pissed they can't recapture the magic of their childhood but can't acknowledge the reason is because they've become older and bitter, having long since lost that childlike sense of wonder that made Star Wars so special back then.

Granted, I'm not crazy about the cel-shaded art style, as it does look overly cartoony, but I'm not dismissing the show out of hand because of it either. I wasn't crazy about Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker using a similar cel-shaded cartoony art style, and (apart from the excessive sailing) that turned out to be a very solid entry in the LoZ franchise.

10 hours ago, mazz0 said:

That art stye looks absolutely nothing like that of Resistance though.

I agree the difference is mostly (but not entirely) in the background.

Well, as I said before, the modelling of the characters is indeed different, and more realistic in Appleseed , but the rendering of the characters uses the same rendering style, that being cell shaded . The environments, however, are indeed rendered very differently.

The purpose of this rendering style is simply to capture the look and feel of traditional 2D animated cartoons and anime, not so much to appeal to children more than adults.

Star Wars is fun, no matter how old you are - all you need is an open mind and a taste for cheese. I say this as someone who watched the Original and Prequel films for the first time in my life just a few months ago - well into my 20s. It's a gloriously tacky space opera.

IMO, this series looks VERY fun.

On 8/17/2018 at 11:37 PM, Underachiever599 said:

So come on, guys. Stop being so negative. Dave Filoni has handled both Rebels and The Clone Wars masterfully, and each of them has had some extremely compelling story arcs.

I trust Filoni with the storytelling, no problem there. I just really wish they'd exceed the animation bar that was set with TCW. Instead they go lower and lower... It's like they're searching for the bottom of what fans will find acceptable.

So, after skipping a few pages of Trampsplaining....

The teaser didn't ramp my excitement level up, but I'm still in. It looks entertaining enough, and that's the main thing for me. But, I went into Clone Wars expecting to be annoyed thanks to the movie, and ended up enjoying the ever-lovin' heck out of it. So much so that, when Rebels began, I was cross that Clone Wars was scrapped for it, and - again - didn't expect much. What I got was a much smoother start, and characters that I quickly grew to care about. So, I'm more than happy to see what Resistance has to offer.

In truth, my biggest reservation is something not even in the actual teaser, but something dug up from the code of the teaser's official page (which was quickly removed by LFL). Namely, that it appears to begin only some 6 months before The Force Awakens. I was hoping for it to start a little further back, to allow ancillary media like the Poe Dameron comic, not to mention Resistance itself, a little more breathing room in the timeline. So, biggest reservation is a hyper-nerdy one. All things equal, I'll take it.

8 hours ago, whafrog said:

It's like they're searching for the bottom of what fans will find acceptable.

I think what they're searching for is the best animation that's economically feasible.

6 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

I was hoping for it to start a little further back, to allow ancillary media like the Poe Dameron comic, not to mention Resistance itself, a little more breathing room in the timeline.

On the other hand this might lead to the show portraying the events of the movies from a different angle, which we haven't had so far. I've seen a lot of people ask for that sort of story ever since CW.

7 hours ago, Stan Fresh said:

On the other hand this might lead to the show portraying the events of the movies from a different angle, which we haven't had so far. I've seen a lot of people ask for that sort of story ever since CW.

Nothing wrong with that. The aforementioned Poe Dameron comic is doing something like that right now. (Having caught up with TLJ, Poe is telling Finn and Rey what was going on with him during the bulk of TFA.)

I’d just personally prefer a little more space before doing so. With just six months in there, it’s no wonder Poe acts so impulsively...the dude hasn’t slept. He hasn’t had time to, between 25 issues of the comic and now Resistance. Likewise, I’d prefer Resistance’s characters and story have a chance to settle before being pressed into the service of the movies’ story.

Who knows...maybe they’ve decided to loosen that time up, and that’s why it wasn’t included in the public description, and that reference was fully removed after being discovered lurking in the page’s code.

Who knows if Poe will even be in many episodes once the introductions are done.

52 minutes ago, Stan Fresh said:

Who knows if Poe will even be in many episodes once the introductions are done.

