Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

31 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Lower   Levels Combat:

  1. @Stormbourne , 2s2a
  2. Pirate Group 1, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men,  1s1a
  3. Pirate Group 2, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men, 0s1a
  4. - 
  5. -  

Cool : 2eP 0 successes, 3 advantage
p-a.png p-a-a.png

I assumed id have more than the group engaged with Avalon, was not the case.

6 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:

Well this would be cool

Initiative : 1eA+1eP 2 successes, 2 advantage
a-a-a.png p-s-s.png

You still have to wait until @Rabobankrider rules on actions that were already taken before you and calls for initiative. you can’t just jump ahead of someone during his or her action.

4 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

I think as action is occurring it's probably going to be easiest for you three to roll initiative (cool check). As there seems to be conflict regarding who goes first I think I'm going to keep initiative as set so there is no dispute. This will include the force check as this is happening in quick succession. @Stormbourne , if you're ok spending 2 strain you can reach the enemy this turn to attack them.

@CathyKitten , I don't think the others are in the ship atm, but it'll only take 1 maneuver for them to hop aboard. If you guys would rather let the stormtroopers breach the hanger, you could potentially blast your way out as soon as they do. The strategy is up to you lot though :)

@Tramp Graphics , according the books, if you want to invoke negative emotions (ones that would result in violence and distrust in this case) you need to spend dark side pips. If you want them to believe something untrue it's a vs discipline check (in this case 1eD). Basically if you want to make them fight among themselves you're going to need to flip a DP and take some conflict.

Lower Levels Combat:

  1. @Stormbourne , 2s2a
  2. Pirate Group 1, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men, 1s1a
  3. Pirate Group 2, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men, 0s1a
  4. -
  5. -

The second group as a quick reference is at long range, but when combat starts (which is pretty much now) they are going to hear what's happening. If anyone wants to add it to their description the area beyond the fissure would be a dull grey metal corridor, similar to old republic structures. There'd be a few door along the side of the corridor, and you guys would be at a dead end of it when you emerge.

Korath has Constant Vigilance . And I’m adding the Discipline roll after that. The trick with the Battle Influence technique is that it only works on those with evil intent to begin with and turns it back upon them, making them believe that their allies are their true enemies as seen here:


extrait-3-tales-of-the-jedi-15-the-saga- Canonically, it’s an aspect of Battle Meditation, and, traditionally a Light Side ability that only worked on those with evil intent, but in this system, it falls under the Influence power.

Initiative : 2eA+1eP 4 successes, 2 advantage
a-s-s.png a-a-a.png p-s-s.png

Here’s the Discipline check to make them believe that each other is their real enemy.

Discipline vs Discipline : 3eP+1eD 1 success, 3 advantage
p-a-a.png p-a-a.png p-s-s.png d-f-th.png

30 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

I don't know if sprinting is an ability or something, but I've always assumed it's 1 range band per maneuver. If anyone has any other knowledge/experience please weigh in. :)

From engaged to short or from short to medium is one maneuver each. The same in reverse.

@Rabobankrider , i plan to do a stealth check for tino to see if he can unlock the ship's auto cannons and aim them at the weequays. And for akua, she'll just do a hard enchanced athletics check? For sprinting thru the debris left by the arc 170

  1. @Tramp Graphics
  2. @Stormbourne
  3. Pirate Group 1, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men
  4. @CathyKitten
  5. Pirate Group 2, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men

@Tramp Graphics , as it falls under the influence power, you're still going to need to flip a dp and spend some conflict. What you're quoting there is shown to be a 'unique talent that comes to her on rare occasions', so you'e going to have to use standard influence rules. You can do this for your initiative turn if you want, because as I say, all of these actions have taken place in very quick succession. After that ic @Stormbourne can slice people up and after the pirates @CathyKitten can wipe out the rest of them.

