What exactly are you looking for @TheShard ? No Arissa is not going to go around trying to PK everyone that says they are a Jedi, or kill every NPC she meets. But she would have killed all those guys and she would not let herself be ordered around and bullyed by Korath. Again I would not ever kill another players character, but as tramp says he plays what Korath would do and wouldn't allow a Jedi to dictate her actions or limit her freedom.
As for intention of her morality in the campaign, yes she in on a 'redemption' arc. It was what I had intended for her in my IRL game but it ended before it happened. But even so I don't want her to be a Jedi, or at least not a pure white more grey. I know thats a disliked concept in some SW fan bases but I'm always intrigued by those types of characters.