Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

@Rabobankrider the rules state that an area attack effects every minion in a minion individually. So I was expecting one mgroup of stormtroopers to be decimated. If you want to play it differently, that's ok with me but I would like clarification on how you are going to rule on this going forward.

House rules are fine by me I just want to know what they are so I can plan accordingly

Edited by EliasWindrider
9 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Korath used Seek to locate the enemy forces before the combat began then used the Force to make this group fight each other just as I said I was going to. But Ro’Ka wouldn’t know that because she took off on her own without even acknowledging Korath’s stated intent.

@Rabobankrider also said this not long before you posted:

Go back and read through the thread and IC thread, including his responses to my posts. The main group is in the center of the temple. This was just a small scouting group. Yes, the other group is at Medium range, but that doesn’t necessarily mean direct line of sight nor that we can engage them yet.

There  is still another group of pirates in this area, did you look  through the initiative order? You took your turn out of order. 

As for Roka continuing forward, you can not just stop the game and other players from doing things just because you want to do something. We all want to do things, you are not special.

@CathyKitten , ah that's fine then, good to know :)

@EliasWindrider , I forgot you asked about this: Yes you can use enhance in a chase as you would with any regular athletics check.

I just checked the rules and you are right about blast, I must have misread that from dealing with it in Revan's War. That does explain why I felt that explosives were under powered. However the whole squad wasn't huddled around the charge, and Sam Stuart very handily covered this very thing. The gist was that if the minions are spread out then blast may not necessarily apply to all of them. so what I'm going to reassess the damage done tomorrow (when I have more time), which will probably see maybe 1 or 2 survivors. The confusion I think has come from me misunderstanding the rules initially so apologies for that.

@Tramp Graphics , the pirates in the lower level are made of 2 groups of 5. Group 1 is very very dead, group two is at the end of the corridor (medium range). They can see you guys which you can see with my ic post. When I wrote what I did in the ic I assumed @CathyKitten was going for them instead of group 1 (that's my bad for the assumption). Combat will be over when the second group is gone, either through a retreat or through incapacitation. After their turn you can act.

@Rabobankrider i didn't get time to dedicate to sence then?

6 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

@Rabobankrider i didn't get time to dedicate to sence then?

Sense is a full action to use.

Just now, SithArissa said:

Sense is a full action to use.

I know i was asking if i had enough time before hand to do so

Enchanced sprint with Akua : 3eF+2eP+1eA+2eD 4 successes, 2 threat, 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png p-s.png p-s-s.png a-s.png d-th.png d-th.png

Really needa get some more fd... nearly all force checks ive made so far have been negative. With empty soul, add 1 lsp.

Force move to throw random object : 3eF+4eP 5 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph, 4 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png p-s-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-tr.png

Finally XD. add 1 more lsp with empty soul

@Stormbourne , unfortunately with things happening so fast there wouldn't have been time at that moment.

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Stormbourne , unfortunately with things happening so fast there wouldn't have been time at that moment.

@Rabobankrider what will be the difficulty dice for the athletics checks in the chase scene or will it be opposing rolls.

It will be using opposed rolls, there may be some difficulty for terrain later, but for now there won't be

4 hours ago, player3333902 said:

Enchanced sprint with Akua : 3eF+2eP+1eA+2eD 4 successes, 2 threat, 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png p-s.png p-s-s.png a-s.png d-th.png d-th.png

Really needa get some more fd... nearly all force checks ive made so far have been negative. With empty soul, add 1 lsp.

Force move to throw random object : 3eF+4eP 5 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph, 4 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png p-s-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-tr.png

Finally XD. add 1 more lsp with empty soul

I can't run this turn, cause I used move to reinforce the door... maybe you want to use your actions to throw something sil 2 (e.g. the door) at them instead of running this round and we run together next turn.

1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:

It will be using opposed rolls, there may be some difficulty for terrain later, but for now there won't be

How would you rule that the swift talent interacts with difficult terrain in a chase scene,Elias doesn't take penalties for moving through difficult terrain due to it, but it has a parenthetical statement saying "they move through it at normal speed without spending additional maneuvers" since chase scenes involve actions rather than maneuvers is the talent useless because of the parenthetical statement or does "the character does not suffer penalties for moving through difficult terrain" mean Elias will always be facing a simple (clarification: no negative dice due to terrain, other factors can still add difficulty dice) difficulty for chase scene? Whatever you rule is fine by me, I just want to know.

Also, the improved dodge talent let's Elias take a free move maneuver as an out of turn incidental, if they start taking potshots at us, how would that play into a chase scene? By RAW I think it's no effect since chase scenes use actions rather than maneuvers, unless Elias had the force leap as a maneuver enhance upgrade, which he doesn't, it's on my to do list, but I think that would move Elias a range band or two out every time they took a shot, this is just me trying to figure out how to spend xp going forward... I'm trying to know the score rather than change it with this second question.