@player3333902 , unfortunately with the Weequay looking right at you you may struggle to so something with the ship (unless @Lotr_Nerd provides a distraction). If you wanted you could try and average stealth with a setback to go for a weapon or an item? For Akua it will be a vs athletics with the survivors of the hanger combat (if there are any) as it will be a chase scenario, so you'll just be rolling athletics on it's own and they'll roll theirs to see if you gap them or if they close down on you.

5 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:
  1. @Tramp Graphics
  2. @Stormbourne
  3. Pirate Group 1, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men
  4. @CathyKitten
  5. Pirate Group 2, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men

@Tramp Graphics , as it falls under the influence power, you're still going to need to flip a dp and spend some conflict. What you're quoting there is shown to be a 'unique talent that comes to her on rare occasions', so you'e going to have to use standard influence rules. You can do this for your initiative turn if you want, because as I say, all of these actions have taken place in very quick succession. After that ic @Stormbourne can slice people up and after the pirates @CathyKitten can wipe out the rest of them.

@player3333902 , unfortunately with the Weequay looking right at you you may struggle to so something with the ship (unless @Lotr_Nerd provides a distraction). If you wanted you could try and average stealth with a setback to go for a weapon or an item? For Akua it will be a vs athletics with the survivors of the hanger combat (if there are any) as it will be a chase scenario, so you'll just be rolling athletics on it's own and they'll roll theirs to see if you gap them or if they close down on you.

Well, if everything works out that won’t be necessary. The enemy should beat each other.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Well as the players have declared their intentions it will be happening. Please don't forget to add the appropriate conflict for the power and upgrade stuff to Korath on the starting page of the ooc. I will sort the ic stuff when I have more time.

@Tramp Graphics , I'm going to need you to edit your post. The GM decides who npc's react to situations and what they ignore or don't ignore, and no one is going to ignore a laser sword wielding child or a suit of armour with a chain gun.

You also seem to be recreating the legends power as opposed to standard influence, even though I told you it was a unique power to that one person, so Korath would not have access at this stage.

Edited by Rabobankrider
3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@player3333902 and @EliasWindrider , if you guys are planning to make a dash from the survivors of @CathyKitten 's attack, it will indeed go to a chase scenario.

@EliasWindrider , if you want @CathyKitten to go first that's fine. The pc initiative order is fluid so you guys can switch between each other.

@Lotr_Nerd , I will be introducing it in the next ic.

@Tramp Graphics , you would know that the thugs are scattered throughout the structure, in terms of additional details you'd know the largest concentration is in the centre of the structure, but there are at least five near by you guys in the other side of the fissure.

@SithArissa , I think you said the sith this timb belongs to was an old character of yours, so you can describe them on the wall and some additional details. Also, what is your characters emotional weakness? I couldn't see it on the swsheet thing.

I know there have been some other character intros, but I'm going to wait bit before addressing them (there's a lot going on here).

Nah this is just a tomb of some random Sith Arissa is hoping she can steal something powerful from. Its a hobby she has. Stealing from the dead. Usually shes made the person dead herself but alas his guy was already killed a while ago. I can still describe the Sith if you want Ari does have lore and is a Swtor nerd. Her weakness would be anger or rage something along those lines.

Take your time on other characters man, Idk how you juggle so many games.

So can I blast one of the Weequays with my Ionization Blaster?

5 hours ago, CathyKitten said:

Making sure i am to go first? Are the others inside the ship?

It's fine with me, and I think that the others are in the ship already.

Edit; Elias will go first to prevent the breach and the the wall fall outward

Edited by EliasWindrider
3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

I think as action is occurring it's probably going to be easiest for you three to roll initiative (cool check). As there seems to be conflict regarding who goes first I think I'm going to keep initiative as set so there is no dispute. This will include the force check as this is happening in quick succession. @Stormbourne , if you're ok spending 2 strain you can reach the enemy this turn to attack them.

