Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

49 minutes ago, player3333902 said:

I'm not doing 3 force jumps so i won't leave elias behind XD. I can always do another force action. I have move and other stuff. I can try to move as large an object as the roll will allow me to move when i roll.

if you hide (take cover) there's a good chance we'll lose them completely, they'll come around the corner, not see us, see footprints that go nowhere, they'll look over the wall and see nada, if they see us they'll take pot shots and chase us, coordinating with other troopers throughout the "city" to coral us. It's in my opinion better just to drop down from the roof and walk away unseen, we also need to tell the rest of the party where to go to get fuel via comlink which is a lot easier to do when not being chased/shot at.

@player3333902 and @EliasWindrider , you guys can do an average stealth if you want to take cover, see if the Mandalorians can figure where you went.

  1. @Jonas Shaaf
  2. @Tramp Graphics
  3. Pirate Captain: Soak 5, wounds 20/20, strain 12/12, defence 1, adversary 2
  4. Pirate Crew 2: Soak 4, wounds 15/25, 3/5 men
  5. Pirate Crew 3: Soak 4, wounds 24/25, 5/5 men
  6. @Stormbourne
  7. Pirate Crew 1: Soak 4, wounds 25/25, 5/5 men

@Stormbourne , fair warning that action is going to get your some murder conflict, which would be 10.

  1. @SithArissa
  2. Tomb Guard 1: soak 7, wounds 15/15 armour 1, rival
  3. Tomb Guard 2: soak 7, wounds 15/15 armour 1, rival
  4. Tomb Guard 3: soak 7, wounds 14/15 armour 1, rival

@SithArissa , I forgot to say the enemy are rivals, so the red should have replaced the purple. However the current attack only did 6 damage and they have 7 soak so it's not a big issue this time. :) If you want to post your attack ic I'll have them respond.

Hey @Rabobankrider , what’s the Discipline of these Minions? I need a difficulty for an Influence check against them, rather than their leader.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

1 green, why?

I need a difficulty for an Influence check against them, rather than their leader. I’m dropping the Misdirect to be at full power, I want to make them release the two and leave the temple, then, the next round, I want to call on a Fated Duel with their boss.

Influence : 4eF+3eP+1eD 3 advantage, 3 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png p-a.png p-s.png p-a-a.png d-f.png

I’m not sure if this should have been a social check use or emotion check/belief use, if the former, I would need to re roll since none of my social skills are 3Y.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
14 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

1 green, why?

See above.

Considering that they are in combat, you'd be appearing out of thin air and they already have lost friends and were given a kill order, this is going to be very tricky. You'd also be asking them to go against direct orders, so for something like this it would be a formidable check and I'll be flipping a dp. Also bear in mind that the Captain will probably try to snap his men out of it. Also your duration upgrades would not be enough for them to leave the temple.

12 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Considering that they are in combat, you'd be appearing out of thin air and they already have lost friends and were given a kill order, this is going to be very tricky. You'd also be asking them to go against direct orders, so for something like this it would be a formidable check and I'll be flipping a dp. Also bear in mind that the Captain will probably try to snap his men out of it. Also your duration upgrades would not be enough for them to leave the temple.

Don’t situations simply add x amount of Setback dice? Either way, should that have been a Social check roll (and if so, what skill) or the Discipline vs Discipline of the emotion/belief check for the power?

4 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@player3333902 and @EliasWindrider , you guys can do an average stealth if you want to take cover, see if the Mandalorians can figure where you went.

Stealth : 2eD+4eA 2 successes, 3 advantage
d--.png d-th-th.png a-s-a.png a-a-a.png a-s-a.png a-a.png

I'd like to pass as many boosts to Akua's hide check as @Rabobankrider thinks my advantage is worth, I'd almost recommend flipping a DP to ensure success on the check but it's up to you @player3333902

5 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Stormbourne , fair warning that action is going to get your some murder conflict, which would be 10.

fine one of there legs will have a lightsaber in it

stabbing limb : 2eS 0 successes
s--.png s--.png

19 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

fine one of there legs will have a lightsaber in it

stabbing limb : 2eS 0 successes
s--.png s--.png

You'd be still talking major Conflict for causing unnecessary injury, and for initiating a fight unnecessarily and without just cause.

Just twice more to join the cool kids.

4 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

You'd be still talking major Conflict for causing unnecessary injury, and for initiating a fight unnecessarily and without just cause.

i would argue against that as the order for battle had already been given so im not initiating it, as for unnecessary injury im sure they could walk it off

4 hours ago, SithArissa said:

Just twice more to join the cool kids.

avalon is defiantly chaotic but he ain't evil

16 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

i would argue against that as the order for battle had already been given so im not initiating it, as for unnecessary injury im sure they could walk it off

avalon is defiantly chaotic but he ain't evil

Nope. It was Avalon’s action, particularly stealing and activating Jonas’ lightsaber in order to provoke a battle which was the catalyst. Both Jonas and Korath were trying to prevent a battle and settle things peacefully. Avalon went out of his way to provoke one.

2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Nope. It was Avalon’s action, particularly stealing and activating Jonas’ lightsaber in order to provoke a battle which was the catalyst. Both Jonas and Korath were trying to prevent a battle and settle things peacefully. Avalon went out of his way to provoke one.

not really avalon doesn't want battle he wants a shard (lightsaber)

To throw flame on the fire, theft also generates conflict :)

@Rabobankrider What would I need to roll to use Misdirect on the whole collection of Pirates? What skill / difficulty? And the same if I try to do all Pirates minus the leader?

