Starship Construction Utility RTSU v1.41 Published

By bobh, in Rogue Trader

I found the error and fixed it. Now power, correct amounts, is only deducted if the checkbox for augmented retros is checked, the pulldown for ship type is selected and the multiples number is >0.


Will release a new version tonight.

...I see the entry for it, but it doesn't look like the file is linked...

Hey Baron,

Ew. Looks like I didn't upload the new version.

Will do today.

Um not wanting to sound stupid Bobh but have you put the updated version of RTSU somewhere. Because i cant find the newest anywhere. Just asking because it has been time saver for my RT campaing and if you have version that has those upgrades to other parts of the ship i would be interested to see them.

Its my fault. I noticed some display problems with the Character Sheet and had to take out the display of some Craftsmanship indicators. It'll be fixed. But for now they actual Craftsmanship items that are in there work. Some of the newer ones don't display on the CHaracter sheet.

You can find it for download here: Rogue Trader Ship Utilities

Hidden cells are visible.

Thank you, Baron. It is corrected.

Bobh: I feel like a jerk but I'm posting again to point out that you uploaded what looks like an unfinished post about r15.

No worries its a work in progress post. I'll add to it after finishing things in the utility.

I've been re-writing a copy fo the RTSU to produce Xenos Tau vessels and I have a question, want an opinion:

Should all Tau vessels be considered of BEST craftsmanship. To me it seems that, yes, they should. All the components shoudl be of best craftsmanship et cetera. Your thoughts?

bobh said:

I've been re-writing a copy fo the RTSU to produce Xenos Tau vessels and I have a question, want an opinion:

Should all Tau vessels be considered of BEST craftsmanship. To me it seems that, yes, they should. All the components shoudl be of best craftsmanship et cetera. Your thoughts?

I disagree pretty strongly. The Tau have comparatively little experience in ship building or navel combat to, well, pretty much any other race in 40k, ad in combat their best warships were unable to stand up ship to ship against the Imperium. Stated out in BFG their standard cruiser fitted for combat was was roughly the strength of an Imperial light cruiser. This does not mean that the Tau should not have their own advantages, superior fire control and whatnot. But to give any race the ability to have every component on their ship best quality is literally game breaking, and those are words I do not use lightly. I know this from experience. For fun a friend and I build ships using nothing but best quality components, kind of a 'what if' senario. All of the best quality ships were able to punch well above their weight, with frigates easily besting light cruisers, and light cruisers besting battle cruisers and grand cruisers. This is not what the Tau ships were supposed to be able to do.

Basic Tau components would be of a Best Quality compared to Imperial ones for sure. But game mechanic wise they would be standard with a higher level of bonus modifiers. They have the tech but havent fully implimented a true battle ready design yet. They are still working on new battle suits even. The ship scale railguns they use also terrifies me greatly. Imperial void shields are not configured for almost fast as light projectiles, just as a side note.

Question, I seem to be having some difficulty getting the program to recognize improved-quality supplemental components and weapons. The supplemental components don't seem to have a quality option at all, and when I try to modify the quality on a weapon, it gives me some Turbo/Best option but when selected the quality is not changed.


Unless the 'Craftsmanship' tab lists the component there is no quality modification for the item yet. Only exception would be for the quality of the Turbo (not the weapon), and things like 'upgrades' that had craftsmanship built into them. I am still working on adding craftsmanship to the many hundred or so items in the utility.

Dabat said:

I disagree pretty strongly. The Tau have comparatively little experience in ship building or navel combat to, well, pretty much any other race in 40k, ad in combat their best warships were unable to stand up ship to ship against the Imperium. Stated out in BFG their standard cruiser fitted for combat was was roughly the strength of an Imperial light cruiser. This does not mean that the Tau should not have their own advantages, superior fire control and whatnot. But to give any race the ability to have every component on their ship best quality is literally game breaking, and those are words I do not use lightly. I know this from experience. For fun a friend and I build ships using nothing but best quality components, kind of a 'what if' senario. All of the best quality ships were able to punch well above their weight, with frigates easily besting light cruisers, and light cruisers besting battle cruisers and grand cruisers. This is not what the Tau ships were supposed to be able to do.

I disagree with your assesment of the Tau pretty strongly. As of BFG's FAQ2010, they're now rolling out new ships that at least equal to IN. Granted these were developed post-Damoclese Gulf Crusade, but that would take in RT and DW.

