Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Also, this is not the time, or the way that you test commitment to being a jedi.

19 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@EliasWindrider , look at this pic of the Kestrel: 500?cb=20180128172037

There is at least four or five meters of ship behind the dorsal docking ring. The side docking tubes of the YZ-900 are barely a half meter in front of the wing mounted guns. The docking tubes absolutely must be extended for anything to dock with them. Can it dock? Yes; but only to a fully extended docking tube . Is that safe for jumping into hyperspace like that? I don’t know. It’s never been done in canon nor Legends, but it doesn’t look safe to me.

Replying again since you edited your post.

You have ASSUMED that the circle at the center of the dorsal surface is a docking hatch. Sorry but on Aris' ship that is the future location of a quad medium laser cannon and the air lock is in the rear of the ship, it's the same portal as people would enter when boarding from the surface of a planet.

19 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@EliasWindrider , look at this pic of the Kestrel: 500?cb=20180128172037

There is at least four or five meters of ship behind the dorsal docking ring. The side docking tubes of the YZ-900 are barely a half meter in front of the wing mounted guns. The docking tubes absolutely must be extended for anything to dock with them. Can it dock? Yes; but only to a fully extended docking tube . Is that safe for jumping into hyperspace like that? I don’t know. It’s never been done in canon nor Legends, but it doesn’t look safe to me.

Replying again since you edited your post.

You have ASSUMED that the circle at the center of the dorsal surface is a docking hatch. Sorry but on Aris' ship that is the future location of a quad medium laser cannon and the air lock is in the rear of the ship, it's the same portal as people would enter when boarding from the surface of a planet.

20 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@EliasWindrider , look at this pic of the Kestrel: 500?cb=20180128172037

There is at least four or five meters of ship behind the dorsal docking ring. The side docking tubes of the YZ-900 are barely a half meter in front of the wing mounted guns. The docking tubes absolutely must be extended for anything to dock with them. Can it dock? Yes; but only to a fully extended docking tube . Is that safe for jumping into hyperspace like that? I don’t know. It’s never been done in canon nor Legends, but it doesn’t look safe to me.

Replying again since you edited your post.

You have ASSUMED that the circle at the center of the dorsal surface is a docking hatch. Sorry but on Aris' ship that, as typical for the yt series, is the future location of a quad medium laser cannon and the air lock is in the rear of the ship to save space on a very small starship, it's the same portal as people would enter when boarding from the surface of a planet. It really is a silly assumption because the maneuvering fins on a kst-100 would prevent it from docking with any ship that doesn't have a fairly long docking tube, UNLESS they folded like the spoils of an xwing.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Double post

Edited by EliasWindrider

Elias and tramp please drop this.

Tramp your being pendantic about details that don't matter.

Elias you can't stop poking at the hornets nest.

Let's move on.

I offered to make a mechanics check to modify the ship or we hand wave, otherwise enough of this.

1 hour ago, EliasWindrider said:

Replying again since you edited your post.

You have ASSUMED that the circle at the center of the dorsal surface is a docking hatch. Sorry but on Aris' ship that, as typical for the yt series, is the future location of a quad medium laser cannon and the air lock is in the rear of the ship to save space on a very small starship, it's the same portal as people would enter when boarding from the surface of a planet. It really is a silly assumption because the maneuvering fins on a kst-100 would prevent it from docking with any ship that doesn't have a fairly long docking tube, UNLESS they folded like the spoils of an xwing.

The main boarding ramp on the Kestrel is on the underside , towards the front. The aft bulkhead is where engineering is.


The KST-100's main hull was given over almost entierly to passenger facilities. Four small, well-appointed staterooms surrounded a common galley and lounge. A small engineering station was located along the aft bulkhead and a single small, cramped crew berth was located beneath the cockpit.

