X360 Gamertags/ PSN IDs

By link8, in UFS Off Topic

So rather than having random gamertags and such scattered on different pages on different threads i figured toss em all in 1 place

X360 = Link1120

PS3 = Link1120

add me up. i play games. so do u


If I'm online, 90% of chances are I'm on RB2.

Good idea. I thought there already was one and I had posted, but it must've been my imagination.

XBox Live Gamertag = Son Gopaul

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (making the most of the broken Tiger Knee juggle)
Street Fighter Anniversary (on Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike)
Soul Calibur IV (I'm good with Siegfried, but lack of online experience is a disadvantage for me)
Virtua Fighter 5 (haven't played in a while, so I lost my touch as Lion, but now I play Sarah)
Call Of Duty: World at War (most likely my bro, but when I'm playing I'll be on Nazi Zombies)

Also making the most of my arcade stick in time for Street Fighter IV when it comes out!

DizzyKitsune is mine for xbl ^^

i'll most likely be playing CoD WaW, levelling up as i only just got an xbl account -__-

So yeah! add me! =D

PSN: guitalex2007

Mostly on Rock Band 2, and the occasional Age of Booty or SSF2HDR.

guitalex2008 said:

PSN: guitalex2007

Mostly on Rock Band 2, and the occasional Age of Booty or SSF2HDR.

May add you for RB2 good times.

X-Box LIVE is HeroOptionEX (that's all letters) and I usually play Rock Band 2, Left 4 Dead, or Super Puzzle Fighter II TURBO.

Just let me know you play UFS and I'll add you.

XBL: Tagrineth

should have my 360 back soon

i don't have a lot of 360 games. pretty much just Rock Band/2, GH3, GH:A, and soon GH:WT... lol

XBL = AderangedBunny

mostly play Cod5 WaW, halo3, and F.E.A.R

Dont mind americans adding me but prefer the English just for talking about certain topics that overseas wouldnt understand as easily

haha my tag doesnt have live. but my brother's is sdoubleg. hehe im on right now. I usually play fallout3 but im up to fighting games even though i suck!!! woot!!! haha add my brother/ me since i take the 360 over most of the time. :P

PSN: STGouHadou


XBL: SolomonFaulkner

PSN: PaperLink

[Family Guy old creppy guy voice] Add meh!

PSN: EnderDragon78

sorry to necro this, i wanted to post in an existing topic

PS3: lord_of_mudkips


Street Fighter 4

Street Fighter 2 HD Remix

Also, I am back online.



XBOX: LoC Awaken

PS3: can go die a fire spawn of satan

PS3 - CronosDawnlight

I am usually playing Eternal Sonata or Valkyria Chronicles right now though. I will be playing KOF next month and Blaze Blue. I also play SFIV and SCIV.

XBL - SdoubleG

add me for some hot SF4 or HD remix action. i'm also decent at super puzzle fighter 2 turbo as well.

Well my Xbox Live Id is : ItachiM

I am usually on Resident Evil 5, Soul Calibur 4, Um..... Halo 3 once in a blue moon.... and yeah...

Itachi Uchiha said:

Well my Xbox Live Id is : ItachiM

I am usually on Resident Evil 5, Soul Calibur 4, Um..... Halo 3 once in a blue moon.... and yeah...

ooh maybe a reason to play SC4 again.

Homme Chapeau said:

Itachi Uchiha said:

Well my Xbox Live Id is : ItachiM

I am usually on Resident Evil 5, Soul Calibur 4, Um..... Halo 3 once in a blue moon.... and yeah...

ooh maybe a reason to play SC4 again.

Sounds like fun anytime!

yeah, add me up, ill play sometime when i get my Xbox back (it red ringed a couple weeks ago and it still needs sent back in i got the box saturday :S)

Link said:

yeah, add me up, ill play sometime when i get my Xbox back (it red ringed a couple weeks ago and it still needs sent back in i got the box saturday :S)

lolwat you can literally drive up to their faces and smack them in the face.



Hell I got mine in under two weeks total when the usb ports were screwed up.

XBL and PSN: Grizzlegrom

I play RB2 and RE5 alot and gears so let me know