BaronIveagh said:

Dabat said:

I disagree pretty strongly. The Tau have comparatively little experience in ship building or navel combat to, well, pretty much any other race in 40k, ad in combat their best warships were unable to stand up ship to ship against the Imperium. Stated out in BFG their standard cruiser fitted for combat was was roughly the strength of an Imperial light cruiser. This does not mean that the Tau should not have their own advantages, superior fire control and whatnot. But to give any race the ability to have every component on their ship best quality is literally game breaking, and those are words I do not use lightly. I know this from experience. For fun a friend and I build ships using nothing but best quality components, kind of a 'what if' senario. All of the best quality ships were able to punch well above their weight, with frigates easily besting light cruisers, and light cruisers besting battle cruisers and grand cruisers. This is not what the Tau ships were supposed to be able to do.

I disagree with your assesment of the Tau pretty strongly. As of BFG's FAQ2010, they're now rolling out new ships that at least equal to IN. Granted these were developed post-Damoclese Gulf Crusade, but that would take in RT and DW.

I disagree with your assessment if my assessment pretty strongly. Even during the time that the Tau are making warships which are able to stand one for one against the Him On Earth's Imperial Navy, then they certainly still do not qulaify for having every component on their ship be best quality. And, unless I am off on my 40K history, DH, RT, DW and BC take place pre-Damoclese Gulf crusade, the Tau wouldn't yet have access to their better ships.

Damocles Gulf Crusade was 742 M41, current time for RT/Deathwatch/etcis 815, M41 (or so). The first direct conflict between these new types on any sort of large scale (that anyoen lived to report) ws at Taros (998, M41), however, it's stated that several of them were developed rapidly following the Gulf Crusade. So, really anything short of a Custodian class battleship is a possibility.

Further, Tau ships are typically physically smaller then other ships in their same weight class, so it would make sense that thier actual components would be a of a higher quality.

BaronIveagh said:

Damocles Gulf Crusade was 742 M41, current time for RT/Deathwatch/etcis 815, M41 (or so). The first direct conflict between these new types on any sort of large scale (that anyoen lived to report) ws at Taros (998, M41), however, it's stated that several of them were developed rapidly following the Gulf Crusade. So, really anything short of a Custodian class battleship is a possibility.

Further, Tau ships are typically physically smaller then other ships in their same weight class, so it would make sense that thier actual components would be a of a higher quality.

From the description of the Lar'Shi (Hero), the aformentioned design that the Tau built from their experiences during the Crusade: "The pinnacle of Tau technology, the Hero class was the product of the Damocles Gulf Crusade. The Tau were determined that they should have a ship that could match the Imperial Lunar class. As it became evident, they failed but did succeed in producing a credible ship of the line."

Also, according to the BFG ships, which are all built in the same scale, and the Tau ships have roughly the same size and volume as their Imperial counterparts. As the ship designations were Imperial designations (at least in BFG magazine), the Imperials classed them by tonnage/size. So a Tau cruiser is roughly the same size as an Imperial cruiser, it doesn't matter if they have the same firepower or not.

Don't get me wrong, I like the Tau ships, but don't turn them in to something they are not.

Thanks for all your opinions. I think i'll finish developing the craftsmanship code for the utility then modify a copy to make Tau ships and if they want to make all relevant components BEST or GOOD or whatever it'll be up to them. That seems simplest.

Works for me. Though one thing to remember as you are designing the Tau ships is that their broadsides can fire to the front as well as to the sides. They are by far thier nastiest in a head on confrontation.

And one last thing I would like to point out is that BaronIveagh was right about the dates of the Damoclese Crusade. I had thought it was in the 890's, not the 740's. I had meant to point this out in my last post, but it got swept up in a revision and accidentally deleted.

Yep, I've been working on their vessels for some time now and I call that bit of fluff 'sophisticated firing arcs'.

bobh said:

Yep, I've been working on their vessels for some time now and I call that bit of fluff 'sophisticated firing arcs'.

Also remember, where usually Imperial ship cathes fire or decompresses few full decks to void, usual description of Tau vessel being hit is that they peel open like Banana.

Mmmmh bananas babeo.gif

bobh said:

Yep, I've been working on their vessels for some time now and I call that bit of fluff 'sophisticated firing arcs'.

Sweet, I look forward to seeing your work.

I've just started running a Rogue Trader game and like this spreadsheet and wanted to edit it down for my players (as they are both new to this and I don't want to give them all the options) and was wondering if you could send me the password, or upload an unprotected version?

I was going to do just that in the beginning but some things stopped me - I was worried about others taking credit for the work, abusing it (maybe tweaking and trying to sell it), adding malicious macros to the spreadsheet or even viruses. One thing I am proud of is that it uses zero macros. So the only person responsible for it is me and that is the way I want to keep it.

Also, a new update is near completion.

RTSU 1-41r38:

  • Fixed error where Miloslav G-616.b Warp Engine (T,R,F) would not display correct name if chosen in build tab.
  • Added ability to create custom plasma drive in the custom tab.
  • Added ability to create custom warp drive in the custom tab.

There will be more and the update should be out by the end of October.