@CathyKitten , I don't think the others are in the ship atm, but it'll only take 1 maneuver for them to hop aboard. If you guys would rather let the stormtroopers breach the hanger, you could potentially blast your way out as soon as they do. The strategy is up to you lot though :)

@Tramp Graphics , according the books, if you want to invoke negative emotions (ones that would result in violence and distrust in this case) you need to spend dark side pips. If you want them to believe something untrue it's a vs discipline check (in this case 1eD). Basically if you want to make them fight among themselves you're going to need to flip a DP and take some conflict.

Lower Levels Combat:

  1. @Stormbourne , 2s2a
  2. Pirate Group 1, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men, 1s1a
  3. Pirate Group 2, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men, 0s1a
  4. -
  5. -

The second group as a quick reference is at long range, but when combat starts (which is pretty much now) they are going to hear what's happening. If anyone wants to add it to their description the area beyond the fissure would be a dull grey metal corridor, similar to old republic structures. There'd be a few door along the side of the corridor, and you guys would be at a dead end of it when you emerge.

I'll prevent them from breaching.

4 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

I don't know if sprinting is an ability or something, but I've always assumed it's 1 range band per maneuver. If anyone has any other knowledge/experience please weigh in. :)

1 maneuver anywhere within short, 1 maneuver from medium 2 short, 2 maneuvers from long to medium, 2 maneuvers from extreme to long

3 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:
  1. @Tramp Graphics
  2. @Stormbourne
  3. Pirate Group 1, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men
  4. @CathyKitten
  5. Pirate Group 2, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men

@Tramp Graphics , as it falls under the influence power, you're still going to need to flip a dp and spend some conflict. What you're quoting there is shown to be a 'unique talent that comes to her on rare occasions', so you'e going to have to use standard influence rules. You can do this for your initiative turn if you want, because as I say, all of these actions have taken place in very quick succession. After that ic @Stormbourne can slice people up and after the pirates @CathyKitten can wipe out the rest of them.

@player3333902 , unfortunately with the Weequay looking right at you you may struggle to so something with the ship (unless @Lotr_Nerd provides a distraction). If you wanted you could try and average stealth with a setback to go for a weapon or an item? For Akua it will be a vs athletics with the survivors of the hanger combat (if there are any) as it will be a chase scenario, so you'll just be rolling athletics on it's own and they'll roll theirs to see if you gap them or if they close down on you.

@Rabobankrider Please clarify whether enhance can be used on athletics checks during chase scenes it was my understanding that they could be used for any athletics check including chase scenes but if you want to rule differently we'll go with your interpretation, just asking for clarification.

I'll take two strain to sprint into engaged range with the enemy

Lower Level Combat

  1. @Tramp Graphics
  2. @Stormbourne
  3. Pirate Group 1, soak 4, 5/25 wounds, 1/5 men
  4. @CathyKitten
  5. Pirate Group 2, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men

@CathyKitten , could you let me know what rain of death does? I don't have the rules to hand. I mean with your auto-fire pretty much everyone is dead so it won't matter too much, just for future reference. :p Just to check, I'm assuming you're spending auto-fire on dealing with the second squad? I'll alter my ic accordingly if you are. :)

@Tramp Graphics , please add the conflict spend to the first page.

@Stormbourne , I wrote Avalon's attack as being a non-lethal attack with him being a kid. If you want it to be fatal just let me know and I'll re-write it.

Hanger Combat

  1. @EliasWindrider
  2. @player3333902
  3. @Stormbourne
  4. @EliasWindrider
  5. @CathyKitten
  6. Unknown Group, 6 soak, 1 armour, adversary 1, 45/45 wounds, 3/3 men
  7. Stormtrooper Squad 1, 5 soak, 36/50 wounds, 8/10 men
  8. Stormtrooper Squad 2, 5 soak, 50/50 wounds, 10/10 men

@CathyKitten , you are up next if you guys are taking off, the enemies are at short range, with the storm troopers being in cover (1 setback).

