Jedi Star IC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Arvel waits until Elias is finished monologuing, shakes his head, and says to Korath, "My condolences, sir."

The beautiful blue pantoran dressed in tight fitting scarlet sheepishly said hi my name is Aris Renn could somebody tell me exactly what I stumbled slash got pulled into?

On 4/19/2019 at 11:06 PM, Jonas Shaaf said:

Arvel waits until Elias is finished monologuing, shakes his head, and says to Korath, "My condolences, sir."

“You think he’s bad,” Korath replies. “You should meet Trixi. If you know anything about Zeltrons, you’ll understand.”

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Reesh would scowl at Elias as he seems to misunderstand what he was saying, but does not say any more. The jedi continue to chatter, and have a little time to explain the situation to the young chiss before the elderly man re-enters the room. He looks visibly surprised by the arrival of the party, glancing from them back to Jonas. "Ah, the rest of the procession I assume? Well, if you can please all follow me, we shall begin". The odd party is ushered through the certain to a dark room, the walls covered in the rich red satin with gold trim that the front of the shop had. Set on an ornate stone plinth in the centre of the room was a large blue ceramic vase. It was of excellent craftsmanship, with a spiderweb of some kind of gold material running over the surface. Placed beneath it was a republic flag, perhaps dug out by the man as a sign of respect for the fallen.

The man would stand at the head of the aisle of the room, with pews running along the length of the room for those attending. As the party walk in he would silently gesture for Jonas to join him at the head of the room. "Thank you all for coming today. We have gathered in honour of your fallen comrade today" he would turn to look at Jonas carefully. "Would you like to say some words for your friend? If not I am sure I can speak on your behalf with a little guiding".

Jonas stands and looks at the assembled collection of beings and says, " It is said that a good man does the right thing, regardless of the cost. It's ***** hard to do the right thing when your friends and neighbors do the wrong thing. And it's nearly impossible to stand astride a burning star and yell at the galaxy, "Stop! Stop the madness." And yet, that is what my Brother did. The Republic would hate us. The Order would hate us. Our own friends would hate us. But we saw and we knew . My man, here, did what he could for us to survive. For he was the smartest of our lot. Maybe some of the others made it too. Maybe they didn't. Either way, my Brother gave his life for me. The ultimate sacrifice. Poodoo, man! Didn't ask for that. Didn't want that. I sure as **** ain't worthy. But that didn't mater for my Brother. My Brother gave it all for me. And freely."

"So I say to you all assembled: What do you see in his example? You gotta figure that out on your own. For me? Well, poodoo! I've got to rebuild a galaxy. I owe the boy as much. Force preserve us all."

Arvel leans over the Korath and whispers, " What in the world was that about? "

Listening to the speech, Kark would straighten up a little as he hears the inspiring words. He had always thought he was doing what he could to help people, to do what he thought was right, but hearing this man made him think. Could he be doing more? Should he be doing more? Maybe coming with these strangers was a chance for him to really do some good, to change this galaxy that so much evil seemed to reside in. He would nod slightly to himself as he comes to a personal decision. Coming here was the right thing to do.

Reesh would watch the on goings, sticking near the door to the room. He didn't know these people, or their fallen comrade, but he was struck by the passion that Jonas spoke with. Even for the jaded hunter it was rather inspiring, and did resonate with Reesh more than he excepted it would. He was brought back to the promise he made so long ago, to try and fix what he had done. It would seem that this man had the same plan (though most likely for different reasons). The gand would bow his head for a moment in respect for the fallen, remaining silent through the speech.

The elderly man would nod approvingly as Jonas finishes, and would rest a soft hand on his shoulder. "Well said sir" he would murmur before subtly reaching for a button set into the wall he stood by. A piercing beam of golden light springs out from the ceiling, centring on the urn. It slowly widens till it covers the whole plinth in the lights radiance. It was a beautiful sight, and a fitting farewell for the jedi. "I will leave you all in peace, you may take your friend with you when you are ready". With that the man slips out of the door to the room, leaving the party with their own thoughts and feelings.

20 hours ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

Arvel leans over the Korath and whispers, " What in the world was that about? "

"Sssssshhh," Korath replies quietly. "I'll tell you later."

After the ceremony, Korath leads the group back to the Jedi Star, during which he updates everyone on who they just held a funeral for. Once on board, he takes them to the library for a full pre-flight safety briefing before heading to the bridge.

"Everyone buckle in," Korath says over the intercom. "We're getting ready for takeoff."

