Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

14 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

You did realize that the pool is currently 9 darkside and only 3 lightside right, or didn't you bother to check? Lightside destiny points are currently in short supply. While we can get more later, not having any when we really need them is a real impending issue. *If* there were 9 lightside and 3 darkside trying to waste one like this wouldn't be a big issue (using it to undo another player's action still is). But when there's already a shortage, making the problem worse could end up killing a PC.

I count 4 LS DP and 8 DSDP.

@Rabobankrider , Korath has just begun questioning the “prisoner”. Do I need to make any rolls?

I'll have to check tomorrow, not got a lot of time at the moment.

1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@Rabobankrider , Korath has just begun questioning the “prisoner”. Do I need to make any rolls?

from what i understand it depends on how your questioning him/her best bet is either charm or coercion considering the situation i would say formidable charm, or average coercion

an argument can be made for negotiation or deception

Edited by Stormbourne
1 hour ago, Stormbourne said:

from what i understand it depends on how your questioning him/her best bet is either charm or coercion considering the situation i would say formidable charm, or average coercion

Well, that’s up to @Rabobankrider , it could also be Negotiate, or no check at all. Also, the one that complained was the guy Korath is working on and interrogating, not the guy whose leg you cut off.

Also, @Rabobankrider , looks like we’ve got more than one survivor. As per your post, all of Avalon’s victims, suffered ( I’m guessing critical) leg wounds from his wild lightsaber swings. What’s the difficulty for a Medicine check for treating the severed leg?

Edited by Tramp Graphics

@Stormbourne , the guy with the (non critical) gunshot wounds to the gut and leg is the one I’m interrogating, and already treated. Your guy has a hip wound and severed leg. The severed leg needs the tourniquet. In fact, all of your opponents suffered leg wounds. The guys with lightsaber wounds to the torso are probably dead.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
6 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I count 4 LS DP and 8 DSDP.

Something got flipped that I missed. We're still very low on dp considering the size of the party and @Stormbourne asked about spending one on something that could save multiple PCs lives so we're probably about to be at the 3 and 9 again.

52 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Something got flipped that I missed. We're still very low on dp considering the size of the party and @Stormbourne asked about spending one on something that could save multiple PCs lives so we're probably about to be at the 3 and 9 again.

if i use all six FP i can make everyone disappear from both squads until i get to extreme distance from them

13 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

if i use all six FP i can make everyone disappear from both squads until i get to extreme distance from them

So 1 round (close planetary is about extreme personal)

1 minute ago, EliasWindrider said:

So 1 round (close planetary is about extreme personal)

well i would be at extreme distance then so 2 rounds

1 hour ago, Stormbourne said:

well i would be at extreme distance then so 2 rounds

That's up to @Rabobankrider to adjudicate, but I would say if Teetoe takes the last PC initiative slot in the second round then up until then we would be invisible, and when Teetoe moves the ship in the second round we lose invisibility

On 7/22/2018 at 5:28 PM, Rabobankrider said:

@SithArissa , from your research to find this tomb you would know this lord was an almost zealous follower of the sith code. It is likely his tests are directly linked to the tenants of the code to ensure that those who enter the place are 'true sith'. This probably means that the tests will be based around emotion and power. This test is probably the one based around emotion (emotional weakness may be a way to go thanks to your advantage).

Regarding the use of the destiny point, I think this time I'm going to say that you're not going to able to spend it in this situation. As a rule I usually try to discourage spending dp's against other player actions as it can too often become *** for tat. You can still question the survivor, and probably get what you're looking for.

@Lotr_Nerd , the enemy is at short range so it would be an easy check (1 purple).

Hanger Combat

  1. @EliasWindrider
  2. @player3333902
  3. @Stormbourne
  4. @EliasWindrider
  5. @CathyKitten
  6. Unknown Group, 6 soak, 1 armour, adversary 1, 21/45 wounds, 2/3 men
  7. Stormtrooper Squad 1, 5 soak, 20/50 wounds, 4/10 men
  8. Stormtrooper Squad 2, 5 soak, 0/50 wounds, 0/10 men (dead)

@Stormbourne , I'm currently transferring between my old and new computer, so don't have my pdf's to hand. Could you please let me know what misdirect does for hiding the ship mechanically speaking.

Can we also now please move the morality debate to the misc thread.