@Lotr_Nerd , because they haven't seen you you can take a shot at them yeah. They are at short range if you currently.

1 minute ago, Rabobankrider said:

Lower Level Combat

  1. @Tramp Graphics
  2. @Stormbourne
  3. Pirate Group 1, soak 4, 5/25 wounds, 1/5 men
  4. @CathyKitten
  5. Pirate Group 2, soak 4, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men

@CathyKitten , could you let me know what rain of death does? I don't have the rules to hand. I mean with your auto-fire pretty much everyone is dead so it won't matter too much, just for future reference. ? Just to check, I'm assuming you're spending auto-fire on dealing with the second squad? I'll alter my ic accordingly if you are. :)

@Tramp Graphics , please add the conflict spend to the first page.

@Stormbourne , I wrote Avalon's attack as being a non-lethal attack with him being a kid. If you want it to be fatal just let me know and I'll re-write it.

Hanger Combat

  1. @EliasWindrider
  2. @player3333902
  3. @Stormbourne
  4. @EliasWindrider
  5. @CathyKitten
  6. Unknown Group, 6 soak, 1 armour, adversary 1, 45/45 wounds, 3/3 men
  7. Stormtrooper Squad 1, 5 soak, 36/50 wounds, 8/10 men
  8. Stormtrooper Squad 2, 5 soak, 50/50 wounds, 10/10 men

@CathyKitten , you are up next if you guys are taking off, the enemies are at short range, with the storm troopers being in cover (1 setback).

@Lotr_Nerd , because they haven't seen you you can take a shot at them yeah. They are at short range if you currently.

Already did.

Hey @Rabobankrider When I did the Seek check, how far away, in range bands, was the main group?

Medium with the second one at long. When you guys emerge from the fissure it changes to short and medium respectively.

Just now, Rabobankrider said:

Medium with the second one at long. When you guys emerge from the fissure it changes to short and medium respectively.

Korath hasn't even entered the fissure yet. So, long range then. Good to know. Let me know when I can go again.

Assuming @CathyKitten wipes out the rest, combat will be over for this round anyway so you can all move freely.

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@CathyKitten , could  you let me know what rain of death does? I don't have the rules to hand. I mean with your auto-fire pretty much everyone is dead so it won't matter too much, just for future reference. ? Just to check, I'm assuming you're spending auto-fire on dealing with the  second squad? I'll alter my ic accordingly if you are  .  :)

Rain of death manevuer just takes away the extra difficulty die for using autofire. Ro'ka was only aiming at the medium range group. I was not sure of thier soak value or how effective Avalons lightsaber swings were going to be so wanted to make sure the group was finished off.

It would be the second groups turn now.

1 minute ago, CathyKitten said:

Rain of death manevuer just takes away the extra difficulty die for using autofire. Ro'ka was only aiming at the medium range group. I was not sure of thier soak value or how effective Avalons lightsaber swings were going to be so wanted to make sure the group was finished off.

It would be the second groups turn now.

The second group is in a completely different location. They're not involved in this battle.

4 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

The second group is in a completely different location. They're not involved in this battle.

What are you talking about?


There is still another group of pirates in this area, did you look through the initiative order? You took your turn out of order.

Edited by CathyKitten
11 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

What are you talking about?

Korath used Seek to locate the enemy forces before the combat began then used the Force to make this group fight each other just as I said I was going to. But Ro’Ka wouldn’t know that because she took off on her own without even acknowledging Korath’s stated intent.

@Rabobankrider also said this not long before you posted:

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Assuming @CathyKitten wipes out the rest, combat will be over for this round anyway so you can all move freely.

Go back and read through the thread and IC thread, including his responses to my posts. The main group is in the center of the temple. This was just a small scouting group. Yes, the other group is at Medium range, but that doesn’t necessarily mean direct line of sight nor that we can engage them yet.

Edited by Tramp Graphics