As the group of Force Sensitives walked to the space port, Elias commed his brother. Hey Chemdat I ran into Korath, we're going to ditch the shuttle and leave Gorse on Korath's ship.

Chemdat, Oh **** no, you're not pawning me off on Korath, I found a buyer offworld, I'm taking the shuttle to him to get my payout and I'll see you when I see you, Chemdat out.

A few seconds later, they saw the first order shuttle rocket skyward.

Korath looked questioningly at Elias

Elias: let him go, I can find him later after he cools off.

He turns to the female Pantoran. To answer your question, everyone in this group, including you, is force sensitive, and has the potential to become a Jedi. Korath, Drez'n, Jonas, and myself are Jedi. I can't speak to what if any tradition Mr. Reesh follows although I have my suspicions. Korath's ship is a mobile jedi training academy, Arvel has signed on for what amounts to a jedi leadership class to help him be a better officer, I suspect that the Verpine Kark has signed up to train to be a jedi, Jonas' speech at the funeral home was quite eloquent and motivating. We are proceeding to Mandalore, you are welcome to come along if you are interested in learning to use your gift.

Aris Renn: I am willing to tag along on a trial basis but I'm not ready to commit yet so I'm taking my own ship, a CEC Kestrel 100 that I named the Astral Wren. To Korath she asked Is it ok if I dock with the Jedi Star before you jump to hyperspace?

@Tramp Graphics

Korath seemed to ignore Aris and proceeded up the ramp and to the jedi stars' cockpit, Aris looked offended, and Elias said wait just a minute he's getting old and maybe his hearing is starting to go, Ill go talk to him.

In the cockpit of the jedi star Elias said to Korath, Um Korath the pantoran female named Aris asked you a question at the bottom of the ramp and you appeared to ignore her. I think she took it as her not being welcome, I told her that I'd fetch you... she's waiting at the bottom of the ramp

Edited by EliasWindrider

Reesh would hang back as they eventually reach the hangers. Glancing at those moving up the ramp to the large ship, he would turn to look at the newcomer. "An odd lot" he would state as the translator sifts through his clicks to produce actual words. "Reesh is sure things will calm down eventually, Mandalore can't be too far Reesh imagines".

Kark would shuffle back onto the Jedi Star with the others, a little more confidently than he had the first time. He stuck close to Jonas, perhaps trusting him a little more after seeing him at the funeral. As the ship eventually prepares for take off Kark would pipe up somewhere around the jedi's elbow. "So what's on mandalore? I mean, I don't really know much about the history of it, there wasn't much reading to be found on it. At least I couldn't find any, maybe I was looking in the wrong place? I know they used to have a whole warrior thing going on years ago, all about glory and combat and stuff like that, they're not still like that are they? I've heard that a mandalorian was important to the clone wars, somewhere, I can't remember who told me". He would continue to ramble on about what little he knew until someone put a stop to him. It was a nerves thing most likely.

Kark Mandalorian History Check : 2eP+1eA+3eD+1eS 1 failure, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph

p-s-a.png p-tr.png a-a.png d-f-f.png d--.png d-f-th.png s--.png Advantage spent to know a little about a person of note, triumph spent to know the basics of one aspect of the culture.

4 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Tramp Graphics

Korath seemed to ignore Aris and proceeded up the ramp and to the jedi stars' cockpit, Aris looked offended, and Elias said wait just a minute he's getting old and maybe his hearing is starting to go, Ill go talk to him.

In the cockpit of the jedi star Elias said to Korath, Um Korath the pantoran female named Aris asked you a question at the bottom of the ramp and you appeared to ignore her. I think she took it as her not being welcome, I told I'd fetch you... she's waiting at the bottom of the ramp

“If she’s coming along, she should get on board,” Korath replies. “If she wants to take her own ship and meet us at our destination, she can do that too. That’s up to her. However, should she do so, it’ll make it more difficult for her training. I’m not going to risk entering hyperspace with one of my docking tubes extended with another large ship attached to it and potentially getting ripped off from the stress destroying both ships.”

1 minute ago, Tramp Graphics said:

“If she’s coming along, she should get on board,” Korath replies. “If she wants to take her own ship and meet us at our destination, she can do that too. That’s up to her. However, should she do so, it’ll make it more difficult for her training. I’m not going to risk entering hyperspace with one of my docking tubes extended with another large ship attached to it and potentially getting ripped off from the stress destroying both ships.”

I'm not familiar with the Kestrel-100 but I got the impression from her that it was about the size of a starfighter and them being docked in hyperspace wasn't a safety issue, something about them both being CEC. However, if you the captain of this ship and a jedi master don't want to drive away a potential student, you really should talk to her. Or if you prefer I could start to train her onboard her ship during the trip.

