Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Just now, Tramp Graphics said:

Aurthurian legend. Avalon is the name of the mythical island where Aurthur is said to have been buried. My question to you is if Avalon is your character’s first name or last name?

granted that is the inspiration of the name but the way i play him is 1:1 to a character in the stormlight archives. it's his only name like aladin or lift

@Rabobankrider , Ro’Ka is trying to slaughter the prisoners using Autofire. How many shots can I Reflect? I have 4 ranks in Reflect, so I can reduce the damage from any single hit by 6. The rules say once per hit, Autofire adds additional hits per attack, so can I attempt to Reflect all of her hits? I want to keep all of these guys alive .

41 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@Rabobankrider , Ro’Ka is trying to slaughter the prisoners using Autofire. How many shots can I Reflect? I have 4 ranks in Reflect, so I can reduce the damage from any single hit by 6. The rules say once per hit, Autofire adds additional hits per attack, so can I attempt to Reflect all of her hits? I want to keep all of these guys alive .

The rules also say 'The character' not the group of minions at medium range. Also its 3 x 16 damage for 48 total damage, even taking -6 from each hit still leaves 30 total minus soak of 4 x 3 for 18 so they are still down to 2 guys. one very near dead. Its either them or a pile of giblets.

Edited by SithArissa
21 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

The rules also say 'The character' not the group of minions at medium range. Also its 3 x 16 damage for 48 total damage, even taking -6 from each hit still leaves 30 total minus soak of 4 x 3 for 18 so they are still down to 2 guys. one very near dead. Its either them or a pile of giblets.

Yep, you’re correct. I’d need Circle of Shelter , which is a Protector talent.

@Rabobankrider what would i find on the pirates in terms of food and credits

9 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@Rabobankrider , Ro’Ka is trying to slaughter the prisoners using Autofire. How many shots can I Reflect? I have 4 ranks in Reflect, so I can reduce the damage from any single hit by 6. The rules say once per hit, Autofire adds additional hits per attack, so can I attempt to Reflect all of her hits? I want to keep all of these guys alive .

I think we are making a great "good" cop/"bad cop combo. Should be intetesting to hear what the Nikto says.

8 hours ago, CathyKitten said:

I think we are making a great "good" cop/"bad cop combo. Should be intetesting to hear what the Nikto says.

No, we’re not. What Ro’Ka just did was commit cold-blooded murder. That is an Evil act, which is something Korath cannot allow. That is not playing “bad cop” to Korath’s “good cop”. Korath asked Ro’Ka to take their weapons, nothing more. I have full intention to let these men leave peacefully after I have questioned them fully. By all rights, Korath is obligated to arrest Ro’Ka for murder . Read the table on what warrants Conflict on page 324 of the F&D core rules. Knowingly allowing evil to be committed is worthy of one Conflict. Murder is worth at least ten Conflict . Did you ever consider that? You’re playing a villain in a group of heroes.

@Rabobankrider , if you’ll let me, I want to flip a Destiny Point to turn their lethal injuries into survivable, if incapacitating, injuries.

8 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

No, we’re not. What Ro’Ka just did was commit cold-blooded murder. That is an Evil act, which is something Korath cannot allow. That is not playing “bad cop” to Korath’s “good cop”. Korath asked Ro’Ka to take their weapons, nothing more. I have full intention to let these men leave peacefully after I have questioned them fully. By all rights, Korath is obligated to arrest Ro’Ka for murder . Read the table on what warrants Conflict on page 324 of the F&D core rules. Knowingly allowing evil to be committed is worthy of one Conflict. Murder is worth at least ten Conflict . Did you ever consider that? You’re playing a villain in a group of heroes.

@Rabobankrider , if you’ll let me, I want to flip a Destiny Point to turn their lethal injuries into survivable, if incapacitating, injuries.