Meanwhile they’ve made it seem pretty apparent that, even if Poe isn’t, BB-8 is. Guess who’s been right there with Poe in his stories.... ?

3 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

Nothing wrong with that. The aforementioned Poe Dameron comic is doing something like that right now. (Having caught up with TLJ, Poe is telling Finn and Rey what was going on with him during the bulk of TFA.)

I’d just personally prefer a little more space before doing so. With just six months in there, it’s no wonder Poe acts so impulsively...the dude hasn’t slept. He hasn’t had time to, between 25 issues of the comic and now Resistance. Likewise, I’d prefer Resistance’s characters and story have a chance to settle before being pressed into the service of the movies’ story.

Who knows...maybe they’ve decided to loosen that time up, and that’s why it wasn’t included in the public description, and that reference was fully removed after being discovered lurking in the page’s code.

This is probably more likely. Having the show take place only six months before the sequel movies would be ridiculous.

Vetoing this series. Simply because Poe is in it. Hoping Kylo Ren plunges a lightsaber right through Poe's chest in episode 9.

Edited by Sincereagape

Was actually happy there was no X Wings, but would it hurt them to introduce a different droid?!

On 8/17/2018 at 9:33 PM, HappyDaze said:

This is Star Wars. IF it worked once, Disney is all for doing it repeatedly and without shame. That's what J. J. Abrams showed us.

Oh please, the Star Wars franchise has been recycling the same stuff from very beginning. That is hardly a JJ Abrams specific thing. Just look at SWTOR for the most ridiculous example of it. Every dancer is a Twi'lek, every gangster is a Hutt, the Smuggler character gets a ship that is suspiciously Falcon-esque in design. He has a Wookiee copilot, has a little leather vest jacket and a hip blaster. He even has a "princess" love interest, in the form of the daughter of Crime Lord who was referred to as a King. Every cantina band is either the ones from Mos Eisly, or the ones from Jabba's Palace, the list goes on and on. The phrases "I've got a bad feeling about this" and "You're our/my only hope" pop up so much it's almost like a verbal tic.

If you played a drinking game where you take a shot each time there is a blatant bit of fanservice pandering in the game, you'd die before you left the starting planet due to alcohol poisoning.

And that's just one example of one bit of the metric ton of Star Wars merch out there that uses references to the original to try and sell it.

So yeah, don't try and blame JJ, he's just the most recent in a LOOOONG line of people milking the same teat.

'nuff said.

The whole point of SWTOR is to play The Han Solo Fantasy or The Obi-Wan Fantasy, though. I'm critical of Force Awakens for having yet another murder ball, but I don't mind something like that in the game. They reuse elements for very different reasons and to different effect.

1 hour ago, KungFuFerret said:

Oh please, the Star Wars franchise has been recycling the same stuff from very beginning. That is hardly a JJ Abrams specific thing. Just look at SWTOR for the most ridiculous example of it. Every dancer is a Twi'lek, every gangster is a Hutt, the Smuggler character gets a ship that is suspiciously Falcon-esque in design. He has a Wookiee copilot, has a little leather vest jacket and a hip blaster. He even has a "princess" love interest, in the form of the daughter of Crime Lord who was referred to as a King. Every cantina band is either the ones from Mos Eisly, or the ones from Jabba's Palace, the list goes on and on. The phrases "I've got a bad feeling about this" and "You're our/my only hope" pop up so much it's almost like a verbal tic.

If you played a drinking game where you take a shot each time there is a blatant bit of fanservice pandering in the game, you'd die before you left the starting planet due to alcohol poisoning.

And that's just one example of one bit of the metric ton of Star Wars merch out there that uses references to the original to try and sell it.

So yeah, don't try and blame JJ, he's just the most recent in a LOOOONG line of people milking the same teat.

But teh Diznee iz teh eevulz an stoopid an bad becuz teh Diznee.

15 minutes ago, Nytwyng said:

But teh Diznee iz teh eevulz an stoopid an bad becuz teh Diznee.

I live in central Florida and have several family members employed by Disney. I know of real reasons why Disney is far from the Happiest Place on Earth to be.