10 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

I'm not familiar with the Kestrel-100 but I got the impression from her that it was about the size of a starfighter and them being docked in hyperspace wasn't a safety issue, something about them both being CEC. However, if you the captain of this ship and a jedi master don't want to drive away a potential student, you really should talk to her. Or if you prefer I could start to train her onboard her ship during the trip.

“Send her up,” Korath replies. “I’ve got to finish getting this ship ready for takeoff.”

6 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

“Send her up,” Korath replies. “I’ve got to finish getting this ship ready for takeoff.”

Elias returned with Aris in tow...

Aris: So can I dock my ship with yours or what? I've done it with a YZ-775 before which is pretty similar to this... what is it a yz-900?

Edited by EliasWindrider

“Not without my knowing what I’m dealing with,” Korath replies. “What you’re asking can put a lot of stress on both ships while entering hyperspace, as well as blocking one of this ship’s weapon systems. How large of a ship are you talking about? You should have attended the briefing, like everyone else.”

2 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

“Not without my knowing what I’m dealing with,” Korath replies. “What you’re asking can put a lot of stress on both ships while entering hyperspace, as well as blocking one of this ship’s weapon systems. How large of a ship are you talking about? You should have attended the briefing, like everyone else.”

Aris talked a klick a minute...

When I asked you before you seemed to ignore me and just walked up the landing ramp without responding which sent up a lot of red flags. I generally take precautions to not be separated from my ship, the Astral Wren. He's a classic, a CEC Kestrel 100. If you're not familiar with the class, they're about the size of a hwk-290 but shorter with a saucer body rather than having the hwk-290's longer fuselage with wings. The hatch is in the back. When I docked with the YZ-775 before, it's docking tube didn't even need to be extended, I just flipped Wren sideways, it's not like there's an up or down in space, anyways. The YZ-775 and I think your ship were designed a few decades later, and were backward compatible in terms of docking with KST-100's. If you still have your ship's original technical database in the computer, you should have all the technical specs saying that your ship was specifically designed to do this. If you let me use you're ship's computer I can probably find the relevant specs faster than you, assuming that they're in the same place as on the YZ-775. My pops' business partner, a friend of the family really, I grew up calling him uncle, had a YZ-775, I knew every inch of that ship. As soon as I won Wren from that collector in a game of sabaac, the first trip I took in Wren was to go show him to my uncle, and you're right, Wren did block one of my uncle's YZ-775's guns. But if it comes down to a fight I'd much rather be flying my Wren anyway, we can fly circles around a large brick like this, Wren's more starfighter than transport, except in terms of durability. They don't make em like Wren any more. You're ship is nice too I guess... CEC stil makes good stuff, but it's not my Wren .

Elias struggled to suppress a grin watching this young pantoran talk so fast that Korath couldn't get a word in edgewise. When she finally paused to let Korath speak it took his old jedi master a few seconds to catch up with processing what she had said. Elias then grinned widely, judging by this encounter, Korath was going to have a hard time keeping up with the next generation of jedi, Elias almost felt sorry for Korath... almost. Korath might actually enjoy geeking out with Aris over CEC ships. The young pantoran seemed pretty knowledgeable about them.

Edited by EliasWindrider
16 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Aris talked a klick a minute...

When I asked you before you seemed to ignore me and just walked up the landing ramp without responding which sent up a lot of red flags. I generally take precautions to not be separated from my ship, the Astral Wren. He's a classic, a CEC Kestrel 100. If you're not familiar with the class, they're about the size of a hwk-290 but shorter with a saucer body rather than having the hwk-290's longer fuselage with wings. The hatch is in the back. When I docked with the YZ-775 before, it's docking tube didn't even need to be extended, I just flipped Wren sideways, it's not like there's an up or down in space, anyways. The YZ-775 and I think your ship were designed a few decades later, and were backward compatible in terms of docking with KST-100's. If you still have your ship's original technical database in the computer, you should have all the technical specs saying that your ship was specifically designed to do this. If you let me use you're ship's computer I can probably find the relevant specs faster than you, assuming that they're in the same place as on the YZ-775. My pops' business partner, a friend of the family really, I grew up calling him uncle, had a YZ-775, I knew every inch of that ship. As soon as I won Wren from that collector in a game of sabaac, the first trip I took in Wren was to go show him to my uncle, and you're right, Wren did block one of my uncle's YZ-775's guns. But if it comes down to a fight I'd much rather be flying my Wren anyway, we can fly circles around a large brick like this, Wren's more starfighter than transport, except in terms of durability. They don't make em like Wren any more. You're ship is nice too I guess... CEC stil makes good stuff, but it's not my Wren .