Lower Level Combat

  1. @Tramp Graphics
  2. @Stormbourne
  3. Pirate Group 1, soak 4, 0/25 wounds, 0/5 men (dead/wounded)
  4. @CathyKitten
  5. Pirate Group 2, soak 4, 1/25 wounds, 1/5 men

Which of my character's is up? Because I don't remember the stormtroopers/mando's going I think the top of the order was chemdat, and I let his turn pass. Akua threw the door, I didn't see that attack get resolved, maybe I missed it and that's why the unknown group has 2/3. Which would put excal'ur at the top of the order, if it's Elias the characters turn he's going to make an athletics check with enhance to run, and I believe you said we were getting an upgrade to it.

I think the last guy in the first group of Nikto got killed by @CathyKitten 's onslaught. Also if he was alive the wound would have been cauterised by the lightsaber injury so tourniquet probably wouldn't help.

@Tramp Graphics , you are looking at a hard negotiation check with 1 setback and 2 boost.

@EliasWindrider I will be doing an ic to resolve the current actions taken in the hanger. Also your idea for keeping Elias and Akua hidden seems fair to me.

1 minute ago, Rabobankrider said:

I think the last guy in the first group of Nikto got killed by @CathyKitten 's onslaught. Also if he was alive the wound would have been cauterised by the lightsaber injury so tourniquet probably wouldn't help.

@Tramp Graphics , you are looking at a hard negotiation check with 1 setback and 2 boost.

@EliasWindrider I will be doing an ic to resolve the current actions taken in the hanger. Also your idea for keeping Elias and Akua hidden seems fair to me.

There were actually two guys that Avalon only "kneecapped" (or "hamstrung"), according to your post, and one who got wounded in the hip and severed a leg.

Negotiation (with Influence) : 2eA+1eP+4eF+2eB+3eD+1eS 1 failure, 3 advantage, 3 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
a-s-a.png a-a.png p-s.png f-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls.png f-ls.png b-a.png b-a-a.png d-f.png d-f-f.png d-th.png s-th.png

I use the three LSPs to add successes, making the roll 2 net successes. I'll use the three Advantages to get him to "volunteer" any additional useful information or any other "boons" you deem fit.

Yup, but that squad was shout up just in case after. I'll sort this with the ic.

since excal'ur is expecting a inquisitor or similar i'll flip destiny take 4 strain and conflict to make the both squads incapable of seeing the ship, akua, or windrunner while i remain within extreme distance of both squads

Edited by Stormbourne
  1. @EliasWindrider
  2. @player3333902
  3. @Stormbourne
  4. @EliasWindrider
  5. @CathyKitten
  6. Unknown Group, 6 soak, 1 armour, adversary 1, 21/45 wounds, 2/3 men
  7. Stormtrooper Squad 1, 5 soak, 20/50 wounds, 4/10 men

@Stormbourne , I'm still without my book so just to check, is there a chance for a none-force user to make a check to see either? If not I'll take that into account with my next check.

Just now, Rabobankrider said:
  1. @EliasWindrider
  2. @player3333902
  3. @Stormbourne
  4. @EliasWindrider
  5. @CathyKitten
  6. Unknown Group, 6 soak, 1 armour, adversary 1, 21/45 wounds, 2/3 men
  7. Stormtrooper Squad 1, 5 soak, 20/50 wounds, 4/10 men

@Stormbourne , I'm still without my book so just to check, is there a chance for a none-force user to make a check to see either? If not I'll take that into account with my next check.

they would need something immune to the force like a robot

That's fine then, thanks for the assist.

@Rabobankrider of the characters including NPCs on Dantooine, whose turn is it now?

2 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Rabobankrider of the characters including NPCs on Dantooine, whose turn is it now?

with my illusion in place they can't do much save wander around so it should be your turn now

Hey, @Rabobankrider , you might want to post Jonas' vision soon, before Korath and Avalon get to him. I'm going to use Planet Mapper and Studious Plotting to navigate this temple, so finding him shouldn't take that long, though I will need a difficulty for navigating this place.

I had said that @CathyKitten can post the vision, and she can do so when she's ready. To navigate it will be a hard survival with a setback.

33 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

I had said that @CathyKitten can post the vision, and she can do so when she's ready. To navigate it will be a hard survival with a setback.

That's all right, Planet Mapper takes care of that Setback, and Studioius Plotting allows me to use Intellect with the Survival check.

Survival (Navigation) : 2eA+1eP+3eD 1 success, 2 threat
a-s.png a--.png p-s.png d-th.png d-f.png d-th.png

I have Holistic Navigation as well, so I flip a Destiny Point to remove those two Threat.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Elias Windrider briskly walk out of the hanger being careful to avoid the stormtroopers and mandalorians, when he gets to a convenient distance, he starts to run.

Oops wrong thread

Edited by EliasWindrider