Dishonor through discard

By Bayushi Kec, in L5R LCG: Deck Building

Scorpion Clan recived more cards to achive dishonor victory [both clan and neutral cards (for now)]

We gained card for discarding conflict deck too, Hearthless Intimidator and Infiltrator .

So with those cards in mind and cards like Backhanded Compliment (if/when we get Keeper role) and maybe Phoenix splash for Oracle of Stone do you guys think it will be viable to go for that extra 5 honor loss through conflict deck discardment/card draw?

That could be a finisher, but it's hard to attain. it's not really a strategy but a endgame goal, bring opponent to lose 5 by discard at turn 4 at least. Need to push the opponent to bid high and manage to discard 5 cards per turn, while bringing the opponent to five honor or less when dishonorable shuffle happens.

And it's not like the opponent won't realize what you are doing at some point.

Maybe building a janky like deck, but hard to make it competitive past the surprise effect.

It's got be a deck that gets really good RNG. If you happen to hit really important cards early and your opponent gets stuck with cards that aren't helping them in the match up, you could get a nice chain of discards and push them to a dishonor victory via mill, however, if you're playing a basic Scorpion deck, or any other clan capable of dishonor, you're probably already threating a dishonor victory naturally and you risk investing cards to push this discard strategy for your mill finishing play that don't necessarily help you win.

I'm a little more intrigued by something like Phoenix with Lighthouse and Infiltrator, where you have a good control of your opponent's top decks. you can discard their best card push something else to the bottom and then leave something good on top for you to use against them. They also already have a keeper role so they can already use BC.

I'm sure this deck will pop up, so I guess the result will be how it impacts deck design of others. If someone just crams in a bunch of strong cards and doesn't care about utility cards or needs to run certain cards to help with the Scorpion match up, mill loses a lot of it's power.......and even the opponent is playing something well rounded it's still an inconsistent strategy to try and beat them with mill.

The Pheonix/Scorpion Control route seems like the one that will benefit most. I mean every card discarded adds to the Tadaka lock, on top of what Ishi Tonu said about the Lighthouse.

I'm trying a list for Phoenix/Scorpion, but the one I'm running right now is terrible and can't pressure the opponent, which means they can draw cards at their leisure. I need to revamp it to be more aggressive, forcing them to bid higher.

Edit: Lighthouse/Infiltrator was fun, but I'm thinking of changing it out for other cards. I'm running policy debate, so Infiltrator isn't too hard to get into play, but sometimes your opponent's deck just isn't helpful to your deck. But when it is, it's really good.

Edited by AradonTemplar

I think the deck wants to run Support of the Scorpion as the role. Maze of Illusion to set up Infiltrator, Walking the Way, that new 's add that makes both players draw and discard two......

Seems like a good place to start

I thought so too, but since you'd lose Backhanded Compliment, I'm not sure. But running Maze sure would be nice. I'm currently splashing for Backhanded x3, Unassuming Yojimbo x3, and 2 Infiltrators. I'll probably swap the yojimbo for maze at this point, because while they're nice, they're also very expensive to play. Need more practice with the deck first.

Another good card for this theme comes from Scorpion Clan Pack ( link ), neutral character Seppun Truthseeker

Another card for this build, Stolen Secrety from a photo. When Scorpion pack becomes legal I'll build a deck with this theme and try it!

See you guys soon ?