Yes it's conflict worthy, but in between hero and villain is "anti-hero" the gritty protagonist who accomplishes net good by getting their hands dirty, e.g. jack bauer from the 24 series, Ro'Ka is an anti-hero not a villain, there's a big difference. Also Korath has no legal authority to arrest anyone, so... yeah you really have no in game recourse, and challenging Ro'Ka directly is only going to get Korath killed and @Rabobankrider said he wasn't going to intervene on Korath's behalf again so you're screwed

5 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Yes it's conflict worthy, but in between hero and villain is "anti-hero" the gritty protagonist who accomplishes net good by getting their hands dirty, e.g. jack bauer from the 24 series, Ro'Ka is an anti-hero not a villain, there's a big difference. Also Korath has no legal authority to arrest anyone, so... yeah you really have no in game recourse, and challenging Ro'Ka directly is only going to get Korath killed and @Rabobankrider said he wasn't going to intervene on Korath's behalf again so you're screwed

No, Kieth. Her actions are not the actions of an ‘anti-hero”. They’re the actions of a villain ; of a cold-blooded sociopath . This is Star Wars . Her actions were not for the “greater good” so that others could keep their hands clean. It was murder . And, yes, canonically , a Jedi does have arresting authority. Not during the time of the Empire, no. But this isn’t the time of the Empire. The only thing actually preventing Korath from doing so is the fact that he lacks the physical means to restrain her.

33 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

No, Kieth. Her actions are not the actions of an ‘anti-hero”. They’re the actions of a villain ; of a cold-blooded sociopath . This is Star Wars . Her actions were not for the “greater good” so that others could keep their hands clean. It was murder . And, yes, canonically , a Jedi does have arresting authority. Not during the time of the Empire, no. But this isn’t the time of the Empire. The only thing actually preventing Korath from doing so is the fact that he lacks the physical means to restrain her.

We'll just have to agree to agree to disagree on whether cold blooded murder of bad guys qualifies the murderer as an antihero or villain

Regardless the jedi order officially ceased to exist after Luke Skywalker disbanded it so you're up *****-creek without a paddle in terms of legal authority.

I'd wish Korath good luck because he needs it but, 1 I don't mean it because you don't deserve it, and 2 you having good luck won't make any difference because the disparity in build strength is just too great. I don't like Elias' odds if he ever has to fight Ro'Ka and Elias would mop the floor with Korath if it came to a fight (not that there's any narrative reason for Elias and Korath to fight).

It seems like you're trying to escalate an in character dispute to a player dispute with @CathyKitten and you'll lose on that front too, so I advise you to take your lumps and move on.

Edited by EliasWindrider

Well it depends where we intend to take things. Drez'n would probably be appalled by such violence.

Are we gonna have interparty conflict as an explored theme?

8 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Well it depends where we intend to take things. Drez'n would probably be appalled by such violence.

Are we gonna have interparty conflict as an explored theme?

@Tramp Graphics seems intent to do so if he doesn't get his way. But maybe I'm wrong, you'll have to ask him.

22 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

We'll just have to agree to agree to disagree on whether cold blooded murder of bad guys qualifies the murder as an antihero or villain

Regardless the jedi order officially ceased to exist after Luke Skywalker disbanded it so you're up *****-creek without a paddle in terms of legal authority.

I'd wish Korath good luck because he needs it but, 1 I don't mean it because you don't deserve it, and 2 you having good luck won't make any difference because the disparity in build strength is just too great. I don't like Elias' odds if he ever has to fight Ro'Ka and Elias would mop the floor with Korath if it came to a fight (not that there's any narrative reason for Elias and Korath to fight).

It seems like you're trying to escalate an in character dispute to a player dispute with @CathyKitten and you'll lose on that front too, so I advise you to take your lumps and move on.

No, I have no interest in a player dispute. I am interested in party unity . I am interested in keeping bloodshed to a minimum , and unnecessary bloodshed to non-existent, because, as a character, Korath can't allow that. Korath cannot knowingly allow evil actions to be committed. No Jedi can.

And, secondly, These guys aren't necessarily evil . They're treasure hunters, criminal or otherwise. The rules do not differentiate between murder of "bad guys" or "good guys". If they're not a threat , and you gun them down in cold blood, by RAW, that's cold-blooded murder. These guys were not a threat. They were immobile , and thus helpless , they were terrified , and had given up the fight . There was no justification to gun them down.

13 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Well it depends where we intend to take things. Drez'n would probably be appalled by such violence.

Are we gonna have interparty conflict as an explored theme?

That's actually something I want to avoid . But it looks more and more like that will be unavoidable. I want the party to be unified . I would like to keep intra-party conflict to a minimum . Minor squabbles between party members is fine, as long as they're kept to a minimum or used for comedic effect (ala the antics among Ezra, Chopper, and Zeb), but not to the extent this conflict has been building to . The only reason why @SithArissa is being allowed to bring in a Dark Side character (which will create some unavoidable intra-party conflict at the start) is because she, @Rabobankrider , and I discussed it and came to an agreement that she would have a redemption story arc.

