Since the ooc thread is now for what your doing/immediately planning, I thought it'd be a good idea to start a misc thread for long term plans, backstory development (I'd like to know how what happened in 2005 campaign with Korath and Elias got retconned to the Disney canon), character advancement/build plans, anything really.
Jedi Star Misc thread
Well drez'n has no plans really. I think i decided re-forging his armor will happen in game.
I hope i get to fight hordes of baddies
9 hours ago, TheShard said:Well drez'n has no plans really. I think i decided re-forging his armor will happen in game.
I hope i get to fight hordes of baddies
Drez'n doesn't have any plans but do you have plans for drez'n?
For Reesh his main things will be to reclaim his title as a top rated hunter, as well as dealing with some redemption stuff for hunting force users for the empire. Personal development will probably see him having to reassess his views on morality and who he hunts and why.
For Kark he will be looking to learn as much as he can about the various force religions and ancient culture that came before. This would include the jedi obviously but he would also want to learn about other orders etc. This may even include some of the dark side ones (he doesn't know the difference between the two at the moment). Personal development would aim to see him become more self reliant and independent over time, as well as working on his bravery.
Well i think if anything else he'd take the colosus tree... But that's probably overkill...
I wanna see what i would take to seriously threaten this character enough that that he'd have to take conflict. It'd like his golden morality halo to be forced into complicated moral scenarios.
I'd like Elias to be a contender for the second best lightsaber duelist in the party, nobody in the party is going to catch arissa unless she lets it happen, but she made her character a little weaker in the force than most of the other master characters to get that so it balances out, she could slow her lightsaber growth rate to pick up some extra force rating (e.g padawan survivor/arbiter/armorer/steel hand adept... unarmed parry makes parry cheaper if you have one free hand but arissa dual wield so steel hand adept isn't such a good choice) and still maintain a comfortable lead.
I plan to invest 5 xp into the foresight details upgrade 70 xp into center of being/improved/force rating in niman disciple, 15 xp to get a third rank of vigilance, and then start on shi-cho knight, topping it of with unmatched ferocity. Trying to figure out what attribute Elias should put the shi cho knight dedication into brawn, agility, and cunning are my top contenders, maybe I ought to take a little more of enhance too
Padawan survivor is certainly another that makes sense for Drez'n
We should definitely spar when we all assemble...
1 hour ago, TheShard said:We should definitely spar when we all assemble...
Or we could put it in this thread just to see what would happen without it being official
That would be fun!
Maybe 2 on 2?
Reesh would like to throw his hat in for a bit of sparring.
Ok so how about we pick teams? Should we flip or choose?
Arissa i threw you in here cause I'm curious about if she could beat me. So maybe you and elias vs me and rabo?
I suggest we start at medium range, I'll drop the cortosis armor and instead wear a stock set of armored robes so its more fair.
I'd suggest a lightsaber and non-lightsaber specialist on each team, that way there's a nice balance of skills
Medium range sounds good, Reesh would be happy to drop armour altogether for something like sparring, but I can see why mechanically that would disadvantage people.
I'll join as long as you get your character up to date on swshhets @TheShard i don't play without decklists.
8 minutes ago, SithArissa said:I'll join as long as you get your character up to date on swshhets @TheShard i don't play without decklists.
Same here.
On a secondary thought, I'm thinking that we should put a cap on master level characters of an absolute MAX of 2,000 xp. Really I think we should be aiming for lower than that, maybe 1,750 or 1,800. I think I saw that the likes of Yoda and Palpatine are a little over 2,000, so I don't think we should be making characters that can really equal those guys. After all, the game is most likely to be about the padawans anyway.
Tbh I was assuming the master characters were getting no xp.
That too is a good option
21 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:On a secondary thought, I'm thinking that we should put a cap on master level characters of an absolute MAX of 2,000 xp. Really I think we should be aiming for lower than that, maybe 1,750 or 1,800. I think I saw that the likes of Yoda and Palpatine are a little over 2,000, so I don't think we should be making characters that can really equal those guys. After all, the game is most likely to be about the padawans anyway.
19 minutes ago, SithArissa said:Tbh I was assuming the master characters were getting no xp.
10 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:That too is a good option
I hope not. I'm already looking at buying into Starship Captain as a spec for Korath, along with several of its talents, and advancing his Fated Duel Signiature Ability in preparation for eventually taking on his Nemesis, as well as some of his more "important" skills and talents. I'd rather no cap XP for any character. Let them advance as far as the player wants to take the character. If anything, I'd suggest giving the Master characters half the XP per session as the starting characters, so that their advancement is slower, but not completely stopped.
Edited by Tramp GraphicsI'm not ok with players advancing beyond Yoda and/or Palpatine. It is going to cause a lot of issues with the narrative. Eg, where were these guys during the rise of the frst order? If they're as strong as Luke, why the **** have they been sat on their **** till now?In fact, why have such powerful character achieved so little? How have character as strong as grang masters and sith lords not attracted more attention? Assuming that your nemesis is at least as strong as Korath, why the **** is Snoke messing around with Kylo (who in comparison is weak as ****) instead of your nemesis? Having characters that powerful makes things messy, and very difficult to provide effective challenges without wheeling out a small army of elites.
As a compromise between no xp (which honestly is probably the best idea for this) and no limit, I would recommend a cap of no more than 1,800. Masters can still develop as characters and take part in events so it's not like they won't have anything to do. It just stops things becoming more op than they currently are.
Well lets take a vote how we wanna handle masters.
If we are capping then we should all get the same amount and finish the build.
It'd prefer the slow'd xp route.
Honestly I'm not yet invested in my mentored character as much as the master so we'll see...
I'd even be fine setting everyone at 1500xp and building towards a cap of 2000.
I don't really personally care about new canon or any canon. I'd be fine to handle it as our own version or in place of rey. Maybe even make kylo actually seriously powerful.
Many ways to handle things, but we should probably vote and struggle this now and then proceed.
1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:I'm not ok with players advancing beyond Yoda and/or Palpatine. It is going to cause a lot of issues with the narrative. Eg, where were these guys during the rise of the frst order? If they're as strong as Luke, why the **** have they been sat on their **** till now?In fact, why have such powerful character achieved so little? How have character as strong as grang masters and sith lords not attracted more attention? Assuming that your nemesis is at least as strong as Korath, why the **** is Snoke messing around with Kylo (who in comparison is weak as ****) instead of your nemesis? Having characters that powerful makes things messy, and very difficult to provide effective challenges without wheeling out a small army of elites.
As a compromise between no xp (which honestly is probably the best idea for this) and no limit, I would recommend a cap of no more than 1,800. Masters can still develop as characters and take part in events so it's not like they won't have anything to do. It just stops things becoming more op than they currently are.
Korath is already past 1800 XP,as are a number of others, and you can't lower that without gutting him, given that he is essentially a one-for-one conversion of the original D6 character. Remember, one of the purposes on this game was to allow players to bring their favorite long-played "signature" characters out and continue to play and advance them for as long as they wanted, as well as train new up and coming Starting characters. So to cap out XP would be anathema to that campaign goal.
If anything, I'd suggest capping out their Force Ratings , since those are much more a measure of "power". At least according to the table from the EotE Beta (and yes, I know they eventually removed that), Yoda and Palpatine had Force ratings of 7 . And, given that they're NPCs anyway, we can't really use XP as a measure of how powerful they were. When @KRKappel did his "Jedi Council" game, he even said that they weren't really playing by RAW to begin with, and just "fudged it".
Edited by Tramp Graphics