And for the record, no, the YZ series were not specifically designed to allow docking of the Kestrel. The Kestrel was a very limited run ship; a failed attempt by CEC to break into the Executive Transport market, with less than 1000 produced. And, yes, the Kestrel does have variable geometry wings. That is stated on page 124 of DoR. So, no, it's not an assumption that the circle on the dorsal side is the docking ring. It is the docking hatch. You can see the split of the two airlock doors running right down the middle.

Either way you look at it, The Jedi Star will have to extend the docking tube, which does not mean you can't dock the Kestrel . But it does mean that the Kestrel can't just pull up in front of one of the wings and plug in. I have to fully extend the docking tube .

That's all I'm saying on the matter.

Now, @Rabobankrider has ruled that this will be safe. I don't agree, but that's his call, and I accept that. And I never said you couldn't do it. But it is not as simple as you or your character is making it out to be.

As far as who takes Aris on as an apprentice, I agree that Jonas would be the best choice anyway. Korath certainly would not take her on as his own, given her lack of commitment. If anything, Arvel would he his choice as an apprentice, given his military discipline.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

@TheShard is right. The next person to carry on this argument can roll a d100 for a critical injury due to a smiting from on high. I'm so ******* done with this argument.

Also @Tramp Graphics , I think you need to update the ooc list of characters. Those other players aren't coming back.

1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

The main boarding ramp on the Kestrel is on the underside , towards the front. The aft bulkhead is where engineering is.

And for the record, no, the YZ series were not specifically designed to allow docking of the Kestrel. The Kestrel was a very limited run ship; a failed attempt by CEC to break into the Executive Transport market, with less than 1000 produced. And, yes, the Kestrel does have variable geometry wings. That is stated on page 124 of DoR. So, no, it's not an assumption that the circle on the dorsal side is the docking ring. It is the docking hatch. You can see the split of the two airlock doors running right down the middle.

Either way you look at it, The Jedi Star will have to extend the docking tube, which does not mean you can't dock the Kestrel . But it does mean that the Kestrel can't just pull up in front of one of the wings and plug in. I have to fully extend the docking tube .

That's all I'm saying on the matter.

Now, @Rabobankrider has ruled that this will be safe. I don't agree, but that's his call, and I accept that. And I never said you couldn't do it. But it is not as simple as you or your character is making it out to be.

As far as who takes Aris on as an apprentice, I agree that Jonas would be the best choice anyway. Korath certainly would not take her on as his own, given her lack of commitment. If anything, Arvel would he his choice as an apprentice, given his military discipline.

I emailed Tramp pictures proving the landing ramp was in the rear (dropping down from the underside) making my description of the location of the docking without extending the tube perfectly viable. It's common practice to make new products backwards compat with old ones so no problems there either. When Korath is doing his best to drive Aris away and she still wants a trial run, that does not evidence a lack of commitment on the part of Aris.

21 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@TheShard is right. The next person to carry on this argument can roll a d100 for a critical injury due to a smiting from on high. I'm so ******* done with this argument.

Also @Tramp Graphics , I think you need to update the ooc list of characters. Those other players aren't coming back.

Um I posted at the same time as you but

Critical : 1d100 32.

stunned loose a turn. If you want I can narrate it with Elias having a big belly laugh at the exchange.

By the way conflict would be a better motivator for tramp

Edited by EliasWindrider

@EliasWindrider , you did post at the same time as me but kudos for taking it anyway. You can narrate it that way sure. I did consider conflict, but I think when these begin to stack towards loss of limbs then things should quieten down. I HOPE that I won't need another person to roll one of these.

@Rabobankrider Tramp is through Korath still saying "no you can't dock unless you give up your ship as proof of total commitment and fly to Mandalore on your own to think about what you've done" paraphrased of course but that's the gist of it.

Edited by EliasWindrider

@Tramp Graphics , I told you the ship would fit no problem. This means it won't make any issue with hyperspace or the guns. You seem to be ignoring me, and carrying on this argument in the ic an hour after I gave my warning, so you know what? Roll a d100 as well. Congratulations.