2 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

@Tramp Graphics seems intent to do so if he doesn't get his way. But maybe I'm wrong, you'll have to ask him.

Yes, you are wrong. My intent is to build a unified party that works together for a common purpose.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

No, I have no interest in a player dispute. I am interested in party unity . I am interested in keeping bloodshed to a minimum , and unnecessary bloodshed to non-existent, because, as a character, Korath can't allow that. Korath cannot knowingly allow evil actions to be committed. No Jedi can.

And, secondly, These guys aren't necessarily evil . They're treasure hunters, criminal or otherwise. The rules do not differentiate between murder of "bad guys" or "good guys". If they're not a threat , and you gun them down in cold blood, by RAW, that's cold-blooded murder. These guys were not a threat. They were immobile , and thus helpless , they were terrified , and had given up the fight . There was no justification to gun them down.

That's actually something I want to avoid . But it looks more and more like that will be unavoidable. I want the party to be unified . I would like to keep intra-party conflict to a minimum . Minor squabbles between party members is fine, as long as they're kept to a minimum or used for comedic effect (ala the antics among Ezra, Chopper, and Zeb), but not to the extent this conflict has been building to . The only reason why @SithArissa is being allowed to bring in a Dark Side character (which will create some unavoidable intra-party conflict at the start) is because she, @Rabobankrider , and I discussed it and came to an agreement that she would have a redemption story arc.

Yes, you are wrong. My intent is to build a unified party .

Unified in adhering to your vision for the campaign sounds a lot like "no conflict as long you get your way" to me. I have a strong inclination that if you hadn't been so antagonistic to @CathyKitten as a player up to this point Ro'Ka might have granted Korath's *request* to merely disarm the bad guys.

The rules regarding conflict make no distinction between whether the victim is a bad guy or not, but that's completely irrelevant to the difference in opinion. Because the rules do not cover who is classified as an antihero vs. villain.

1 minute ago, EliasWindrider said:

Unified in adhering to your vision for the campaign sounds a lot like "no conflict as long you get your way" to me. I have a strong inclination that if you hadn't been so antagonistic to @CathyKitten as a player up to this point Ro'Ka might have granted Korath's *request* to merely disarm the bad guys.

The rules regarding conflict make no distinction between whether the victim is a bad guy or not, but that's completely irrelevant to the difference in opinion. Because the rules do not cover who is classified as an antihero vs. villain.

No, Kieth. I have not been “antagonistic to anyone as a player. The same cannot be said of others. I have repeatedly tried to keep things civil and to prevent personal conflicts. And this is not the place to be discussing that regardless.

18 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

No, Kieth. I have not been “antagonistic to anyone as a player. The same cannot be said of others. I have repeatedly tried to keep things civil and to prevent personal conflicts. And this is not the place to be discussing that regardless.

You tend to have a significantly different interpretation of situations than everyone else involved, but I'll leave it at that.

BTW we've known each other for about a decade and a half and you still spell my name wrong, it's Keith not Kieth, are you ever going to get it right or is that unimportant to you?

Edited by EliasWindrider

And @EliasWindrider , for the record, my “vision” for this campaign has always been only the gathering and training of new Jedi. And that was stated publicly when I first posted the prep thread to organize this campaign, and all of the player’s agreed to that when they signed up. There are no “ulterior motives”, no “grab for power”, etc.

and now for something completely different

14 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

And @EliasWindrider , for the record, my “vision” for this campaign has always been only the gathering and training of new Jedi. And that was stated publicly when I first posted the prep thread to organize this campaign, and all of the player’s agreed to that when they signed up. There are no “ulterior motives”, no “grab for power”, etc.

Claiming absolute authority while on board the jedi star the primary setting for the campaign is most certainly a grab for power. I could go on but I'd prefer to avoid a public argument.

@SithArissa , average lore with a boost because I assume that Arissa will have studied the Sith.

@player3333902 , you can use your old athletics for the chase, but you don't need it to move forward.

As @EliasWindrider is skipping Chemdats turn, @Stormbourne do you want to take any action before the enemy moves?

