Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

56 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok, so now we have @Jonas Shaaf , @player3333902 , @TheShard , @EliasWindrider and @Tramp Graphics . We've lost quite a few players, so I'm going to try something different with game rules:

  1. The arguing: ******* stop it. As of now if there is a disagreement, you get one post each, and then the gm makes a ruling. This applies to all situations. If you want to continue arguing, you can take it to the pm's and fight to your hearts content. If it continues on the thread here I will come down on you like a tonne of bricks.
  2. The power gaming: Also stop it. It may be fun for some people (and fair enough to them), but most people do not. It bogs things down and makes the game feel like work. This is all increased notably in a pbp because everything takes longer. This system has not been designed for this over the top bull, so pack it in.

I am also very close to leaving, so this stuff needs fixing, and it needs fixing fast. This session has taken almost twice as long as I planned, and a big part of that is due to the problems above. As I say, resolve them, or the game will end up dying.

What about @Lotr_Nerd ?

Make a gear rule. Clarify what boundaries we are using. Let's agree on universal guidelines.

1 hour ago, TheShard said:

Make a gear rule. Clarify what boundaries we are using. Let's agree on universal guidelines.

Why not just put down the gear you put on your Oggdude sheet?

Hey @Rabobankrider , what'd Korath find out from his research on the Torque?

I'm fine with that rabo. How do you want me to handle the attachments and such for those sabers as those were placeholders for finished gear?

Edited by TheShard

Either have them as they were originally (pending approval when I see them), or add them during the game.

Sounds good.

Issue is solved.

@player3333902 , you're up for the Gorse part of things.

@Tramp Graphics , from this you would discover that this torc is some kind ancient jedi relic. You would notice a name etched along one of the strands, 'Zakaris'. From what you can best tell, this some kind of protective ward, used to defend the wearer from attacks. The setback means currently, you don't know how it works.

@Jonas Shaaf , @TheShard , are either of you going to help in the research, or should we just cut to Gorse?

@Tramp Graphics the roll has been done, so future research will have to wait till later.

4 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@Jonas Shaaf , @TheShard , are either of you going to help in the research, or should we just cut to Gorse?

Jonas' idea of research involves roughing up a low-life informant :P

Sorry for the delay, will try to get a post up tomorrow.

Will do tomorrow.

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , I couldn't find where I told you there was an electronic store there?

@TheShard , @Jonas Shaaf or @Tramp Graphics , just need your introduction to Gorse.

Ill edit if you want. Getting parts for sabers was on the docket for a while now... since tino and Jar arrived on Gorse, do you want to do that separately? You had said that you wanted to move things along, but if not I'm more than happy to edit it out.

Speaking of sabers... in endless vigil there's a philaxian (sp?) Phase knife that's classified as a lightsaber even though it's not the crystal variety, particularly good with saber throw. Long term that would be much more Aris' style than glowing hot plasma.

Edited by EliasWindrider
2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@EliasWindrider , I couldn't find where I told you there was an electronic store there?

@TheShard , @Jonas Shaaf or @Tramp Graphics , just need your introduction to Gorse.

2 hours ago, TheShard said:

Will do tomorrow.

I’m holding off until @TheShard makes his post in order to give everyone on the ship a chance to do whatever they need to.

Sorry for the delay again guys, I'm going to try and get more posts up at latest by Wednesday (hopefully tomorrow). Also, is everyone happy with receiving xp at the end of sessions currently? I know that pbp's do mean that everything takes longer so just wanted to check if people wanted to try a change up of this?

I'm going to take this chance to check for some feedback, is everyone happy with how things are going? Anyone want more or less things done? Anything to be done differently etc?

I haven't even been paying attention to xp. That's just for the apprentices correct?

Ok so I'm sorry is there a check I'm assisting with @Tramp Graphics ?

If so we can do skilled assist and you can have my Intel, plus a Drall boost.

3 hours ago, TheShard said:

Ok so I'm sorry is there a check I'm assisting with @Tramp Graphics ?

If so we can do skilled assist and you can have my Intel, plus a Drall boost.

I’ve already made my roll, if you want, make a Lore check of your own and see what you can discover, if anything. Otherwise, let’s do a quick briefing on what we can learn about Gorse and then land and get on with things.

On 2/25/2019 at 4:08 PM, Rabobankrider said:

I'm going to take this chance to check for some feedback, is everyone happy with how things are going? Anyone want more or less things done? Anything to be done differently etc?

I like the idea of when we're in structured play, posting a "Next up" so people don't skip turns. That certainly improved things when we started doing that. Otherwise, I just recommend keeping a tighter leash on the players, like you've been doing as of late. Clamping down in inter-player arguments was a good idea.

The only other thing I might suggest is rather than having players argue about boost dice for circumstances, let a player take one w/o consulting the GM (and be required to list the reason in OOC chat). If the GM later disagrees, that player gets two setback on their next roll. That should speed play and cut down on whining for boost dice. Thoughts?

@EliasWindrider , I did, but that does not mean I'm going to put everything on the same bloody street for you. I'm going to tell you now, you're not going to be able to get everything you need on this planet, or even this session.

@Jonas Shaaf , good points, I think it at least deserves a playtest.

@player3333902 , @EliasWindrider , just need you guys to sort your character rp bit to get the new character into the group.

@Tramp Graphics , still need your planetary intro.

@Jonas Shaaf , as Reesh is currently on the trail of Arvel, what is it he's doing at the minute? Is he sticking with the others or is he on his own?

I’m waiting on @TheShard to finish up whatever action he’s going to make, and make the check for it, before I do that.