Contemplating options for my next turn...

26 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

not really avalon doesn't want battle he wants a shard (lightsaber)

Had he not wanted a fight, he wouldn’t have stolen Jonas’ lightsaber, and, moreover, when Jonas “Mind whammied” him, he should have simply dropped the saber, not stabbed one of the mooks.

14 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

To throw flame on the fire, theft also generates conflict :)

@Rabobankrider What would I need to roll to use Misdirect on the whole collection of Pirates? What skill / difficulty? And the same if I try to do all Pirates minus the leader?

Contemplating options for my next turn...

Yep, particularly if it’s for personal gain, or to cause trouble.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
4 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Had he not wanted a fight, he wouldn’t have stolen Jonas’ lightsaber, and, moreover, when Jonas “Mind whammied” him, he should have simply dropped the saber, not stabbed one of the mooks.

Yep, particularly if it’s for personal gain, or to cause trouble.

okay so theft sure 2 points (you are neither corrupt/greedy nor desperate) and my action was not to directly start fighting so no i wasn't resorting to a fight despite my actions being underhanded so no conflict there, stabbing a person while in combat frankly falls down to @Rabobankrider 's ruling of whether or not it was unnecessarily cruel as standard acts of violence no longer hold conflict while incombat, but frankly if i am getting conflict for this i want you to take some for instigating infighting among the pirates from before, as it was resorting to violence while there where other options, and before you say that i also jumped the gun there the order of actions mean you started the fighting not me

11 hours ago, Stormbourne said:

okay so theft sure 2 points (you are neither corrupt/greedy nor desperate) and my action was not to directly start fighting so no i wasn't resorting to a fight despite my actions being underhanded so no conflict there, stabbing a person while in combat frankly falls down to @Rabobankrider 's ruling of whether or not it was unnecessarily cruel as standard acts of violence no longer hold conflict while incombat, but frankly if i am getting conflict for this i want you to take some for instigating infighting among the pirates from before, as it was resorting to violence while there where other options, and before you say that i also jumped the gun there the order of actions mean you started the fighting not me

Korath did get Conflict for that already. And, it was indeed your actions which initiated the combat, particularly in stealing and igniting Jonas' lightsaber. Under the Influence Jonas put on your character, he specifically told you to return his lightsaber, Technically, that is what you should have done.

Regardless, it's too late to change it now. However, hopefully, if Avalon survives this fiasco, he'll learn from it and be more prudent in his actions.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

He was made to believe it was genelocked and going to explode, that would have made him want to get rid of it asap. Seeing as he did kill some guys he should receive conflict but I don't think it should be the full 10 given the circumstances.

23 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

He was made to believe it was genelocked and going to explode, that would have made him want to get rid of it asap. Seeing as he did kill some guys he should receive conflict but I don't think it should be the full 10 given the circumstances.

Well, Jonas' specific command was to hand the lightsaber back over to him. Otherwise he should simply have dropped it. That would have been my first response, not stab someone with it. Regardless, how much Conflict he earned wasn't my call. It was the GM's.

@Stormbourne , sorry about the missed challenge dice, here they are: Missed Challenge Dice : 2eC 1 failure, 2 threat
c-f-th.png c-th.png that reduces the damage to 6 base instead of 7.

Unfortunately the nikto crew getting shived did start the combat (though if Jonas had gotten a bad social role that may have done it anyway). However he is a kid and @SithArissa does make a good point, so I will reduce it to 7. I can't really go lower than that as two people did die. However now combat is going there will be no more conflict for any other fatalities. I think that's the fairest way to deal with it.

@Tramp Graphics , fair point I did forget about setback. However what you're asking on it's own would still be a daunting check with 3 setback, and I will be still flipping a dp. Also as I said your upgrades in duration isn't going to be enough to really escort them all the way out of the temple.

@Jonas Shaaf , what would you be planning with the misdirect? I can let you know what check that would be then. It would require a magnitude of 3 for the minions, 4 to add the captain in. The check will be different if it's just the minions targeted.

@player3333902 I don't know if I missed it or not, but did you do the stealth roll for Akua?

@Lotr_Nerd , I really do need a roll at some point so the Tatooine section can proceed.

@SithArissa , can you please do a perception check vs 2eC+2eD (this people are sneaky *******).

@TheShard , I know that we'd discussed not having Kark start on Drall, but honestly I think it will be easier for my organisation (and time management) for him to end begin there. I'm trying to reduce the number of planets I have to juggle. If you want to do an average perception (I'll give a boost thanks to your local knowledge) I'll let you know what you see.

@CathyKitten you still have your bits on Manaan and Dantooine to work with. :)

Edited by Rabobankrider

Its fine have him on Drall just give it a good reason!

Or i could leave and meet him on Corellia? Maybe i feel a calling? Perhaps I seek someone? Not by name but by their signature in the force? If so I'll use seek to.

Seek : 4eF 2 Light Side, 5 Dark Side
f-ds-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds-ds.png


Perception : 2eD+2eA+1eB 1 success, 1 advantage
d--.png d-th-th.png a-a.png a-s.png b-a-a.png

Edited by TheShard

@Rabobankrider how about having Xanths trip be going to where @TheShard s character is to cut down planets? @TheShard assuming you are OK with that too.

Edited by SithArissa

Either me go to him or him me?