@Jonas Shaaf , as most of what is going to happen will be pc related, if you don't mind I will hold of for a couple of posts as I don't have a clue how things are going to pan out.

@Tramp Graphics , normally I would say for character to roll initiative to try and stop events, but I think with you being behind Ro'ka you're going to struggle

@Stormbourne you'd find 15 credits and a couple of ration bars.

@CathyKitten , unfortunately you will be getting 10 conflict as these guys were defenceless at that point.

@Tramp Graphics , maybe during the Republic or Old Republic a Jedi could have arrested someone, but in this time you do indeed have no power legally with arrests. After all the controlling power is the First Order, and you are not affiliated with them.

Also to be honest if you wanted a group of lawful good players, you should have specified that in your advert. You currently have a wide range of characters with different moralities (with the extremes reaching from Korath to Arissa, with the likes of Reesh and Ro'Ka in the middle). Each player has their own objectives and beliefs. You are going to have to see Korath adapt to accommodate these variances or he is going to lose his crew. If he keeps tying to force people into things they don't want they're probably going to leave him behind to seek their own goals. Adapt and overcome, you can't force character development at a whim, sometimes you need to make changes to accommodate the rest of the group. DnD is not the same as writing a story, as there is no one leader or main character.

8 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Stormbourne do you want to take any action before the enemy moves?

using misdirect to hide the ship

using force : 3eF 2 Light Side, 4 Dark Side
f-ds-ds.png f-ds-ds.png f-ls-ls.png

avalon starts to chow down on one of rations pocketing the rest

Edited by Stormbourne
32 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@SithArissa , average lore with a boost because I assume that Arissa will have studied the Sith.

@player3333902 , you can use your old athletics for the chase, but you don't need it to move forward.

As @EliasWindrider is skipping Chemdats turn, @Stormbourne do you want to take any action before the enemy moves?

@Jonas Shaaf , as most of what is going to happen will be pc related, if you don't mind I will hold of for a couple of posts as I don't have a clue how things are going to pan out.

@Tramp Graphics , normally I would say for character to roll initiative to try and stop events, but I think with you being behind Ro'ka you're going to struggle

@Stormbourne you'd find 15 credits and a couple of ration bars.

@CathyKitten , unfortunately you will be getting 10 conflict as these guys were defenceless at that point.

@Tramp Graphics , maybe during the Republic or Old Republic a Jedi could have arrested someone, but in this time you do indeed have no power legally with arrests. After all the controlling power is the First Order, and you are not affiliated with them.

Also to be honest if you wanted a group of lawful good players, you should have specified that in your advert. You currently have a wide range of characters with different moralities (with the extremes reaching from Korath to Arissa, with the likes of Reesh and Ro'Ka in the middle). Each player has their own objectives and beliefs. You are going to have to see Korath adapt to accommodate these variances or he is going to lose his crew. If he keeps tying to force people into things they don't want they're probably going to leave him behind to seek their own goals. Adapt and overcome, you can't force character development at a whim, sometimes you need to make changes to accommodate the rest of the group. DnD is not the same as writing a story, as there is no one leader or main character.

Lawful Good? No, just Good. When Ro’Ka pulled the trigger, Korath had already walked past her towards the prisoners. So he actually was in front of her when she opened fire. I know he couldn’t stop her from pulling the trigger, and he lacks the talent to extend Reflect to others. That’s why I want to use the Destiny Point to mitigate the damage done to Incapactiating, but survivable rather than lethal.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

It seems like quite a big ask of a dp considering that damage done by the cannon.

9 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

It seems like quite a big ask of a dp considering that damage done by the cannon.

I know. They could have crippling injuries. I was in the military I know how much damage heavy weapons like that can cause. But, depending upon what location on the body the rounds hit, and whether the armor was actually penetrated or the damage resulted from the concussion of the impact (such as broken ribs), the injuries could be survivable, particularly with timely medical care. People have survived IED and land mine detonations, albeit with critical, even permanent injuries.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

@Tramp Graphics I assure you if Korath talks/act to Arissa like he has other characters he'll be rolling initiative. There has to be give and take between players. In other words let people play their characters how they want. I told you in your recruitment thread if the game became Jedi Quest with pages of arguing I was out and its dangerously close and you'll lose the whole game again at the rate you are going. I am enjoying this game I would like it to continue. BUT CHILL THE **** OUT.

Edited by SithArissa