Elias struggled to suppress a grin watching this young pantoran talk so fast that Korath couldn't get a word in edgewise. When she finally paused to let Korath speak it took his old jedi master a few seconds to catch up with processing what she had said. Elias then grinned widely, judging by this encounter, Korath was going to have a hard time keeping up with the next generation of jedi, Elias almost felt sorry for Korath... almost. Korath might actually enjoy geeking out with Aris over CEC ships. The young pantoran seemed pretty knowledgeable about them.

"A YZ-775 is also a lot more narrow than a YZ-900," Korath replies. "And it doesn't have the wingspan that this ship does either." Korath brings up a 3D technical image of the ship. "The docking tubes have to extend past the wings of this ship," he says, pointing to the 3D schematic. "On a YZ-900 the docking tubes need to telescope out to clear the wings. On the YZ-775 , they don't, at least not with the forward most airlocks. The rear ones do, albeit not as far."


"I'm looking for people who are committed to becoming Jedi," Korath continuies. "Training to become a Jedi is not easy. It's a lot of hard work that requires total commitment, the most serious of mind, and complete dedication to a cause greater than yourself. And, even if you succeed, it's a hard, thankless lifestyle." Korath looks at the girl sternly, his eyes boring into her soul. "Are you ready to make that kind of sacrifice? Because, if not, you might as well leave. It is far better for you to go untrained, than for me to risk unleashing someone half-trained, unprepared, overconfident, and thus easily corrupted, who knows just enough to be dangerous, upon the galaxy."

Edited by Tramp Graphics

If you don't mind , said Aris as she slid in front of the console. Her hands then flew over the keyboard, pulling up a diagram with a kst-100 flipped sideways so its dorsal surface pointed towards the fore of the YZ-900 and attached to the YZ-900 without it's tube being extended, with the kst-100 occupying the location of the extended tube in the previous diagram. What do you know, I was right, see for yourself. Of course you can't land like that, but the text right here specifically says that the YZ-900 was designed to take a docked kst-100 through hyperspace. So either you don't know your own ship half as well as you thought you did or that demonstrates you having the malicious intent of separating me from my ship for no good reason. And as one ship captain to another, I'll give you the respect of leveling with you, telling you straight.

To answer your question, since you have twice now apparently tried to separate me from my ship for no good reason, other than perhaps ignorance which might be understandable because my ship isn't exactly common, you don't instill a lot of confidence in your motivations, and I'm not about to sign up for a cult. So no, until you give me a good reason to believe in you and your cause I'm not ready to commit to whatever this is you're trying to sell me on. However, I am willing to listen to your sales pitch a while longer. So consider it a two way audition or I can walk. And the only reason I haven't walked already is that Jonas guy really appears to be on the level and a true believer in the cause.

Elias grinned at the exchange, this young pantoran female was a fire cracker, but honest, and sharp as a tac.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Elias let out a big belly laugh, when he could finally speak again, he said... "she's got you there Korath, you'll fit in well Aris, and he chuckled once or twice more, ok I'm good now.

On 4/28/2019 at 4:19 PM, EliasWindrider said:

If you don't mind , said Aris as she slid in front of the console. Her hands then flew over the keyboard, pulling up a diagram with a kst-100 flipped sideways so its dorsal surface pointed towards the fore of the YZ-900 and attached to the YZ-900 without it's tube being extended, with the kst-100 occupying the location of the extended tube in the previous diagram. What do you know, I was right, see for yourself. Of course you can't land like that, but the text right here specifically says that the YZ-900 was designed to take a docked kst-100 through hyperspace. So either you don't know your own ship half as well as you thought you did or that demonstrates you having the malicious intent of separating me from my ship for no good reason. And as one ship captain to another, I'll give you the respect of leveling with you, telling you straight.

To answer your question, since you have twice now apparently tried to separate me from my ship for no good reason, other than perhaps ignorance which might be understandable because my ship isn't exactly common, you don't instill a lot of confidence in your motivations, and I'm not about to sign up for a cult. So no, until you give me a good reason to believe in you and your cause I'm not ready to commit to whatever this is you're trying to sell me on. However, I am willing to listen to your sales pitch a while longer. So consider it a two way audition or I can walk. And the only reason I haven't walked already is that Jonas guy really appears to be on the level and a true believer in the cause.