Edited by EliasWindrider
13 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@CathyKitten , ah that's fine then, good to know :)

@EliasWindrider , I forgot you asked about this: Yes you can use enhance in a chase as you would with any regular athletics check.

I just checked the rules and you are right about blast, I must have misread that from dealing with it in Revan's War. That does explain why I felt that explosives were under powered. However the whole squad wasn't huddled around the charge, and Sam Stuart very handily covered this very thing. The gist was that if the minions are spread out then blast may not necessarily apply to all of them. so what I'm going to reassess the damage done tomorrow (when I have more time), which will probably see maybe 1 or 2 survivors. The confusion I think has come from me misunderstanding the rules initially so apologies for that.

@Tramp Graphics , the pirates in the lower level are made of 2 groups of 5. Group 1 is very very dead, group two is at the end of the corridor (medium range). They can see you guys which you can see with my ic post. When I wrote what I did in the ic I assumed @CathyKitten was going for them instead of group 1 (that's my bad for the assumption). Combat will be over when the second group is gone, either through a retreat or through incapacitation. After their turn you can act.

However you wanted to rule the blast is/ would have been fine with me, you're the gm so it's your call, I just want to be aware of any house rules so I can plan accordingly.

9 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@Stormbourne , unfortunately with things happening so fast there wouldn't have been time at that moment.

Is the cave still in combat?

@Rabobankrider , how long is the hallway? I'm going to use Bind to immobilize the minion group of Niktos and push them back to Long range using it's movement upgrade.

Bind : 4eF 3 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ds-ds.png f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png

@CathyKitten , I would like to keep them alive, if possible, so we can question them . We need information. This will make our mission much easier.

9 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

I can't run this turn, cause I used move to reinforce the door... maybe you want to use your actions to throw something sil 2 (e.g. the door) at them instead of running this round and we run together next turn.

Sure, made the move check just in case it was needed. For the sprinting, akua has no talent for rough terrain, so what is the dc?

28 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

@CathyKitten , I would like to keep them alive, if possible, so we can question them . We need information. This will make our mission much easier     . 

I do not think the blaster cannom has a stun setting.

Also your going out of turn. They get to go before you. Its in the initiative order. What is the point of rolling it if you arent going to follow the order?

Edited by CathyKitten
15 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

I do not think the blaster cannom has a stun setting.

Also your going out of turn. They get to go before you. Its in the initiative order. What is the point of rolling it if you arent going to follow the order?

Then we simply hold Korath's action until they do. Either way, I would prefer to keep them alive, and am asking you not to fire on them once they are immobilized, but instead relieve them of their weapons, so that we can question them. The immobilization will only last one round and whatever information they can give us will only make our mission easier. I would also prefer not to have a bloodbath. We're not here for a slaughter fest, we're here to ostensibly retrieve and object (and rescue Jonas once we realize he exists), and these guys may be able to reveal that information for us.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

And @Stormbourne , I really would appreciate Avalon returning Korath's lightsaber to him.

41 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I would      also prefer not to have a bloodbath  .  

What about a bloodshower?

1 hour ago, player3333902 said:

Sure, made the move check just in case it was needed. For the sprinting, akua has no talent for rough terrain, so what is the dc?

Can you post the throw in the ic thread, @Rabobankrider can you confirm whether the difficulty to hit the the second group of stormtroopers/mandos is easy or average (mandos would upgrade 1 purple to a red and add a black, based on the stats you posted with the initiative order)?

1 hour ago, CathyKitten said:

I do not think the blaster cannom has a stun setting.

I'd be happy if teetoe fired a blaster cannon at stormtroopers or mandos ?

21 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

What about a bloodshower?

ROFLMAO!!!!!! ?

I'd rather keep deaths to a minimum . Wanton slaughter is not something Jedi condone. Besides, we need the information, and, if we can, I'd rather trick our foes in the central chamber to give up or flee rather than slaughter them. That's not what we're here for. They're not the First Order, they're not stormtroopers. They're just competitors.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
8 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

ROFLMAO!!!!!! ?

I'd rather keep deaths to a minimum . Wanton slaughter is not something Jedi condone. Besides, we need the information, and, if we can, I'd rather trick our foes in the central chamber to give up or flee rather than slaughter them. That's not what we're here for. They're not the First Order, they're not stormtroopers. They're just competitors.

Technically it's not what you're here for. But a pack of ganks is called a "murder" and Ro'Ka is essentially a "murder" of one, being all she can be, and other paraphrases of military slogans

Edited by EliasWindrider
8 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

ROFLMAO!!!!!! ?

I'd rather keep deaths to a minimum . Wanton slaughter is not something Jedi condone. Besides, we need the information, and, if we can, I'd rather trick our foes in the central chamber to give up or flee rather than slaughter them. That's not what we're here for. They're not the First Order, they're not stormtroopers. They're just competitors.

Which character would have more experience dealing with the underworld? Stick to your expertise, Ro'Ka will stick to hers.