Also stop being a **** about @EliasWindrider 's commitment. You need a second ship for future missions, this was pre-established way back.

I will be skipping aaall the way to Mandalore hopefully tomorrow so this will no longer be an issue. The ship will dock no problem via gm handwave, and that WILL be the end of it.

BTW any time I'd have to roll a critical hit for Elias for any reason i wouldn't mind automatically taking the temporarily lame or winded critical hit instead of rolling (qualifies for getting time to go as a scar talent). I think I could have gotten sixth sense for the stunned result for 20 xp.

23 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Tramp Graphics , I told you the ship would fit no problem. This means it won't make any issue with hyperspace or the guns. You seem to be ignoring me, and carrying on this argument in the ic an hour after I gave my warning, so you know what? Roll a d100 as well. Congratulations.

Also stop being a **** about @EliasWindrider 's commitment. You need a second ship for future missions, this was pre-established way back.

I will be skipping aaall the way to Mandalore hopefully tomorrow so this will no longer be an issue. The ship will dock no problem via gm handwave, and that WILL be the end of it.

Korath's problem with Aris is in character only, and is because of her lack of commitment, and her thinking she knows more about his ship than he does. I'm not ignoring you.

57 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Korath's problem with Aris is in character only, and is because of her lack of commitment, and her thinking she knows more about his ship than he does. I'm not ignoring you.

Technically you're defying GM rulings rather than ignoring them but poe tay toe poe tah toe

@Tramp Graphics , I'm not seeing the required critical roll. Instead you have continued to argue about the docking of the ship in the ic, so now I will need a d100 with a +10 on top of that. Each time you ignore my instructions I will add another 10 to the roll. I will also not be moving this onto Mandalore till this is resolved. If you think I'm ******* joking you've got another thing coming. Sort your **** out or this will get worse.

@Tramp Graphics just roll the 1d100+10 before it gets worse. He is the GM and his rulings are law. I rolled the 1d100 when I posted at the same time as @Rabobankrider as i got the beep for new post as I was pressing send, so I didn't have the opportunity to adjust my post in response, so I probably could have gotten out of it but didn't try because he is the GM and I respect his authority as GM. You need to respect the authority of the GM (as in follow instructions the first time the GM issues them) or the game will die. @Rabobankrider has been incredibly patient with you, and being honest he has been incredibly patient with me not being patient with you.

18 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Tramp Graphics , I'm not seeing the required critical roll. Instead you have continued to argue about the docking of the ship in the ic, so now I will need a d100 with a +10 on top of that. Each time you ignore my instructions I will add another 10 to the roll. I will also not be moving this onto Mandalore till this is resolved. If you think I'm ******* joking you've got another thing coming. Sort your **** out or this will get worse.

"Wrath of God" : 1d100 86

@Tramp Graphics , with the +10 that makes 96, equalling 'crippled'. During the journey to Mandalore, Korath trips or whatever and breaks their arm. This means difficulty is increased by 1 until it is healed. I hope that this means that there will not be a repeat of this issue in the future. I am deadly serious when I say that I'm not tolerating this **** any more. I very nearly pulled the plug on this game when this started again, so bear that in mind in the future. The dusty grey orb looked as if it was almost dead, if not for the small bubbles of cities. Far off in the distance, the planets moon can be seen slowly rotating around the back of the planet. It must be around midday in the city below.

@Tramp Graphics it's not up to Korath to leave someone in charge because he is not in charge in the first place.

@EliasWindrider , just leave it alone. If Korath wants to act in charge ic, you are just as free to ignore it.

@Rabobankrider any chance you could work Elias engaging in "Tai chi in the park" into the on Mandalore storyline, maybe it's something the new mandalorians (for the peace and serenity) and true mandalorians (martial arts) have in common?

@EliasWindrider , that should be fine.

@TheShard , have you spoken to the others about joining? I'd like to sort it before I move too far through the mandalore section. I will also need you to introduce your padawan character.