Elias grinned at the exchange, this young pantoran female was a fire cracker, but honest, and sharp as a tac.

32 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Elias let out a big belly laugh, when he could finally speak again, he said... "she's got you there Korath, you'll fit in well Aris, and he chuckled once or twice more, ok I'm good now.

"And she'll take the guns off doing so" , Korath replies. "If she wants to dock her ship to mine, I will need to extend the docking tube. Can that be done? yes. Is jumping into hyperspace like that risky? Possibly. Regardless, She has a decision to make as to whether she wants to become a Jedi or not. If she's unsure, I'd suggest she go back to her ship, think about this carefully, and meet with us on Mandalore with her decision." He looks at Aris sternly. "Master Jonas, or Master Drez'n might be willing to take on a student who isn't one hundred percent committed, but I am not. You have a choice to make. "

2 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

"And she'll take the guns off doing so" , Korath replies. "If she wants to dock her ship to mine, I will need to extend the docking tube. Can that be done? yes. Is jumping into hyperspace like that risky? Possibly. Regardless, She has a decision to make as to whether she wants to become a Jedi or not. If she's unsure, I'd suggest she go back to her ship, think about this carefully, and meet with us on Mandalore with her decision." He looks at Aris sternly. "Master Jonas, or Master Drez'n might be willing to take on a student who isn't one hundred percent committed, but I am not. You have a choice to make. "

Now you're just being obstinate Korath, she just showed you in the official CEC technical database that comes with the ship that it will work just fine, without damaging your guns. I know that you still have stock guns and airlocks on the jedi star, so that excuse doesn't hold water, because the official technical specs says it works. If she's still here after you've tried your best to drive her away that shows the opposite of a lack of commitment. And you're demanding total commitment after giving her very good reasons to distrust you, like repeatedly telling her what is a lie according to those technical specs. So out with it, what's your real issue with Aris?

Edited by EliasWindrider
On 4/29/2019 at 5:47 PM, EliasWindrider said:

Now you're just being obstinate Korath, she just showed you in the official CEC technical database that comes with the ship that it will work just fine, without damaging your guns. I know that you still have stock guns and airlocks on the jedi star, so that excuse doesn't hold water, because the official technical specs says it works. If she's still here after you've tried your best to drive her away that shows the opposite of a lack of commitment. And you're demanding total commitment after giving her very good reasons to distrust you, like repeatedly telling her what is a lie according to those technical specs. So out with it, what's your real issue with Aris?

"No," Korath said. "I am not simply being obstinate. Nor am I lying about this ship's specs. She is misreading those specs. If she wants to become a Jedi, and commit herself fully to the training, she is more than welcome to dock her ship, with the Jedi Star , provided she does so properly . That means waiting for the docking tube to fully extend before docking with it , and not try to squeeze up between the guns and the hull. This is not negotiable. I will not risk my ship, or the lives of those on it, because some young 'know-it-all' thinks she knows this ship better than its owner. "

Turning to Aris, Korath continues. "Young lady," he says. " I don't know what you think those specs show, but they do not show that the YZ series was designed specifically to accommodate the KST series; nor do they show that your ship can just tuck in between the guns and the hull and dock with the docking ring without it being fully extended.

"How much experience or training do you have in starship mechanics?" Korath queries. "How much training or experience do you have as a pilot? Probably not much. I know every centimeter of this ship from top to bottom. Every repair and modification, was done by me personally . I know this ship intimately inside and out. I know its full technical specifications and its capabilities to a tee . Did you know that CEC produced less than 1000 Kestrels? Did you know that the Kestrel was only produced for five years? Given how few of your ship's model were built, CEC would not design a whole series of ships to specifically dock with it. This ship has standard docking tubes and clamps. They are not specifically designed to fit your ship. And this ship's configuration is not specifically designed to accommodate yours. And, no, the specs don't show your ship being capable of docking with this ship without this ship's docking tubes fully extended. So don't try and tell me that this ship can do something I know full well it can't, or that it was specifically designed to do something I know full well it wasn't! Is that understood?!! So, if you want to dock with this ship, you will do so the way I tell you to!!! Is that clear?"

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Turning away from the girl, Korath gets back to preflight. "We're about to take off. If you intend to come with us," he replies. "Either strap in, go get your ship and meet us in orbit, or meet us on Mandalore. Your choice, but make it quick."

Aris: I'd offer to draw you a picture but since the one in CEC's technical database base didn't convince you I won't bother. If you prefer to dock in the general purpose way that's fine with me. I'll meet you in orbit.